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The following amounts were paid out yesterday by dairy factories:—Loivgarth £503, Cardiff £520, Ngaere £750. Common jurors summoned to appear at tin- Supreme Court on Mondav, are notified that their attendance will not be required. As the outcome of the dispute ' elwccn the suppliers and retailers of milk, n project is on foot to form a cor.inativc company among dairymen io e.'i'.plv the city of Auckland. A 75-year-old Spanish pensioner, Euscbio (Jutierrez, by living f or a „iontli solely on olives, won a wager of £4O. A third of this sum lie wilfexpt nd on the pliiiiting of an olive grove near Cadiz for his children. A party of N'ew Plymouth residents motored to the Mountain lloiim- yesterday. They report the roads in' good order, and they were also rewarded with ,0. lovely view of Ngaruhoe forth volumes of smoke and steam. Counsel for the plaintiff in one of the cases heard at the Xew l'lvmouth Supreme Court sittings, was concluding an eloquent and impassioned address to"the twelve honest, intelligent British jurymen confronting him. "fieutlemen'." he said, '-if y«„ agree, and r think vou do with the fans I have stated, then 1 think you will have little difficulty in finding a verdict for the defendant." \im> sections, comprising (190!) acres in the YUakaihuwaka block, Kapara, Taurakawa and Tna survey districts, were f",7 nn- 1 " ,M " ot ilt 1,,e Crown L nds Oil ice yesterday afternoon. In ail. seven applications were received for three sections, the other six sections not being appbed for. The ballot resulted as follows: Sect,,,,, :!. Mock I. Tua, 4J»B aeres (nv„ applicants), A. (,'. ,„ | ,f Chesswas; sc-tion ;;, lll(K . k rv , K ritvev V ( " m ',, a »Plicant), Arthur JU\e\ : section ~, !,l„, k | V ,- «™ (two appHeanls) ('. ' A . \J'. m VVhcn Sergeant Mc-Xeclv. „f K:,ill ,]U l! "ii"'- "hut' .<:,! v"„ my _' U,, F--< , ne'" : ' '";"w UV ; '" ( ,;'!;..'''";'; McXccly. -lie came from ('ouniv ] own r,1.-„„l. ,„,, T R S( . , 't wilu 1,,,,,.- m, riono; joined i, 1 ~ 11 royokein ) y ( ~'

The speaker at the Brotherhood • tomorrow will be the Rev. J. A. Luxford. Chaplain-Major of the Territorial forces, who will give an address on Territorial camps. , The Invercargill Chamber of Commerce ! has passed a resolution viewing with grave concern the almost certain extermination of opossums through the re-, moval of protection, and urging the Government to re-introduce an adequate „ measure of protection. Sergeant McNeeby, of Stratford, was paid a high tribute liy the Grand Jury at the New Plymouth sittings of the Supreme Com., when they congratulated him on the excellent manner in whicli he had prepared his evidence in the breaking and entering case, which was disposed of yesterday. During the hearing, His Honor Mr. Justice Edwards commented on the straight-forward manner in which this officer had given his evidence The Land Board has decided that it is desirable that applicants for the Tariki dairy sections should possess capital or stock and capital combined to equal 3 years' rental of any section. Persons bringing capital in excess of three times of the value of the land, when under 100 acres, are debarred by the regulations from participation. The Commissioner will probably be absent in Wellington on departmental business ,on Tuesday and Wednesday, but the other members of the Land "Board will examine the applicants. In passing sentence on a prisoner at the Supreme Court yesterday, His' Konor Mr. Justice Edwards gave'some advice to a class of youth in vStratford which 1 might very well be taken to heart by young men in the majority of towns in New Zealand. "There seems to be in Stratford," said His Honor, " a gan* of young men who get together, drink,°and keep late hours, getting up to mischief. It is a shocking thing to see young New Zealanders taking the course" they appear to be taking. My advice to them is to keep better hours "and if they cannot take liquor in moderation, t« leave • it alone altogether." A man named William' McQuoid wns •barged in the Auckland Police Court the other day "that he did an act wiiicm might endanger the lives of those on the railway." It appeared that the defendant, being a contractor, had in his possession a bag containing 50 plugs of gelignite. He boarded the train with his dangerous bundle, and having had too much to drink, went to sleep in the railway carriage, being carried beyond his destination and back again. His arrest for drunkenness resulted in the discovery of the explosive. Remarking that the defendant's action was more or less accidental, although at the same time highly dangerous, because be was drunk, the Bench imposed a penalty of £2 and costs. A very line panoramic photograph of Moturoa on the oec.'.sion of the Dreadnought's visit is on view in tin-window of Mr. Hall, chemist. It is the work of Mr. S. Uennell, who is to be congratulated upon it. The warship is seen in the roadstead, as are i the tendering steamers in different ■ parts of the ocean, with several others loading at the wharf. Close inshore is the dredge Paritntu. lvin» safe j and snug. The many thousands of peo- ) pie that were on the sands, wharf, and Breakwater are also included in the view, which is probably the most interesting yet taken .of the locality. An ,• effort is being made to have the photo- < graph, which is a good advertisement for | tli" port, reproduced in some of the i ' ekly papers. } According to Bishop Julius, of Christ- | ' -rch. the missionary of to-dav does not '•o::imence work by seeking to destroy tl'.'v heathen's god of stone. The missionary recognised that behind even a stone god was a little truth, and on that I little truth he built. The gods of the heathen were being rapidly destroyed bv outside agencies. Wherever commerce was extended, wherever the white trader went, there old religions and old superstitions began to crumble. The duty of the Uhureh to-day, he added, was to : fill the place made vacant bv extendin* the Gospel of Jesus Christ.' In these days there was such a rush to make » money and extend civilisation that the ' the Church must bestir herself as never before if the nations were not to grow up without God. For ways that are dark and tricks that are vain, the Masterton slygroggcr is peculiar (says the Wairarapa'Age)? Sergeant Miller recently visited a house in J which four dozen of creature comfort had been procured a day or two previously. } He asked what had become of it. The ! owner of the house declared to having consumed nine bottles himself in one day, and to being assisted bv a ladv ami gentleman friend to dispose of'about another do/en on the following j aVi "But where is the balance?" asked the Sergeant. The householder conducted linn proudly to a room in which were stored nineteen bottles, packed in straw and carefully capsuled with tinsel The Sergeant called for a corkscrew, which was immediately forthcoming. IJottlf after bottle was opened, but each contained nothing more intoxicating than a quart of water. The man could not oiler a reasonable explanation, and so he was hauled before the Court and fined , £.) for keeping liquor for sale. Some people really arc lucky (says the Auckland Star). After the last race at Ellerslie on Tuesday a punter, hurrying from the course to the station, dug his hands into his pockets with the idea of ascertaining just how he stood on the day. His chagrin, at finding himself minus a ,C 5 note received in the last dividend collected can well be imagined With the characteristic optimism of the speculator, he retraced his steps; tne lost fiver, however, was not forthcoming. Ultimately, resigning himself to his loss be again joined the throng bound stationwards. Passing the spot where he first discovered his loss, he was keenly on the look-out, and had tin- extraordinary luck to find the note in the middle of the asphalt footpath. Pleasure at his disc.)very gave forth to surprise, however when a well-dressed woman, coming towards him, ami. seeing him pick np l!ie erurupled paper, with all the.coolness in the world, remarked: "That's nunc please!-' "It is not; although it « folded T can tell you that it is I £5 note, with a hole in the centre of it and its m,tie!" was the indignant rejoinder of the man, and the woman, with- ' on a won), hurried on. The extraordinthe I 'I"" ', U ', at ' ~<' t w,'( '" l] " "me of ; the loss and subsequent recovery of the ' noe-pi-ohahlytenininutes-atleas five ' thousand people m„st have walked over ; it. I .' YOU SHOULD BE DETERMINED ! m rejecting the worthless and frequently i injurious counterfeits which are some. < times pushed for the sake of heater i S a .'xT^O'" st as 2° od " as f'e GENUINE i SANDER & SONS' VOLATILE EUCA « LYPTI EXTRACT. Be not deceived t SANDER'S EXTRACT is recogS by i the highest medical authorities as pos- ' sessing unique stimulating, heali n « and ' T,U! of t SANDERS EXTRACT from the purr < -"Mod lew*, and the refinement bv ' spec,:-! ■-,■,.,,.,,,,,. ~(,,,, ; t n! .. ;11 . iv( . virj . ( pwivnrly ,ts own. Tim, !Wc. ], O ~,-,, I misled. Demand and insist upon the ' 01 N!-(N;i.: SANDER EXTRACT, and you ' will derive the bene lit that thousand-: ' nave )v.;p..d f,-., m ,t brieve. \V'>"ii il! vo:i -ihonM no! ,],.,„-,,;, vol;r . 1 self more by the common, 'bulky' and nauseating eucalyptus, oils and so-called ' extracts/' What yon want j R ~,H | ;<, and rclinhility in snviP ,] o=o . ~,,,., )M . you find only in .SANDER'!.-; EXTR.UT <]

-^—-,"• ' ' ' ~'/ I.» The Wellington, City Council lias been discussing u proposal' to give die Corporation insurances to a London Arm at ii reduction of 10 per cent on the ordinary rates, and a .amission of the average and warrant, claimes. it has beendecided that the Town Clerk draw up a schedule and tender* he invited from insurance firms doing business here. The rabbit-poisoning camp recently at' Tokaanu has now been removed by thegovernment to the foot of Mount longariro. While at the former place the work in hand was carried out vcrv elliciently. A Tokonnu correspondent reports that tiiere is now hardly a rabbit to bo seen there, whereas previously the district was over-run with them. } He change is much appreciated, and it is hoped that it will give a fresh lease ot life to the hind and verdure hitherto affected. The uneasiness at Home affects the colonies and it is certain that if a crisis occurs New Zealand, in common, wit., the rest of the Empire, will suffer. The.* thTZt T*? T t0 be an - v deposition on the part 0 f the community to curtail it* expenditure on luxuries or on the part " p , ke6li '"'lwrtatioM within bounds. Perhaps the present timiditr on the part of the lenders will have a useful restraining influence, but experience rather suggests that as soon as th, public have money to plav with they will spend it:-Chri 8 tchurch Star. 7 . The thrilling and exhilarating pleasures of a rat hunt are stated to havetilled a Gisbomc drapetv house with chaos the other dar. It had been the boast of many of the fair employees that neither rat nor man could disturb them seriously, but the appearance of a rodent shyly seeking refuge in a corner where there was but little cover, created something in the form of a mild stanipede. When a male member of the staff despatched the intruder he was surrounded by a group of palpitating figures on High pedestals, and was cooled by a breeze from the waving lingerie whichwas shoo-ing" persistently on every side. ■Such (says the Gisborne Times) is the bravery of woman.

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Taranaki Daily News, Volume LVI, Issue 18, 21 June 1913, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LVI, Issue 18, 21 June 1913, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Taranaki Daily News, Volume LVI, Issue 18, 21 June 1913, Page 4