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The monthly meeting of the Waimea County Council was held yesterday. Present: Councillors P. Best (chairman), H. Everett, A. Drummond, T. Hewetson, G. Macmahon, W. Alboiough, and E. S. Moult.


Accounts were passed for payment as follows :—General account £1722 4e Cd (including ,£224 5s for charitable aid and £464 19s 7d Government grants); Land fund thirds £83 14s 9d : Peninsula bridge loan £74 4s sd; Sherry bridge loan £27 13s.


The Engineer (Mr. J. G. Littlejohn) reported inter alia as follows : Wangamoa: Patching and scrub cutting had boon done. Stoke : Work had been don t at Bishopdale, Stoke and Annesbrook, the settlors assisting largely by removing parings. The approaches to Appleby bridge required immediate attention. With regard to storm watei backed up at Hope, if the ditch was, cleaned out and graded to Balck's creek it should remove the trouble. Wai-iti: Patching and water tabling had been done on the Moutsre hills and in other parts of the riding. The main road from the Hal to the top of Smith's bank in DoWdale had been metalled. The gang would be at work on 88 Valley road during the coming month. The settlers in "Burnt Ridge Gully road were willing to contribute £ for £ in labour to the extent of four days' work. He recommended that the I Council should repair the road on thi> basis. It was estimated that it would cost £10 to repair Clark's road, Pigeon valley, and block out the creek. A rearrangement of the culverts was nocessary at Jones' shop, Brightwater. A shallow ditch should be opened from Mrs. Hill's to Mr. Jones' corner on the oast side of the main road, and the water should be put straight acrossthe main road into the main ditch on Apple-tree Farm'road. It was estimated that it would cost £135 to instal an acetylene plant at Brightwater, and the cost of working would be about £20 nor year. Mr. Robert Ellis had installed an electric plant at his mil', and nrovided the Council was willing to nllow him to erect the necessary! posts on the road for the general lighting of the village he could offer the Council very favourable terms. The cost of installation wou'.d be nothing j>- all compared with an acetylene plant and the annual charges would be about one-third. Storm-water at (Continued on Fourth Page.)

T. Eden's, Spring Grove, was reported,, on At length.* If the overflow was stop- ; ped at Bird's it would probably bo found that the bpd of the stream was too small and it would destroy the artiacial banks there and do damage which the Council would be responsib.o for. If the blockage in Bullard's was remowd the whole of the water would be turned on to the Cotitity road. The Council could do nothing in the matter unless it was prepared to clean out the creek. Motupiko: Some protection works and repairs had been attended to in Pretty Bridge valley, and patching and ditching in other parts. Wangapoka: Repairs to the main road at Tadmor had been completed. The gang was liow working back towards' Sherry. Be recommended thai the payment of 30s per annum to W. J. Robson for themaintenance of the Boiling river should be discontinued. Motueka: The bridge at Stebbing'Sj in Graham road, hnd been renewed ; one at Knowle s was finished and one at Guest s was in progress. Moiitere: Three of the bridges on the main road in _ Lower Moutere had been renewed during the month. Mr. Ching, of Lower Moutere, made an offer for an exchange of

roads. It was resolved that the lower sides of the approaches of the Appleby bridge be repaired by removing the timber work and filling out with a batter. The Engineer's recommendations for tho alteration of storm-water drainage at Brightwater, and for the repair of Burnt ridge gully were adopted. . Consideration of tho question of repairing Clark's road, Pigeon Valley, was deferred. It was resolved that the question of lighting Brightwater stand over for the present. It was resolved that the necessary steps be taken to close the Old House road through Ching's and Flett's properties, Lower Moutere. GOVERNMENT GRANTS. The County. Engineer reported on Government grants as follows : — Waiiti: Wairoa Gorge bridge.—Plans with the Government, and no reply can be got to enquiries made. Wairoa Gorge

road.—Grant expended, no'perceptiblo I Impression inaUt;. iUotupma: Work J pruceechug trom Korere to liainy river ltamy nvor to JWig Uusli and laotoputo. Plans ol JuoXupjjH) bridge wer<ii well advanced and would bu completed j in three dajs. Mans lor Kamy river' road wcie complete except ror ostimate required by Department. Wangapeka : Work on sherry Valley road (Wangapeka settlement) was completed. The plans for th e Bherry Valley middle branch woro approved, but the authority to proceed had not been received. Some of the timber for the Sherry bridge was on the wharf. Moutere: No reply had been received to the Council's suggestion that,the Council should complete what it had laid out and tlie Department take over tho balance. He Edwards' road lie proposed to proceed with the worK on tne iuw of the present road. Motueka: The work on tho bridge at Bamficld's clearing was well forward and should be completed shortly. ltichmond-Collingwood road: Three hundred yards of gravel had been punted, of which 170 loads had been carted on to the road, cost about 6s 7d a yard. The grant should provide a little over 600 yards. Alexander's Bluff road: Work was proceeding and the available grant should bo expended by the end of next month, weather permitting. The Chairman was asked to telegraph to the Public Works Department asking them to return the plans of the Wairoa Gorge bridge without

further delay

Cr. Hewetson said the mudflat road, Moutere, was now axle deep in mud, and thought the Council might metal the portion that was laid out. He moved that application be made to the Department for authority to proceed with the work. Cr. Everett seconded the motion, which was carried. WAGES AND HORSE HIRE. The County Engineer reported that he had been asked to bring the progent rates of horse hire before the Council. He was informed that sheaves were now over £5 a ton to which must be added the cost of cutting and delivery. Men in the back parts of the district where feed is not grown say they can make nothing out of the hordes, indeed, were working them at a loss. Ho had also been requested to lay before the Council the question of wages on the grant works in tho bucK blocks, where tho carriage of stores was difficult and costly. Time was lost by bad weather and the climatic condi tions were much more severe than in closer and lower lying parts of the district. A further cause of compiaiirl was that men were expected to find their own tools and tents which vns not usual for works of this kind. The Engineer said that complaints in regard to the rates paid by tho Council for. horse hire v.-ero genersil throughout the county. Cr Hoult moved that an increase, of Is per day por head for horse lure be granted throughout the county. Cr. Everet seconded the motion which was carried. In regard to the rate of wages paid on Government grants and the providing of tents and tools, Cr. Everett moved that the Engineer T>e -empowered to make his own arrangements •vith the men. Seconded by Cr.'Hen'ctscji and carried. CONCRETE PIPES.

The Engineer' reported that the Council required moulds for 12-inch pipes. There was no proper place m which to make jjipes and to continue! to make them in the open was soniowhat of an experiment and the pipes were neither uniform or reliable. The

gravel from Brjghtwater added somewhat to the cost. He asked the Coin:-

cil to consider the question of establishing a depot at Brightwater and one at Motueka, with drying sheds, a, complete set of moulds at each, and the necessary screons for sorting the gravel.

It was decided to procure three 12----ineli moulds, and to leave the other

matters in abeyance for the present. The reports were then adopted. COUNTY INSPECTION. According to notice given, Cr. Evevet moved that the Council appoint a second inspector. He said tho rtrJF was not sufficient to do the work of tlo county and the Government grants is well. This had been demonstrated during the past few months. If the co;-. tract work increased, the inspector!;.! staff must bo increased. At the present time the Council was not gettih;, value for its money owing to the insufficiency of the inspectorial staff. The motion not being seconded, lapsed. Cr. Ewrett said that the silence ol councillors indicated that they wore satisfied that there was sufficient inspectorial supervision. CORRESPONDENCE. Mr. O. Tomlinson, Waimea West, applied for a road to his property, as lfe intended putting in a milling phnt and there was no outlet for tho timber. —Mr. Tomlinson waited upon the Council in support of the request.— As there were legal difficulties in the way o,f doing wliat was asked, the request was declined. The Public Works Department suggested that if the- Council spent £140 of an unexpended authority on the Sherry Vallcy-Manu road it .would materially assist the settlers. —Resolved, that the settlers interested be informed of the position. The Department approved of authorities for expenditure oil Huia, Kiwi, and Kokako. roads Being issued to tho Resident Engineer. The Council was

- to regard as cancelled the offers made I in' reference thereto." The Council's application for a further grant of. £300 for tho Wauoa Gorge road was acknowledged. In j view of the fact that the vote on which I the Council asked an overdrawal <fi • £300 only-£IOO, the Minister regretted" that he was unable at present to comply with the request. The application, however, would be noted when the Estimates were compiled. The Department wrote re Moutere mud-flat road ; Lower Moutere mudflat extension road; Lower Moutero mudflat road and bridge. The Council's letter dated Bth March (received in Wellington on 16th May) suggest- | ing that the works named should, be 1 taken over by the Department, was being submitted to the Minister. I The Public Works Department onquired whether tho Council intended to submit proposals for carrying out work on Edwards' road, Lower Moutere—The work to be proceeded with as soon .as possible. Mr. F. W. Flanagan, Valuer-Gener-al, replied to the Council's letter re city valuation, which stated that the city's contribution for hospital and charitable aid purposes was not sufti--1 cient. Tho Valuer-General recognised the force of the contention and would place Nelson city on the list of districts proposed revised for next year. ■ That list would come up for 1 final consideration in tho course of the next two or three months, and in

all probability the work of valuing the city would then be put in hand. The Council was informed that its contribution for charitable aid for the year would bo £897. • The chairmen of the Upper Moutere, Dovcdale, Stoke and Waimea West ioad Boards requested the Council to reconsider the matter of the chartre made for collection of the road boards' share of the rates.—The Chairman ruled that the matter could not bo dealt with without notice of motion. Cr. Hoult said that he would g!w notice of motion that the amount be reduced from 4 per cent to 2£ per cent. Tho Town Clerk forwarded a copy ol a letter received from the Commissioner of Crown Lands with reference to the proposed acquisition of land from the Richardson estate for recreation reservations, stating that he was directed to request the assistance of the County Council in the effort that was being made to induce the Government to purchase the land. The Nelson City Council was prepared to make a contribution of £300 towards the cost and would like to know what monetary contribution the Council 1 was'prepared to make. Cr. Hewetsoii moved that the City Council be informed that the Waimea County Council is unable to make any monetary grant. Cr. Hoult seconded the motion.—Carried unanimously. The Coroner (Mr. J. S. Evans, S.M.) wrote that as the result of an enquiry into tho cause of the death of Charier Lamb, lie had to draw attention to the dangerous state of the road near Tahuna. The evidence of several witnesses was that tho protective wall and chains should be carried further on and tho road made safer for bicyclt traffic. Mr. F. A. Bamford, secretary of the Tahuna Progressive Association forwarded the following resolution: — "That in view of the danger, the Wai-

mea County Council be asked to oreci a protection on the sea wall at the end of the Rocks road from the termination of the chains." Cr. Alborough said that the roat 1 was not more dangerous than tlit Walcapuaka road.

It was resolved, on the motion of Crs. Everett and Hoult that in view

of the urgent needs in other parts of the county the Council is unable to accede to' the request. Mr. 0. C. Best offered the Council stones at 6d per yard from heaps at Hope, and free from paddocks if gath-

ored by the Council.—Consideration deferred.

Mr. It. Ellis, Brightwater, wrote stating that he had installed the elec trie light in the Radium Mills, and had had a number of applications iron, residents in Brightwater, Wakeiield, and Richmond, to be connected in tin system. He applied for permission te erect posts and was prepared to supply the Council with light at a very reasonable cost. The Brightwater Progressive Association wrote in support of the proposal to light Brightwater by electricity. Cr. Hoult. moved that Mr. Ellis be granted permission to erect the posts for seven lights at Brightwater, under the supervision of the Engineer. Seconded by Cr. Drummond. Cr. Er.-er.ett thought that the question should not be settled .until the) had more details. Ho moved that the matter be not entertained until the full details of the scheme are placed before the Council-. Cr. Alborough seconded the amendment. Cr. Macmahon did not think the Council should grant an individual rights until they had details before them. Cr. Hoult could not understand the attitude of some of the councillors. Under the offer they had an opportunity of obtaining light for Brightwatei at a nominal fee. Cr. Everett said that all he wanted to know was the details of the scheme. At present the request was too vague. The amendment was then put and carried on the voices. Mr. \V. L. Palmer, Waimea West, wrote re ditch in front of the public school. —Resolved that in view of the

officer's reports that the Council could not intervene. From Mr E. W. Hodgson, President of the 'Wakeneld Progressive Association, stating that application had been mado to the Government for a Coronation grant to assist in re-building and Improving the.Waimea South Literary Institute, butit seemed that the request had to come through the County Council. The Council, therefore, was asked to make an application to the Government for a subsidy on a £ for £ basis. —Resolved, to make application as requested. I The Wakefield branch of the Farmers' Union applied for £10, instalment of small bird rate. The Council was asked to increase the price paid for blackbirds and thrushes to Is Gel a dozen during the winter months.—Resolved that the increased price of Is 6d be paid during the winter, to apply throughout the County. From Mr. T. McCarthy. Baton, re road from Wangapeka ford to Baton saudle.—Resolved that the writer be informed that there is no grant available.

From Mr. \V. Mackenzie, Baton, asking to be provided with road to his property.—Resolved that the grant of £100 available be expended on the road as asked for.

Baton residents requested the removal of private gates across the Baton main public road through Mr. Lublow's property.—Consideration deferred.

Messrs Maginnity and Son, instructed by Messrs Hamilton Bros., claimed compensation for loss sustained through the construction of a newroad partly intersecting their property Moutere. A sum of £20 would be ac ceptcd as compensation.—Referred t<> the Chairman, and Crs. Everett and Hewetson with power to act.

Settlers called attention to the state of Poley bridge road, Lower Mouterc. —Resolved, that the road be repaired at a cost not exceeding £25. From Messrs Teece Bros., Upper Mouterc, re outlet for water from H. Hewctson's property.—Engineer to report.

Mr. C. H. Mackay, Lower Moutere, wrote r<? a road down the west side of the Moutere Valley.—Referred to the Chairman, and Crs. Everett and Howetson to report.

From Air. H. Thomason, Ngatimoti, re a culvert in front of his land.—Referred to Cr. Everett to report . The Wakatu Mounted Rifles app'.ied for a piece of vacant land opposite the Druids' Hall, Tapawera, for drill purposes.—Granted.

Mr. E. Scott, Riwaka, was granted permission to deck ditch and erect verandah.

Mr. A. H. Bisley forwarded a copy of a petition for £750 grant for » bridge over the Motueka river, near Golden Downs Accommodation House. There wore 23 signatures to the petition, which was endorsed by the Council.

Mr. A. H. Bisley wrote re deviation of road through his property, Golden Downs, and offering £10 towards tiie works —Resolved to undertake the work, subject to alterations suggested by the Engineer and provided Mr. Bisley contributes £ for £.

Mr. C. Newport wrote re traffic bridge over the Motupiko river, petitioned for 12 months ago. —Resolved that tho writer be informed that the plans are nearly completed and that provision will be made for children.

From Mr. Owen Sloss, re bad state nf road at Korere.—The Overseer to

~<-.^f . + nn ,i ] lave ron< ] ina< j c sa f P

Mr M. Jones asked that a footbridge b° nn+ nnross the two streams in Norns's Gully.—-The Engineer to report. Mr. N. Win, chairman, forwarded a resolution passed at a public meeting at Dovedalo, requesting the Council to postpone, if possible, the matter o*' the re-division of the ridings until such time ns the proposal had been placed before the ratepayers.—Resolved thai the clerk inform Mr. Win that tlm Council regrets it cannot see its way to grant the request. An amendment that consideration be deferred war lost.

The secretary to the Wairau Land and Railway League wrote re construction of a railway via Tophouse tr connect in the Nelson-West Coast line. The closer settlement of the Wairar nlain was of importance to Nelson ami Marlborough, and the Waimea County Council's sympathy and co-operation wore sought—Resolved that the Council is not sufficiently informed of the facts to opress an opinion on the proposal.

Mr. S. Norgrove, Wangamoa, wroto re drain leading from tlio road throng]bis property near tho Collins bridge. Tf not attended to within saven days* lie would hold tho Council liable for d.-injafjos as tho water was snoring hip wintor feed —Resolved, that the dayman be instructed to clean out thr litch, but that the work be don© without prejudice to any future refusal to maintain the ditch. GENERAL BUSINESS. It was resolved that a general rate of 1-Jd be levied. On the motion of Crs. Hoult and Everett, the Engineer was instructed to submit a scheme for tho better supervision of county work at the next meeting. A petition presented by Ors. Drummond and Mncinahon for a grant of £200 for the Glen Itae road was endorsed. It was resolved that Cr. Hoult inspect and report on the work asked for on the Lee Valley road by Messrs A. Max and others. ' It was resolved to inform a traction •:i .■.'■-

engine owner that if h© leaves fiis plant on the public road again, proceedings will be taken against him. The Overseer was instructed to sec to repairs of decking and approaches to bridges on Drummond's road. The Council rose at 6.15 p.m. The Council will meet again to-day to consider the question of altering the boundaries of the various ridings.

General account £5783 3 10 Oil. Contractors' deposits Rocks road loan. Ngatimoti bridge loan Utiton bridge loan Land Fund Thirds Peninsula bridge loan Sherry bridge loan 10 7 0 104 9 1 19 2 1 22 17 (J 324 0 £ 310 0 S 48 4 9

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Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13128, 9 June 1911, Page 3

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WAIMEA COUNTY COUNCIL. Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13128, 9 June 1911, Page 3

WAIMEA COUNTY COUNCIL. Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13128, 9 June 1911, Page 3