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A general exodus to Wellington' to see the fourth Test seems to hav|e ; ta|cen place this week-end, everybody j finding a business call of some sort Ito ,th<i Empire City. ,

Miss'Fay Moffitt. Wanganui, is (lie gm st of Airs. Haybitlle, Princes Street.

Alls? Joyce Powdrell left on Wednesday io spend a few days with' friends in 'Wellington.

Mr. and Airs. H. W. iMvinbum l-.-fi, by ear early yesterflii.y morning to s[k'li<l (he week-end in Wellington.

Air.’ and Airs. TV. ALcL'Dowie left on Thursday for Wellington, where they will spend the week-end, Airs. MeL’Dowie lea v inc early next week for Ghristehureh/'

Mrs. Robert son, Waugnimi. lias been staying for the past week with M-r. and Airs. Corderv. ’

Air. imd -Mis'. Cordory left yesterfl.-ty for .Wellington; Afrs'. Rolibrtsoik aeeon,i'panied t'-heni lis '-'-iar a 1? Waugiinui' <in Itr-'f-" iT'tiil'ii- iioirie.

t ‘ U'■ H-' • >£’• ■A'lf. ;lfrd Airs. Mfirr.'iy Pliedl itre spi'inl--r-rig' a'few'lL‘i';vs ,: )lr i'h<:'-'‘Eiifpif<‘- ; Uiiy.' ■ ' Aliss (Japhm eiifiTtained a Pew 'friemlkt: tea' oil Tiiesda v 'ailerilbon.' 1

Among others who left yesterday for Wellington in order to lie. present, at the Fourth Test. • to-day were Air.’and Mrs. C. G. Trotter and Dr. and Airs, -A. M. Young. 4

Nurse Aierrie, 'Alana.ia, is in hoi-.pit.-lI T;v Hawera', wliere 'she recently under-’ 'went a'’serious' o'fi’eratloii.' ;l '

Aliss Isohel Bilker, who has undergone air "Operation in a private hospital at New Plymouth, - is now well Oh the'way to her former health. -’ 'Sh'ft '--r'etuThefl home frb'tn New PPynTcin'tli' Ihst /week, a - nd' 'will' sobfi' be 'about agaiff? ' " ''' ,

'' On Wednesday ’afternoon ’Airs. 'Chalining Tonks was hostess' at- bridge iti honour of Aliss Gertrude Corry. There were two tables, the players being Aliss Corry. Mr<?. F. G. Treweek, Airs. Sut.ton. Airs. Bayley. Mrs. Scott, Mrs. R. G. B. Sinclair, Airs. Woodward and Airs. Tonks.

A very. enjoyable party was given recently in tiie Parish Hall, Manaia, the hostesses being Mrs. Ryan and Airs. C. A. Bourke. There were about' 100 gne?ts present and dancing was enjoyed u:iti! the early hours. The guests of hoi:onr were Aliss Billie Rees and Air. Alanrice • Bourke.

. The bridge circle of the Women'.? Club mot on Thursday evening for progressive bridge, when Aliss AloDonald won the honours. The attendance was not nearly up to usual, there being so many other attractions. - this week. Among those present were Airs. Scott. Mrs. Jobson, Airs. George Aleyrick, Airs. Stevens, Mrs. Guthrie, Airs. Dickie. Airs. Payne, and Aliss AlcDonald.

Airs. H. R. Kemp -entertained a f-ov friends at her home on Friday afternoon of last, -week, wheij among those present - were - Airs. Jiu-k Bayley, Mrs. H. Whitehead, Mrs. Dale,'-Mrs. L-.vsl.ib J. Bull, Airs. George Dunean, Aire. H. W. Swinburn, Airs. TV. AL Winks, and Airs. McWilliams. • The room and hall were fragrant with the scent of violets ami daphne. The hostess received her guests wearing a smart afternoon frock of black chcniile and georgette. ft ft_ "ft ft

The club evening of the members of the ivlount Egmont Alpine Club and their friends on Thursday evening was very well attended, and Air. L. L. White (Auckland) and Air. Young gave a very enjoyable screening of the moving pictures taken on the mountain and at Dawson Falls during the weekend of June 7, when members from the Taranaki Alpine Club, the Ruapehu Ski Club, and the Stratford Alountain Club were the local club’s guests. Other films of sporto on Ruapehu, the Southern Alps, and many interesting topics were thoroughly enjoyed. The club captain, Air. Syme, thanked Mr. White and Mr. ; . You ng, and • also Dr. Buist, -who loaned his apparatus, -amt Mr.- Zinsli; the operator. Gramophone music added to the pleasure of the evening and a generous and dainty supper brought the function to U Closer ■- "

Miss Dingle was • hostess at a very enjoyable bridge afternoon bn Friday, when she received her guests attired in a smart frock of blue figured ring velvet. Airs. Dingle’s frock was of black silk. Spring flowers adorned the room and gave • a delicate fragrance to it. I here -were four tables of bridge, among the players being Mrs. Charlie Bayley, Mrs.-F. W. Sutton, Aliss Caplen, Airs. Channing Tonks, Mrs. Scott, Mre. Bruce Joll, Airs. Hunter, Airs. R. G. Bp Sinclair, Mre. Evans, Mrs. Alorpeth, Mrs. W. J. Bright, Aliss McLean, Airs. -A. AL Young, Mrs. G. Frey berk, Aire. Woodward and Mrs. Dew Caplen. ‘

_ Now that the Hawera Amateur Operatic Society has decided not to stage a production this year, ‘-the Alnnicipal Band Committee has accepted Mrs. McBetji s offer to stage a revue. The revue will include many bright musical numbers,. dancing and comedy sketches, which Air. Fox brought out from Eng r land ■ recently, and With the support ■of the local amateurs should be highly .sueeefsfiil. ■ J ft ’ ft ■ - ft •' ' ‘ ft

Last' Saturday afternoon at Mrs. •Percy Coxy homo, “Glen Foyle,” Beach ■Road, Miss Corry was the guest of honour at a very jolly afternoon. Mesdaines Cox, Williams, C'aplen, Coleman, Woodward and Bayley being joint hostesses, tasteful and artistic decorations in the rooniis consisted of small bowls of the smaller spring Howers and vases of beautiful pink japonica- and tinted leaves. A competition, which was the centre of interest fora while, was won by Miss Corry, Mrs. Bright annexing the consolation gift. After a delightful afternoon tea, which was served in tho dining-room, came a. joyful surprise for the honoured guest, for a table was wheeled in Jaden with most beautiful wedding gifts, which wete opened amid many exclamations ’ of delight ’ and thanks by Miss Co'rry, who leaves .very soon, for ' South-. Africa, where she is to be married, Among those present were Miss Gertrude' Corry (navy 'blue 'frock and hat' to. tone), '''Mrs.' Percy '. pe ' uq . V £? or 8 eti 9 , W 'lace), Mrs) A-. 0/Williams fchefrygeorgette)’ Mrs. 'Dew Gaplen (blue/figured velvet), Mrs. Woodward (heliptirtipe' georgette'),, Mrs. Arthur Coleman (black and'gold frock)’ Mrs. Charlie Bayley (black frock), Mrs. Dale,-Mi's. C. *J. Hawlteri. Mrs. Arlidgej Mrs?. Channing'Tonks, Mrs) Scott, Mrs, 'Duck Wth';’’Mrs. F; W." Sutton, 'Mrs.

Dingle and Miss Dingle, Aire. Charlie Goodson and Miss Geraldine Goodsoh, Mrs. C. G. Trotter, Airs. A. M. Young, Airs?'-.Greaves (Wliemlakura), Airs. W. J. Bright,; Mrs. Bruce Joll, Airs. IT. R. Kemp, Airs. Jack Bayley, Airs. W. A. d’Calkighan, ,Alra.', Powdrell, Airs. Merp•dith,'.'. Aliss - .Barbara affd Miss Alurivl Corry, AlisT - Cleon, Aliss McLean, Miss Evil Burgess, Alics Molly Page and Aliks Alison Good. '’ '

. The'play-reading circle of the Ha worn .W-mien’s (Hub met on Alouday evening, when (he ehoseft work, Frank Vesper's play, ‘‘Alaider on the. Second Floor,” was dona exceptionally well. The play is a real Thriller —without horror, which adiL (o its. charm--and was thorniiglilj' enjoyed by readers and audience alike. The characters were taken ns fallows: Hugh Bromilow, Mrs. Clem Trotter; Lucy Timson, Aliss Betty Ryan; Sylvia Armitage, Mrs. Bruce Joll; Joseph Reynold-.?, Miss Capleii; Airs. Armitage, Airs, Powdrell; Aliss Snell, Miss Connie Reilly; Mr. Armitage, Mrs. Woodward; Jam Singh, Airs; 0. H. Wood; police-con-stable Rogers, Aliss Hunter; the inspector, Mrs. W r . -I. Bright, Among others present were Mrs. Collins, Mrs. R. G. I>. Sinclair. Airs. Ve’ale, Alrq. G. 11. Ryan, Airs. -John Houston, Airs. Alorpeth. .Mrs. IL Leece, Airs. Ale William, Airs. Hall, Airs. Cliuck, Miss Ryan, Aliss May Burges's, Miss' Riith Pease, Misi? M. Al{:Cor'fi'i'ic.k. '■ Aliss W.- ,- HiigiHns r "Misi?.' Mc-Lea-n; thm. Misses ‘ Buchanan (2),- '-:ind •AlisS"E-t'hel Afurdocli. - -: =-

Among, those rnembe - rs of the Aft. -Lgniont Alpine Club who made the very enjoyable trip to North Egfiiont hou-ie. as tiie guests of the Taranaki Alpine Club during last week-end : were: ,Aliss Dolly Aleyri.i-k, Aliss Betty Ryan, Miss Duff, Aliss E.velyix Buist, Airs. T. ,Mc■Kenzie, Aliss Bheila-Lovell, ■ Alii?s Jessie Alexander ('Waverley), Miss Anne Page, Miss Jtowe (Mana.ia), Miss MacLeod, Aliss Barbara Rawson, ATrss -f Winifred Huggins, Aliss Dorothy Clement, Alkss Nicholson, Aliss Ina, Ha.ybittle, Aliss Carliss (Stratford), Aliss; Jones (Strat-■-f'ord); Misw Margaret King . (Eltham), "and Al.isS Erl'feir •Smii-li '(E’ltlian!)'?? ’ ' OLD PUPILS' REUNION': BALL.- ; At the Winter Show Hall -on Wednesday evening last the Hawera, High School Old - Gi'r'lk’ and Old "Boys' Assdciations hold tlicir eighth an infill ’ reunion bal-T, and though■ their previous functions have always attracted a large attendance, including visitors from fur afield, Wednesday evening was by fiir their crowning effort, there being nearly 400 in attendance.'- It was one' bf th,e most successful functions of its kind held in 'Hawera' during the/past year; The personnel -W* the eommittee was Aliss Alaisie Campbell and Mr. J. Mathieson (joint secretaries), Aliss Betty Stevens, Aliss. Kathleen Brown, Alias Joyce Crompton, Aliss Afargery Brown, Aliss Sadie Evans, Aliss W'innic Johnston, Alessrs Alf. Walker, Les. Walker, Ray Lendrnm, Jack Chee vers and George AlcGlaislian. Messrs R. Lendrum and J. Alathieson were the masters of ceremonies. ‘ A’isiting old pupils, were.present, frorii all parts of Taraniiki, .‘and'from' Wavcrley, Wanganui ami.Palmerston North. A deliirht supper ' was served, Airs. T. 'C. /Hobbs,' ' wirh?’ .Mrs. Harding, Aire. Beamish ami'A.l’rs...Lc'Udpi'iin, gavy .yal’ff'd assistance, . "j., i The (scheme of decorations! ~s>'<jl of bamboo ami festoons- of 'slri-iib .grednj--leiy i in 'the lower ' entrance 'hall, ‘Vvlidre there' wore edmfbftable Lete-J-tete Corners. The dual. stairways to the’dancing hall were baunistered' with tall greens and high oii the' ceiling crossbeams and round the walls of the hall were vari-eoloured draping? of, bunting, with rows of hanging aspariigih? ferns fitting in the scheme alternating with ornately shaded lights. AJcNeill’s Novelty Band supplied the dance music. Enjoyable extras were played by Aliss Mabel Guy (Matapu), Aliss Matoe and Mr. Guy. The chaperone* were Airs. A. Gray, Aire. J. W. Harding, Mrs., T. C.'Hobbs, Mrs. Len- I drum and Mre. Beamish. ! Among those present were: Mrs. Gray (grey frock), Mrs. Harding (blue frock), Airs. T. C. Hobbs (black silk), Airs. Beamish (pale green mouseline), Airs. Lendrum (black georgette and silver beading), Mrs. J. Fraser. : (minio«a georgette), Airs. Harold Wills, .Mrs. 11.

H. Bramwell (turquoise blue. net, appliqued. with pink rose sprays, and matching lame coatee)> Mrs.. Arthur Betts, Okaiaw.a (ivory, georgette and silk lace, witli peaked .hemjine)., Airs. Giblin (Alary-blue satin,'and georgette), Airs. T. F. AlcKenzie, (sloe, finished blaek ,silk, lace,, pansy, trimmed,

with lace coatee), Mis, A.. Cairncross (daffodil yellow satin), Airs. W- ■ VV. A'lundy (ivory satin and silver lace, made on long lines), Airs. Erie. Thompson (pale green georgette and floral tinsel bodice), Aliss Doris Lawn. (saxe blue frock), Miss Ina Beamish (dawn pink satin and frilled silk net skirt), Miss Ngaire Zellman (pastel green brocade), Aliss Betty Ryan, (pale pink silk lace with pink and blue taffetas bow), Aliss Eva Horsburgh (flame .satin and net, with matching shoes), Aliss Eileen Tulloch (georgette frock with uneven hemline in dark floral design), Aiure.lna llaybittlc (floral frock, with smart rose shaded Haired flounce), Aliss Sylvia Arnott (floral ninon), Miss Barbara Raw-

son' (bud green silk lace), Miss Myra Powdrell (black fitting taffetas trimmed with appliqued posies and finished with ruchings), .Mis»s Evelyn BuLst (pale green frock, made on long fitting lines)’, Mies Jean Brough, Miss Zclda Spragg (lime green satin and lace), Miss Norah Steffcrt, Taumarunui (snow -white satin arid frilled georgette, diamante, trimmed), Miss Cora Thurston (white satin and . frilled net, with multi-coloured spray), ’Gladßawcliffe (black georgette), Miss Betty Petersen, Paten (lettuce green frilled georgette and tinsel, matching lace coatee), Miss M. Volsk© (black taffetas)) Miss Audrey Nicholas (pale pink frilled georgette and silver), Miss Margery Brown (salmon satin and net), Mies Maisie Campbell (Rosemary blue- floral taffetas), Miss Kathleen Brown (floral georgette with apple green flaire), Miss Joan Catchpole (hyacinth blue georgette with pale pink spray), Miss Betty Stevens (two-toned pale and cyclamen pink georgette made on long fitting linen), Miss S. Evans (primrose mouseline de soic and net); Miss Monica Evans (floral ninon in a sky blue tone?, .Miss Myra Kearns (rust red cclanese richly embroidered), Miss Ethel Murdoch (aquamarine flower designed flounced taffetas), Miss Mavis Guy (white frilled, georgette), •' Miss Chloe Goodwill, (emerald satin), Miss Gladys Lay.' (powder blije crepe de chino and silver' lace), Miss Eileen Cameron (ivory satin), Miss Patterson, Ell-ham (white satin and diamante), Miss .Pea-: cock) Eltham' (white satin and geor.-. gette), Miss I. Bonnot (white georgette frock), Miss Molly McLean (lemon .flounced taffetas), Miss Alma Conway (black sequinned fitting bodice and tulle, fikirt),' TRhke «iW r Barbara.--.yr' (pale'

lor .(black), Aliss Nellie Davis (miniosa silk lace), Aliss ■■ Dora’Laiisdowfi (ijUize floral frock)';'; AHss. Aloiia pbMond lazuli blue celanese),; Miss 'Jean; (white'satin and georgette'-.'with crimson shoes and spray), Aliss Lily'-Worrall (tango monselinejj' -Miss Pat Waijfds Aliss AlcAlillan (jade greeii (flame celaiiese satin), Aliss Frahcie Taylor (pale green floral frock), Miss Connie Campbell (flame coloured frock), Miss Ngaire Whyte (jonquil yeilp’.v;'celauese fashionably cut), Aliss' Duff (cherry and silver embossed.frock); Aliss 'Margaret Woolliams . (saxe blue), Miss Alary Thompson (powder pink silk lace), Alisk Bullock .(.black frilled - '-taffetas), Aliss Trixie Lhrnb (coral pink Ah-tin-'find

spotted 'net, .with. silver jcpa-tee), f Miss Ellice Smith -''(nianve satin), : sl?sb -Valerie Fama (black satin), Mish Nancy Campbell (black .panne velvet), ; ,Miss . Thelma Jones,.Manaia ..(palo-gre.en-.ea,tin a.ud -noth Misa..Violet, jjeat.h..(yalQ'. blue frilled , georgette-),. Miss.-:Dhyßi? •Death, Miss ..8>..-Arnott.sStratford,-.(.black -lace), Mies Lindsay Brown,' Miss Batchelor. (cherry georgette), Miss ‘‘Frances Murray, (electric green satin and ■lact> -in gold), Miss Kathleen-Mickey''(pb-Stel green.satin), Muss Alison Old {'tangerine satin),- Miss' Merle-Houston’; Miss'JesMo Joyce, Okaiawa (embossed, .'fj'p'ck. - ’in blue and primrose), 'Miss' Ildrdiiig,' Miss Sheila Seaver (erOarn satinj;'Miss',DbrTie King (rose' patterned, joflgjiiryelibw ■ee'lanese with dark strappings), (i i'£is3 Molly '.l'hnrston (black' satin and. (georgette),'Miss "Margery 'Murray '(bl\(p, ;sel'ahese and net), Miss E., Muir-. .(black lace)/'Mws I. (blue celariesiy.and. niiion), Miss !>., South, Palmerston North (ivory .georgette), Mias. R. Mickelson, Eltharir (ivory satin), Miss JR. Crawford, Okaiawa (pale blue georgette- and stiver lace),- Miss M. Barr (mist blue georgette)., Miss -Mavis Tapp -(powder, Miss .E. Hardley ■••• (shaded, pink taffetas), Miss Gertie .Rothery, Manaia (snow white frilled georgette), Miss Claire Rothery, Manaia (powder pink floral ninon), Miss Margaret Dick, Manaia (hunting red georgette.); Aliss Gwen Young (orange ceianese...and. shaded fringe), Miss Audrey.. Rette): Okaiawa., Miss Linda ~'P‘utt, OtakgKcr' (lejiioii-': taffetas), Miss’ Mavis Nie.hbla.s; .((daffodil yellow with niitehiiig.', Miss Joyce Nicholas .(pink m aw.-.(ilind de soie with coatee to tone),'.Miss.Moreen Claphani (pale green satiii.)/. 1 Miss Marjorie Benton. Auroa (forest green chenille), Miss Tessie Riley, Pihatna (black taffetas), Miss M. Glengarry, Oeo (black satin), Mis<s Li). Woodhead (blue Celanese), Miso Kathleen Knight-, Okaiawa' (canary yellow satin), -Miss -Iris Ritter (floral frock), Miss Vai. Healey (black fiatin), Miss. Pat Healey (j)ale blue crepe de chine), Miss Edna .McBeth (pastel toned satin), Mise Rita Mcßeth, Miss Edna Balmer (black georgette and-lace)’, Miss Freda,-Finlayson, Patea (canary satin and net), Miss .'Ella Smith, Miss Ona Adams, Patea; Miss Ruby' Harris, Patea (white laco ’ with touches of scarlet),' Muss Eileen Toy (primrose satin), Miss Mabel Guy, l M a ” tapu (Mary blue frock), Miss M. Julian (blue brocade and georgette), Miss Phyllis Swan (black satin), Miss G. Lees, Okaiawa, • (apple green satin and georgette)., > Miss Christina Milne,,.(lemon ,floral..taffetas),. Miss Rita Milne (black lace), Miss .Santina .Harrington; l (black georgette with opalescent; beaded bodice)., Mi& Shepherd (deep salmon .georgette),. Miss.. Eay, Moffittv?Wanganni .(.bJapk ring velvet ;t'(w(hionably cut);.. j .:-L‘ ‘ i

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Taranaki Daily News, 9 August 1930, Page 6 (Supplement)

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HAWERA ITEMS Taranaki Daily News, 9 August 1930, Page 6 (Supplement)

HAWERA ITEMS Taranaki Daily News, 9 August 1930, Page 6 (Supplement)