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Mrs. D. K. Morrison has returned from Palmerston North. =s»" ’ * # -* Mrs. P. E. Stain toil left yesterday on « visit to Wellington. # » * Mrs. F. M. Gerrand, who has been visiting •New Plymouth, returned to Hawera on Thursday. » # * • ' Mrs. J. L. Haselden paid a -short visit to New Plymouth last' ’ week-end. and returned to Wellington on Tuesday; # * Miss Nancy Hall left New Plymouth on Tuesday for a vacation in Wellington. Miss M..Peake. who has been the guest , of: Miss P- Lyall. Ftizroy, returned to Cambridge last Wednesday. ■;• ■ ’ # ■ ■ ■: .* * Miss Betty Hawkins, left on Thursday morning on a visit to' Wellington.’ ft * * * Mrs. Kirk and Miss Kirk who have been the guests of Mrs. Pascoe returned to Levin on Thursday morning. .#. .#. * •: ■* - - J Miss Margaret McNab, St. John’s Hill, Wanganui, is visiting New Plymouth. * # * ... * Miss Mavis Pascoe returned to Wellington on Wednesday. Mrs. B. Crompton Smith, Havelock North, is the guest, of Miss’Percy Smith. »'w * * Mr. and Mrs. R. C. MacFarlane, Gladstone Road, are visiting New Plymouth. ■ * * Miss.J. B. Wilson, head mistress of the* Waitaki Girls’ High School, has spent a wonderful'month on the Continent, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy; She has now’ left for New Zealand. ' The Misses James, Wanganui, are the guests of Mrs. Pascoe. * . * .* Miss 0. Leatham was hostess at a musical evening for Mrs. Bloxam, Featherston, on Monday evening. #.* * * Mrs..J. C. Nicholson returned from a motor tour on Wednesday. Miss Ngaere Hesketh returned to luekland on Tuesday. # * ■ # . . * Mrs. R. H. Quilliam has returned from Mercury Bay. ....

Miss Al. Alleman entertained at bridge on Monday evening. ft. 2 ft . * * Mrs. Eliot. King left yesterday to camp at Pukearuhe. ft o Miss Mary Ewart left yesterday to take up a position at the meteorological Department, Wellington. # ft * * Mrs. K. Roskruge was hostess at an afternoon for Mrs. Bloxani on Wednesday* , . < # * ' * * Mrs. T. Simpson, Auckland, is . guest of her sister, Miss C. Lcatham. • ft ft * * . Misses Weston, Allen, Eberlet, Hine, Menhouse, Beattie, Croucher and Brodie are spending the week-end at the Old Mountain House. . . '** ' # * Miss D. Bedford, Miss S.,Carthew and Miss E. .Dempsey are staying in a cottage in Beach Street. >s ■ ■ ft * * Miss Al. Wilson, Auckland, is the guest of Mrs, F. S. Johns. ft ■ .ft , ■■ * * ' . Miss Eaumont, who has been staying in New Plymouth, returns to Nelson on Monday. , * ... * ... * * • Mrs. Al. Hooper, Miss E. Hooper (Gisborne) and Miss C. Wood (Papakura) camped in New .Plymouth for. a few days this week. •• < . a * ■ * * ' Miss E. McKenzie; Wellington and Miss Hewlett, Auckland, are the guests of Mrs. Hamilton. •' ’ > >» ft * * . Miss Joan Atkinson, England, is the guest of Mrs. Rex Brewster. # ft * . * • Mrs. Austin Bewley has returned from her holiday in Auckland. ft * . ft, * Miss Alolly Heard has returned t« Auckland. ’ ' . * ft # Miss AJ. llamcrton, Inglewood, has taken up her residence in New Plymouth. # * ft ft Misses I. and ,11. McMillian have left on a visit to Wellington. ft , ’ * * \ft .Mrs. Grant lias returned from Ekctahiiua. .. • - : j *' * ■ ' *;■ Mrs. McNab (Wanganui) is the guest of Mrs. Warnock. ; ft . * ft ,* Miss Ethel Grant has returned from a motor trip to Taupo and Rotorua, ft ft . ft ft . Mrs. G. Home has left oh a trip to the Marlborough Sounds. # ft * ~ * Miss Irene Hirst (Wellington) is Bpending a short visit in New Plymouth as the guest of her mother, Mrs. T. G. >Jirst. ft it • * * Mrs. Hugh Ale William, who has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. Winlidd, returned to Hawera on Monday. # # # * Airs. Brewster left on Monday on a visit to Rotorua. it * * * Mrs. Osborne Horner, Patoa, is camping at the Belt Road camping ground. * ft ft . ft Ms. (,'. A. 'Wilkinson is spending a rhort visit in Auckland. ft st ft ft Visitors to the New Zealand House in London in December included Aliss Gladys Menzies, of New Plymouth. She Jiad previously been to South Africa

Mis. C. IT. Walker, .of Makirikiri, Wanganui, visited New Plymouth during the week to attend the wedding »! her nepbew, Mr.. E. J. Kirk. • *

Mr. and Mrs. T..P. IJugkson and family, of Opunake, ’are •»< a 'fortniglffs visit to Kawhia. ft * ft * Mrs. J. ITai.'ey, who has been visiting Ngamotu, New Plymouth, has returned to Auckland. # * . ft * Mrs. T. B. McLean, of Wanganui, and Miss McLean, of New Plymouth, are visiters to .Auckland, ■ft .• ■; •ft ft * Miss Margaret Butler, the well-known New Zetland sculptor, fromerly of Wellington, is once more in Paris, and has lately completed a portrait bust of the son of the Marches! di Chanay. For the third year in succession Miss Butler has been invited to exhibit in the .Salon desTuileries. . \ ft ft ft .ft Good headway hae been, made by Dr. Una L. Fielding, of New South Wales, who went to England several years ago and rained a post as lecturer at the London College. She has now been loaned as lecturer in charge of tho department of histrology and neurology at the U.S.A. University at Beirut, in Syria. ft * •" ft ’ "ft ‘ Mrs. Jean Devanney, the New Zealand 'writer now residing in Sydney, has recently been elected to the Australian Fellowship of Australian Writers. Mrs. Devanney has just returned to Sydney after spending several weeks at Bourke, where she went for the purpose of getting local colour for the new book which she proposes to write. . T ■ ft ft ft *

By the death of Mrs. Ann Maria •Roiftley, the wife of the late Mr. William Routley, and the mother of the Mayor, i Mr. John . Rontljy, Pukekiohe has-lost another of its early pioneers. Born near Camolford, Cornwall, England, 85 years ago, Mrs. Routley was a daughter of the late Mr? John Bawdeii Roose, one of the little band of settlers who defended the Piikekohe East Church against the’ Maoris on September 14, 18(13. - She. came to New Zealand with her father, two brothers and a sister, by the sailing ship Excelsior, arriving on March 12, 1859. She was present at the opening of both the Puke.kohe East nad? Ra inafa m’a ’ Presbyterian Churches prior to the commencement of the Waikato Maori War. Later she was compelled to take refuge from the Maoris, and was one of those who found temporary’ housing in the old Presbyterian Church at Drury, afterward burnt down.

Included amongst recent gueste at the North Egmont hostelry were Mrs. McLean and Miss McCarthy (Auckland), i Mrs. F.' lS; Veale (Hamilton), Miss J. Veale (Tamaliere), Miss B. Crowther (Cambridge), Mr. D’Arcy Jackson "(New Plymouth), Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. B. Fisher (Dunedin), T. ?. Wright (Wanganui), Misses E. P. Wright and M. Larham (Wanganui), Miss M. A. Shand (Wellington), Mr,. H, C. Andrews (Wellington), Miss M, White; (Wellington), Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kira (Wanganui), Mrs. Childerstone (New Plymouth), Miss M. Eehnillbachii '(East Orange, New Jersey, U.S.A.), and Miss W. Whitelaw (Auckland).

A very enjoyable dance organised by Mr. Ken Tompkins for the visiting tennis players at the recent Taranaki tournament was held at the North Egmont hostelry la«.t Saturday night. Several of’the visitors stayed the night at the hostelry and left on Sunday for their respective homes. ijf fl fl * Miss Mary T. Crawshaw is visiting Hamilton and Auckland, where she will attend the music teachers’ conference. She is the guest.o.f Mrs. C. Barrell. fl fl ' ‘ fl .Miss R. Benson, Brooklyn, Wellington, -has been visiting New Plymouth and Awakino. # * fl ,fl Miss Eileen Tippins, who has been the guest of M>'fl. McNair-Millar,. Masterton, has returned to Kaimata. a • # * * ■’ Mrs; -"'Bonltoh, New Plymouth, ” isspending a holiday in Cambridge. % A t #' ■ ■. fl Miss Edna Higgic (Wanganui) is the guest of Mr-. E. L. Humphries at Ngamotu. .. .. ■ * * * * Misfi A. Drake has returned to Hamilton from a 'holiday spent at New Plymouth and JTawera. ' Mfes Bcbe Judge, of Auckland, and Miss Thelma Judge, of»Hamilton, have returned from- spending a iortnight’s holiday in New Plymouth. ' * ' x ■ * * * • Mns. J. Harley,.who lias been visiting Ngajnotn, New Plymouth, has returned to Auckland. ... Mrs. T. H. McLean, of .Wanganui, and Miss McLean, of New Plymouth, are in Auckland to farewell Mist, D. McLean, of T'imaru, who is leaving New Zealand for a holiday in England and Egypt. .** * * Mrs.-Wyvern • Moore .has returned, to Wanganui from a vieit to Hastings and New Plymouth, — • ■’» ■ ' fl * Mrs. R. H. George is visiting Am-k---land, * — =* # * yiiss Dillon Jenkins, Rcmnera, is a guest of Mrs. R. M. Monteatli. « fl fl . * Mrs. Percy Fredric left this week for a motor tour of Coromandel district and Auckland. During her stay in Auckland she will attend the lectures on music by Dr. Mailman Lee of the Royal Academy. •* * * * Lady Waterlow. London's new Lady Mayoress, recently arranged for 12 Scottish- Usher girls to take part in a procession held last month. Wearing their picturesque.dress with full pleated skirt and Deli creel hung round their shoulders, the girls were given a place of honour in the' procession. x.ady Waterlow,. who was born in Edinburgh, has a great admiration for thie fisher girl«, end they remained hvi-'-giiTs-tS 'While in London. ■ • '' 1 ■ ' i ; t; -‘

ENGAGEMENTS. The engagement is announced of Jessie Isabel, eldest daughter or Mr. and Mrs. A. McKay, of Motunui, Waitara, to Ronald Llewelyn (‘•Tubby"), of Motunui, third son of the Rev. and Mrs. Morgan Powell, Stoke Hill House, Limpley Stoke, Bath, England. # * .. * * An engagement of New Zealand interest just announced is that between .Mr. W. L. Rolleston, R.E., only son of the late Mr.. G. H. E. Rolleston and Mrs. Rolleston, C.8.E., grandson of Sir Francis and Lady Dillon Bell, and Audrey Joyce, elder daughter of the late Mr. P. C. Upton, and Mrs. Upton, of Manor. Road, -Folkestone. • # =» * * The engagement of Lieutenant Philip Reginald Besley, R.N., s’on of the Rev. W; P. Besley;-of Stanmore, Middlesex, is annuncedf His father is rector of the famous city church of St. Lawrence Jewry. Mr. Besley’s fiancee is Mavis, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hine, of Johannesburg, South Africa. The Rev. W. P. Besley . is an honorary priest to the King. He was sub-dean of St. Paul’s from 1914 to 1920. In the early ’nineties he was an assistant master at Wanganui Collegiate School and then at- HchetaUnga School, Hastings. * * ■ * . # ’ The engagement is announced of Beryl Jean, only daughter of Mr. and Mr«. G. H. Taylor, New Plymouth, to James Gordon, only son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Robertson, Wellington. >(■ # ' ■ * * The engagement is announced of Mona, eldest daughter of Mr ; and Mrs. G McKenzie, Waitara, to Norman, second son of Mr, R. Ch'ileott, Frankton Junction. • * * * The engagement is announced of Alice Marjorie, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bayly, Omata, New Plymouth, to Kenneth Thomas Robert, only son of Mr, and Mrs. G. H. Taylor, New Plymouth. # ■ - # * ' The engagement is announced of Vi, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ted Kennedy, Island Bay, Wellington, to Murray Raymond, third son of Mr. H. Peterson, New Plymouth. # * * * The engagement is announced of Phyllis, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Emeny, Douglas, to Charles William, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ansford, Thames. i . TENNIS DANCE. The viMting tennis players were entertained by the committee at a dance last week held in the Kawaroa Park Bungalow. Amongst‘those present were Miss M. Andrew, floral georgette; Miss D. Scott, black georgette with silver ,’ eads; Miss Greatbateh, pale blue crepe-de-chine; Miss .M. Fpokes, red velvet with satin skirt; Miss J. Stewart, white lace and tulle; Miss L. Ballantyne, rose taffeta; Miss C. Moyes, floral georgette; Miss Pownall, green figured georgette; Miss .o,' Zeisler, pink velvet with pink net skirt; Miss Read, figured georgette with coat of gold tissue; Miss Sanderson, pale green georgette; Miss Cameron, green chenille velvet; Miss Latham, pale blue crepe-de-chine; Mrs. ■Wright, black georgette with lace. Mr. Charlie Stephenson was master of ceremonies. : NOVELTY GIFT EVENING. - A very pleasant novelty gift, evening, was tendered Misb Sylvia Cooke in the. Oka to hall last Saturday evening; in honour of her approaching marriage, by her.annt, Mrs. L. Carey.. With dancing and games for the young people, cards for the older set, and some interesting' competitions for all time passed all too quickly;- Mr. Wray Styles was master of ceremonies, while Miss K, Gobdiiy dispensed excellent music at the piano.' After supper the many and beautiful «rifts were presented to the bride elect on behalf of all present by Mr. J. Garcia. Mr. -Claude Green briefly replied.' The young couple were given enthusiastic musical honours. Dancing was: resumed and kept up tifi near-midnight'..

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Taranaki Daily News, 18 January 1930, Page 6 (Supplement)

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NEW PLYMOUTH SOCIAL Taranaki Daily News, 18 January 1930, Page 6 (Supplement)

NEW PLYMOUTH SOCIAL Taranaki Daily News, 18 January 1930, Page 6 (Supplement)