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TARANAKI J.C. AUTUMN MEETING ? OPENING DAY IN SHOWERY WEATHER 2/ LADY QUEX’S FLYING HANDICAP v -It was unfortunate that weather conditions early yesterday -corning were unfavourable, as that undoubtedly militated against the attendance- at the opening day of the Taranaki Jockey Club’s s 'autiiinn meeting, which this year is being held as an earthquake -. meeting. Despite this, however, the attendance , was well - the gates even with the lowered prices showing a de//.feline‘of only £57. Members of the club responded well, willingly -/ oregoing their, customary privileges for such, a good cause- Un-rfiSr-fOrtunhtely the totalisator showed a substantial decline, though, the -installation ‘of the 5s totalisator proved popular. - From "the viewpoint of sport the racing was everything: that X ...feould be desired. Fields were splendid. Indeed-, in the Cup and ’ Flying they drew together- the best;class of horse ever seen at a fTaranaki meeting. The despatches Were good and. the finishes JiiSclose. ’The Cup was won by the Wairarapa owned Vertigem with <“' A ®[igh Falutin and In the Shade filling the places; from., a .field of X ' ; 'ieleyen, whilst the Flying was brilliantly won by the New Pymouth ‘ ■ ‘-m gre Lady Quex, with Hunting Cry and Bay acre filling the places in a field of eight.

;? . DAY OF INTERESTING RACING 'ONLY ONE FAVOURITE SCORES . ;/.§/- totAlisAtor proves popular ■ • ■ • t The committee of the club wks parjticylalry anxious that this meeting should prove successful financially, as !fH the whole of the profits, together with ■. the taxation tax, were to be devoted : 'to the. earthquake relief fund. Never ’before had the club been favoured with 77 ? ? such higli-class fields in its Cup and Flying Handicap, and under ordinary l ' >n ’’/conditions the- meeting would have proved’ easily the most .successful in history of the. club. Fortunately ■ ir the weather cleared about 11 o’clock, and though early conditions precluded numbers of people from the south from attending it .is gratifying\to..note that . as • the afternoon wore on the races were very well patronised. Indeed, when the decreased charges are taken into consideration, more people most' have paid for admission this year than was the case last year. ~ The totalizator staff under the control /of Mr. L. Rea had a comparatively quiet time, the machine handling only ; ■£11,7'23 15s, as compared with £21,422 ’ /<’l6s for the first day of last year, a " 'decrease of £969S 15s. The installation 2 .”of.the 5s totalisator proved a popular innovation, over one-fifth of the money ' ~’lbeihg handled at the ten 5s windows. .The 5s tickets, however, delayed the T calculations after each race and was responsible for the last race heing started about half au hour late. i The racing was high-class; The fields ?F‘.were good both as regards number aud ’"quality. In the open races the class “2 Jihus never been excelled on the Taranaki \ track, and it would be difficult to bring ; together better fields anywhere in. the Dominion. Mr. A. Vincent effected

■ splendid starts, whilst the handicapper, Air. Bert Coyle, had done his. work ;; ;; well and some great finishes resulted. d Mr, W. P. RUssell was in the judge’s tflSpx. Only one favourite saluted the /Judge first. Th© Taranaki Cup attracted a fine field of 11, the scratchings including £ I the Taranaki trio Bright Glow, Silverv imine and The Swell (leaving the prowince without a representative), and ‘'■''■Maui.. In the Shade was sent out fav- ' lourite with the Hawera Cup winner, ' jOtaifi, and Concentrate next in demand. , 'iotairi arid Vertigem were the early leaders but with half the distance gone High Falutin’,who was slow to begin, (took thei lead and showed the way into '‘the-straight from First Acre. Vertigern, jwho w-ae close up fourth, put in his iclaim in straight to win by a length ■ffrorii High Falutin’, with In the Shade :, :elo6o up third.' The. favourite lost WMJjround when forced on to the rails -'"f Heaving the straight, almost unseating TBagby, who made a wonderful recovery when it looked as though he must go -vbver th’e rails. ■) Eight paraded in the Flying, in which (Lady Quex, ridden by Hector Gray, was made favourite and justified public confidence by winning brilliantly. After be-<^--!iiflg'well placed throughout she respond* in great style at the end to. win by -y’a length and a-half from Hunting Cry, ■" (with Bayacre third. V i After’the'Cup race the handsome gold cup was presented by the Hon. S. G. '- Smith, Minister of Labour, who referred io the splendid spirit shown by . the iJockey Club in generously giving up its meeting to provide funds for the suf-, -tterers in the recent calamity. He had, he said, been asked to .represent the V-- ‘'Government at the meeting as an apv/preciation. He corigratulated ■ the lady towner of the winning horse. He also -•' Trainer Moroney on the ■’>’ ‘'way the horse had been turned out and the jockey on the way he had handled Iris mount. ' i Mrs. L. A. Nolan handed the cup to Mr.” Moroney, who accepted it on behalfof the owner (Mrs. Elgar). Mrs. Nolan also handed a replica to the trainer and a gold-mounted whip to the jockey. I The ’track was in splendid order a? a result of the care bestowed upon it Iby Mr. J., Blewman. The' secretary, Mr. C. B. Webster, handled his department well. The catering was under the control of Mr. J. Iri’itShepberd and the booth was managed ■ Lile. The musical programme Was ■ dispensed by the Taranaki Regimental Band under the baton of Lieut. ■ ■■'.' F. W. G. McLeod and was gredtly ap- | predated. •



<»■' The action of the Taranaki Jockey /Club in installing a as totalisator at ate meeting found general favour with .the investing public, judging by the amount of business'that it handled yecfjterday. Ten 5s windows* were provided bion, .the outside lawn and not only did fthe .innovation appeal to oqtside patIrons, but it was also popular with patrons, and the gate attendants

had..* busy,time issuing and collecting parses. /There were 32 investing windows — six £1 and ten 10s: windows inside; and six 10s and ■ ten 5e windows outside. The six £1 windows, together with £5 and commission window, handled a total of-£4774, vyhilst. the ‘lB 10s wiudov/s handled 9039 tickets totalling £4519 10s. Thq ten 5s windows handlbd 9721 tickets, totalliiig ’ £2430' os. ' The total handled by the machine was £U,7?3 log.More,‘;'ss' tickets, therefore; were- sold than- of any : other denomination,. each seller at the 5s windows averaging 9(04 tickets, whereas each seller at a 10s window averaged only .620 tickets. The introduction of another fraction, the quarter, into the calculations caused a little more delay than usual in balancing- up after each race, but no -doubt a system will be evolved to overcome this.

DETAILS OF THE RACING WAITARA HURDLES HANDICAP, of 175 sovs; second 35 sovs, third 15 sore froni the stakes. S—TENACRE, W. Kirkland’s b g, syrs, by Acre—Lubriline, 9.16 (K; Robinson) .... —;■ 1. 1 I—FULL MARK, E. dnd.N. F.Fore-' man’s b'g, 6yrs, by .Greyspear —Markful,. 10.4 (M. Nichol) ' 2 4—ROYAL ACRE, J. O’Sullivan’s b g, aged, by Acre—Euroelydon IQ.O (H., Dulieu) 3 Also started—l Democratic, 10.12 (A. McDonald) ; 3 Ohi?o, 10.5 . (L.. Jarvis), and 6 Denier,; 9.0 (H. Mills). Winner trained by J. Brown (Hawera). Won by. two and a-half lengths, with five lengths between second and . third. Denier was fourth. Tirrie, 2min 49 4-5 sec. NGAMOTU JUVENILE HANDICAP, of: 160 sdvs; second 30 sovs, third 15 sovs froin the stakes. Five furlongs.’, 4— PARATOO, ,T. J., and P. A. O’Neill’s ch g, 3yrs,- by Grand-court-—Alarum, 9.2; (J. Barry.)’ . ■ T I—EASTERTIME, Mrs.- W-. D. Gra- ■ ham’s b g, 2yrg, by Illumination —Gatnbolijie, 8.12 (H. Gray) ... 2 5— IMPETUOUS, G. M. Currie’s b f, 3yrs, by Limond—Pennon, 7.0, car. 7.4 (E. Burgess) 3 , Also started—3 Merry Cry, '8.7 (B. H. Morris); 6 Open Cheque, 7.9 (C. Goulebro); 8 Cornerman, 7.3 (R. Marsh); 7 Paparua, 7.2 (J. M. Pine); 2 Peter Jack Son, 7.0, carried 7.4 (H. Wiggins); Winner trained by W. H. Dwyer (Wanganui). Won by half a head, with the third hors© two lengths away. Peter Jackson was. fourth.--Time, Imin 2 l-ssec. FLYING HANDICAP, of 300 soys; second 60 bqvs, . third 30 sovs from ' the stakes. Six furlongs. 1— LADY QUEX, W. G. Emeny’s br m,- syrs, by Lord Quex —White Clover, 9.8 (H. Gray) 1 2— HUNTING CRY, T. Fraser’s br c, 4yrs, by Hunting Song —Natalie, 9.10 (B. H. Morris) 2 6— BAYACRE, Mrs; L. Slightholme’s b g, 3yrs, by Acre—Bayana, 8.5 (T. Webster) 3 Also started — 3 Paganelli, 9.8 (T. Green) ; 4 Consent, 8.9 .(L. G. Morris); 5 Eaglet, 8.4. (R. S. Bagby); 7 Gold Dawn, 7.2, carried 7.41 ;H. Wiggins); 8 Tenterden, -7.0 (J. M. Pine). Winner trained by E. George (New Plymouth). Won by a length and a-.half, with a neck between second and third. Consent wak fourth. Time, Imin I'4 1-osec.

MOTUROA ELECTRIC HACK HANDICAP, of 140 sovb; Second 30 Bovß, third 10 sows from the stakes. Five furlongs. ■B—BON FIVE, E. Andrews’ ch g, by Campfire—Zion, 8.0 (S. Wilson). .' 1 3— MOATOA, J. T. Wade’s b g, syrs by Potoa—Alice Montrose, . 8.0 (P. D. Adl&m) 2 I—ORBY’S CHOICE, R. Brough’s ch g, 3yrg, by Orby’s PrideKenilworth Maid, 8.0 (H. Wiggins) 3 Also started —4 Goldzone, 8.0 (J. M. Pine); 14 Propdmoor, 8.0 (J. Barry); 7 Mislaid, 8.0, carried 8.1 (T. Green); 12 Gold Gleam, 8.0 (R. Drinkw^ter); 11 Hinepuni, 8.0 (C. Goulsbro); 10 Miss Chatter,.B.o (S. Anderson); 5 True Lap, 8.0, carried 8.4 (H. Gray); 15 Emerald Abbey, 8.0 (E. Burgess); 0 Animated, 8.0, carried 8.1 (T. Webster); 6 Traced, S.Q, carried 8.1 (B. H.. Morris); 2 Rbyal Bengal, 8.0 (Alf. McDonald); 13 GaySogne, 8.0 (L. McMAhon). Winner trained by M. Conway (Hawera). Won by hdif a length, with half a length between tjie dead-heaters and Royal Bengal, which was fourth. Time, Imip Ssee.' TARANAKI CUP HANDICAP, of 600 sovs, including cup valued a’ 100 govs; second 100 Bovs, third 5Q govs from the stakes. One mile and three furlongs. 4— VERTIGERN, Mrs. C. E. Elgar's b g. aged, by Rossendale—Pansy 8.0 .(T. Green), ... ... x ....... 1

HIGH FALUTIN’, R. Grace’s b g, ayrs, by Grand Court—Table Talk, 7.11 (C. W. Brodie) .... 2 I—IX1 —IX THS; SHADE, W. S. Glenn’s br g, 6yrs, by Australian Sun —Violet H, 5.6 (R. S. Bagby) 3 5 — First Acre, 7.13, car. 8.1 (T. Webster) ■ 0 B.ll (B. H. Morris) .... 0 7— Chopin, 7.0 (J. M. Pine) .- 0 3—Concentrate, 9.0 (H. Gray) .... 0 10—Royal Parade, 7.5 (E. Burgess) 0 9—The Hawk, 7.3 (R. Drinkwatei) 0 6 — Caphier, 7.5 (H. Wiggins) .... 0 8— White Fang, 7.3, car. 7.5 (Alf. McDonald) 0 Winner trained by W. D. Moroney (Featherston). Won by a length, with two and ahalf lengths between second .nd third. First Acre was fourth. Time, 2min 23 2-s Sec- •

OKATO HACK HANDICAP, of 160 ■ ,6ovs; second .30 sovs, third ,15 sovs from the stakes. One mile and 110 ' ; yards. ~ . 6— MONALOF, Pohi Tito’s ch m, 4yrs, by Danilof —Monaghan, 7.8 ’ . (S. Wilson)'.i - 1 3—TENTCALL, W. Pine’s ch ni, syi’s, by Callaghan —Attent, 7.11 (J. M. Pine) 2 7— BANBRIDGE, S. Campbell’s br g, 4yrs, by Tonbridge—Cushla, 7.5 (R. T. Cotter) 3 Also started—4 Werata, 8.9 (R. S. Bagby); 1 Crennatown, 8.8 (H. Gray); 2 Joyspear, 8.7 (T. Green); 5 Rich Harvest, 8.1 (B. H. Morris); 10 Solange, 7.0, carried 7.4 ■ (E. Burgess); 8 Little Doubt, 7.0, carried 7.2* (R.. Marsh); 9 Gasnapper, 7.0 (R. Drinkwater). Winner trained by T. Tito (Pihama). Won by three-quarters of a length, with a length between second and third. Crennatown. was fourth. Time, Imin 49 2-ssee. »

MIMI' HIGHWEIGHT HANDICAP, of 200 sovs'; second 40 sovs, • third 20 sovs from the stakes. About seven : furlongs. . 44-CHIEF LINK, A. Alexander’s br g, '7yrs, by Chief Ruler—-Silver Link, 8.10. (H. Gray) ~ 1 2— MELISSA, J. Somerton’s, b m, Cyrs, by Absurd —Amyrin, 8.12 (T. Green) 2 3— CALAMINE, F. and H. J. Start- . up's bm, oyrs, by .Callaghan — Decima, 8.6 (J. M. Pine) ...... 3 Also started —1 Paiko, 8.9 (U. Webster); 7 Green Linnet, 8.3 (R. T. Cotter) ; 5 Kawhakina,- 8.0 (H. Wiggins); 8 Callapat, 8.0 (R. Marsh);. 6 Monsogne, B.o' (S. Wilson). -. Winner trained by J. Brown (Hawera).’, • .Won by- a length, with a neck: between second and'third.- Callapat. was fourth. Time, Imin 26 2-ssec.

'•TIMAR'U HACK. HANDICAP, . of 160 sovs; second 30 sovs; third 15 sovs : ! from Um stakes. Six furldiigs. 4—TEA. QUEEN; K. D. Duncan’s b ’ ; • m; 4yrs, by Tea Tray—Graces' ful, 8.1, car. 8.2 (T. Webster) 1 2—CHIEF SAVAGE, A. E. Neale’s ch g, 4yrs, by Chief Ruler Signor mare, 7.5 (H. Wiggins) 2 '6—SINGER, H. Cleland’s blk g, 6yrs by Songbird—Red and Black mare, 7.6, car. 7.3 (R. Drinkwater) .......... 3 Also started—l Arikira, 9.4 (L. G. 'Morris);. 5 Silver Rule, 8.12 (8., H. Morris); 3 Royal Finance,- 8.6 (11. Gray);.'7 Cbrwen, 7.6 (J.' M. Pine); 8 Cereal, 7.0, carried 7.2* (R. Marsh); 9 Anbridge, 7.0, Carried 7.3 J (Alf. McDonald). . . Winner trained by H. Telford (Iren-

tham). ' ’ ’ .. Won by two lengths, with threequarters of a' length between second and third. Royal Finance was fourth. Time, Imin 14sec.

THE RACING DESCRIBED TEN ACRE'S ATTRACTIVE EFFORT. • (By “Moturoa.”) The' four topweights in the Waitara Hurdles were evenly backed, only £6 separating Democratic from Royal Acre. Denier began best and led into the straight from Democratic, while Omeo, who had hit the first obstacle hard, was tailihg the field. Passing the stands Tcriaere had run into second place behind Denier, Full Mark, Royal Acre and Democratic following. Full Mark moved up fast on the bend and at the iive-fur-long peg had taken up the running from Denier, and Tenacre. Approaching the bend Tenacre began a well-sustained run and went past Full Mark. Royal Acre, Denier and Democratic followed them into the straight, but once in line for the judge Tenacre drew clear and won by two lengths and a half from Full Mark, while Royal Acre was five lengths away, just ahead of Denier and Omeo, with the favourite last.

Tenacre was always well placed and jumped attractively. He responded well over the last half-mile and won with something in hind. The weight beat Full Mark, but Royal Acre ran below form and should do better. Omeo should derive considerable benefit from his outing.

PARATOO BEATS EASTER TIME. The punters put in solidly on Easter Time in the Ngamotu Juvenile; bqt there was also a big following for Peter Jackson. Merry Cry went through the tapes and was troublesome at the barrier. When the tapes finally went up Paparua was badly left and Impetuous began best from Paratoo and Easter Time. When they settled down Impetuous was just showing out from Easter Time, while Paratoo had dropped back into a handy position. Peter Jackson and Merry Cry followed. Easter Time had the measure of Impetuous coming into the straight, but Paratoo ranged alongside with a furlong to go and the pair had a great battle for supremacy. In a fine finish Paratoo wore the favourite down to win by a nose. Impetuous was two lengths away, followed by Peter Jackson, Paparua, Open Cheque and Cornerman. Paratoo won well, but received a better run than Easter Time, who had to be kept on the move from the start. Impetuous ran a good race and should improve. Peter Jackson and Paparua lost their chances at the beginning.

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Taranaki Daily News, 13 February 1931, Page 4

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THE CUP TO VERTIGERN Taranaki Daily News, 13 February 1931, Page 4

THE CUP TO VERTIGERN Taranaki Daily News, 13 February 1931, Page 4