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STANDARD HERBAL MAGNETIC REMEDIES. "WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR NEW ZEALAND: MESSRS P. HAYWIAHH & „„ Dunedin, Ohristohukoh, Wellington, amd auckland. LOCAL AGENTS > . 0. J. BAYNER, Chemist. J. BROWN, Merchant. These Unrivalled Heroal Medio'ines ore universally acknowledged to be the best in the world. They are quite different to all otheri knowD, being absolutely unsurpassed in their universal excellenoa. 'I hey are absolutely speoifio for those complaints for which they are specially prepared, and are free from poison and all mineral drugs, and are quite pleasant to take. |HE BALSAM OF PARADISE, FOR . ALL LUNG & THROAT DISEASES, sucb/as Bronchitis, Asthma,Wheezing Coughs, Golds, Fog Foyer, Sore Throat, Bleeding from Lung?, Tightness on the Ohest, Inflammation of Lungs, Collapse of Air Cells, Induration of Lungs, Congestion of Lungs, etc, etc. It is the only medicine kuown to mankind that will completely oure Consumption in iu early Stages. It is composed of ohoioo fruits, flower seeds, gum?, balsams, and herbs. It renovate? Mid fattens the weakest constitution, aliks of young and old. We sold OVSR ONE MILLION BOTTLE 3 during the first five years tht>t we introduced thie marvellous and elegant remedy, and that, too, WITH-, OUT ANY ADVERTISING WHATEVER. It is exceedingly pleasant to tRSte, and oauaea an immediate improvement in all who take it. Sold in bottles at 2i 6J,43 6d, and 10si " The Boom of the Coming Century." T E. KUGELMANN'S ELEOTRIU &jL. ESSENCE—An external remedy for all pains or aohen. Nothing like this has ever been known, and nothing elso -will ever, equal it. If you hare jrhoamatiffm or gouty pain that you do not care about, obtain a bottle of this Electric Kssoncu and it will make you happy. Use it for sprained backs, >nea juiuts, all swellings, dropsy, beck aohc, eciatioa, neuralgia, weak spines, lumbago, lamenece, cramps, quinsy, mumpo, diphtheria, croup, and for all pains and aches. Never bo without it for bitea of insects or sting?, andfor burets, ont», aud scalds. •Sold in bottles 3<s 6d and 7a. TJ E. KXGELMANNS EYE GINT•JLjL. MU.KT & ANODYNE BMOLIENT —-Thi3 is undouj <: ily the finals Pharmaceutical yroduco of the century. An immediate cuie for chilblains and frost-bit«R. Nothing hitherto known oan compare with this Ointment for its marvellous exoellene?, elegance of combination, and superior effectiveness. It will ouro all eye disease;-, blight of all descriptions, inflammation cf eyes and lids, chronic opthalmia, and all *nd every eye disease ; and as well it is the bor.t and nicest thing possible for fly bite, mosquito bites, and for sore throats,) coughs, mnmpß, quinßy,", etc., it i<s simply splendid. Ail weak aud nervous persons should use it to rub well in down the spiue and on the stomach, We guarantee that all who use thiffionoe will sever be without it. Price, 2s 6d and ss, [ E. KUGELMANN'S HERBAL L, MAGNETIC OINTMENT. This unrivalled herbal product is ur>> doubtedly the best Ointment ever elaborated for curing old sores, bad legs, uloers, fistula?, piles, bleeding piles, eruptions of the skiu, broken chilblains, cuts, wounds, etc., etc., etc. In jars at Ib, Is 9d, 2j 6d, and 5s eaoh. E. KUGELMANN'S OHILD- .. D HEN'S VITAL ESSENCE— For all the ailments of infancy and ohildhood, A real children's friend. See our Handbook. Price, 2s 6d and 5a per bottle. XIHE HERBAL MAGNETIC TONIC LIVER & STOMACH RESTORER —For all liver oomplaints, biliousness, jaundice, congested liver, enlarged liver and spleen, langour, drowsines?, pains between tha shoulders,- chronio'indigostion and all stomaoh complaints, heartburn, flatulency, sour stomaoh, vomitting of food, loss of appotite, lick headaohe, nervoufnees, nervous debility, prostration, and the convalescing stages of all acute diseases. Price, 5s and 10s. ItJE NATURAL ELECTRIC BLOOD ' PURIFIER. This medicine has no equal for all blood skia diseases, perfeotly free from meroury, arsenic, and all mineral drugs, and does not contain any ssrsaparilla or yellow dock. Never fails to cure the worst forms of sorof als, scurvy, eczema, itch, ulcers, aboosscs, aore legs and breasts, caneer, lupus, physical debility, deoay of bones, wasting and withering, and all diseases having their origin in the blood. It will work wonders in every oase without exoeption. Soo handbook. Prices, 4a 6d, 6a 6d, and 12s 6d each bottle. T*HE FLUID HERBAL LIFE.— £_ This is the soul of plants, and absolute ipee'fio for ohronio neuralgia, faoeacho, toothache, tic doioreux, swollen, gumboil, and eai-aehe. It can be completelv reli'.d upon to cu«' quickly and permanently any of tlisae troubles. Bee handbook. Prioe, la 9u and 3o pel bottle. rpHE HERBAL MAU:si.ilU LLVlfift _l_ PlLLS.—These Fills are unrivalled, and superior to Ml others for all livor troubles, biliousness, coativeuess, giddiness, indigestion, wind, and heartburn. They aru composed solely of the vital properties of herbß, are coated Hied tatteless. In glass bottle* at It, Is 9d end 3a each. These ahauld be kept in every houso, no they are a sure ouro for wamberlens iile. TKKBAL MAGNETIC ASTHMA .JL. CURB.—This unrivalled compound is undoubtedly the be&fc inhalonfc in all as'chmr.tical complaints ttad diificult breathing, as dry asthma, humid asthma, spasmodic &sfchms», nervous asthmi, bronohitis, wheezing, tightness on the ohest, oatsrth, hiy fever, ooido in the head, etc., etc Prioe, 3s 6d, 6i, and 10'. iSRBAL MAGNETIC SNEKZiNG POWDER.—This is a most imeful little remedy of a uniform and very positive oharaoUr. It has been devised aud used for many years during the inventor's praotice for colds in tho head, catarrh of the nose, etc, etc. It is extremely useful in the treatment of asthma, bronohitis, and all lung troubles complicated with nasal obßtruotiqns. lb will instantly oheck cold in the head, and i remove giddinesß and headaobes resulting I from catarrh. Price, 2a and ss. SOLS PROPRIETORS : H. L KUGELMANN AMD GO., U.S.A. Australia;. Head Ofßoe and Warehouse: 172 and 174 William Street, Melbourne ■Victoria. Plantations and » Seducing, Establishment at «■ Mount Paradise,' Oembrood, Gippsland. Don't fail to Bead our Descriptive Handbook Mailed Free to any address, ormayjbo had op»a application to any Jlooal agent. jy2 i

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Temuka Leader, Issue 2005, 8 February 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Temuka Leader, Issue 2005, 8 February 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Temuka Leader, Issue 2005, 8 February 1890, Page 4