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South Taranaki News

DAILY NEWS OFFICE: i Morrissey’s Buildings, Union Street, Hawera | P.O. Box No. 133, Hawera. Telephone No. 2706, Hawera

WAVERLEY CROSSING SMASH DRIVER’S REMARKABLE ESCAPE. SECONP MISHAP WITHIN AyEEK. A remarkable escape from injury was the fortune of Xlri Purvis Bremer, Waverley, yesterday when a goods train struck the lorry hp vyqs driving. The vehicle was completely wrpc|<ed, bqt tlje driver was thrown clear, sustaining only minor injuries. Brempr Br os : have properties on both sides of the line with gates giving„aecess. At 9 a.m. yesterday Mr. Bremer was crossing the line when the goods train thundered round a curve. • Rain was falling and this is considered to be partly responsible for the accident. Mr. Bremer is receiving medical attention at liqnit’. This is the second crossing accident at Waverley within a yyeek. JUDGMENT FOB PE£T. HAWERA COURT PROCEEDINGS. Judgment for pjaintiff fey default was entered by Mr. J. H. Salmon, S.M-, in the Hawe’ra Magistrate's Court yesterday in the following’ civil cases: —W. J. Glaringbold and Co., Ltd. v. Marcus Sutton, £l9 IPs. 6d. (costs £2 125.),• John McGhie v. P. L. Scown, £1 Ils. 6d. (£1 ?s); same y. J. Rpwell, £5 ss. (£| las. Cd.) ; Parkinson aqd Co., Ltd. v. Awa Pipi, £3 12s. (£1 183. 6d.); same v. Hawe, £6 Ids. (£2 2s. 6d.); C. H. Armitage v. Newton Ansley, £7 3s. lOd. ( £2 Os. tjd.); Harold Calvert v. Albprt New, £l4 (£2 145.). Judgment summons orders jvere made as folloyys:—W. O’Ke.efl'e to pay J. Peters £7 3s. Cd., in default six days’ imprisonment; A. Hansen to pay C. S. Chong £24 4s. 2d., in default 21 days’ imprisonment, the warrant to be suspended so lopg rs the debtor pays £5 a month; C. Bectham to pay W. HoweGiles £2' 15s. fid., in default-48 hours’ imprisonment; H. Hughes, jun., to pay A. F. Anderson £J 9s. fid-, in default four days’ imprisonment; Ted Keighley to pay. Nurse Old £l5 6s. 4d-, in default 14 days’ imprisonment. JCIA ORA CBOQUET LAWNS OPENED. The'formal opening of the Kia Ora /(Hfiwera) Croquet Club’s lawns took place oh Saturday afternoon in ideal weather, and a large number of enthusiasts and visiting players assembled for the occasion.

Prior to declaring the. greens open for play, Mrs. Leslie J. Bull; vice-president, in the absence of the president, Mr. G. J. Bayley, extended a welcome to old players and new/members, of whom there were many present, and to friends of the club. Miss M. 0. Power, the club’s oldest member, played the first ball and the greens were declared open. Results of the afternoon’s competitions were: Ring the bell, Mr. A. J. Gibbs; progressive croquet (for A players), Mrs. Penny (Okaiawa); progressive croquet (for B players), Miss Bessie Young. A silver rose bowl was presented by Mrs. E. A. Pacey, to be competed G>r by meipbers of the club in ladies’ handicap singles. The tea committee for thp day consisted of Mrs. Jim Syme, Mrs. Gpprge Meyriek and Mrs. Douglas, Among those present were Mrs- Charlie Bayley, Mrs. Livingston, Mrs. Guy, Mrs. Norton (Petone), Airs. Gebrge Dupcan, Mrs. C. H- Wgshpr; Airs. Wylie, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. B- C. Rennett, Mrs. Cordery, Mrs. Burgess, Airs. J- N. Henry, Mrs. Cryer, M ana ia, Mrs. J. ,B. Murdoch, Airs. L. J. Bull, Mrs. if. Dowling, Mrs- Jim Caippbell> Alys. Milyoy, Afrs. A. Murdoch, Mrs. W- M. Winks, ■ Air. gnd AB'S. Clague (Manaia), Airs. White, Air' aqd' Mrs. Gibbs (Piltpa), Mrs. Ekdahl, Airs. Bernard McCarthy, Mrs. J. Vclyjn, Airs. A. E. Stevens, MU>Baker (Qkaia>va) r Alps. Cyopton, MrsAdamsop, Air. and Alrsl Ex]ey, Mrs- F. P. King, Airs. W. McL’Dowie, Airs. Sinclair (ATanaiaF; Mrs. Penny (Qkaiawa), Mrs. Nicholls (Mpn«U a )> Airs. Bqr-. nett, Airs. Glennie. (Pqtea), M 1- WBliarps (Okaiqwa), Airs. Owen, Airs. J. W- Hgrcjipg, Airs. Gillandprs, Airs. Denize, Mrs. Baydsley, Mrs. F- W- Horner, Mrs. J. E. Dingle, Mrs. Parkes, Airs. Alcßav (Inaha), Airs. Hpbdgy (Manaia), Mrs. Ward, Airs. Syi'pe, Afrs- E- A - Pacey, Airs. Ashton, Airs. Alanners, Afrs. Douglas, Airs- W. G. Strange, Airs. Meyriek, Mrs. A. E. Wills, Alias D. Britland, Aliss Young, Miss Al. Sutton, Aliss Camcron, Aliss M. C. Power, Aliss Jlay-Alacken-zie, Aliss Stoddart, Airs. Vickeridge and Airs. J. C. Smith. x PATEA CEMETERY BOARD. Mr. F. Ramsbottom presided at the monthly n;epting of the Patea Cemetery Board- ~ It was reported that the additional area for Anglican burials had been cleared and arrangements were in hand for a survey to sub-divide the area into single, double and family plots. It wasjioped to have the survey completed by November 9, when the ground would be consecrated by the Bishop of Wellington?, Arrangements for the reproval of dead trees had° been completed, and the planted avenue of trees in Scotland Street was doing splendidly. '



It was inevitable that the stock market crash on Wall Street should inspire the -writers of Hollywood, and hence it is thqt Alarie Dressier and Polly Aioran, of AI.-G.-M. cavort across the screen of the Opera House, at the matinee today at 2 p.m. and to-night at 8 pan., in an uproarious comedy,'intitled “Caught Short.” It concerns the successes of Polly Aioran, landlady, in the late lamented “bull” market, and the eventual capitulgtioif of her more conservative friend, Alarie Bressler. Anita Page and Charles Alorton furnish the juvenile loce interest of the comedy, and excellent character performances are given by T. Roy Barnes, Herbert Prior and Edward Dillon as boarders at the houses of Marie and Polly. Laughs are good for all ills, and “Caught Short” is a specialist’s prescription, On the same pro-o-rainme one of the finest short features yet screened, Gus Edwards’ colourtone review, “Mexicana,” a beautiful show, wil lbe presented. There will also be shown Aletrotqne News, Francis White, a musical comedy star, “When the Wind Blows,” comedy, and another special song item- Patrons .are advised to reserve seats at Aliss Blake’s. A free bus will run from Kaponga fo-iiight and to-mor-night.

GYMNASTIC PISPLAY CODfBINFP CLIIB§ ! EFFORT. PERFORMANCE AT HAWFM Those who attended the Hawera Pre®: byterian Hall on Tuesday night and hist night were trggtpd to a very fine gymnastic display by members of the Hawera St. Johp’g Combined Clubs. Qver CO mepibers of the clubs took part in a varied programme which included pyramids, mat-tricks, club swinging and folk daiipjpg by the gjrls, each itejq on both nights' being well received by the enthusiastic audiences. The clqbs had lieen practising very keenly for the event, and the results obtained at both performances reflect great credit upon the instructors, Ml'- V. ranil, who was in charge pf the men, and Miss J. Stepl}ouse, lylio coqghpd. tlie ladips. A junior class, upder the charge of Mr. ,T. y.opng, also appeared ■ and vpry popular. Thp performance opened VYith a grand march by all the mpmbers of the cpnifiined clubs, after which items followed, each indicating thd time flhd practice that had'been expended, at rehearsals. Special features of the programme were the “Tambourine Dance” and the elubswinging, both of Yvhich yere presented by the ladies- The most appreciated Item" performed by the. men was that parried oqt on the rings, while the pyramids’ by the combined m e n and ladies proved Very spectacular with the coloured’lights playing oq them, Interspersed among thp gymnastic items W£ r e musical items by the Raiyson trio, songs by Mrs. Fyfe and Miss J. Henson, and recitations by Miss ’M. FYhitelpck, all of Which were greatly appreciated. Misses R. Dpff, A. Glppn pud Mr. M'GopJ played the piano for the various gymnastic exercises. Tjie programme w hS presented again last evening in tjie presence pf a large audience. Mr, Qalloway sang a song. The other artists were the same a§ oin the previous eyepipg. RIGHT-OF-WAY QUESTION. TRAFFIC ON THE RJGHT'RULE. FINE IMPOSED FOR BREACH. Failure to give way tp traffic op the right at an intereeptipn where there was np trpffic offiepr PP dqty cost Duncan Muggeridge £2, with £1 IPs costs, ip the Hawera Magiptratpy Coupt yesterday. Mr. J- I?., Salmon, 8.M., presided. Sergeant Hepry conducted the police ease and Mr. A. K. North appeared for Muggeridge,. ' . Arthur Brown stated that he wqs proceeding down princes Street op October G. 'IJe w aa crossing the High street intersection whpn the car driven hy defendant had approached him from the left. ” He had tiirped' ta-the right down High Street to a,v°id a collision hut dffepdaut had gone straight qd instead of turning to the jeft to avoid the collision. Witness’ ppy WA» Swaged to the extent of about £2. Witnesp had beep 9P the intersection filpL Questioned by Mr. North U® Io how he accounted for the fact that the skid marjes m a de bv his car were 21ft. 6ip. ip length as against J4ft. in the cage pf defendant’s car wH n e^ a s iihl h e al ’ ways- applied his brakes qn copiipg to pp intersection. William Batchelor said he crossing the" intersection on foot at thp time pf°the collision. Bqth cars weye travelling at a reasonable speed. Rrowp’s cpr bpd been three feet ypvst the ? 'trailip dopie when the collision oepppred. Constable Thpmapon said he had . measured the skid marks and had phqwii them on . the plan produced. Where the collision had occurred Brown’s car wap three feet past t|ie traffic’ doinp. At the time pf the collision there was no officer on duty directing the traffic. Witness produced a statement by defendantTo Mr.' No rt h: 'T'he skid mark ? f Brown's cpr was a little more propopnppd than that of defendant’s. To Sergeant’ Henry: T]ie beginning of tfie skid from defendant’? cap was well on the iutpreectipi|. The rigllt-hapd rple had .to bp applied with a certain aippunt pf reasonableness submitted Mr. North, who Iqid emphasis on the skid marks, which showpd that Brown> wheple bad locked jpst as he reached th© intersection while. defepdflnt jmd beep ,on the interseptipn before he applied his brakes. This, Mr, INortl; contended, 10 WPd that defendant reached the t intersection fipst. Defepdarit said he bpd been travelling down High Street at ten miles per hour. Coming to the intersection he had sounded his horp and looked to the right, seeipg no ear. As far as he could say lip was the first tp reach the intersection. He had not known that apy damage hp<i respited. ' Ip imposing the fine mentioned the niagistrate said tlje right-hand rule depended upon human judgment. There wpuld always he disputes as tp vyho. had tli e right-of-way so that independent evidence was necessary. This hpd been givpn by Batchclpr, whpge fltptemepts indicated that plaintiff Fad th® right-pf-way. ■ .



A special meeting of the Hawera Ppultry Clpl> was held, on Tuesday evening. There was a large attendance presided over by Mr. C. H. Barker. In accordance with notice given M r - W. H. Barker moved that winners of club trophies pay for the engraving. Prior to the discussion on this notice of motion the chairmpp asked whether all members were fipapcial.' Opposition to this attitude was expressed by the meeting, so eventually it was decided to waive the matter. Mr. W. Barker said his ©Ply object wps to nave the club money. The gecouder, Mr. E. M- Calvin, agreed with Mr. Barker, adding that the money saved could be put into cash specials. Mr. G. L- Gaylard said he did not think it fair for future winners to have to engrave the -trophies as previous winners had not had to do so. When the trophies had first conic into competition he had opposed the chib paying for the engraving. He was in-favour of all new trophies having to be engraved. The motion was carried hy 10 votes to 9.

Another motion, of which notice had been given by Mr. Galvin, that the motion passed ’at the annual meeting granting an honorarium of £7 7s to the secretary be rescinded, that an honorarium of £2 2s be granted the secretary, and that thp rule on the subject be amended to limit honoraria to £2 2s. This was defeated hy 11 votes to 9. Advice was received that Mr. L. Cocker, poultry inspector, would visit. Hawera pn October 30 and address club members.

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Taranaki Daily News, 16 October 1930, Page 12

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South Taranaki News Taranaki Daily News, 16 October 1930, Page 12

South Taranaki News Taranaki Daily News, 16 October 1930, Page 12