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ADDINGTON MARKET FAT SHEEP PRICES ADVANCE. CATTLE FAIRLY FIRM. \ Christchurch, August 16. Values for fat sheep at Addington today were distinctly better than at the last sale a fortnight ago. Fat cattle sold irregularly at little change in values. Store sheep: A keen sale for ewes, which were better by Is. 6d. to 2s. a head, and for good young ewes up to 20s. per 1001 b. was paid. Hoggets showed little change. Good two-tooth ewes made 17s. to 205., good s.m. 14s. to 16s. 6d., ordinary six-tooth to 125., good six-tooth to 165., sound and failing-mouth 10s. to 125., good three-quarter-bred ewe hoggets to 15s. 9d., medium wethers 9s. 6d. to 10s. 9d., ordinary wethers to Bs. 6d. Fat sheep: A small entry, which included several outstanding lines of sheep from south of Rangitata. Values were better than at the last sale by 2s. 6d. for light sheep and 2s. for medium and heavy. Extra prime heavy wethers sold to 345. 10d., prime heavy 265. to 28s. 6d., medium-weight prime 28s. to 255. 6d., ordinary 20s. to 225. 6d., light 17s. to 19s. 6d., extra prime heavy ewes to 295. 10d., prime heavy 225. to 255., medium-weight prime 19s. to 21s. 6d., ordinary 15s. 6d. to 18s. 6d., light 12s. to 155., extra prime hoggets to 235. 4d., prime 19s. 6d. to 215., medium 17s. 6d. to 195., light 15s. 6d. to 17s.

Fat cattle: About 500 were yarded, including sortie exceptionally good drafts of Poverty Bay and Southlznd cattle. Good beef made 225. to 245. per 1001 b., special young beef to 265., heavy 18s. to 215., medium 16s. to 18s., inferior down to 12s. 6d. Extra prime heavy steers sold to £l3 7s. 6d., prime heavy £9 ss. to £ll. Medium-weight prime £8 to £lO, ordinary £5 15s. to £7 155., light to £5 10s., extra prime heifers to £9 17s. 6d., prime £6 ss. to £8 55., ordinary £4 ss. to £6, light to £4, extra prime cows to £9, prime £5 15s. to £7 10s., ordinary £3 15s. to £5 10s., aged to' £3 15s. Fat pigs: A medium entry in the fat pig section and a fair demand, baconers being a little firmer. Choppers made 405.. to £4 65., baconers 365. to £3 65., average price, per lb. 4d. to Porkers, 20s. to 335. 6d., average price 4d. to 4Jd.



Tjhere was a decline in the price of cattle and an easier tendency in sheep prices at Johnsonville sale yesterday, when Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., and Abraham and Williams, Ltd., offered an average yarding of all classes of stock to a full attendance of buyers. The cattle yarding comprised -very good quality bullocks, cows and heifers. There was an easing tendency in prices for extra heavy bullocks, which showed a decline of up to £1 per head, while heavy bullocks, cows and heifers were down 10s. per head. The sheep offering comprised good quality wethers and ewes, with a few pens of lighter sorts. A dragging sale resulted. Prices for wethers and heavy ewes were easier up to Is. per head, while plain and unfinished sheep were hard to quit. Lambs were not sought after, the bulk of the yarding being passed in at auction. s Cattle: Prime extra heavy bullocks, £lO, £9 155., £9 10s.; prime heavy bullocks, £B, £7 155., £7 10s., £7 55., £7;. prime heavy cows and heifers, £5, £4 165., £4 125., £4, £3 155.; runners, £3 35., £2 18s., £2 155., £2 Ils., £2 95., £2 55., £2 25., £1 195., £1 155., £1 125., £1 7s. Sheep: Prime heavy wethers, 265., 255. 6d,, 255. 2d.; heavy wethers, 245., 235. 6d., 235.; medium wethers 225.; light wethers, 17s. 3d.; prime heavy ewes, 225., 21s. 6d., 215.; heavy ewes, 19s. 6d., 19s. 3d., 19s. 2d.; light ewes, 17s. 10d., 17s. 6d., 175.; heavy hoggets, 195.; heavy spring lambs, 16s. 9d., 165., 15s.

THE WESTFIELD SALE. FAT SHEEP SLIGHTLY. EASIER. Auckland, August 16. . Although there was a smaller yarding of beef cattle at the Westfield sale there was no improvement in the demand, and values remained on a parity with those ruling last week.' The yarding comprised about 540 head, against 800 last Wednesday. Extra choice ox made 20s. a 1001 b., choice and prime 16s. to 195., secondary and plain 14s. to 155., prime young cow and heifer 15s. to 195., ordinary cow and heifer 15s. to 195., ordinary cow beef 10s. to 14s. Extra heavy prime steers made £8 15s. to £9 2s. 6d., prime £7 10s. to £8 2s. 6d., lighter £6 7s. 6d. to £7 55., light £5 ss. to £6 55., small and unfinished £4 to £5 os. 6d. Extra heavy prime young cows and heifers £4 15s. to £5 55., heavy prime young cows and heifers £4 15s. to £5 55., heavy prime £4 7s. 6d. to £4 10s., lighter £3 15s. to £4, other killable cows £2 to £3 10s.

There was a very large yarding of sheep, the demand was not equal to the heavier supply, and values in some instances declined Is. to 2s. a head. Prime wethers made 17s. 6d. to 295. 9d., light and unfinished 13s. 6d. to 21s. 6d., prime ewes 15s. to 245. 6d., unfinished 7s. to 15s. 6d., prime hoggets 12s. to 275. 6d., unfinished 9s. to Ils. 6d. Spring lambs 225. to 30s.

The bulk of a large penning of calves

comprised smaller sorts, prime runners and heavy vealers being scarce. Runners made 30s. to 775. 6d„ vealers 255. to 81s. Late rates ruled for pigs, which came forward in large numbers. Competition was keen for porkers, which were firmer. Baconers 38s. to 635., porkers 265. to 395., weaners ss. to 145., slips 10s. to 18s., large stores 16s. to 225.



Masterton, August 16.

A yarding of 428 sheep, 82 dairy cattle and 20 pigs was offered at the Masterton sale to-day by the New Zealand Farmers’ Co-op. Distributing Co. Fat sheep sold at about last week’s rates, while stores showed a slight improvement. Dairy cattle were in better demand, while pigs advanced under keen competition. Prices were: Fat sheep, extra prime heavy wethers 265., prime wethers 20s. to 225., good wethers 17s. 3d. to 195. ( prime ewes 17s. Gd. to 18s. 6d., lighter ewes 14s. 9d. to 16s. 3d., fat Southdown ewes 13s. 9d. to 15s. 7d., prime hoggets 16s. 7d. Store sheep: S.M. ewes, r.w. S.D. rams 14s. 4d., aged do. 95., two-tooth wethers 145., wether hoggets 11s. to 11s. 2d., b.f. hoggets 125., store ewes 6s. 9<L Cattle: Fat dairy cows £3 10s., good springing heifers £3 10s. to £4 55., later calvers £2 10s. to £3 55., cows at drop £3 to £3 10s., later calvers £2 to £3, aged cows £1 10s. to £1 17s. 6d. Pigs: Good slips 14s. 6d. to 165., others 125., weaners 10s. 6d.



Dunedin, August 16.

At Bumside to-day the quality of the 290 fat cattle offered was a distinct improvement on recent sales. In anticipation of the surplus butchers bid cautiously at the opening, and the firs| race was cleared at a drop of 255. on last week’s rates, values, however, shortly responding to solid competition, with the result that at the close prices showed very little drop. Extra prime heavy bul-

locks made to £l2 12s. 6d., prime heavy £9 to £ll, medium £7 to £8 10s., light £5 to £6 10s., best heifers made to £8 12s. 6d., medium £5 to £6, light from £4.

The 2000 fat sheep penned met unexpectedly keen competition with enhanced values, particularly, for ewes.. The proportion of wethers was greater? than usual, and some very heavy prime sheep were offered. At the commencement ewes were up fully 2s. a head, and heavy wethers Is., while light wethers were firm at last week’s values. There was distinct firming right through, the market closing on a further appreciation of 2s. for all classes except light wethers. Extra prime heavy wethers sold to 31s. 6d., prime heavy 20s. to 235., medium 18s. co 19s. 6d., light from 175., best ewes to 275. 3d., prime heavy 18s. to 205., medium 15s. to 17s. 6d., light 10s. to 14s. Several consignments of hoggets came forward, but the quality was only medium and late rates were barely maintained. «

Another small yarding of ; store cattle comprising 129 head was offered. The entry included only a small percentage of steers, and competition for these was not so good as at the previous sale, prices running from £2 15s. to £4 11s; The entry of vealers was only of medium quality and met with a fair demand.

The dairy section was again glutted with old cows and late calvers, which were practically unsaleable, and only odd young cows close to profit met any competition.

The entry of fat pigs numbered 95, baconers predominating, and there was a firm sale throughout. Best baconers sold to £2 18s. and porkers to £2 25.; store pigs sold from 9s. to 16s.


STORTFORD LODGE PRICES. Hastings, August 16. Values were fully firm on last week’s rates at Stortford Lodge to-day, when a. good. yarding of 320 fat cattle met a good demand. Prime beef sold particularly well, while travelled drafts, which were in big supply, sold at about late rates. Bullocks, medium to prime, made £5 15s. to £B, others from £4 ss. Cows, medium to prime, £3 15s. to £5, others from £2 ss. Heifers, medium to prime £4 ss. to £6 45., others from £2 18s. 6d. Two thousand fat sheep were yarded, the bulk of the entry comprising ewes and wethers, and values were unchanged. Ewes, medium to prime 16s. to 225., others from 10s. 6d. Hoggets, medium to prime 16s. to 225., others from Ils. Wethers, medium to prime 17s. 6d. to 235., others from Ils. 9d. Four thousand store sheep were yarded, many hogget lines being entered, and showed little change from last week’s rates. Ewes 13s. 6d. to 20s. 8d. s wethers 12s. 9d. to 155., hoggets 10s. 3d. to 15s. 6d.


ADVANCE SHOWN FOR HOGGETS. • — ♦ Hamilton, Aug. 15. Hoggets were yarded in larger numbers at the Frankton saleyards to-day, and prices were in advance of those realised last week. There was an extra large yarding of fat sheep, mostly ewe mutton, and prices declined by approximately 2s a head all round. An average supply of ox beef came forward, with no alteration on last week’s values. Cow and heifer beef again came forward in good numbers, the quality being up to that of recent yardings. Values for prime quality heifer beef remained unchanged, while those for cow beef were slightly easier. Owing to the reduction in the freezing schedule second quality and boner cows showed a decided drop. A heavy yarding of vealers and runners also eased on last sale’s values.

A good yarding of fat pigs came forward, values for baconers being slightly firmer. Another heavy yarding of store and weaner pigs sold at rates on a par with last week’s quotations. The auctioneers report as follows:— Sheep: Heavy prime wethers sold at 24s 3d to 25s 2d; medium, 21s to 22s 8d; light, 18s 6d to 19s sd; prime maiden ewes, 22s 6d to 22s lOd; heavy fat ewes, 20s to 21s 9d; medium, 17s to 18s 9d; light, 14s 6d to 16s 3d. Cattle: Prime quality runners, £4 to £4 18s; smaller, £2 17s to £3 6s; vealers, £2 to £2 ss; medium fat steers, £5 4s to £5 14s; light, £4 5s to £4 12s; prime fat heifers, £4 4s to £4 15s; prime fat cows, £4 2s to £4 8s; medium fat heifers and cows, £3 10s to £3 18s; light, £2 10s to £3 8s; boner cows, 14s to 225; two-year Shorthorn steers, £2 2s to £2 6s. Pigs: Medium baconers, 38s to £2 Is; light baconers, 35s 6d to 37s 6d; heavy porkers, 30s to 355; medium, 26s to 30s; good stores, 18s to 22s 6d; slips, 14s 6d to 18s; weaners, 8s 6d to 13s 6d; Tamworth-cross sows, backward, £3 to £4; Large White sows, to £4 '6s. TAUMARUNUI PRICES. Taumarunui, Aug. 15. At a stock sale to-day there was keen competition for sheep, pigs and horses, and with the exception of a few inferior dairy cows, the whole yarding was sold under the hammer. In the pig section best slips made 20s and 16s 6d was realised for Large White weaners. There was a good demand for sheep and fat wethers made 18s 3d. Fat ewes sold to 15s lOd, and a line of 64 ewes made 17s

Id. Other ewes, in lamb, made 14s 2d, and fat hoggets realised 12s 4d. Fat bullocks made from £6 to £6 Bs, and fat cows from £2 3st. to £4 Is; store bullocks, £3 12s to £3 8s; and yearling steers, 30s. There was keen competition for the farm horses offered, and the highest price realised was £26 10s for a three-year-old small draught gelding.



The Press Association reports the following sales on New Zealand Stock Exchanges yesterday:— Wellington: Reported sales: Four per cent. Government Stock, 1955, £lOO 155., Bank of New Zealand 495. 6d. Dunedin: Southland Frozen Meat (ord.), 415.; Bell-Hooper, 6d.; Bank of New South Wales, £33 10s.; New Zealand Paper Mills, 275. 6d. Reported sales: Okarito, Ils. lid.; Gillespie’s Beach, Is. Hid. Auckland: N.Z. Govt. 4 per- cent. Stock, 1940, £101; ditto,' 1946, £lOO, £lOO 2s 6d; Nat. Bank of Australasia, £l3 2s; Union Bank, £9 3s; Queensland Insurance, 56s 3d; South Brit. Ins., 70s; Goldsbrough Mort,- 27s 9d; Auckland Gas, 23s 6jd; N.Z. Breweries, 355; N.Z. Paper Mills, 27s 6d; Taranaki Oil Fields, 2s 3d; Union Oil; 255; Gillespie’s Beach, 2s Id; King Solomon, 2s; Nokomai, 3s 7d, 3s 6d; Okarito, Ils lOd; Waihi, 24s 9d;. (2 .parcels); Waihi Junction, 3s 8d; Broken Hall South, 58s 6d; Mt. Lyell, 21s 9d, 21s 8d (2 parcels).'

Christchurch: N.Z. Govt. 3J, per cent. Inscr., 1938-43, £101; 4 per cent. Bonds, 1946, £lOO 10s; Comm.. Bank of Aust., 16s 2d (2 parcels); Natl. Bank of Australasia (£3O paid), £l3 2s; Bank of N.Z., 49s 3d; Gear Meat, 325; N.Z. Refrig. (10s paid), 7s (3 parcels); N.Z. Breweries, 35s (4 parcels), 34s Hd, 355; Beath and Co. (Is .paid), 5s 9d; Howard Smith, 9s Ud; Alexander Mines (13s 6d paid), 235, 23s Id (3 parcels); Bell Kilgour, Is 4d; Central Shotover (9d paid), Is Id; Freshford, 8d; Golden Point, 2d, 2£d; Bell Hooper, 8d; Nokomai, 3s 6d, 3s sd, 3s 4d, ,3s 3d; Waitahu (5s paid), 7s sd. Sales reported: N.Z. Govt. 4 per cent. Bonds, 1940, £lOl 7s 6d; ditto, 1955, £lOO 15s;. Gisborne Sheepfarmers 61 per cent., 1941, £B3 10s; Bank of N.Z., 49s sd, 49s 8d; N.Z. Refrig. (10s paid), 6s Hid.


By Telegraph—Press Assn. —Copyright. Rec. 8.35 p.m. Sydney, Aug. 17. The stock exchange is quiet by comparison with recent average daily business. Values showed a tendency to ease, gilt-edgeds as well as banks losing some recent support. Winchcombe Carson showed a profit for the year of £41,061, that being an increase of £1854 over the previous year.

Sales were: Commercial Bank of Sydney, £l7 13s; National Bank (£5 paid), £6 8s; Australian Gas (A), £7 7s 6d; Association News, 8s sd; do. (pref.), 18s 9d; British Tobacco, 355; Anthony Hordern (N.Z. delivery), 10s sd; do/ (pref.), 19s 10/d; Berlei (N.Z. delivery), 275; Berlei (10s paid),'l3s 3d; Goldsbrough Mort, 28s lid; Morris Hedstrom, 18s 10/d; Henry Jones, 38s 9d; Aust. General Insurance, 10s 3d; Aust. Provincial Assurance, Ils 6d; Greater J. D. Williams, 6s 9d; Standard Cement, 10s 3d; .J. Fielding, 625; Tooth’s, 38s 3d; Wunderlich, 20s lid; General Industries, 9s sd; Carlton Brewery, 395; Mount Lyell, 22s 3d; Broken Hill Proprietary, 36s 9d; South Broken Hill, 58s 3d; Mount Morgan, 39s 7/d; Bulolo Deposits, 2s 71d. Melbourne reports the following sales: Commercial Bank of Australia, 16s sd; National Bank (£5 paid), £6 8s; Goldsbrough Mort, 28s 4/d; Dunlop Perdriau, 18s Id; Huddart Parker, 31s. LONDON APPLES MARKET. ! _____ By Telegraph—Press Assn—Copyright. London, August 16. New Zealand stored apples are quoted at: Stunners 6s. to 9s. case, Jonathans ss. to 9s. case, Delicious. ss. to Bs. case, Statesman 6s. to Bs. case, Doherty’s 10s. 6d. to Ils. 6d. case. PRICE OF GOLD IN LONDON. • London, August 16. The price of gold is £6 ss. 3d. an ounce, compared with £6 4s. 8/d. on August 12. The present prite is the highest this year. ( DOLLAR AND STERLING. - <s. London, August 16. Sterling in terms of the dollar is 4.41/, compared with 4.48/ on August 12.

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Taranaki Daily News, 18 August 1933, Page 12

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FINANCE AND COMMERCE Taranaki Daily News, 18 August 1933, Page 12

FINANCE AND COMMERCE Taranaki Daily News, 18 August 1933, Page 12