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Sugar Beet Industry.—The Premier has received a cable from the Agent-General stating that there is every pr bility of the beetroot industry being taken up in this colony. Shearing.—Shearing' oonmencel at Mr Studholme's station at Waimate on Friday last. This is the first station in the Waimate district to make a start, and everything is working satisfactory. A Clerical Rkcord-Brkaker —Fnther Jo m MeKenna, of Masterton, an all-round athelte, of repute, who scales 16st 71b, recently broke the bicycle record from Ma3terton to Carterton, riding eleven miles in :>7min.

The Weather.—A drizzling rain set in from the:i south-west on Tuesday, lasting over night. It did a great deal of goo 1 to the crops and pastures, which are now coming on well. Yesterday morning was also wet.

Heavy Port Dubs. —An Auckland telegram says: —''Owing to the ship Rathdowa coming to port in distress, the harbor charg s have been modified. "With tne charge for docking the amount coining to the harbor board is £IOOO. Sue cime put of dock on Wednesday, and is ready to resume her voyage." Confusing Epitaphs,—One of the most remarkable and confusing epitaphs ever written is to be seen on a weather-beaten stone m the church-yard of Culmore, a few mil-js from Londonderry :—" Here lie.-* the rem'tins of Thomas Nieholls, who died in Philadelphia, March. 1783. Had he lived, he would have been buried here." This is equalled, perhaps, by an epitaph from a tombstone in Ulster : —" To the memory of Thomas Kelly, who was accidentally shot by his brother as a mark of respect," Danger of Phosphorus.—At Hamilton the other day a man. when cleaning a drain, found a 71b jar of phosphorus which a sheep inspector had buried some tine The man took out of the jar several sticks of phosphorus, which he laid on the verandah, but the stuff hid hardly been there a minute when it dried and bur t into flames. Tho man, catching hoi i of the flicks of phosphorus to throw thera away, was terribly burned on both hands, and also on his leys, his clothes being burned through in several places. J-jAKNAHDO Concert. — Wo remind our readers of the concert to ba he'd at tho Volunteer Hall, Geraldine, to-morrow evening, in aid of Dr Barnardo's Homes. The entertainment, we feel smv. will b? a capital one, and well worth hearing. The full program me appears elsewhere, by which it will be seen that a splendid bill of fare is provided. There will be amongst other things, songs, glees, an 3 tableux, and the whole will conclude with a most amusing farco entitled "My Lord in Liv.-.ry." The local talent for some time past have been rehearsing their parts most assiduously, and we are confident they will not disappoint their audience. The prices are: front seats, 2s ; back peats, Is. • Melbourne Gup.—The final acceptors for the Gup are as follows: —Brockleigh, The Admiral, Delaware, Hova Trenchant, Newman, Taranaki, Monastery, Barrnbari. Auraria, Duhallow, Waterfall. Flintlock. Lord Richmond. Rewi, To Whiti, Lead On, Maheo, Bruin. Chesterman, Havoc, Devon, Quiver, Elswick, Hopscotch. Music, The Trier, Kirkby, Wallace. Strahan, Valiant, Taurus, Osculator, Alto Palo, Onward, 'i'Ofoa'ipFi Callum Mohr, Preston, Dreamland. 'l'hß 4,;iiff) acceptances number .'!!) Mr Oxenham is cwm'ident that his. colt W-terfall will boat Wallace in the Derby. OitTON. —The monthly meeting of the Orton School Cornmittae was held on Monday evening Octobsr 2isfc Present— Mes-rs T. W. Do**ard (chairman), GGilliat, H. Waller, J. Airay, and J. Borrie. The minutes of last meeting were r ; :u, 1 g.nd confirmed. Correspondence was read from the Board of Education, notifying that a meeting would be held in the schoolroom on the 2.1 rd last, for the purpose of discussing the proposed gcliool at Ciaudeboye. and to consider the grounds of a petition re change of name. Mrs D. Taylor's resignation for cleaning the school was al o received, and An offer for cleaning the school was received and accepted, and niter the usual business the meeting terminated. Presbytkhian Swop —Trm annual meeting of the Presbyterian Synol v-as opened at Dunedin on Mondav night A new departure was taken, and instead of the retiring Moderator's sermon and the ;„,, -ning Moderator's address, only tho "'"'" -" given followed by the sacrasermon Wu_ t „ n •' ... . , *. mu c was formally constituted, ment. The Sy no.- t • i t i , ~ ii t. "orne was elc :tcd and the Rev. D rr • i.. ir i ■. i- V, ~ Tuesday ni'lit Moderator ior tho year. On ~.-, tho the Moderator Rave the usual ' i burden of which was that a pressing an*, urgent need w.'u an outpouring of the ' t}hc-«.t upon ministers, office-bearers. Mil people. It was agreed to take Ihe d iscu •• -i m on the deceased wife's sister question in private. The report on the state of religion said there were ;>:; Endeavour Societe'ci wit'; ' OGo active and 5(57 associate m 'inhers. In most i f the return < the S.ibhath w-is said to bo fairly wii.U observed, in a uegat.maspc t. a- a day of red; from ordinary I'lhou-'. Pleasure fc-:d<ing was sjiek.-n o' as iiivolvimr soriou.i ra'inn. .i .• aiingly well grounded beliefs wrc ex ;>:•;; -sed o.'the lamentable decay of,- pi-, ty. j'ho i Committee recommend a compa"t between minister:* and older* to pray for a fr"sh bnptis'noftho Holy Spirit, that Presbyteries arrange for evangelistic servi c>. and that I tho Synod hold a corihr n-e ;l '. t It-!'- ] yearly meeting of Committees in Dunelin | in April. Tili-: Cim.AP Pl\NO. has it come to stay .' Fortuuatelv No. It is not constructed to last, and wi'.l soon develop the " Ti;i-pa:i '' tone qualify, and lln'n, as a mu-dcal insi.rurneut. collapse. But as long as it hoi Is together it is a make-shift f«>r .-o><i -body. But < the purchaser will be wi-'er next time, and • jiay a higher prion for a really superior and : r-liable "' Collar 1 \: Collar.l " or Brinsmead j from Biotiu &; Co., Timaru.--[Alvt ]

Mr Michael Davitt. Those interested in securing a visit to Temuka from Mr Michael Davitt, are reminded that a meeting to discuss the advisability of inviting him to deliver a lecture in Temuka will be held in the Star Hotel tomorrow evening, at 8 o'clock. Earlier Sessions. —At Palmeraton, at the luncheon of the Agricultural Show, his Excellency the Governer, in the course of his remarks, said he hoped that he was not betrayinsr secrets in stating that it was contemplated to call Parliament together earlier in the year. Ttaist Arrangement vor the Holidays. —ln our advertising columns will be found the train i ••fi-igerncnts for the Prince of Wales' Birthday an' 1 f ,he Ohristchurch Show and Races. The coLu«.3sions on fares are very liberal this year, and should induce a large number to visit Ohristchurch during the next couple of weeks. The Holiday.—Yesterday was observed a* a close holiday at Temuka and Geraldine. Many betook themselves to the Timaru Show, fche roads being dotted with sequestrians and parties from an early hour, while others visited the beach and other places. The tennis court at Temuka seemed a popular place of resort during the day. The "Tanivvha" Myth.—Some years ago it was reported that a '• taniwha," which is declared by the Natives to infest the rivers in New Zealand, has been captured by a settler on the banks of the ltuamahunga river, and tied to a stump with a chain. The monster bad, however, broken the chain and escaped- The story was atthetimedißcredited. Theexistenceof the '• taniwha " is, notwitstanding, vouched for. and settlers declare that his roar his at times mode night hideous. He is said to have made his home for years in a cave at Te Whitti, a few mile 3 from Masterton. Since the late flood in the Ruamahaaga the noise has stopped, and the " taniwha " is supposed to have shifted. The natives are anxious, as they say that he is a regular laau-eatcr. and not the myth that Mr Tregear and others would have us believe. —On Tuesday the Press contained the following:—""Mr H. S. AVardell, S.M.. the owner of Te Whiti Station, near Masterton, iufmms us that there is no cave and no taniwha, as reported on his estate. The first he heard of the monster was in yesterday's Press, and he does nob believe the report, which must be a hoax."

Winchester School Committsk.— The monthly meeting of the Winchester School Committee was held on Monday evening. The following members were present —Messrs Wm. Deßeuzy (chairman), W. Philp, W. Hide, and J. M. Naughton. The mnster reported that the nutriber of pupils on the roll was 83, and the average attendance for the last mouth was 75, while for the ptst week the average had been 77. Members expressed tlioir pleasure at the excellent attendance, which does the parents the greatest credit, it was decided to grant a holiday for the Timaru Show. The matter of standa'd prizes was deferred for consideration until a fuller meeting of the committee. It was decided to recommeod th'i Board of Education to cell the present schoool residonce or remove it to the ground sot »part for that purpose adjoining the school, as tha committee think this would be for the best interest c,f the children. It was decided to procure a lock for the school shed, and the meeting terminated. Our better halves say they could not keep house without Chamberlain's Cough ■Remedy. It is used in more than half the

r.omes in Leeds. Sims Bros., Leeds, lowa. This shows the esteem in which that remedy is held where it has been soil for 'years and is well known. Mothers have ler,Voed th:\t there is nothing so good for cold.s, croup, and whooping cough, that it cures these ailments quickly anil permanently, an l that it is pleasant and safe !'or children to take.—For sale by J. 0. Oddie, Tflinuka, and Morrison Bros., Geraldine.

SYNOPSIS OF ADVERTISEMENTS. L. M» Davis—Grent salvage sale. Mrs Brown, HivereleaHomestead—Wants active irirl. O.F.C. Association—Sale at Tattcrsall's on Saturday. Programme—Of grand musical and dramatic entertainment at Gtraldine tomorrow evening.

Mrs J. liuri—lntends to carry on business of her late husband ; work will be done by a skilled workman.

NZ. Railways Excursion fares for Prince of Wales' Birthday, aud ChristoiiUiv.h races aud agricultural show.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 2888, 31 October 1895, Page 2

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THE Temuka Leader. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1895. LOCAL & GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 2888, 31 October 1895, Page 2

THE Temuka Leader. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1895. LOCAL & GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 2888, 31 October 1895, Page 2