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yjORTNIGHTIiY MEETING. The for'nightly meeting of the City Council last night wag attended by tbe Mayor (MrJ. Piper), and Councillors A. A. Grace, W. McOonchie, T. Neale.A. H. Bisley, J. D. Eobertsou, "W. K. Turner, T, Petti t and T. A. Field.. Leave of abaenca f->r the meeting was granted to- Cr Hainpaon. The Mayor stated that tbe debit balance at tne bank stood at £14,933 10a 2d ; and payments ainoimting tc £3020 14s Id were authorised. Correspondence was read and dealt with as under: — ■■ From Messrs A. T. Maginnity and Son, solicitors, acting on behalf of Messrs Wells Brothers, whose two horses were recently sold-'Ly the poundkeepar. It .was complained that the poundkeeper's advertisements did not give any description of the horses which woul-l enable the owner to identify tueni, and the owuer3, though they read the advertisements, did not know they referred to their horses, as the descriptions did not agree with auy horses owned- by them, and tbe sexes were wrongly stated... Tbeir clients did not know till after the sile that the horses were their animals, when it was too late to do anything. One or two breaches of the Impounding Act were alleged, and for the loss of tbn horses and damages they were instructed to claim from the Douncii or tbe poundkeeper tne sum of £32 103, failing payment of which witnin_ 14 days proceedings would be instituted. — Referred to the Finance Committee. Prom the Waimea County Council, suggesting the following amounts to be paid for small birds' heads and eggs:— For eggs, two pence per dozen, and for heads, from September Ist till end of February, sixpence per dozen ; and from M.aroh Ist till end of August, six pence per" dozen, — Referred to the Finance Committee, From Nelson Lawn Tennis Association, asking permission, if convenient, to erect tents on tbe Manuua street footpath in front of the courts, on the occasion of the New Zealand tournament. The pathway was at present unused. ■• They expected about 200 visitors during tbe tournament. — Kefeired to tbe Works Committee, with power to actFrom the Fire Brigade, applying for the use of the Botanical Reserve on December Bth.— Granted. From same body, asking the Council to provide sleeping room for three members at the station, and for matters asked for in previous letters. Cr Grace thought it very desirable that some members of the Brigade should sleep at the station, but they would want some guarantee, that fct.e men who volunteered to sleep at the station would do .so for some considerable time, Granting the request would greatly increase the efficiency of the Brigade, nnd he thought tbe Council should accede to the request. The letter was referred to the Works Com'nittee. From Mrs R. Vickerman, Kussell street, complaiuing of shortage of water.— Referred to Water Committee. - From the Fare Brigade, advising of the arrival of new gear, and ask-

' ing for payment of Council's grant. f — The amount was included in tbe I payments. r ; "From Mr E. Mc's. Thompson, tasking for permission to place bat'iing 'machines on the sands at Ta- I huo2.— Referred to tao Work* Committee. ' . From Mr J. F. Bell, protesting nga'msfc an account rondpred him for work done by tbe Council's 3m- ' ployees in connection •with drainage work at his property. The (Jity Engineer said Mr Bell was the only resident in the neighbourhood wno had complained. The Town Clerk read the acoount. which amounted to £1$ 11s 3J. Tho letter was referred to tha Drainage Committee. Ono hundred and thirty ratepayers petitioned the Council to have the new dam put into the same state of repair as it was in last summer. Or Grace moved that consideration of the petition be deferred until the I City Engineer reports on the Cumlnings' Creek supply. That report would be reidy in a f^w days, and they eoukTthea consider the w i- ole matt6r. » .. Cr Neal said he would be willing to support the motion if the City ! Engineer's report would be ready as | soon as Cr f.iraca stated. The City Engineer said bis report would be ready in a few days. He had the necessary information. Tbe matter w=»s finally deferred till the conclusion of the Drainage Committee meeting on Friday eveuIng nest. The Works Committee reported : On the lett9r from the District Agent of th« Public Trustee, rc.mizziendlng tha.t an arrangaraeot be maao to taive over Jeonens' quarry i for one year, the atone to bo paid for at tbe rate of sixpence per load. As to Uullirigwood street bridge,. Jha Committee recommended that tbe City Engineer ba instructed not to proceed with tbe new bridge atpreSent, and thsfr minor, repairs be effected sufficient to ,ri?iku tlto present structure'suSice for the current year. The report was adopted. The Finance Committee rccommon ded that the Marine B^ths be repaired at oncn at a cost not exceeding £15. .Messrs, Maginnity and Syn's application for a right-of-way should be granted. Th 9 Uommittoo recommended the Council to inform the Town Clerk of Fefcone that the Council was in sympathy with the Petone Council in the matter of the Workers' Dwellings Act, and would bring tue representations under the notice of the member for tbe distriot. In regard to the lettor frjin MrJ. Boon and others, tha Committee recommended that gas and water be laid on as requeited as soon as possible. The Committee was unable to jecog.iise any lia bility in "the matter of Messrs Adams and fclarley's claim on behalf of JMr Corby, -A telephone should be placed in the Fire Brigade Station. The report was adopted. The City Engineer (Mi W. Aitche son-Smith reported as follows: — Sawerage ' No. 2 gravitation area: Ttie Toi-Tor Valley section of this aren is practically -completed. A slight hitch has occurred in conectios with a way trench through a private property, but there is every prospeot of a satisfactory adjustment of claim being made.. Work will be commenced on Mondaj in the (jollingwoocL. street siuth section of the gravitation area. Compressor Station : Owing to the difficulty of procuring bricks of suitable quality, this work has not made very satisfactory progress. The building, however, will be completed b.efote the arrival of the compressor Works: The metalling and repairs to Waketield Quay hove been completed, and the work of pffectiDg necessary repairs to Baven road hns' been resumed. Bridges: The JUaitai Bank bridge has been practically completed. ■ and is now open for traffic. Tt:o Trafalgar street footbridge has also been completed. In this connection it was found on the removal of some of the decayed woodwork that repairs were required, making the cost slightly in excess of the Committee's estimate. \Vat«r: Owing to the recent *raing and tie Hooded state of the stream, slow progress bas been made during the past fortnight with the high level weir. 1 have been aclvisod by the manufacturers that the valves, etc., bave been shipped, and may be expected very shortly. Waste of water: During the past fortnight your Council's inspectors have discovered several people using water contrary to the provisions of the bylaw. Wben caught they professed ignorance of the by-law or tho provisions relating to waste. I would therefore suggest that tbu claus3S in- question bo inserted in tbo public press iv connection with the notice regarding waste, and limiting tne tours of use for watering with hose ; that all information at prpsent lodg(Contiuued on flrs w page,)

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Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12411, 28 November 1908, Page 4

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CITY COUNCIL. Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12411, 28 November 1908, Page 4

CITY COUNCIL. Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12411, 28 November 1908, Page 4