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ffObtmmtnt «S«ttt. Sales by Auction. T> AT)Q A T Ttf S|| PROSPECTUS T&Z TOKoniww. s . gns of the Tim 3 3; DilltUflliU.. I T[)E TARflNflK | LAND COMPANY william courtnet BARGAINS, BARGAiNSi p.«it«p). gaz B tte_notic E . 1 '"3" 3 n °° ms * w "" 1"'1 "' BARGA INS ! COMPULSORY CLKARI NG SALE To be 'TSSSSiiS. "iS." 0 '"' StOOk 25 °" S 11- APPL ES - BARGAINS !! ¥xrmS w stock °**™* ~- £50^ MENT LAND. bale at 1 1 o clock. EXIENSIVhi bLUUIS. in Q q£ w[ih r 96b 3^2 BARGAINS !!! 0F to increase. Land Board Office. Ntn t t> war a w " ' 1\ < DA9'E I 'R "V f J New Pl} mouth, May 31, 1879. GLENAVON. FO R J/AArbli !•• PROPOSED CALLS: m™£\^£™^£%^ THURSDAY, JUNE 5. flAir MnjyTlJ f| |U IYT A portion of ih."^. jn .t lan.!«i la Clifford holmn^HHc'cise to occupy, voder WTrru nn'P VW V "" "- '"" "■ ' " Ull LI I New Plymouth, and now offered for ttfter allotment; 10s. per Share four term fSf de ened^payments, Section l No. 607, WILLIAM COURTNEY Bale foP » few weeks in the months after allotment; and 10s. oSonal-u District has applied to the Lan.l Will sell by auction at hia Yards, Gleaavon, Central Sale Rooi»b, next per Share wx months nfter allotBor d r;Lc^ onThunHay.theSthJune,- J Q OGtILYIE Bank cf New South mnt Further Call, to be license frora lie present holder to JAMES QA HEAD MIXED CATTLE W » UUUJViLI Wales, consisting made at intervals of not less Hartwbll of Manutahi, in the County of OKJ 15 1 J-year-old Stecra will „,._ ln pT , R t^TSOOUNT ° !w" tW ° montbß> " S - Pot?a Effect will be given to the said appli- 2 Cows at calving WIU alloW 10 PER CENT * DISGOUJN L DRAPEP.Y, MENS' AND BOYS' CLO THING Directors may appoint. cal ion in thirty days from the date of this 2 Pairs Working Bullocks on all Purchases of 20s. and Over. BLANKETS. FLANNELS, CALICOES, notification, unless va'id objection to the Saddle Hacks. SHEETINGS HOSIERY, lUBUONS, PPvO VISIONAL DIRECTORS: transfer can be shown c a 7^T clock> JIJST OPENED UP,- — ' ' " Thomas Bayly, Esq Waitara 967 io 2 Chief Commissioner. 955 hb je4 In order to secure a Speedy Sale, every article Captain Cornwall raranaki 3 == == =r===^^r^ A Lot of Gee'on, Trousers nnd Trousers and w«. be offered .t such A. .. T a^sh g B, ; i^er, New Ply = tU Shipping. TEMPERANCE HALL, (^I! heap) - ASTONISHINGLY fJ. Hoh.yh.,o, Eaq N- Plymouth. y^ & -m i™ it j m • o nt i i ~ James Watkiks, Esq., Taranaki. — — BELL BLOCK. Black Cloth and 1-rewSao, Galatea, and r a ttt P"RTP F.^ BANKERS: jyX-k^x . „,„ „ 1 ,„ a?la ?l °- BB ' JJ V-/ VV IlilJ JU D The Bank of New South Wales. S^lftlr^ A TEA and ENTERTAINMENT will take .„, .t. t , , ,, T , „ , in , $Hy3£ A. place in the above Hall on Wednesday Whlte and Coloured Moles-Men's and Boys . As were nover before heard of in this District, SOLICITORS : lsssXKSSUßaiasM ' „„,,„,„„ Evening next Tea at 630 Tea mid Messrs. Standish & Hughes, New Plymouth. ONION STEAMSHIP COMPANY InStieTis. 6d Men's Large Size Working Shirts, 2s. 3d. NOTE THE ADDRESS MANAGING DIRECTOR- "™™^, «m -ISW ™. «^«, -», CENTKAL SALE KOOMS, — -^ ;*- ~ W (weather and other circumstances XT^ r^, w BKOUGHAM brREET, Devon New Plymouth> peimittiDg):— .BANK SSUHLIL. A Splendid Lot of Men's Crimean Next Bank of New South Wales. , FOR lIANUKAU — Shirts, ss. lid. 909 tc hb r fUIIS Company is formed solely for the wirTTTVr .m nxr (..^.y 7M , Tnnfl HNH N and after the Hth day oE June ' the ~ 1 olnect of Billing and Re-selling Landa ™ 10 J n n vv ,4th Jnue U OFFICES of the HANKS in New Ply. A Lot of Men's Alma Caps. Tweed Towelling, in the Provincial District of Tarauakf. I m T\r?nv wiv S Tnn» » roouth, luglevvood, and llnlei K h will be Caps and Hats. It is clear that transactions in land may be TATA^OA n sa™rdat Mth June C , LOaED 8t 18 UOO \T SATURDAYS ' iQ « fc ««d far more profitably entered upon by a ComlAIAKUA on bAruRDAY, uune. of, as at present, on Wednesdajs. Men's Black Hard Crown Has (good TfTST RFfJFTVRD pany than by private individuals, who, from FOR SOUTHERN PORTS— This will conform to the general custom quality), 6s. v *" ° * want of sufficient capital, through imperfect TAIAROA on WEDNESDAY, 4th June.f throughout the Colony. maiittgemeut, and from other causes, are under WELLINGTON on Thursday, 12th June. For the Bank of New Zealand— slllrt8 » Hosiery, Collars, lies, Handkerchiefs, L. a. >v v n v n, j. lxkj xx g| . ea( . (iisadvailtaKeSi atu i Hre not ft i wa yfl in a I TAIAROA on THURSDAY, : 9th June. FHOVWns Mnnniror Guernsoys, Uuderflauuels, &c, &c, LONDON, position either to secure the best market or WELLINGTON on THURSDAY, 26th Juno. ' ' very chenp> wnit for a favourable opportunity to sell. For the National Bank of N.Z. (Limited) — «_j ~ nm rtTl m*™ o Ti'-no Tn+ nf 'i' ne results achieved by similar Companies * Carries outward 'Frisco Mail. ALEX SIM WON Man ,, r ,. r Horrock's 32in. A White Calico, Bs' per doa/; Ana now on View « a * me 0I in other parts of the Colony whow that investf Brings inward 'Frisco Mail. r. v » . «xt «t Horrock's 36in. A White Calico, ss. Od. tut n T> T> T "d ments of this kiud are more lucrative than any l*or the Bank of New South Wales— per dozen. XSO. ii Il> 15 JJ £j others undertaken by Joint Stock Companies. OliiyICES: J. E. RREWSTER, Manager. r . > T rriT-iTT^T-n^-n<-. The District of Taranaki, possessing as it does BROUGHAM STREET 559 tc Unbleached Calico, 4s. 3d. per dozen. ill A \ 'II 11I 1 L I \) I ( 'IJ V a magnificent climate and some of the finest 1U All 1 JLJ IJ I IJU \j J_J O, land in New Zealand, offers peculiar facilities ~ fo ra ay Surveyors' W. P. Sheets. for a judicious investment of capital; whilst MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT '22^^'^S IN its steadily-increasing population and progresASSOCIATION n mr imt c r d i SICILIAN, ning railways and roads, by which an exteusive TVT niMT r nimmmr It LMHiMI3 bit ! vfnt wnrPR but hithe. to comparatively speaking inaccesA MEETING of the MEMBERS of this IN BANKRUPTCY. „,„_„„_ . J 'l sibie public estate is almost daily rendered A Society will be held in the Wesleyan ?S, H THE & DISCOUNT ! bT - ANNES ' more available for settement present unusual Schoolroom This Evening, at 8 o'clock. In the Estate of Robert Snell, aL''" '" C * "««"»"«" BARDELLS * f™ atn * es . f ? r t a -munerative disposal of y. . j ' iJii.cviJL.uuo, lands acquired at an early stage. An ENTERTAINMENT will he given in ' Come soon and make your purchases ! & SERPENTINE GREEN. A slight expenditure in the way of improvethe Wesleyan Schoolroom To-morrow AT OTICE is hereby given that nil Accounts ' ™ e " t3 '£ r *,**. h&Wn ih^M^i Evening, nt 8 o'clock, consisting of Songs, IN due to the above Estate remaining un- ■ "ArnnrD trnp, U ?f f Boa "S '? ° peIUUg "J thoiou f hfare ?» Duet., Headings, and Recitations. paid on the 11th June pioximo will be reoo- CIVILITY & ATTENTION GUARANTEED. PRICES MODERATE! *,ll frequently injure a profitable sale and The Rev. Mr. McNicoll will oc upy the Ured through the Magistrate's Court, without where nd^ Sllble . tho Company will by these chair, and will give an Inaugural Address. further notice. ¥VS1»B f TffOX I\ T VITE» means endeavour to improve their properties No ohama *? admission. A.l are invited. T. E. HAMBRTOS. T p AH TT Y[T^ IXSI ECTff^__^ VITEW ' CHAS. L. GARLAND, Creditors"! rustee. J , \j f \J\j J_|j )' XHi T instances to offer land on a system of deferred 968 je3 Hou. Sec. J^ "VTCA.L'R & SOIN payments, thereby securing absolute settlement „feiJ|yj£ ft N"R"STT RO^^N TTORSR "RAZAAR * * ami a regular income. is beNOTICE OF REMOVAL. Bllg NCXT S S b HOUSb 15AZ,AAti. T rftnmotuw « &0 Moved, will tend to increase the value of other J *^ 3m ** Aiuiiiiiuii^ci.o, vxv. T lands held by the Company, and secure a class THE WAITARA BUSINESS of the under- IN BANKRUPTCY. N.8.-J. C. O. will KEEP OPEN till 6 "DEVON STREET WEST of purchasers who by circumstances may be signed has been REMOVED to his New - o'clock on Wedsksdays, samo as other dnys. I^VUiN &111K.8.1 i*o . unable to pay at once a heavy purchase pnee. r.v.uiccn lu^ueen- street, wmtara West. Tti t . mt . . ,«.,., T . , . , , 460 to //I tc b Lands in some instances will be subdivided, T^rrxx mr >t^tt,, 1- ? a 5 i i- ,?» , , Tu d » Qll sold in lots to suit purchnsers. JOHN GILMOUR. Creditors Act, . 8/ b," and of the It will be the aim of the Company to pur969hb]e7 Bankruptcy of HENUY REVELL, a chaae, as far as possible, their pioperties direct Debtor. - - , -, r Fn , pv from the Crown, in order that both their PRELIMINARY NOTICE. »tt a * " 7«. i -n . * PWRA^ANTS t OURRIE STREET BAKERY. clients and themselves may derive the greatest A LL Accounts owing to the above Estate 1 ULA^AIN U*s . possible advantages from direct purchase and XX winch are not paid on or before Hth prrni ac A MT^ !! PRPA^ANTS H rpHE undersigned, having become Proprie- re B nle. The Provisional Directors propose TO Capitalists. SpeCUlatOrS c f ° r witboui further DOlicc - rnijAsMl ° •• u&oaiUO •• 1 tor of the above Establishment, begs to gpcuring as the Managing Director a practical * '. ' ROUKRT G. BAUCHOPE, inform liis patrons and the public gennrally surveyor of considerable colonial experience, and W^Orkillff Men. ' Creditors' Trustee. r PHE undersigned is a CASH BUYER of that he has secured the services of an experi possessing also a thorough knowledge of the & Devon-street, May 29 1879. 522 tc *- tlie above iv au^ r au 1111^')'! or auy other encet i Foreman Baker, who, from acd after Lands in the District. WILL SHORTLY BE OFFERED ! . GAME. Thursday, Ist May, will be in a position to i fc j s no t proposed at the outset to call up FOR SALE, , supply BREAD. BISCUITS, CAKES, and more than £2 per share ; this will enable the ifl&iiiliifi^ JOiaifelli Th ° H 'S^est Price Given. CONFECTIONERY in allits various branches, Company to mnke a fair beginn'ng, aud afterA portion of the Property known as of the best quality; and trusts by attention wards profits may either be added to capital, „ r^.^ . ,-^,, \\Tkrmxrf\ tj\'pi?a oAn wav P.S.— Any BIRDS SENT by tho TRAIN und civility to merit their custom. O r a dividend declared, and further calls KTjTjTOT iS FARM WAIIARA-PArLA RAILWAY. W HI be punctually attended to. \ made 5 LOLLIES IN ANY QUANTITY— Deposits can be made at any Uranch of tho consisting of 112 Acres, divided into WAIJ'ARA RAILWAY WHARF. y A T E S> Wholesa c and Retail. Bank of New South Wales, where Prospectuses ,-,.,_,. „,,„. „, r and Forms of Application for Sharts can be OS ATTnTTVrPTffTq PROM and after Monday, 26th May, Sail- BROUGHAM STREET. Orders left at Shop in Brougham street obiaiued. ZO AiiiiUliViiiiNliS, jp ing Vessels loading or discharging cargo strictly attended to. All communications to be addressed to tho varvin- from Ito 24 Acres nnd situate at the a f, oV Hl '° Ye * Wh * ar£ will I 111?I 111 ? tO Ye i>lftCei >IftCe '° . 745 htc H T YATE-* Managing Director, New Plymouth, Taranaki. varying Jiom l to /i Acres ana situate nttne all Steamers trading regu'urly to it, when re- ' Oolite n. x. l/iiu . o o . junction of the lSlliot and Omata Roads. quested to do so by the officer in charge of the „ n T r^^mr-^^w-* ~ Go(> hb tc 1 PTW ,- o ,— " t , ,T, T . Railway Department at Waita. a. X AURI TI MBTC R . PCTATORS ! POTATOES !! ~" 13 EING only 2 miles from the present Land- By order ivn.ui.ii. _LA.iT*.^^»j . POT YTOFS '" O ing-place, and 1 \ miles from the proposed " J.D.HARRIS, "" "TAMANAKI HERALD" Harbour b»te, its central situation makes it the 933 tc General Manager. rf\ C\C\f\ FRET ROUGH nnd \T7 ILL be DELIVERED in large or smal lAliAWAivi finest site for a Suburban Township to be fouud _ f)( I (BljCj p T and G Oill sizes) VV quantities at all parla ot the Towu. AND in the vicinity of New Plymouth. vnp q» T p op a-n tfp tT nncvrn .. -v / The construction of harbour works, and tho *OR SALE OK 10 LEI Al URENUI, FO R SALE at Wnitara, in large or small R COCK Juy "B U D G E x opening of the through line of railway, must, A SEVEN-ROOMED COTTAGE, with quantities, very cheap, ' ' L*' ha vb by far tub at no distant date, enormously increase the jCjl Garden and Paddock, near to a good A . , BKOUGHAM STiiE ET. m _„, IWJA% , value of land in the neighbourhood of tho Road, and pleasantly situated. JD O Jbfc vj A. O ±±. 921) je 7 f^Aßt«l«^ I CiaiCU IjA £WX Town and Harbour; therefore, such an oppor Apply to . of any of the Newspapers published m tunity of securing freeholds at moderate price* J. 11. M. GOOD ; Apply to BLUCK NOTICE TaE PROVINCIAL DISTRICT. should be eagerly seized by persons desirous or t 0 Wai. COURTNEY, ' Waitara- ' ° f TotS tKnd with^e means of all °l!^ t ! New Plymouth^ Op BERUY & NKWMAN> ' j N futliro all Goods purchnsed at Auction TA RANAKI HER ALD.-P-blf.hed classes, the terms will bo exceedingly liberal. MR wwvpqT\i AW<5 O NT 726 tc N3W Plymouth. L must be paid for before removal. All Daily. Price. One Penny. The Allotments are suiveyed ami pegged MR.EII NE S 1 RAWhON, persons indebted to the undersigned are re- Besidea the ]arKO namber Bold , and delivered out, and the proprietors invite the public to SURGKON, &C, quesle-l to Bottle their Accounts at once, t0 anbsC ribers in town, the daily is-».ie is visit the Estate and satisfy themselves as to (Opposite the New Government Buildings), r T T ™^ T otherwise they will be sued for without fur- oiron | a , e d at 801 l Rlook, Sentry Hill, the goodueas of the investment offered. NpwPiymoiith EX CLAN CAMPBELL, FROM ther notice. w nnnwTVirv Waitarn, along the railway line A Map of the Property can be seen at the 109 bh to NW ILYMOUTIi - LONDON,— „, .. . W " COURTNE^- towards laßlewood, and the office of /2thbto snrronnding districts W.COURTNEY, TTT9T TiANDirf") 1? TT>I?TD "D H HT7 QAPPQ the same evening. 749tchb Auctioneer. JUbi LAiN ULU ' FIRJI/FliUUj bAJ? ilib. NOTICE. THE BUDGET for WEEKLY HERALD). SEVFRAL FIRST-CLASS PIANOS, from (> p \\r> — Published on Saturday morniugs. x. xx 1.1 w x x. xx x L * - Lomlou aiu J America, to be sold at a A. W li. I I^l»UA.l\ U. T N future all Goo-ls purchased at Auction Price, Threepence. liltle above COST PRICE, 00/ tc J^ mus| . l)(j paj(l fop I)efo| . o ,. omoVll l. All delivered by special mounted messengers IX AID OK W. U. FRANCIS, persons indebted to the un-lorsigned are re- early on Saturday mornings at Bell Block, RECREATION GROUNDS Opposito the Bank of New Zealand. ■ quested to s«Mtle their Accounts at once, Waitara, Tluirangi, Mantitahi, Ingle- ' 91G hb tc „,_,. rAXT nulO muT T jn m r otherwise they will be mcd for without further wood, Omata, and Oakora, reaching Arr t ymw i i I**l 'EX CLAN CAMPBhLb, lUiOM . „th out .districts before tha LL LADIES who are pleased to take any , Tnvinnxr nmice. "" l "° wuu u r r , intent in the above are invited to AT- f OsJT on WEDNESDAY AMBRHOOS , be- LONDON,- 772 hb tc T. E. HAMERTOS. filers «art for town It also TEND at the Odd Fellows' Hall on Tuesday L tween Mrs B. P. King's and Dr O Car- m „ „ T*mr a ~" hM &T, "TilSn? next, at 2 p.m. roll's.-A GREIJE COLLAR. Will hnder TIMBER JACKS, WAITARA ! WATTARA !! latea Dislnot - F R. BAYLEY, pie ,se return to Mrs. F. RONALDS, Bank of ** ** 960 je2 Hon.' Sec. New Zealand ? 901 tc Double and Single Action. rp HE undefined having leased Mr. Pen- PUBLISHING OFFICE : CAB SIR i" WANTED.-GOOD lifflDGß OARPI^ A W E y~ER GAN G. MtM&i' 2?Z£ S _ Devon-street New Plymouth. » GAB . . VV TM& Apply rt «. • g , 6 to ?= ; £ 0..m »«3,,a «o Good, *,„», ,. ' Ss7l^ TO TU« PU«Lia \ CAB will STAND for HIRE opposito the Mi.nn.uf 877 hb tc S , i V Ww nnni'TVFY 7 n, l\ Masonic Hotel. On the arrival of Ml( i!^±— _ 1^! 0 _ 91. hb tc VM. COULrNEI. » 8 lhe rnnnora of the Taramaki HBR*bn steamers, h Cub will be in attendance o U the A FEMALE SERVANT. \¥T ANTED KNOWN,— A LARGE SELEC- — " ~ ~" fV. only mke wuh thorn sathoiHiit oooiea «f Beach to couvey Passengers to any part of the W Apply to Mrs. W. HUMPHRIES. VY TION of BALL PROGRAMMES in W A N T E D, *hat paper for dehvenng to Sabwriherß, Town. 943 tc the newest designs just to band from London, p-j f\ r\( -\ ft FOR INVESTMENT in ara particularly requested IsOl to Fare, Is. each Passenger, anywhere within at Herald Office. * c£/lU,UU\/ sums of £50 and up- pni'chase from iho bayß when on their ,t, ta >, mitß o, u- *£■ W 'T^^&Y™^™!; -«-. »'- *-<*• — • dATS^Tr 963 to Pro^prietor. »« to -L at the Hbrald Office. 613 tc STANDXSII & HUGHES. he town. •

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3137, 2 June 1879, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3137, 2 June 1879, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3137, 2 June 1879, Page 3