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(From "The Colonist," Feb. 25.) The Annual District Conference of the Nelson District, of the Manchester' Unity of Independent Order of Oddfellows was held at the Oddfellows' Hall yesterday. Prov. Grand Master "W. H. Robertson presided, being supported by Deputy P.G.M. 11. S. Haycock, the other District officers present being Prov. Corresponding Secretary A. G. Shrimpton and Prov. Treasurer J. P. Cooke. The various lodges of the District were represented as follows :— Nelson Lodge (Nelson): P.P.G.M. W. H. Prebble and P.G.\s W. Wilkens, James Armstrong, F. Graham, and W. L. Hesseltine. Travellers' Rest Lodge (Richmond): P.P.G.M.'s F. W. Smith and W. D. Harknoss, and P.G. G. W. Best. Howard Lodge (Nelson): P.P.G.M. Win. Thompson and P.G.s Charles Graham, \V. Liddle, A. Stephens, and A. E. Davies. Mansion of Peace Lodge (Wakefield): P P G M 's Ivo. Tunnielitfe and J. W. Hagen, P.G. J. J. Ricketts, and P. Sec V. E. Shuttleworth. General Cameron Lodge (Brightwater) : P.G.s R. Dishor and S. E. Palmer. Mataki Lodge (Murehison): P.P.G.M. Thomas Bell and P.G. C. D. James. Palmyra. Lodge (Tadnior) : P.S. G. W. Faweet. Before routine business was entered upon the following resolution was unanimously passed:—"That this meeting expresses the highest admiration and thankful appreciation of the magnificent gallantry shown by our troops at the front, and of the increasing watchfulness of the Navy, by which our shores have been secured against invasion and our commerce maintained. Also to express absolute confidence in the determination of all in authority to wisely and effectively use all the forces of the Empire to secure a triumphant result of tlie war." \ GRAND MASTER'S ADDRESS. The Grand Master in his address alluded to the fact that the term "District meeting had been abolished by resolution of the last Biennial Movable Conference, and the term "District Conference" substituted. He referred to the war, and'mentioned that it was estimated that in Britain alone to the Manchester Unity the cost of paying contributions of members who have gone to the frort will amount to nearly two million pounds, showing that the members of the Order were doing their part in serving the Empire. Feeling reference was made to the late brothers P.P.G.M Peter Higgms and P.G. A. R. Kitching, both old and useful members of the Order who had attended District Conferences for many years, and had passed away since the last meeting. The Grand Master regretted that the membership of the District showed a slight decrease, which' was not as it should be in view of the very liberal benefits offered by the society. On the matter of juvenile lodges, the town Lodge, the YVakatu, was in a flourishing condition, but in the country this was not so, in Richmond, unfortunately, the Superintendent, Bro. A. G. Wray, being laid aside by serious illness. It was bis noinion that the superintendents of j juvenile lodges should receive some j payment: this was done in connection j with the Wakatu Lodge. He congratulated the kindred society, the Foresters, on the establishment of a Subsidiary High Court for New Zealand, and concluded by thanking the District | officers for their assistance, especially in visiting the lodges in the District Unfortunately, through circumstances J beyond control, a visit could not be j made to Murchison. | Arising out of the address a vote of i sympathy and condolence was passed j in connection with the deaths of Bros. Higgins and Kitching, and the Conference adjourned for five minutes as a mark of respect. A vote of sympathy with Bro. A. G. AVray in his illness was passed. It was resolved that ft be a recommendation of the conference to the parent lodges that superintendents of juvenile lodges should receive remuneration. It was resolved to convey congratulations to the local branch of the Forosters' Order upon the establishment of the New Zealand Subsidiary Hi eh Court. The Grand Master was then thanked for his address, and the samp wa"s directed to be printed with the minutes of proceedings. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE'S REPORT. ■ The Management Committee in its : annual report istated, inter alia :— j Twenty-five members of the Nelson District had promptly responded to the call of the Empire. At the very outlet the District Executive unanimously agreed that all members volunteering for service in the Expeditionary Force would be kept good on the books of the Lodge iintil their services were no longer required by the authorities. The numerical and financial position of the society as a. whole was shown to be:—Number of adult members, 1,008,402, together with 116,206 juveniles, female and honorary members

making a total of 1,144,608. The Unity is also an approved society under the National Insurance Act, and in the State section has a membership of 872,608, making a gross- membership over the whole society of 1,6*12,006. The capital value of the whole society was £16,431,908, the income for the year.totalling £1,696,799, expenditure £1,409,402, excess of receipts over expenditure £287,096. In New Zealand the membership of all the Friendly Societies totals 73,691, of whom 24 } 044 were members of the Unity. The total funds of all societies amounts to £1,643 3 177, the Unity share being £745,510. The average capital per member for all societies is now £22 6s. The average capital per member in the Manchester Unity is £31. During "the year the Manchester Unity paid out £28,919 in sick pay, and £5896 in funeral allowances. In the Nelson District the seven lodges have a membership of 872, a tslight decrease on last year's total. The capital value of funds is now £41,043 0s 4d, subdivided as follows: Sick and Funeral, £27,476 Is sd; Widow and Orphans, £6786 ss; Surplus Funds, £5978 13s Id; Management Fundsy £412 6s lOd; Distress and Benevolent, etc., £389 14s. Showing an average capital of £47 per member in the whole District. During the year the sum of £1540 12s Id wae paid in sick pay, in widows and orphans' allowances £339 19s 9d. The Central Funeral Fund absorbed £589 6s 7d, and medical attendance £645 2s Bd. There are now 48 widows and 21 orphans in receipt of allowances. Owing to an important judgment given in the Supreme Court the endeavour to consolidate the sick funds of the lodges of the District proved abortive. The committee are desirous of compiling a new leaflet of particulars, and suggest in order to make it more com> prehensive and useful, that a committee consisting of all the lodge secretaries, together with the District officers, be appointed, with full power to prepare and issue the same. This committee could al/so take the opportunity of considering the separation of medical aid contributions from management contributions. The 1910 valuation of the Widow and Orphans' Fund discloses a surplus of £465. against a deficiency of £182 at the last valuation. The Actuary, in summing up, congratulate^ the District on its solvent position. The Biennial Movable Conference mooting was held in May last at Wanganui, P.P.G M. Bro. JPunnicliffe and Prov. C.S. Bro. A. G. Shrimpton representing this District. The Management Committee meetings held during the y ea r were on each occasion splendidly attended. The committee's report was adopted and the suggestion with regard to advertising leafflet authorised to be given effect to. An interesting discussion arose out of a request for further relief made by a member to hi,s lodge, which forwarded the request to the conference for advice. _ The member, who is of 40 years' standing, and is receiving, sick pay the third rate (i.e., for continued sickness), stated that when he joined the Order the contributions were lower and the third rate of sick pay Higher than is now the e*ase, and when contributions were deducted from his «ick pay the decrease therein was appreciable. The discussion involved the question of whether a lodge with a surplus, as achiarily disclosed, could from such surplus extend relief to a member so circumstanced. This brought oiit the fact that members who were contributing on the old scale had not, according to the actuaries, assisted to build up the surpluses. These were the result of the new scale of contributions under which all members joining since 1885 were paying. it was finally decided to recommend the lodge concerned to lay the facts before the Registrar of Friendly Societies and ascertain the powers of the lodge to deal with surplus funds in the direction indicated. The point was emphasised that it was entirely a lodge matter, and in any case i-he District could not jtisue instructions. It was resolved, the Registrar of Friendly Societies having approved the course, that the Genera! Cameron Lodge be granted permission to allocate £50 to trie management, fund from the surplus of £438 in the Sick and Funeral Fund account. It liMving been moved that a grant be made towards the, relief funds in connection with the war. a committee was set- up to report lni-vr in the day upon the matter. The committee recommended: (1) That £25 be granted from the District Management Fund; (2) that lodges be invited to supplement, this c-rnnt" from their management funds;" (3) that the total sum be allocated on the basis of two-fifths to the Belgian Relief Fund and the remainder in equal portions to the Rcvi Cross Fund and the fund for the relief of distressed wives and children, widows and orphans of British soldiers and sailors. The report was unanimously adopted. P.P.G.M. Bro. Tunnicliire, as one of the deputies attending, reported upon the Biennial Movable Conference held at Wanganui. The Nelson remits were either carried as sent forward or were embodied in other resolutions, so that practically thy Nelson District, got all that it asked for. He spoke appreciatively of the hospitable treatment accorded deputies by the Wanganui brethren. Pror. G.Soc. Bro. Shrimpton supplemented the rcn-avks of B:o. Tunnicliffe," eivitijj- conGicU.-ir.Me deiai! of proposals y t , ..,! ■''---<! '': •■• ;--:s:'Vi': 4hp"t'OfV>. I.jf ,! ;; _eiUK>.i to a .a>-.v rulo winch v,'.'!ld wove- vei-N- valuable in redeeming ['■■ position of \vhat wvra termed de- :■; acv lofl'.ros. Soni» of these lodges v .i s-> :•'!.<•■! i:-<'■!''>'! (>!! t'ci'smrijil •'•nm~ i',: •.[•;;'•■ ■'■■■< ■■■' / >•. m!'1 pi'-ic'1 '.r-v'y ~.,.., , . ..i.-...' • • ■■{ ..-I •■;:' '.'■■ri ; '"i!■'•->. •';' i., ~,:. : ;!*■> - •]:' ,'•"::'•-,' :! 1 X'" CIP-! ' V '{■ ..,-,.., J {.<.>::.;■•:' j' Ui.ii ?o t's'wi Wished ami 'p. ,:ntained by nn r.lio^.-itior. of mie- and :'; ■ nnvtor ncr < r^t. of tV f'eclar?d '~.■■ •,,]..,; ->:' ]oi;!!_'-~ i■■ iv ■■osi>';u!f 'O with ,".-,' :;.,.{ ,'v]- •'.■■!" :'! • fi': '-<• 1( nj)iili--H! 'I, '■•.'iiovili- i.:..!^'.-, ■- M "I": : 1H«b1- ■ O y.r.v sick bonr;' -. ::■'■:■ !'• :'-" "" .'!•- ---iv !) V the-poti•:!..-. :<o:iy =is v ,;>:iv ck'Ci.:<>. ■he dcjMitif- ■•.ore formally thankoci for their s> ?"v? ■■■-. . Nfter consi-'r: üblo <h,; u^K>n »ml ~-■■ l vi""'i!wvts :t w;!s loxoivd tliar ; i ! .';.-...--'r.---.-H-. ; <m'i:itt r n.v>rvc iivo .s'^.iii.'.gs '.•:■•■■! :'.: ' ::< ;1 • tc•■.dance1, tiio country iv.y*-'---': to .-•- ---c-,-r;o train i'ar^-s in nfV.i; ■■■■■ -- iv;i)vi :'^d by liererril rides. ;■'• ws roKolvpfi that t;s« roinuncr;:i:o-.J p' District officers remain as at present. (inacers vvir:- --Ut »'i :i- jr'!«u\s:— I'rov. Gnuul :.■■>■■, • : •.!•■.-• -■ '-;- I1;1V (:•. ■■■!;, the only !";"• ■'•■ :;':'; il- ~ Oeiiutv P'rov. Gr':[ .v'-i-h:-!-: V..'.-. '■■ ■ "s.-:-:-'lie-(8 nouii:;at;.:,:.s, <,: v.-is<v-i. •- wv-.\t U. ;ho poll). . v . .„.., X G. ': ■■■ ' ' :'-' '" .•. !>rov. Tivas. v " :';■■'■ - rr ..-. _ 'i',1 >'.-^-elected i;:.. 4'i )U^eu- ilil! •"-u •,..;:• of office). ''I ommittc* ci Management): Bror v,-. h. lv^ 1-"- 5- I?..!.f, a>\np^ T -f:,; 'liioinpson. '■ ''," :''. '■ ''■ 'q' ' ' ~ ..-, (10 noniiiiuuo;:.s, ot v.hoir. a \.«-'.>t -~ ballot). „ . r ~ ... ".(K)k Examiners: Bros. I. i<i.. „! W I). Harkness. . t . ["' \nrii4--*- My-<. W. L. ;?,!.-'.''.uJi! i :ui«l r'r 't- ••..,,•(1 , '■ ('A !>-,:< i"«'-tiOV-l. 'Ariit-.^nfo-n^tr. TV,. V,'. 'I. V-W ■■• ■/•TV , : >1/ ■'"!> \\ >'-vs. ( . y'r.-hri- ,x . ■.■;>'<:*■•■,-) Will. TViompsou' (9 nominations)----.•.,T.,i,-.. -.-,. i T-v.n.t-no OHPfO": B-?.

i The newly elected officers were duly • installed by P.P.G.M. Ike Smith anil i the conference closed shortly after four o'clock. The next .inmial conferonce will he held at lljohmoncl during the fourth week m February, the hour of meeting being 9 a.m. The General Cameron Lodge, Brightwater, celebrates its jtsbiloe tius year, having been founded'in J865. Pleasure was expressed during the course of the conference at the fact that Lodge Mataki, Murehu-on, had sent a deputy in the person of P. G. James. The deputies dined together at the Commercial Hotel. LMiring the midday adjournment the deputies were photographed as a, group at Tyree\s studio. - yriin. ——a——^mmamm *

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Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 13728, 17 March 1915, Page 1 (Supplement)

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NELSON DISTRICT. Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 13728, 17 March 1915, Page 1 (Supplement)

NELSON DISTRICT. Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 13728, 17 March 1915, Page 1 (Supplement)