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OKAIAWA. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I am sorry to have tc record the death of Mrs. Tiplady, who. passed away at her residence at Okaiawa on September 11. As Mr*>. Tiplady had been ill for some time her death was not unexpected. She had resided in Okaiawa for many yvar«, and will be greatly missed, as she was always a very willing helper in anything foi the good of the district. Tlw funeral, which took place on Saturday afternoon, was largely attended, old friends corning from far and near to pay their last reapectu and to show their sympathy with the family, while many wreathfl were placed on the grave. The following acted as pull-bearers: Messrs. C. Murdoch, E. Mortimer, T. Christiansen, R. Penny, J. Johnson and IP. Bremer. On September 11 the local cricket club gave a concert in the hall, and an excellent programme was put on by a Stratford party. .Alter the concert was over dancing was commenced ami kept up till the early hours of the morning. Last year oUr local cricket club won the shield in this division, and they will again attempt to win it this coming season, although some of their good players have moved from the district. Mr. C. Bowmail, who has been on a visit to this district, has returned to his home north of Auckland. OKATO. (From Our Own Cor.resjK>ndent.) A “house warmer” was held in the new bungalow of Mr. Dan. Brophy’s on Saturday, the 13th hist. A very laige crowd gathered to enjoy themselves by singing, dancing, etc. A few “lucky calculations” were drawn during the evening in aid of the 'Tui candidate. A very pleas Ant evening in aid of the “Tui” candidate was spent at the residence of Mrs. H. Coleman, Oxford Road, on Monday night. Numerous games, which were a unique novelty, were thoroughly enjoyed. The evening’s fun terminated with a dainty supper. A very pleasant bridge party was held in the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. Street on Wednesday evening in aid of the “Beach” candidate. The “Dusky Entertainers” were greeted by a big house at Wa.rea on Wednesday night. The items were well received. This entertainment is in aid of the “Maori” candidate.

The Ragtime Five, assisted by the Tui Mirth Makers, showed to a good house on Thursday night. The famous Ragtime Five are very popular here, and each item was loudly encored. The comedy sketch by the Tui Mirth Makers was a great success. Mrs. H. Coleman was the “star” artist, and was well supported by the following company: Misses K. arid W. Woolridge, Misses E. and V. Corbett, and Mrs. Brennan. Our popular comedian, Mr. W. E. Willis (encored) and Mr. C. Cocksedge (encored) both sang enjoyable songs. A splendid item was the vocal duet by Masters Noel and Denis Coleman. An enjoyable dance was held afterwards.

WAI-TOI-TOI—URENUL (iFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Although the Urenui Football Club’s first jurior fifteen were unable to reach the final stage in the junior championship for Taranaki, yet in being only beaten (after a draw on the first occasion) by 3 points to nil by Stratford, the ultimate winners of the competition, they have every reason to feel proud of their good showing. Now that the season is practically closed, as far as this district is concerned, at any rate, a short record of the team’s performances in the competition fixtures may prove of interest: Against Clifton, drawn, 3 to 3; v. Star, won. 6 to 3; v. Old Boys, won, 21 to 3; v. Clifton, won, 9 to nil: v. Star, drawn, 8 to 8; v. Lepperton, drawn, 3 to 3; v. Lepperton, drawn, no score; v. Lepperton, won, 3 to nil; v. Rahotu, won, 8 to 6; v. Stratford, drawn, 3 to 3; v. Stratford (final), lost. 3 to nil. The total points scored were 74, those against being 3'2. I When it is taken into consideration the long distances a number of the team had to travel, even wfhen they had a home game, it speaks well for their enthusiasm in seeing the competition through without forfeiting any of their engagements. As mentioned on a former occasion, the club are undoubtedly indebted to the erstwhile “All Black.” Mr. C. Brown, for the keen interest displayed by that gentleman in the form of the team, which was in a great measure due to his instruction and advice. This is the second occasion on which the boys have been “knocking at • t he door,” and it is to lie hoped that on the third time of asking they will be successful in securing the coveted championship. It is understood a function will be held in the near future to wind up the season, when the medals donated by Mrs. J. Rockett and Mr. V. Tate will be presented. Tlie I'renui Maori pah was again the scene of a large gathering on Monday evening last, when the third euchre party of the series in ; of funds for the new meeting house was held. There were some sixteen tables in play, and the close finishes caused considerable interest in the proceedings, the handsome prizes being well worth winning. Amongst the ladies, Mrs. Edwin White (Dukearuhe) was first. Mrs. J. Rocketi being second, each lady being presented with beautifully plaited Maori mats After tieing with Mr. J. Thompson (Wai-toi-toi), Mr. T. White curried off the silk shirt donated by Mr. S. Latward, the former player receiving a wall kit made of muku as second prize. The points prize was very closely contested, three, players. Mesdamcs E. White (’Urenui) ami Mari and Mr. IF. Roberts, being equal, the play-off resulting in a win for the former, who thus secured the splendid piu-piu, which constituted the prize. A guessing competition for a mantle drape—another fine specimen of Native workmanship—was won by Mr. McCracken. After supper, dancing took place, the mufiic being supplied by Messrs. Rikihana (2), extras being contributed by Messrs. B.rcdow and S. Moody. The M.C.’s were Messrs. S. Johnson and O.Skelton, who carried out their duties admirably. It is estimated the takings were some-

where in the vicinity of £l5. The committee are to be complimented upon the admirable manner in which the functions are being conducted, which is evidently appreciated by the public, as shown by the increased attendance.

Considerable interest was taken by hockey enthusiasts in the match on the recreation ground on Saturday last between the newly-formed Okoke Club and the Urenui ladies. Considering it was their initial effort the visitors are to be complimented on their excellent allowing against the strong team opposed to them. The coaching of Miss May Weston is evidently bearing good •result. Mr. Roy Fitzgerald capably controlled the game, and when the final whistle sounded the score stood at 4 goals to 2in favour of Urenui. A return match lias been arranged to take place at Okoke to-day (September 20), when a keen contest is anticipated. Mies Blackie, drill instructress under the Taranaki Education Board, paid a visit to the various schools in this district during the past week, and the pupils were given a useful course of instruction in this important branch of their training. Mention has already been made of the highly successful ball given by the young men of Uruti last week, and the following list of a number of the very handsome dresses worn has been handed to me by a lady correspondent;— Miss Per-rott, apricot crepe de ehene, relieved with chiffon; Miss Rea, blue crepe de ehene; Mrs. Rea, navy blue: Mrs. Marshal], grey brocaded silk: Mrs. Schwillers, black silk: Mrs. Jones, white gorgette: Miss Dempster, black eharmeuse; Miss C’rotty, black velvet georgette; Miss Alpe, pale pink radium lace; Miss Thompson, egg-shell blue crepe de ehene; Miss Shadbolt, brown brocaded sdlk; Nurse Cook, brown georgette beaded in black; Mrs. Radcliffe, nigger jersey silk; Miss Mona Agate, powder blue organdy; Mrs. G. Oxenham,

- •xe blue with oriental trimmings; Miss Cartwright, jade green silk; Mrs. Jas. Jizhnson, pale pink crepe suede; Miss Larsen, pale blue, relieved with silver; Mrs. Sontheott, cream charmeuse with pearl trimmings: Miss K. Oxenham,, black velvet georgette; Miss M. Oxenham, apricot crepe de ehene; Miss Mary Oxenham, rose pink crepe de ehene; Mrs. J. Spurr, black satin, bugle bead trimming; Mrs. Anderson, blue with Hold and silver stripes and trimmings; Miss Agate, amber and white shot amure; Mrs. Butt, black charmeuse and radium lace; Miss N. Hutchins, shell pink satin relieved with silver: Mrs. Townley, peacock blue crepe de ehene with, russet brown radium lace; Mrs. A. Mai key, blue silk marocain; Mrs. Joe Johnston, cream silk; Miss Johnston, black silk with net sleeves; Miss Edie Br ker, pink sal in de luxe. ‘For the month of August the Wai-toi-toi Dairy Company are disbursing to suppliers of cream Is 5d per lb of butter-fat, and to those of milk Is 3d per lb .of butter fat supplied during that period. Local sportsmen were pleased to see the erstwhile Urenui trainer, Mr. Bert, Russell, score a win at Wanganui with Siaosi, who gives promise of being even better than Civility. On the 25t'h inst. the territorials in this district will hold their annual ball in the Urenui hall. and. judging by the energetic manner in which the officials are worktop tixe went ue no

w'hit less successful than those held on former occasions. An efficient orchestra has been engaged, and the supper will be par excellence, so that all. that is required is a fine evening to ensure a large number of visitors being present from all portions of the district, as well as New Plymouth and other centres.

At a meeting of the executive of the Urenui branch of the • Farmers’ Union on Wednesday evening last, it was reported that arrangement's had been completed for securing the necessary outfit in connection with the hero testing association, and that a test would be taken during the present month. The question of discontinuing the monthly meetings during the busy •season was discussed, and it was agreed that it be left in the hands of the secretary and chairman to call a meeting of the branch when the necessity arose. During the past few months the ordinary meetings have been fairly well attended and the lectures given by Messrs. Maxwell and Deem were most successful. 'Hie herd testing association lias also been inaugurated through the efforts of the branch, and it is hoped that next, winter other miatters of interest to the district will be brought up and discussed, and arrangements made for addresses from various experts. Excellent prices -were realised at the Urenui sale on Monday last for beef lines, up to £2o' being secured for a line of prime fat bullocks, whilst fat cows also brought good prices. Weaner and store pigs are exceedingly “hot stuff” just at present, and are sold at figures decidedly in favour of . the breeder.

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Taranaki Daily News, 20 September 1924, Page 9

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DISTRICT NEWS. Taranaki Daily News, 20 September 1924, Page 9

DISTRICT NEWS. Taranaki Daily News, 20 September 1924, Page 9