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(From "Tho Colonist," Dec. 1. Favoured with perfect-weather the ; "People's Day' of .tho eighteenthshow s&y a Very large attendance. Opinion: is divided as to whether the attendance constituted a record, and the question can onlybo decided' when the actual figures are available. In any case there is every reason to bo satisfied, \vith the number present and the publje should feel satisfied with the management, for considering,' the magnitude of the affair j the shortcomings are 'wonderfully -few, and it must be remembered that a considerable share of the. work fplls upon honorary officials. . '..■;•■ ■• : : Though no Minister of the Grown was able to grace the -occasion with his presence, there were not lacking visitors of distinction, and we are inclined to., the opinion that there "were more, visitors from or distance than Usual. ; . '..:-.; ; ; . ■■■': ■•.. ■ ..- ■': ''.. .-■■■' Among tiie visitors were Mr R. McArtney, Vice-President of ' the Marlborough A. and Pv Association, aaid Archbishop Redwood. ,_ ; The Hon. D. Buddo, Minister of Internal Affairs, sent thefoKowing: wire to Mr Glen, secretary of J the Association :— "Regret very much I am unable to take advantage of your kind invitation to visit your annual show. The loss is mine, but I hope to make good on some other occasion. ' Kindly convey to the President m-y best wishes for good weather, a record attendance, and a very successful gathering." Mr S. Tapp, of Blenheim, also wired regretting his inability to be. : present. The i Hdft. R. McKenzie, Minister for Public Works, also wired regretting-;that he was unable tobe present, :and expressing the hope that the show would be a successful one'i :". " .:;:wi .;'■■■■ :•- "-' ■•'■■'•' ' '• The Railway 'inf orni v s that the number carried by train f rom Nelson was r- about the same as last year, fifteen hundred; but more passengers were conveyed from up country to Richmondjbetween five and six hundred. ■ Tlie veHicles -the ground; were .evidence that, a considerable proportion '■■ of the , ;"assemKa'ge came; in tjieir own conveyances.- . The. band. music was supplied by the Richmond*; Brass Band, strengthened by the inclusion of a fey members of the; Garrison Baud, which perfonried very crcdiiablj'i ■:■ '■ /■ . ; At one siage there was some gramlv ling at i shortage at bno of the lunchi eon, rooms.-: This was ; due' to there being a greater Tun on one foorii," arid » transfer oif supplies soon rempyed the cause of^complaint. : The catering 'was well carried -.but.- : ■•■I ■> • '> • There.;wis grumbling also at the ab-' sence of a-licensed bar on the ground, ' and mbtoij 'bflsses running to' Ric- 1 mond conveyed thirVfcy souls, and others, between the "wet" arid "dry" areas. - :.Oijt i the whole the public ap^ . pear to have now become used to Richmond Parf as "dry." ... i The parade of prize winners in the horse and Rattle sections was well carried out, and for this event arid the riding ana driving competitibns the large ariea preserved for show' ring purposes was the-rigtitthing. There were a riuinber of side shows which were well patronised by old and young, and there can be no' doubt as to the popialarity of these, adjuncts to: the, show proper. ' ; The technicar schools exhibits were a centre of attraction. the : day th'rorigili and' anpth^r- exhibit that secured the commerida|i<Mi- ■of judges and ;', public' alike was jtb« collection of . district products made.,by the .Stoko,^public^ sohobC tJtofortunately this was ihe

I only school to enter for the seven guineas offered in throe prizes, but that fact does not detract from the excellence of the display made by the Stoke •pupils. The children and teacher are to be complimented on a very excellent exhibit. The collectors for the children s hospital ward were very much in evidence and the result of their efforts should be an appreciable addition to the fund. Those who contributed one shilling or over were presented by the coJector with a small red badge, which had the effect of making the donor immune from further solicitation by any collector. DRAUGHT HORSES. The ring events in this class attract- \ ed good entries, and competition was keen. The best mare in spring dray was won by Mr L. Berkett, of Hope, ; Mr H. J. Rose, of Takaka, taking second place. There was a good turnout of express horses, Messrs Grant • Bros*., of- Nelson, capturing: both ■ events. It is the sixth year in sue- . cession that this firm has captured : the prizes for the best express turnbut. : t LIGHT HORSES: '. Light horses taken as a whole were : a very strong class, and. showed a dis--1 tinct advanceon previous shows. There ! were four entries' in the pairs of 1 buggy horses, and there was little to ' choose between the prize wniners. The ! pair owned by, the Rev. Father Holley, " of Blenheim, secured the first award 1 in what was described; by. the- judge, ' Mr E, I>> O'Rourke, of Remuera, who ' officiated in a similar capacity at the ' Netson show -some , seven . years ago, as ' a very fine class. In .Tegard to the \ best trotting, mare or gelding, .driven | in- harness,, for which i there,, ,-were : eighteen entries, the section was a very fine one indeed, and according ;to 5 the judge a credit to any show in New Zealand. Competition was very keen, : and the success of , .Messrß. Newman. [ Bros.y of Nelson, 1 in, securing first and' : second awards, gave'-great satisfaction ' to the. public. ; " .^ " : ' In the beit poky over 13.2 arid iinL der 14.2, there were three entries, arid ' the. 'prizes' .were 'awarded- to >;R. ; ■ F. ; > Uslier and F, W. Ryder; -They,^how-; " ever', were unable to comply with the ' conditions in regard to •measTiremeiit--1 and were disqualified, the prize- being r ; awarded to Miss. Mabel Trask. There: •T were -seventeen, -entries. 'for >the'-best 1 lady driver, Mrs. Andrew gaining firat " prizej with;MrßtG.; Hodgson : second. ; Several of' the ladies handled' their ' horses wel, /but the; majority oarried ' their hands ioo> far out; and failed to j biilaßice; their horses. Others did nob 1 stop arid start as Veil as they might 1 have done^ In tlie liafhessing and T driving competition: 'for men; Mr J. ' Biggai% iwho has "}von this event, for several years iih succession, was> again i successful.' and Miss ; '■ Frances. ■ Huiit, ■ who carried off the honours last-year, 1 repeated her performance. : In the but- • cher's cart horse anaharness, Mr W; " Coleman, ■ junr. , of Richmond, gained ■ first place, with Mr F. W. Fairey, of ] Nelson, second and third. 'The class ', as a' whole- was excei!lenty':!theexhibll ,tprs ' having evidently gbnf!, ; tb' a great- ' deal of trouble in preparing their turn;-; " outs. These Remarks apply to the b?i-' > kers' and •'■ grocers' 'delivery "carte. ■ '■ In : '. -: the former Mr l James Ati.s'ljice was the only competitor, ; - but secured ' th'reo '. prizes witnfotif exhibits. ' :'■' ']"' ' "•' The tandem teams were a feature of : the >class. ; Tii the opinion', iif Mr ' O'Rourk©- they . were the- 'finest lot of ;■ tandem teams he had judged 'fqfj'^afs. ' Great difficulty, was experienced, id se- ' lectirig the prize.^yiniieri, aiid il Messrs '. Newman Bros.jibf 'Nelson, "secHred,the'. 1 first prize, : '.with. Father ;Holley 7 s teams, of Bi'.enheiin, isqicoiid, ahd third respectively^ : f '. ; ; ..;,'; ■"■'.".'.■ ; . Tlio two* four-in-hand' teams 'shown by the- ReV. Father Holley; of Bleiiheim'/ and Mr. John; Gay, of Nelson, were placed fir«t and' second respeci tivelj'i Both' were fexcelle'rit; 'teams. and the judges had: considerable' diffi-! >' culty in separating them. In the bpinV ;'. ion of Mr Baxter, one bf the judges, i tlier6 was nothing to. approach either I of them at the reoerit Sydney.siibw. ■ As Usual, the" general public took keeii ; -interest in. the -riding and 'driving :. competitions; and the winners; of the • various events, 1 whose' nameV appear. 1 in, the prize list. wef e'waTmly applauded. Unfortunately th»» : majority of • the townspeople were iiiiafele to stay to -. .witness' the -'-ladies' jymp'ing conipetii tion, which was in progress w;hen the ! 5.35 p;m: train left Richmond, for • Nelson. 'No doubt the Association : will next year eiideavburtb have '.tlie events which are most popular with, the public got off earlier in the day. The .competition for-landa.w was'a good one, the turn-outs causing much favourable comment. ■"■"'■' Tfie" judges, j both of whom were, r at^the Sydney |. Royal Show, Avere agfieed that thierc was nothing as good, tlfere , which is a J decided cbmplimeilt ;. tb. "the local cxi hibitors.

In the hacks,, .both ladies' aiid,geii T tleinen's, there were some' very* nice -horses, andvwith some of them the ; judges • were- -■ especiai'ly pleased; 'Mr' Q'Bflurke rode several of th^' horses himself in order to test their paces. In regard to th©dog cart horses] the clasßywas an exceptionally good" one/ and, it is to be: regretted- that there were not more present when the entries were being judged. Judging was concluded' at 7.0"p.m. The special prizes for the best girl rider, not over 16 years of agejvwere won by Miss Rougliton 'first and Miss Trask second . .•■•:. .. ■ ■■ ; r .■ ; ; Li the hacks.iboth ladies and gentlemen's there were some very nice hbr-: ses, and; with som© f bf them the judges' were especially pleased. ' ; WOOD CHOPPINJS AND SAWING ; COMPETITIONS.,; ; , , There were fewer entnes than usual in the wpod-chopping and sawing competitions. There were, four entries in the wood-chopping,, G. A. Pukldwsrkyy of \Vairangi, beating A. Steer, ;of:Ta> pawera. Two pairs only competed in thd sawing «6ttipetitioii, Preiiy!- and Griffiths winning after a close contest. The balance of the p/iife'li'st'aM'th©. full results of the milking competition are appended:— ' * '' v DRAUGHT HORSES. • Judge, Mr J. Baiter, Hamilton ; Stewards, Messrs R. H. Coleman (sen- ; ior steward),- Thos. H. Hbllandj G, H. Ching, and Joseph E; Bart- .'. ' lett.. • -.: ..-.: •/.■■■ ■-„.. ■ ■ ••.-,. •••■■ ■■■ Best; Draught Entire, any ,• age r James Young 1 ;.W'. Martin : 2. . . ■.: . • ,Best Mare or Gelding : Leo Beckett 1; H. J. Rose 2;, M. Homer,3, Thos. ; Bright, h.c. >■, .-.'■ ■ . • .■:•:.■ Best Mare or Gelding driven in express- ij.Grant Bros.l, Cooksey and Co; 2, Wm.. Jessop 3. -■■•■' Best Mare or Gelding,, express- and harness: Grant Bros 1, Cooksey and Co2 J J?.:Fauchelle3; . - : v ; : , LIGHT HORSES^ ! I:,/ Judge,'Mr E ; D.'O'Rourke; Stewards, Messrs Joseph Wadsworth ' : : and H. Croucher, (senior stewards)- --" R Colemia«,J. S.Wi'4tt, J?. 'G,. •: Babehelor^G.TW. 3Gst, and James Best Thoroughbred entire: H. S. . . Best Trotting Entire : Wm Martin 1,T. Rpughton 2. . . ■v. ; r - ;- Best Thoroughbred Brood Mare : *Jr Clbugher 1.. . ,■ ■• ... rf-- t : ': o -■•''. Best Brood Mare : Newmaßrßrds jl;,Miss F. A. Richmqnd'2, Chas J. Bird 3 ■- ■ . ' -- . ■ ' ■ r / ~ ■ ■ Bes*]Hackney, mare or gelding i; 2 years old: Godfrey Best 1, C. J.-Bird 2, Allan Tear, 3.-: „ ■-.■.„ ; ;• ■.■■> •■■..,■:'■: / Best Pony, n^are or £eJding,.over 13.2 and up to 14.2 : MabefTrask l. ;i V-.v Best Cob,' mare or gelding, not to. exceed 15; hands : : Newman Bros 1,; J. B. Dick 2, Dr. Andr^ew $,n <■;, ;>-.': i Best Pony, ? 12.2' and. under,: mara or gelding: Donald Max 1. ,^.< ..-.■ -.-•■■■ 1 Best-Ppny, mare ; or. .gelding, ioveir 12.2 arid up to 13.$:RandaL;Usher.l. j ■Best Pony, not exceeding 14 hands, to be ridden bXigtgirlrnnderrl4fyearß. Use of side-saddle prohibited : Miss EK. Naylbr,- 1 7 =R- sF, Ushor 2, -Miss Mafeel/Prasfe^ > ,! .-.;,. V,. '.\ ■ i; Best r ß«tchßji;!a Cart-horse and"liar.nessi.y?~< Coleman Jfunr, I, .P^cJfe 2 and 3. , . Best Baker's Delivery Cart, horse

and harness: James Anstice, 1, 2, and 3.

Best Grocer's Delivery Cart, horso and harness: G. F. Hingston 1, • F. Lusty 2, Grove and Son 3. Best Pair buggy horses, to be driven in harness: J. R. Holley 1, Newman Bros 2, Geo. H. Mellet 3. Best Trotting Mare or Gelding, to be driven in harness: Newman Bros 1, and 2, J. R. Holley 3. Open Harness and Driving Competi tion : J. Biggar 1, H. Hunt 2, Geo Manning 3. Harness and Driving Competition, [ for ladies only : Miss Frances Hunt 1, ! Miss V. Cunninghame 2, Miss K. Anderson 3. Best Lady Driver : Mrs (Dr) Andrew 1, Mrs G. Hodgson 2, Miss L. Batchelor 3, Miss Reena Roughton v.h.c. Best Pony Turn-out, -pony not to exceed 14.2, driven by lady (amateur) : Miss E. K. Naylor 1, A.' R. Evans ,2, Mrs (Dr.) Andrew 3. Best Pony, mare or gciding, not exceeding 14.2, suitable for a "roadster" and to be driven in harness : Miss M. Perrin i; Mrs (Dr.) Andrew 2. Best Harness Mare or Gelding, over 14.2 -and under 15.1, to be driven in Douglas trap: Dr. Andrew 1, F. F. Fowlor 2, H. L. Thomas 3; Best Tandem Team : Newman Bros 1. J. R. Holley 2 and 3, Geo. H. Mellett v.h.c. Best Driver of Tandem, over obstacles: E. Hageri (5 pegs) 1; W. Hageh 2, J.. A. Orsman 3. . . .■ Best Amateur "Driver of Tandem, over obstacles: F. F. .Fowler lj F. Lusty,' jiinr., 2,; W. Hagen 3.:. . . , Best Lady Amatoiir Driver of single horse, over obstacles: Mrs K. foiaprj (7 pegs) 1, Miss V. Cunirighame 2, I Miss Mabel Trask 3: ; : " • > Best Jumper: -Charles Thomas 1, F. q. Batohelpr 2, W. S. ;Booth 3, Joseph Green 4,, ; '■-■•-.•: '■ Best Four; in Hand Team.: J. R. Holley 1,. John Ga.r-2. . ; , , Best Lady's Hack: Newman Bros 1, Miss F. A. Richmond 2, Thos Neale 3. Newman Bros v.h.c. : ; Best ■: Lady's -and Gentleman's Hacks, to F be ridden together and; judg--ed as .a pair -'Newman Bros-1. Thoß. Neale 2-J; BJ Dicks; C. J. Bira_v.h;c. - ' Best Juinpih^ £ony, not exceeding ;14 hands',, bver.^three flights of .hiirdles ,3ft high, to be'Tidflrn by a 'boyor girl age not to exceed 15 years : Miss Grace McMahon (Cr Palmer) 1." Arthur R. Evans (Mabel' Trask) 2, R. F. fisher ..(C. Haase)i3: ;;; :- \ : ; ■5 ; Best Land aii 'Turnout: Newman jßros 1, John Gay 2 and 3. , , 1 Best Ladies' Hack, over three flights 'of hurdles, to be ridden by -a lady: F: ; .C, Batchelor (Miss G. : Macmahon) 1 , Charlrß Thomas (Miss Roughtori) % Miss Evelyn Macmahon 3. Best Hack, : mafg"of gelding, up to 11 stone: J. R. Holley 1, Newman Bros -2; Miss-F^A} Rich'morid»3V ° '^ ■ Best, Hack, mare or gelding, to

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Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 12975, 14 December 1910, Page 2 (Supplement)

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THE PEOPLE'S DAY. Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 12975, 14 December 1910, Page 2 (Supplement)

THE PEOPLE'S DAY. Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 12975, 14 December 1910, Page 2 (Supplement)