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A. conference of of the various local bodies in the Nelson Provincial district was held at the Municipal Chambers' yesterday to elect two delegates to represent the Nelson Provincial district at the National Conference to be* held at Wellington on May "21st'to consider the Local Government Bill. 'Th© following delegates were present: Kelson City Council: Tho Mayor (Mr. T. A. H. Field), Crs. Fell, Snodgrass, Hampson, Tasker, Kershaw, Mercer, and Bisloy. . Waimca County Council: Crs P. Best, E. S. Hoult, and A. Drummond.' Richmond Borough Council: James 'Hunt (Mayor). Nelson Harbour Board: Mr. G. Macma hon. Nelson Education Board: Mr. W. N. Franklyn. Takaka County Council: Mr. A. H. Burnett. Qollingw-ood County Council: Mr. J. l' vish. Murchison County Council: Mr. Badcock. Hospital r.nd Charitable Aid Board: 11.-. 11. Baigsnt. Motueka ]?.);•:,ugh Council: Mr. P. G. Moffatt. Motuekc. '[-!:■.!■ t;:n!r!: lh: K. K-.-oivtt. lTpi>or M-outere Hoad Board: Mr. J. i) iieuko. Uiwaka P.:>::d l>o;:rd : Mr. E. W. James. Stoko Road \bv.:r&: Messrs. W. Coleman and A. J. Allp-or!". Suburban North Road l.Vrml : Messrs. W. Alborough, J. Cordor, and A. DodWairroa West Road Board: Mr. W. L. Palmer. 'Dove-dale- Road Hoard: Messrs H. Kouyon, Win (2), and Thorn. On the motion of Messrs. Snodgrass ami Mor'eer V.v. H. Bcigent was appOliirLr.) ;:i::>l"I!i!;iii .'if lh-;> in;iiVtvm-4\ Or Best asked if the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board was a. local body within the meaning of tho Act. Cr. Everett pressed the question, and asked if members would be entitlod to vote at the conference. Tho Chairman ruled that "the Hospital Board was n local body, although not named in the list. Tho Board had boon askod to convene the conference. Before proceeding with the business tho Chairman said tho circular did not state how the voting was to bo. Ho thought each delegates should have one vote. Mr. Macmalioj : Every local body one vote. The Chairman said it would be for tho mooting to decide. Or Fell proposed that every delegate present should bavo ono vote. Ct Snodgrass seconded the motion. Mr. BadecM-k (Murchison) said the IVhirehison. County Council had been in-] Tiled to send one delegate. More members of the Council would have attended it it had L-oc-ii kiuj-.ra that each-delegate was to have a vote. Mr. H. Kenyon (Dovcdale) thought ihafc each delegate should have a vote. Mr. A. H. Barnett (Takaka) said that if the Takaka County Council had thought eacli delegate was to have ono vote, more members would have como over. Mr. Franklyn said that the school Committees should have, been noticed. They were affected by the Act, and wero J.^ing disfranchised by not being notiiied of the meeting. Ho entored a strong protest against the committees ixnng omitted. . Mr. James Hunt (Mayor of Richmond) said aoiu* delegates present represented several local bodies. Ho ;;ske>d if they would have moro than one vote. Tho Chairman said that tho motion v/aa that each delegate should have one vote. Tho motion was put and carried on tha voices. • Tho Mayor of Nelson sru'fl this fatter should have been settled beforehand. Each local body should have ?»e©n invited to send one delegate. : Or Hampson asked if .the .meeting *vas called to 'consider tho Bill. He thought the meeting --was called to elect Hdegates to attend thelSTational Con-' fefltoco at Wellington. " ,'-■•• Tho Chairman said h© thought those present should discuss the Bill. Cr. Hampson thought that each local twdy should discuss the Bill, and i'orTrard its representations through the delegates appointed to attend tho conference. Mr. Macmahon agreed with this view. The Mayor of Nelson said it was not tha business of the meeting to discuss the Bill. It was their doty to elect two delegates, and each body should forward tho resolutions passed to theso delegates. Mr Field; said' tho Hon G. W. Russell, the Minister in charge j»f tho Hill, suggested that -*■&•• the conference tho delegates should'form grand committees, and discuss matters which affcctod their different interests. Mr. Franklyn said the meeting was called to elect delegates, and the Chairman should call for nominations for tho position. When nominated the' rieW gates should give tlio erafersfflc* iKftfe! opinion on the Bill,- and explain wiuit they " intended to do. He suggested that the vote should be by ballot. He nnvod that nominations bo called for delegates to represent tho district at Wellington. Cr.1 Everett, in seconding pro forma, f,;iid that the conference was called to I •'consider tho lull and<M«-t delegates." j r.losfc of tho local bodies hu<! already con- j f.idored the Bill, and it'v.ould bo futile I t >. discuss the Bill .again, they would si.ivor get through the -.vholo Bill. If the delegates discussed it.- Bill cJaueo by cause it world occupy :i? Jong as a sitting of Parli?rr.ont. if a delegate revived ron:its i'rnni sill !<.>::;:? bodies, some I would bo coir's r'Mrter.' ;::ul ho v.-nv.hl j L-> on tho lio:-.::; { a <'.■<■ rxnn. j Cr. J'YIJ T.iov-o'l, r.s ;.\ iitr'^uhr-0.-tt, ; that nomination."'bo jnvitfd jutd ;;. ballot • tikon to elect t-.vo delegates to.veprosi'st tho oonfcrenwi ;■;*. Wellington. Than every vl:r-r> o£»3-fw::1 body shsuld '

instruct the delegates as to their wishes; The-City,Council had asked tho Minister to invite delegates from each local body to attend the conference, but it was of course too late for the proposal to be., carried into effect. Mr. Macmahon seconded the amendmont. The interests of town and country should be supported by each other. Cr. Hoult said the conference should endeavour to send ono delegates from town and one-from the country. Delegates should have a free hand. The Chairman said he could not see how a delegate was to act when all the intei'ests were conflicting. Mr. Everett said the feelings of the conference should be ascertained before the ballot was taken. They could not expect a man to vote for a delegate whose views might be antagonistic to" those of the local body he represented. Mr. Fell said that his amendment was to elect the delegates, without any discussion as to their views. Mr. Franklyn said the delegates should give their opinions before they were elected. They had had enough of independents —(applause)—and they had always been failures. A suggestion had been made that there should be one. delegate from town and one from tho city. He was of opinion that tho country, having tho greater interests, should have two delegates. Tho Mayor of Nelson thought Mr. Fell might have added to bin amendment that one delegate should be elected to represent the country, and one til© town. They would then represent diverse interests. A city man could not expect to know what tho country wanted, and the country man could not know what the city wanted. Mr. Kenyon agreed with the vicws«of Mr Field. Mr. Snodgrass thought the delegates should elect two men best able to represent tho whole intrests of tho dist^ct. He objected to the idea of one man representing the town and another repre-K-onting the country. He favoured Mr. Fell's amendment without tho suggested addition by the Mayor. Mr. Hunt (Mayor of Richmond) favoured the idea of a town represontavivo and ;i I'uiuiJ'Cy reprcsvn-i.'itivo. Mr. P. G. Moffatt said the delegates f.hould go to the conference in the best interests of the Nelson district and in tho interests of the Dominion. The opinion had been voiced that there are two many local bodies—(Voices: "No") —and that tho number should be cut down. The delegates should be elected after hearing the views of those present. Mr. W. Coleman was sorry the cry of town v. country had been raised. He hoped the delegates would work iin the best interests of the whole district.. Mr. Franklyn said he intended that. after de-legates wero nominated they should express their opinions on tho Bill to the mooting. j Cr. Everett said the motion was to speak first and elect after, and the amendincnt.vyas to elect first and speak after. , ■ • Mr. Franklyn amended his motion to read that nominations bo invited from representatives willing Bto act as dele-! gates at the conference, and that they \ express their views on the Bill before! election. The amendment was put and declared lost on the voices. "Mr. Everett moved as a further amendment that the nominations be deferred until the meeting has expressed its views on the Bill. Mr. Fell rose to a point of order, ; that there was nothing in the circular from the Minister asking delegates to discu&B t]ie Bill. They wero thoro to elect delegates. The Chairman said the circular was vague. They were certainly asked to elect two delegates to attend tho conference, but bhe delegates should know tho opinions of the bodies they represented. Mr J. W. Win: What is your ruling ? The Chairman: That we can discuss tho Bill. Mr. Win seconded the amendment. Mi-. Moffatt supported the further amendment. They could then hear the views of members on the provisions of tho Bill bofore voting. Tli© amendment was thon put and lost. Ayes 11, noes 15. The motion was put and carried on tho voices. . ft Nominations were then made as follows:— Mr. C. R. Fell, proposed by Messrs. Mercer and Drummond; Mr. H. Everett, by Messrs. Macmahon and' Kershaw j Mr. A. P. Allport, "by' Messrs. W; Coleman and W. L: Palmer; Mr. T. A. H. Field, by Messrs. Hampson and Kershaw; Mr. C. J. • Harley, by Crs. Everett and Hoult; Mr. H. Baigont, by Messrs. J. D. Beuke and A. H. Barnett. Mesfsrs. P. Best and G. Macmahon were also proposed, but declined nomination, and subsequently Messrs. Fell and Field asked that their names be withdrawn. It was resolved that each delegate bo allowed ten minutes to express his views. Cr. Everett said that the Waimea County Council was of opinion that the local bodies should not I>o interfered with. The Council had i:o desire to interfere with the operations of the road boards and harbour boards. Any effort, ou his part would be in t'io direction of improving the positioned integrity of local bodies. Mr A. P. Airport azid he would be pleased to withdraw his nomination, having heard Mr.. Everett's views in regard to the road boar^p. Tho latter had thought that the* County Council might bo against road boards. Mr. Allport was allowed to withdraw his nomination. Mr. Baigont thought the local bodies could be managod much cheaper than a Provincial Council. Small bodies know tho requirements of thoir respective districts much bettcK than n, large body would. If a Provincial Council was established it would moan tho employment of a large number of paid officials and an increase in rates. Unions tho Bill was romodelled h;< did not J think it had much chaiu-a .of bc-jng p^vd. L To avoid the. necessity of .^ Ix.ilot .V:-.

Baigont said ho would withdraw from nomination. —~

The Chairman then declared that Messrs. JJ. Everett and C. J. Harloy were appointed delegates amidst applause.. . Oil' behalf of Mr. .Harley (who was unavoidably absent) and himself, JVlr. Everett returned thanks for their appointment.

Mr. Snodgrass thought that they might pass a resolution asking the conference to includo tho County of Murchison in the provincial district of Nelson.

. Mr. Everett said that he had gone to same trouble; to. ascertain the views of the Murchison people on the matter, and ho found that they were in favour of being attached to Nelson. ,

Mr. Badeock (chairman of the Murchison County Council) moved that it be a "recommendation te the Government that the County of Murchison be included in the provincial district.of Nelson. Seconded by Mr. Macnu:!i:i:i and carried unanimously.

' A hearty vote of thanks to the Chr.ij man concluded tho meeting.

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Bibliographic details

Colonist, Volume LIV, Issue 13412, 9 May 1912, Page 6

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LOCAL GOVERNMENT BILL. Colonist, Volume LIV, Issue 13412, 9 May 1912, Page 6

LOCAL GOVERNMENT BILL. Colonist, Volume LIV, Issue 13412, 9 May 1912, Page 6