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NEW PLYMOUTH ITEMS. Mrs/ A. Keeling, who has been visits iag Wellington, is expected to return this .evening. Miss Mavis Jack, Wanganui, who has been the. guest of Mrs. H. Wells, Waitara, is now visiting New Plymouth. Miss Joan Craig, Auckland, is the guest of Mrs. T. C. List. Mrs. J. Gilmour and Mrs,' M. Craig are visiting Manaia for the jubilee week. Mrs. M. Paul and Mrs. G. Dinniss have returned from a short visit to Wellington. Miss Leslie Mac Diarmid has returned to Manaia after spending several days at New Plymouth. Miss M. Alleman entertained at bridge on Monday evening. Miss J. Esse, Auckland, . is visiting New Plymouth and is the guest of Mrs. Whitton. Mrs. Muller, who has been visiting the-Misses Dempsey, returned to Auckland" last week. Mrs. F. T. Bellringer is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Von Sturmer, Auckland. Mrs. A. Morris spent the week-end at Wanganui. Mrs. L. M. Stephenson has been visiting Mrs. W. N. Stephenson, and returns to Opunake to-day. Miss K. Hamerton is the guest of Mrs. J. N. Stephenson, Opunake. Ths cabaret organised by the committee. of the New Plymouth Operatic Society, held at the Mon Desir oil Friday evening was such a great success that it is intended to have several during the winter. Miss M. Byars, Opunake, is visiting New. Plymouth and is the guest of Miss B. Henderson. Nurse Esther Robb, of the staff of the Gisborne Hospital, is spending the vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. j. Robb, Westown.

Miss B. Riston has been appointed a Red Cross nurse in Hawke’s Bay, being selected from 22 applicants. Miss Riston, who was trained in New Zealand, has done a great deal of postgraduate work in England, America, France, Italy and recently returned to thtf. Dominion, She began her duties on June 1. INGLEWOOD SOCIAL NEWS. Mrs. J. D. C. Crewe, Eahiatua, _ president of the Wellington Federation of the Women’s Institute, was the guest of Mrs. A. Grant during her short visit to Inglewood. Miss Chatwin, Pahiatua, who accompanied Mrs. J. D. C. Crewe on her tour, was the guest of Mrs. Braybrook during her stay in Inglewood. - • • . i • • - '• Miss Vera Eversfield has returned to college at Auckland. Miss Cynthia Partridge, who has been visiting Hawera, has returned. Mrs. R. Cutfield has been enjoying a motor trip to AucklandMrs. Partridge entertained on' a recent afternoon. Mrs. G. H. B. Fitzgerald, Elthain, visited Mrs. Wanklyn for a few days. Mrs. Grant senr. has been the guest of Mrs. A. Grant. Mrs. O’Carroll was “at home” on a recent afternoon. Mrs. McAllum entertained at bridge last • week. • Mrs. Wanklyn was hostess at morning tea for- Mrs. "Fitzgerald. Among those present were Mesdames McAllum, laris, A. Grant, Kirkby, Grant senr. and Birch-Johnston. Mrs. A. Grant entertained at bridge for Mrs. Grant senr. Mrs. lan Caldwell, Feilding, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Coles. Miss Adlam, Taihape, has been visiting Mrs. F. G, Adlam, Junction Road. The Play Reading Circle of the Inglewood Women’s Institute met at Mrs. T. Lindsay’s recently for their monthly reading. Two short plays entitled “Heart’s Love” and “The Silver Salt Cellars” were studied. Those taking pari? were Mesdames Braybrook'e, Feaver, Leech, Adnams and Misses TraSible and Corney. Afternoon tea was aerved by the hostess, Mrs. Lindsay. ELTHAM SOCIAL NEWS. A-birthday party was given Miss E. Morrison by Mr. and .Mrs. Bluett at their home, Elthain, last week. Games and competitions were played and Miss M. Burrows and Mr. P. Gavigan gave elocutionary numbers. Music was played by Miss N. Sheehy, Mrs. Attrill and Mr. J. Sheehy. ENGAGEMENTS. McKenzie—smith. Gladys Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, Elthain, to Allen Fraser (Te Awamutu), eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. McKenzie, Rotorua. 1 ROBSON—MOORE. Rosa, elder daughter of Mrs. F. J. Moore, Cordelia Street, Stratford, to Arnold Sidney, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs’ E. W. Robson, Seyton Street, Stratford,

STRATFORD SOCIAL NEWS. Mrs. L. Wynyard was hostess at a bridge party on Wednesday. Among those present were Mrs. P. Newell, Mrs. T. McCullough, Misses M. Skoglund, Joan Coleman, D. Uniacke, M. Malone, O. Uniacke, M. Porritt, G. North, A. Uniacke, A. Riera and C. Yields. Miss Joan Coleman entertained a number of friends on Wednesday afternoon. Among those present were Mesdames Davis, K. Neal and C. Hart, Misses ,A. Uniacke, M. Malone, M. Lyons, C. Uniacke, ,M. Porritt and G. North. Miss Mollio Ma'lone was hostess, at bridge on Monday night. Mrs. K. Neal, Misses D. Uniacke, Manu Porritt, Joan Coleman, A. Uniacke, G. North and M. Skoglund were present. Mrs.. K. C. Pegg left on Saturday morning on a'holiday visit to.her daughter, Mrs. Hoby Wellington. Mrs. M. F. Richardson left on Saturday for a holiday visit to Wellington.. Mrs. G. Hall gave a bridge evening on Friday. Those present wore Mesdames Pitt, Green, Budge, Lyons, S. Macalister and Uniacke and Miss Uniacke. Mrs. Uniacke was r at home” on Tuesday afternoon. Miss; N. Hamilton is on holiday with friends at Wanganui. Mrs. Furrie was “at home”‘on Friday afternoon. Mrs. C. Garlick left on Saturday morning on a holiday visit to the .Wairarapa district and will go on later to Wellington. Miss Lorna Wilson, Wanganui, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. R. Jenkin, Midhirst. The King’s Birthday was celebrated at the Stratford golf links by a Ladies v. Men match, the ladies afterwards providing afternoon'tea. The ladies present were Mesdames Seyb, Neal, Allen, Boon, Friday, Urwin, 0. Williams, Knewstubb, Ryan, Bishop, Burmester, Robinson, W. Williams, Graham, Carter and Bowler, Misses Anderson, Walker, North, Malone, Whittle,; Toombs, Best, Lunam, Cook,' Z. and 0. Masters, Smith, Bremner and Henry. . ',

Miss Phyllis Blick, on the eve of her approaching marriage, was tendered a gift afternoon at Mrs. G. Smith’s re-sr-dence (Midhirst), Mrs. Smith and Mrs. A. Guthrie being hostesses; Miss Blick received many gifts. A bouquet, made by Mrs. T. Laird was presented by little Nola Langlands to the guest of honour. Competitions and music were very much enjoyed. Among those present were Miss P. Blick, Mrs. Freethy (Wanganui), Miss Molly Chisholm (Wellington), Mrs. L. Vickers, Mrs. C. Symonds, Mrs. C. Langlands, Mrs. J. M. Shotter, Mrs. C. Fowler, Mrs. F. Spencer, Mrs. P. Anderson, Mrs. G. Anderson, Mrs. tV. Anderson, Mrs. Platt, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Bunning, Mrs. A. Graham, Mrs. D. Blick, Mrs. C. Carroll, Mrs. Burton, Mrs. W. Faiill, Mrs. Harkness, Mrs. V. Carroll, Miss E. Shelter and Miss ‘Wardell.

The Toko branch of the Women’s Division of the Farmers’ Union held its monthly meeting on Thursday, A challenge to play the Farmers’ Union members at euchre w'as accepted. It was decided to hold the meetings on Wednesdays in the future, as a number of the members like to attend football matches on Thursday. Final arrangements for the third birthday party of the branch were made. Each member has been asked to make some article for the work display, to be held that day and a short musical. programme has been arranged. All who have helped the branch by giving demonstrations and lectures during the year have been invited to be.present. AMATEUR ATHLETIC BALL. Although the Stratford Amateur Athletic Club’s ball was not as well patronised as it might have been owing to counter attractions in other districts, those who attended had a delightful time. The hall was decorated with black, orange and green streamers, with coloured lights running round the room, the ladies responsible being Misses Z. Masters, Bremner, T. Macßae, M. Lindop and P. McCluggage. The supper arrangements were in the capable hands of Miss M. Lindop. Credit is due to the secretary (Mr. G. Irving) for his careful organisation and to the masters of ceremonies (Messrs. Irving and L. Wynyard). Among those present were Mrs. Francis, black and red silk net; Mrs. R. Major, yellow sequins and silk net; Misses M. Burmester, blue silk net; 8. Pearce, blue georgette; D. Pearce, red georgette; G. Carman, blue flowered ninon; M. Grubb, tangerine velvet and crepe de chine; G. Hurry, blue georgette and laee; D. Harris, black lace;. L. Penn, tangerine satin; Z. Masters, pink floral georgette; M. Lyons, white flowered silk; M. Lindop, lemon tafetta; G. Huston, red flowered silk; J. Joyes, peach satin georgette; D. Joyes, lemon satin; V. Liddell, orange taffeta; J. Armstrong, pink satin; M. Kivell, black stencilled taffeta; B. Tunbridge, green floral ninon; M. Fennell, pink patterned silk; Mann, lemon satin; T. Macßae, white silk net; D. Pellet, green georgette and lace; M. Melville, red floral georgette; A. Hignett, [red satin; M. McCluggage, wine lace; P. McCluggage, pink satin; M. McCluggage, white satin; ’E.' Sears, black figured velvet; D. Moody, red velvet and string coloured lace; M. Chong, red velvet; H. Chong, pink satin; Fitzgerald, lemon satin; M. Fitzgerald, shell pink satin; E. Marsh, blue satin. The present social season in London differs from all others according to recent reports. Economical \ parties are “all the rage,” simple dishes like sausages, eggs and ale being used for supper instead of the customary caviare and champagne. The amusing part is that the guests do their own' cooking, some of them showing quite an aptitude for such dishes as sausages, eggs, tomatoes and kippers. One of the tasty dishes that is very popular is a very economical one. It is called Lome sausages. It consists of 11b mince, half cup bread crumbs, one cup of milk or cold water; season well with pepper and salt; mix well and shape into rounds about the size of the 'iop of a cup, and fry in boiling- fat.


Mrs. Davey, who has been the guest of Mrs. Strange, returned to Wellington on Monday. Miss M. L. Poulter, of the staff of the Hawera public hospital, left by car on Saturday to take up her duties at the Napier public hospital. On Monday the June evening of the play reading circle was held at the \yomen’s Club, when-an innovation was made in the form of a prepared reading competition, for pairs, each, pair selecting one of two comedies and tragedies and reading them. The audience was asked to judge'the best dual performance in comedy and tragedy. Each party chase their own stage director. The attendance was splendid, evidencing the interest taken in the competition, and wlule criticism was keen, it was given constructively and helpfully, and many useful suggestions were forthcoming. Mrs. B. C. Bennett and her partner, Miss Knight, were voted the best performers in tragedy, with Galsworthy’s “Defeat,” while Mrs. C. Freyberg and Miss Jenkin were the best in comedy, with a scene from “The Roof.” Other scenes selected were from Galsworthy’s “Escape.” Other performers mentioned in pairs were Mrs. W. G.- Strange and Mrs. A. Corrigan, Mrs. Woodward and Miss Glenn, Miss D. Corrigan and Miss C. Reilly, and Mrs. T. F. McKenzie and Miss A. Page. Supper was served . at- the conclusion of the evening. Among otliers present - were Mesdames R. F. Page, H. Whitehead, Alan Good, C. Trotter, H. W. Swinburn, Dew Caplen, W. Duckworth, L. J. Bup, Rowe, H. R. Kemp, Adams, Rice, Evans, Hill,'W. Jobson, Walter Syme, W. F. Buist, P. Bond, S. A. Chisholm, Bruce Joll, A. M. Young, A. Thomson, Beck, G. Duncan, O. K. Tennent, J. Campbell, Nowell, J. Houston, A. K. North, and Misses B. Purser, M. C. Power, M. Burgess, Reilly, Glenn, Page, D. Richardson and Young. HOCKEY DANCE AT HAWERA. SEQUEL- TO JUNE 3 TOURNAMENT. St. Joseph's hall, Hawera, was all too small for the big assemblage at the combined Hawera hockey clubs’ dance on the King's Birthday. The function was even more successful than its predecessors. During the evening Mr. C. J. MeFadyen presented the trophies won, at the tournament that day and congratulated all the participating teams. Mr. A. Jackson, president of ■ the Hawera men’s clubs, welcomed the visitors. and expressed thanks to the social committee which had organised, the function. The hall was decorated in yellow and blue with patches of greenery. The supper room was made gay with a similar scheme. The supper arrangements were in the hands of a ladies’ committee under the direction of Mrs. "W. Adams, while the general matters of detail were attended to by a committee of whichMiss N. Shannon and Mr. G. McGlashau acted as secretaries. Messrs. McFadyen and A. J. Ryan were the masters of ceremonies. All arrangements worked smoothly, reflecting credit on those who had organised the function. Wills’ orchestra played the music and Miss G. Chadwick and Mr. P. O’Neil provided supper extras. Some of those present were: Mesdames F. Booth, blue floral satin; Hodder, floral georgette in shades of pink and blue; E. Hardley, ivory georgette; p, Chamberlain, black silk lace and 'georgette; L, Bryant, black satin and lace; Misses N. Shannon, powder pink satin and net with pale green ribbon ruchings; J. McGlashan, eau-de-nil silk lace; B. Stevens, powder blue taffeta,; I. Prime, Turquoise blue taffeta; Davis, black satin and blue coatee; P. Wylds, pale pink satin and lace; .8. Lovell, royal blue lace; K. Goodwin, bottle green satin; M. Monaghan, black satiq and lace; K. Cosgrove, black fiilled satin and net; D. Nightingale, lime green celanese satin; V. Sheehan (Stratford), black satin; P. McNeill, .blue floral satin; M. Davidson, black satin; E. Gunderson, opal blue figured taffeta; N.Garvie, rust satin; M.Batchelor, emerald green satin; F. Murray, tomato frilled georgette; M. Guy, orange celancse; J Shepherd, floral ninon shaded in apricot; C. Campbell, ivory georgette and satin;• N. Gopperth (Manaia), ivoiy satin; D. Lansdow'n, royal blue satin; Maud Cosgrove (Manaia), blue flora.! "eorgette; R. Foster, black satin; K Rudge, salmon satin; D. King, sky blue celanese satin; S. Schwieters, salmon pink ninon; M. Hawken, cream georgette and lace; Jf. Washer, apricot satin; F. Langdon, white frilled georgette; B. Watkins (Stratford), white satin and frilled georgette; T. Beeehey, pink frilled organdie; M. Kearns,, maize taffeta; I. Reid, lime green satin; K. Petersen, flowered taffeta; S. Ryan, pate blue celanese; D. Howell, scarlet satin and net; A. Worrall, blue floral satin; G. Young, floral ninon in shades of red and blue; T. Wytkin, white figured satin; J., Brough, peacock blue satin sprigged in lemon; W. Brant, rainbow frilled net; M. Prince (Eltham), maize taffeta; S. Tippett, black taffeta; A. White, nile green silk lace; L. Worrall, blue floral ninon; M. Cosgrove (Manaia), pale green satin; Reading, orange satin; \V. Howell, black taffeta and blue coatee; N. White, emerald green satin; M. Beeehey, black satin; F. Woolliams, sky blue satin;, D. Monaghan, black satin and black and silver lace; DigbySmith, flowered taffeta; R. Taylor, Nile green taffeta; N. Taylor, rose pink taffeta; I. Robinson, ivory silk lace; M. .Thurston, black georgette; Howell, pink ninon; M. Shaw, apricot ninon; George, white figured satin; Dredge, black taffeta; Dom broski, green and lemon flecked frock; J. Grant, orange satin; N. Grant, black,satin and net; P. Worley, pale blue taffeta; A. Warcup, hdo bjue chiffon; Brant, black frilled georgette; B. Hurrell, tomato satin; R. Williams (Okaiawa), pale blue satin; G. Thurston, white frilled organdie over blue satin; K. Hickey, green and lemon sprigged celanese; L. Futt (Otakeho), apple green taffeta; P. Healey; Prime, lido blue taffeta and net; B. Nolan, sky blue figured satin; D. Bradbury, flowered ninon; C. Marsh, black satin and silver trimmings; E. Pivac, orange satin; A. Shannon, black satin and lace; S. Harrington, cherry lace; D. Smith, black satin; M. Smith/ salmon georgette and silver lace; M. Barr, blue floral nmon; W Oldfield (Okaiawa), black net anu lace; A. Hodge (Alton), emerald green taffeta; P. Hodge (Alton), Mary blue satin; U. Chadwick, black satin and frilled net; C. Arden (Eltham), black

satin; 0. Madgwick, pale green taffeta; M. Dymond, white ninon; H. Evans,white satin and net; F. Norwood, black and green floral silk; R. Mcßeth, emeraid green satin; E. Mcßeth, lemon taffeta; Smith, white silk lace; E. Palmer, Ivory satin and scarlet coatee; A. Duke, green taffeta sprigged in P ink ; ' • Healey, emerald green satin; M. Green, black taffeta; B. Green (Okaiawa), I maize ninon; E. Rouch, flame satin, Bryant, apricot georgette; E. Mclher--1 son, blue satin; L. Whitehead, lido blue celanese. I TARIKI HOCKEY CLUB DANCE. DECORATIONS A FEATURE. The 'opening, dance of the Tariki Hockey Club on Tuesday was a great success, visitors coming from all parts of Taranaki, including members of kindred clubs. A feature was the decorations. There was a canopy of the club’s colours (blue and black), while the windows and front of the stage were curtained. Two crossed hockey sticks and a ball with the club’s mascot in command, formed the background. Masses of ferns and holly with numerous coloured balloons gave a pleasing effect, especially while the twilight waltzes were in progress. Dancing was continued until the early hours to the strains of Claude Smith’s Regal Dance Orchestra. The music for extra dances was played by Mr. 11. Humphries, a club member. The Monte Carlo novelty dance was won by Miss D. Butler and Mr. J. Pettit (Tariki), the spot waltz by Miss E. Goodwin (Tariki) and partner. Several tables were occupied in the euchre room, the prizes going to Mrs. W. Lambert (Tariki) 1, Mrs. R. Davis (Rugby Road) 2; Mt. Sehotter (Midhirst) 1 and Mr. H. Kerr (Tariki) 2 after a replay with Mr. I. McCullum and Mr. J. Butler. Consolation prizes were won by Mrs. Hewson (Inglewood) ad Mr. Rumba 11 (R ugby Road). Among those present were: Miss M. Berridge (New Plymouth), floral georgette; Miss D. Mail (Stratford), green lace; Miss J. Mail (Stratford), red lace; Miss D. Butler, white satin; Mrs. J. Mahon pink satin and lace; Miss D. Jarnos, pink georgette; Miss D. McCullum, pink georgette; Miss A. Butler, pink satin and lace; Miss V. Butler, lemon taffetas; Miss R. Hucker; Miss L. Hucker, pink satin; Miss J. Walker, floral taffetas; Miss E. Goodwin, red frock; Miss A. Boniface (Midhirst), white satin and Tosca net; Miss E. Copeland (Midhirst), blue satin; Miss C. Lewis, lemon marocain; Miss R. Morrison, pink satin; Miss C. Young, green taffetas and Tosca net; Miss M. Hucker, green and brown rayon; Miss J. Young, pink taffetas; Miss M. Sutton, blue satin; Miss U. Frewin, green floral frock; Mrs. H. McCullum, red marocain; Mrs. W. Robertson, blue satin and white fur-trimmed coatee; Miss O’Keefe (Midhirst), pink satin; Miss I. Hamblyn, gold satin; Miss M. Dodunski, lemon satin; Miss L. Dodunski,floral voile; Miss G. Dodunski, floral velvet; Mrs. E. Loveridge, floral georgette; Miss Hutchinson, blue silk; Miss V. Bourke (Inglewood), floral georgette; Miss E. Reeve, flame satin; Miss M. Reeve, black frock; Miss 0. O’Brien, green panne velvet; Mrs. L. Loveridge, floral georgette; Miss Knofflock, black rayon; Miss M. Fa'bert, white frock; Miss A. Huzziff, floral silk; Miss P. Mischef ski, salmon satin; Miss I. Loveridge, black velvet and lace with white fur-trimmed coatee; Miss F. Wilson, white satin; Miss Keenan, black frock

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Taranaki Daily News, 8 June 1932, Page 14

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WOMAN’S WORLD Taranaki Daily News, 8 June 1932, Page 14

WOMAN’S WORLD Taranaki Daily News, 8 June 1932, Page 14