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llnlnn Chin Pffl '-'''j/i^^f^SKPVS^K^^SSSS^SS^^tf^^^^ : • • " A SMART" SUMMER SUIT. union steam bnip to <, . J^^^^:^^ffWf^^^^^^^^wd- ¥ 'm^€ = ; :*? ss, &* im, £2 15s and £3 33. _ mi _ 1 • sW #\_ s»# &W /&%§§* Bj h fifw J6& 1 ffl^B_J^aj^y (PS #■% •'■■-■» I #% Made-to-measure. of New Zealand, *»^fill^^J^^^^^^^, R $00(^888 and SOnS, ■T^ s -: :^ -de-to- -:•■• LIMITED. . jj? Ji^i§liii #$f J , iJMßTr^ffF 1 •SSsBBBH? WIIWUJJI HOO ttBBU 'WWilG'j measure -by George Davies, Chrißt- . . ■'■ — ; : — r— : — ' . , , — 7 (pa A Jr^ssSslis&^ii JllL JLM&5$*&WlBm /@ S lJ&§&&0r^M f J!s ' ' • TiT-DTinT TiiTDCiDmTm 3 church,.- at-the'abovo prices for gehtlci- , Passengers MtST procure Tickete at m^y^Ji^P^^ M^Ww!^ Mm fL!jMgr?pN?kWM ' DIRECT IMPOB/TETI3. . men right her© in .your own town, the Office before they embark. , W%\W &'^ » BSr^JIM § i kl&M&Firm. WJ :1 S 'Mjy^l : ' • r are really surperb in style, fit and Steamers will be despatched a3 under, i| 7 # |» W dF'^LJ^ilFlk'* £3 fm ™ '■Jk&F^ '* CSHH A T?X?r\T>T\Qtl TDXT' IXATTCJIP finish. - They equal in appearance ' weather and other circumstances j| _. 0& f] Jl aS^Hflllf £Sp iUlte^^^^ OJ. AJj J? V/ JXA/oO JL JaJDi tl\yU>^F.i. suits you have been in the habit of PICTON & WELLINGTON. J| MWl^^La&E*^**^^^^^ Then send yonr \ | : :. ' -.:, . they 'possess one point which no Pateena, Tuesday, Nov 24, 9.30 a.m. : m£ , t ., . . tailori "L° r £?" ' I -r .• s n-u •i. o t l •' other firm can supply— it is the I Arahura, Wednesday, Nov 25, 10 a.m. S§| 3^ to a large tailoring firm— to. TIIIBE'S, ; •,. 1. In preparation for Clinetmai Season, We k'dYQ large . famous "Eeep-shape"_ front. This Pateena Thursday, Not 26, 9,30 a.m. Ms ■ Christchurch — nnd share in tho sub-- fe ' front is a registered front that eni Pateena! Saturday,' Nov 28, 9.30 a.m. '§^&&QS2*@^' ' Btantial advantages of our methods of trading. i Rrunmont* a-F sures the; coat from fuming hack - ' "■ . ?s^ffl^T t^ . .- .. ■js wuipixiciJLio \}\. . and. =gettinn" out of shape. It- is — _ — ■■nrRTi'PT Hi G'entlemen's EUEEKA SUITS made to measure under our system . the latest' idea from the best LonvvjiL.LiiJNijrJ.uiN uiiuioi. .» usually mean a saving to you of £2 to £3 the suit, and we guarantee gj QT? A Gf\ Itf 4 13 T 1? HAATi Q - d o Q » n <* New York tailoring estahMapocrika, Saturday, Nov 28, 9 a.m. g-. SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BICK. | Qliiii3Ull A I) U Ci UU U BJ I O lishments, and Mr Davies is fortxi- . No cargo. , | -v.< t? nate indeed in possessing the excluw E sTPo^ o e^YM A ouTH, and I This Stylish Suit Made to Measure^ Si I Arrived and Arming, including- |h^^g. nir - -, m "j „ ' no fa ■■-.■'■ ' ' JaiaO^ a " " . havealreadv sent "for samples and Mapourika, Thursday, Nov 26, - | And DeHvered Froe of ,88 »■ / 6?twfi~?\- H ' CHINA, - - - . - the simple 'self measurement form, •Arahura Sunday, Nov 29 10 a.m. l^^rMtt/- MTvIX® EARTHENWARE, ■ and forwarded their order to Christ^ ♦Cargo (perishabteonly) until noon | All Charges from .. . ta W^Jfi / H /j -i'l P • . GIjASSWARE church since the "keep shape" front. Saturday. , | . . / ■ Wl' ■ « I P FANCY OOOD^ ' ' * ■ ' was introduced, have been highlr NEW PLYMOUTH & ONEHUNGA i It is one of the newest EUEEKA styles, and we Tl ":|%\ g m^iuwi/o, TTfATHPffflnn^' ' pleased witlr the .splendid coats f .?• -n , t I make to your measure in fine wear-resisting Grey, / 1 . fi]' V M . IdSiAlttlJiß GOODS, made. Tlien special care is given Eotoiti,Fnday,.Dec4,spm. ... -'I Green, ; Brown, and other favourite Tweeds, Serges, " / k I JAPANESE GOODS, to" every detail in the making of „■;..■:■..■>• par^go untd 4 p.m.. - „; g or the-fampus Blue Yiounas in varying weights from /; g & "i ELEGTRO-PLATE : • „ .. every garment, - and Mr Davies is SYDNEY, VIA COOK STKAIT. :| .-....««/- & c Bnit - :. , ,: v -'-.=-• ; -^ : / '^ -1^1^: | ■CUTLERY, • ' l^Sf^l^V? f - :r uv^vra^^ ■ STATIONERY, V KSmtSlttt y k I MoeraH. Friday, Deed,, 4p.m. # enures a perfect fit, and the suit will- be found faith- M 1 ,<«>. . -...'•• BASKETS, " has" ;authbrised us to state that he WE^T COAST SOtmDS GBHISE " I throughout. ■ ' ®ftF| ' . . -- - .; BRUSHWAHE. .will giva; you va : written gjuaranteo I WEST COAST SOUNDS CRUISE. | . We gurrantee to satisfy you. If we don't, you ' -to refund your money m' full should Waikare leaves Dnhedin, lGth January, •.. return the suit and wa'H return your money. lTill in A VffijOTßa 1 3 • ■ . 'Oi • • - you not be entirely satisfied With ■ . "1909. . Eaies and full particulars on -g - . "tb"e coupon below and let us send you our patterns and /k\ *M%irr~ffi i ■'".'■' '. ■" the garments when you receive them, i ; application. 'n iinnltlai; ''BfittprSmta for Less Mfttifiv"— -VintVi "PTI'R'R \o/ »^- m f....«iia •i' r\ 'm t it i ' i i i ii •• it 'V il ™ c attnbute the difference of £2 -;; .m . ■ .- .-.-.■• -• - -- — £ booitiei, getter auus ior jjess Money -potn xn&b. \o/ _ P^SS. Our Stocks are the most .up-to-date obtainable— bouglit in the price of Mr Davies suits i ar - Cargo arid Passengers booked throagh S Trio,. lt Co., Chris jeftm oh. - V "«^.B> | frnm TnaTmf«ofnrprs nnlv jrnrT on fho hp*f lvi<«q 6 eJ y to the modern methods adoptto all principal ports in NEW ZBA- |•, E U3ie Jnn<l m your fnc Boo*M __ irOHl maßUlaCtLirerS Only, ana On tile DeSt DaSIS. , : ed in thG>m«kin S of the ffarmonts, LAND, AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA |j an<i Pattern, ««d«r««d in the , . TRIBE & Co '• ■ a- V. .. . . . and ofcourse also to the fact that • FIJI (Suva and Levuka), FRIENDLY | ._..„... I „......................::... . n i^b.w *■..«.-. ww«. . ;| ..1 7 ■■ InSPCCtIOn InVlted. . r a&. sells entirely for cash, giving no ISLANDS (Tonga; Eaapai, and Vavau), |jj ' n v undcniooi Ido not commit mytcif in Made to Measure . • credit whatever, thus making no bad SAMOA (Apia), COOK ISLANDS | "» "«? whatever.; Suits by Mall . , . ; . / • , debts, and after all, it does seem (Rarotonga), and SOCIETY ISLANDS | Name.......... „.. cern laai CHRISTCHURCH absurd that one man should have to (Tahiti), :' W| j> dr ... - • " "'"- «»•■ . ■■..'.. ■; .. « _ ■ . .- . " —^- pay^ a higher price for his suit just . Eegular services are maintained to all gv^" ..■.—•-•—•--•■•••••• :;• ••■■■: - nq.-v. .. ja. --■ ■ ,i^ . - - _^ _ _ _ because some other fellow fails to , the abovenamed ports.- . ■.. , •■•^■^«WBgteffßHKW»MaßßflgMßMrflWi^^ Wllfll SPE^OIT Tbavei, This Season pay :for his, but that, is just what j CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN LINE. JUNCTION HOTEL, 'T't. ' " " Ul "" °° " ' DICTATOR. Iwho do^piy^and^a^ ! .-••... ■•(The" All Bed. "-Equte). ... ■„ ; ; , ■._.„, : ■ . "*^l 'TH*- S'- -~ h&XU&avL^ .. ally it is not the tailor who gives the • CANADA, UNITED STATES, AND ; . TAKAKA. «= s=^ = \\f 9 \^ ' WB^^» By Imnerius Yimß ) from credit ;. it is the man who does pay ' EUROPE. ; , . "Z_; fSJL I V,/lmP i asn^' v THE UNDERSIGNED ARE {PEE- Nellie, 1 by Duncan Gray (Aeab). rm.y° u - Mr Davies will esteem it a ■ ,Via Fiji, Honolulu, Victoria, 8.C., and "]|/f «• • JO SEp S i HYDE, ex-Capfcain .^Sm UMffi^Ky. : ~ PARED TO MAKE perius by Director, from Mondane, Iby PfivOege to, send samples to any of . Vancouver). • Jj-B- Artillery Volunteers, and formerly - AjQj^J^giaMEEalE^^. ■ ' Whipple's Hambelfbnian ' his ; roaders who will just jdrop him R.M.S. Makura. „ proprietor of the Foxhill Hotel, desires to ■ '\ 'l.^-^l Ajl.. J ..ima ah .• ' .-...• al ine . saying "kindly send me the From Sydney, November 23 . ; inform his old friends and the travelling j^HKrTNLjBBaS^^^HiMjJ LIDGral AuVaiICSS On This celebrated trotting stallion will sam Pl es > self measurement form From Sava/ November 30- jpnblic that he haa taken over the above Og^g^Pgagg^ - . A ' '„ , farfcVel the Waimea, Moutere,. Motueka, .etc. 1 ' .(A post card will do.) You ■"■■ — — - - v ,_ ■, -„ — , . v — , — ; well-known hotel, and- visitors and travel- - ■nnBf?PW^iiTrS ! Ml limmZL.ZsSfißSß^^ ■■'■'■ la/nn! BtiTTQS* qnii xaA 'RiwaVa rJiKfriVfej -•■■* wilkreceive. by return, man a comr^ Passengers booktdtiu-ough to London i 6rs can ro i y U p O n receivmgevory atteh- ■ '. WOOl, DUlter, BXiU . rednetion fortwo pletera l!? e of the latest suitings tobyOnent Royal MJga tion, with Jcxvllity, .^upefior Jcommo- "^S^SHS«^Pr- „ - p mf l l|r p ; o/Zrf^S^l^oiZ^r. with illustrations of the newForfurthef particulars apply, da^on,. moderate tariff, : ■■ - . fijr^Mnian QWJIUV - ■■ •UIIIBr ■.FrOUUte. ■ . Dictator was a brilhint performer . s^ 3 f . " ow be ™Z orn ,? n ■'■■-^■/lAwlZlte ■■'■■■■■■■■■'■ rPI?f PnD t DIT ITAT1?T~~" ". -■Will EXhlDltr •--:.:'■ — . «eed from a sire that has_proved^him- complete satisfaction for you— makes jjla^lillt 1 rjLllilxH Ar Jl HUlJltlJ tt™*, I?™™ n™w tt» p a i '- J H HOCK &. CO to be a good performer and stock getter. it possible for you to s-.-re the hest ■;.■ ■- ■■ <gHh "P'' ■■■:~r : . .: TAKAKA. " Hornsby Engines Binders, Hay Rakes , J. H. LUUiV PL W. -^ THOMAS ROUGHTON. . suits made at any price at a saving . ANGHOH • r-- «^° 6 " w^ n? 'at t> ! , g ,^^, ~-41M; Spring Grove. of £2 to yourself. Our advice to QHIPOIMft A FniUJnoV Pr-gfIDAKV 4^TTOHAASE. (formerly of the Bel 7?!,+° : n S" 1 ■' . yBH ±-ump_ , UlHiill * .. all our gentlemen readers is to write BH I P. J iSiSa & -FOUNDRY UuMPrtKY |J — y e Hotel) mnotifW that he rt , 1n- V.! l A n «• *''' WfyllL - •■ ■ v - "' " ' to-day for samples, simple self meas- : . LIMITED.: Old fe- ... SS^SSSSKf ■'■■■■■'■■ < •■'■ -■:- r^ C . — — u^ntfomU styl^boolc. They T — T - • oentraUy situated Hotel, wishes thepublic :- „ r IL^Hm, P - -AND- . -- ■;. ... ;. ■ • . . - will cost you nothing, commit you to -„.. SAILING, LIST. ; ow ' thath6hMtod ' nw . , «niSTU PSITIbU nothing ye^ will save you £2when WESTPOttT r'^Y^-n'vrT ANl> and the whole place thofougUy renovated S fe °™£ SSrC ' ■ TSI ttf\ f\l 1 1^ C •SUU T H BRITISH y° u decide .-to^rder after seeing the WiiSIPORT, GREYMOUTH, AND . .„,! r of llrT) j s i, fi j ■ ned success. Cms MoNau Jjeee O |J b 1 1 1 1 H I "h, . _ splendid samples. Your letter or HOEITIKA. ! ■^■■\ ■■■■■■ ■■-■^TSS&-vi4t^''wiil-"'fliid : -i!he Trial allowed, und every machine riiUliUUtr '111^91*9110^ Ofim'nSllV post .card : should be addressed to WAVERLEYrToXmorrow, Wednesday, TE T L Tg E AP^^a lomfbrLbl?ans we¥ T guaranteed for 12 months, . k ■ . . . inSUrafiCß LOflSp'dny, George^ Davies, 170 Colombo street. •:._■_, TT -— , Th w ; Mbs Haase. : . . • where by" arrangement TnTTE are/ as usual, making Advances Capital ...... ... .62,900,000 : "vt-l^u .^^ v wai a.. WELLINGTON. : The Stables . will have the personal j e nee Shards Wire Strainorq Oils "VY on * Aoousaukted Funds exceed.. . «• L ~~j « t 1 WAIRAU,-To:moirow, Wednßsday, 25th attention of the- Propnetor,- and Horses Jen^^^ l> fl— RlChmond-Motuaka— / inst., at 5p m. .:. ■; , and Vehicles (two and four. wheolers) will ' ' ___ . ; f or shipment to the -LONDON market riBE akd "MARINE and ACCIDENT RlWaka. - (Cargo received until noon). . be kept on' Hire. A Covered Conveyance nupoonii »nn la> or for sale in WELLINGTON. ."•"-.-' INSURANCES,^ :..-.. ....■.., No. passengers. - will also meet all Steamers- .■ _ ; t, sfi Cj" nt ** aUi^l 11.,-Ltfet^ The MKia-Ora" will he- put on in Intluding Employers' LiabiUty for Com- NEWMAN BROS.> Proprietors. ' ."i ■'-'■■■ ™.'.,7~"^ T - -Firsfcolass Sample Boom. :--_. , -wAEEFIELD 4737 Wellington to load wool up to the poaafttion under the Workers' Compensa- ' "■ ■ , > WANGANUI. . Good Billiard Table. wAii.i!ij)iiij,u. 47J7 28th November to catch the January tkm Acts, Mortgage Indemnity, Public mHE Proprietors call the attention of About 30th inst. : V ' Letters and telegrams reoeiva -prompt ~ . . .• . _ sales in London. . ■ ' Risk, Personal Accident either singly or JL . the travelling public to the fact that . .. ■■■■. ••:"■■. •.-•..■;.-___'■- attention.- = ■ ' ..- . : WELLINGTON SALES. jj, conjunction with Sickness Benefits ; Sichmond-Riwaka Coach Service WELLINGTON VIA MOTUEEA. — ' ' ..•«-,.:"' » a- s ■« PIiPUPSoS Apart , from , the i W l Qol^^Brokers As- Bnrgiary, Plato Glass fidelity Guarantee, haa bean extended to Nekon, and Coaches WiTßAmwH^ wn,,w «fQin om |H V <!?-K '*■:-.-.& jtM- OiJUW DiU/UlcS. sociation's sales Id s be held on 13th * ■" •' now leave .the Crown Stables, Nelson, a-eavufe^Motaeka for WelLmSat : "-: : - '"^ J ' :,.__■ November, 1908, 4th Becember, 1908, et- - DAILY-, or Eiwaka, and arrive daily from t caving * noon? g' ' A ■■' BAKERY Trade. Annual turnovei COME AND SEE.THE^ Bth January 1909 and . 19th Febru- LOWEST CURRENT Kiwaka, as 15 er timetable appended. (No pSgers.) A- twenty-six hundred pounds F afilQUS Ai!-S*SBl ' "'* IhM ? H ffi?^ to" aleS ° f | BETE ° CUBKENT All parcels and orders receive strict and 1 " b ' about, and can be largely increased; ma . rdßlililb «11-bl«d! Wool, Skins, Hides, etc., I . businesslike attention. „n ili; r - i ot busmess to > take on. No opposition ; . Finished m trae Brit ish style, forwarded to farmers on application,- Tmmit ; 'Richmond, W.R. May s Takaka, Leave NJson for ßiwaka at 9 a.m. ; arnvj smaU c^tal requiied. Price For - O ne of the finest linos ever offered Careful valuations are made in J. J. Laagridge & Co. ; Wakefield, E. J. ■_ - ing Riwaka 2.30 p.m.; ■: . further particulars apply to the under- in N z overy case - be f ore the sale, and- the Pai»to»; Solungwood, W. C. Riley & Co.: Leave Biwaka for Nelson at 8 a.m., signed. owner's interest is protected at full Tj pp ,r Moutere, CF.Muntz: Westport, arriving Nelson 1.30 p.m-. j har . T3S H. C. HOLTOAKE, " Qge the GOOD VALUE in ROADSTER market value. • . •■ J.v J, Malony. ' Luncheon : Eed«rood' s Valley. .//A. tiFA'^ Q U TT £\'V „ ' Lund Agent, BICYCLES for Ladies and Gents, j Account Sales and Cheques posted ■•■ - ; * NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors. 'Md^L* h * H ' JkOl 3115 - Elwakfl - — promptly. - - • C & n EDWARDS — -^ : Also the Famous ■ ' *' ™ "r* tUnHilUOj. - .-. . 51 Tons, Captain C. Scully, will leave as w.FhmrtB=a o ra*a cMn T n Q A nfiPTT F " • • . < AGENTS, NEWMAN BEOS.' - under, weather permitting:- WARFIROP C§L C«i "MOIOS A O O C H Ji, I FVIN &00 Ltd -",. TRAFALGAR STREET „ f Jt,, Z „ -■ K^ r^ I!S ,. X « « ra JtZ^™ ) L g^^"''" ■« ' ""^"-^ R»yal Ha.l_ Coaches. MotueSa for Nelson, Tuesday, Nov 2*, at AGENTS, S.' WINN SS I AND, J -rue NPW MOTTO = : ~ NELSON TO BLENHEIM. ■ 9a.m. . AUCTIONEERS, ETC., 4822 On the Show Ground. I nt. iifc« mw •Iw. - , . Nelson for Motueka; Wednesday, Nov 25, iifnmTtri-irA Nelson expects that vhby child will TOUBBER STAMPS. — We have a Lnave Crown Stables, Nelson, on MonatBa.m. MUIUJiJiA, . — do its duty — . JLXi greatNrariety of attractive designs dayE/ Wednesdays, end Fridays,. at Motueka for Nelson, Wednesday, Nov 15, Have the following • A^E FOR - *° choose from. Our prices are right, 7 am. , atlo.3oa.m. PROPERTIES FOR SALE :- _„_ „ a J. . Jrta9 rt - rPTT'^TM'Q and our Stamps the best.-'' The Colonist 1 ' Leave Club Hotel, Blenheim, on^return, Nek at n 8 f am MOtUeka ' ThUrSday ' :NTOV26 ' 8 Acres Native Le^e. close proximity S U B O I V I S I O N OF mwtHflfnNlP RY '"""^ Tues^ys, Thursdays, ,vnd Saturdays, Motueka for Nelson, Thursday, Nov 26, ! *° Hi ? h stree . t 5 soil and well adapted lAI/ C QTSTifl^l VWIM liU 11U11 A IX 1 •__ . . . p^jg at moderate rates. Bam ' J roomed house and outbuilding in good Urrtn DULL&n. Wild Rabbits. - I EbU 8 S HI §i^ ■ ■ . • Nelson for Motueka, Friday, Nov 27, at re P ai f nujl,«■ « n\ „ •„ ■ p.«r."~^"« 1•- Chocolate Chbvi-babs. | | «^| Qttl Bft.#l |i| I k | . ■ . '„ „, a «is • - ■ 11am 7 Acres Orchard, half in fuU bearing CAD CRIC Chocolatb Mexican Feuitb. | B.P^ ? Q^-agSSf^^fiTgi!"^ M -4««^--^.^*-Ss^sriiSf?Erjis IN tao ™^ ;; all gmi , s assrs?&^^ * b«»art MEs «t *■ s Sf loS"? «^taß^»^.»»^-S!ai!%tSiJSt.sSi Uo VoLir»l>| S/LIS F n. owgwTEE of tee state Ipn - . Up. Th™ ptoportles ca» bo extended to jj porpetmty l«nd ertendine from J_ Pm Drllg^ cheniial., Photogm- . — T r tuj. "ptoipt 1 BetHoinoutot -id^r^^lbs^r.^ 010^ £d O er^TC P O U Sr?rTH| OI S ; g»jgLs^ to °^ - F . A.BAM F ORD, FOR WELLINGTON DIRECT. | J SSjJ^Ji ! & K^l^iv^MSSI ■ J^- erythin, is „w. No old stock artlnea , - Nel^ gvmg. Ba^ildings, - . • — thbss res T^ r t^ e r a O n^fruft ellops ' Lot 2°, consists of 2008 acres of Dispensing a Speciality. • •-. :.; "-\ k '.-.„*- Will leave the Motueka Wharf for Wei- house m good order, coachhouse, stable, rf th(} Bul]er riyer inc]udinK the on 0 p reS cription 8 carefuUy " . H§*U H(1&1 1 -K'flf fifi *^« taa^-i^-S^^piajWia B!*i?Sf hI^ASS: p r^teSr^™^S'S h^o, «..«■,. o oh 1 h l ,p.u., UveraoBl S Tendon and Return tickets available for 6 months. > shee p ; whare, barn, stables ; within easy lor /"™ P ITwAPTFY T I? A iiT rTi T : : / ~7, £400,000 lnV«3t-d ID Austr&laßia The steamer leaves Wellington for distance of port and Motueka Borough. ADAMb and 4 AiiLi^ l , |_. BA-M'tUU, daim *OCTO«J M th»t the IDD shall Prompt S* UkKuoat. of Ciaims. Motueka direct every week alternately on" price " Solicitors, Nelson. ■ CHEMIST, Em, ; — : h ... s ; _ . . Saturday and Monday; also additional And various other properties. We can arrange a large portion Habdy-stbebt, T~""t NELSON ■" • ■ J.H. COCK: 4^0., trips when required by shippers. j : \ of the purchase money on mortgage (Opposite W. Rout & Sons.) IHW in WP UWnm^. . . , Chief Agents. "WElililH'efTOlf/HATTiJI.OCK, AND T Mont^Jy Stoot Sales in our Yards, Pai- at five per cent. 4/bW rt . . '■ : - • . .;■, ■ MOTUEKA STEAMSHIP CO. 1 street, Motueka. OpentOTeceive entries. — — ■— ■—■.!. '""L,,^— ..^' — T"- — ' oft- '^ &*&*&*£&*& • IWU!a Kia Ora Boarding House, j |ICT niyniaar I 8 8! B^ HTi m 'P l '^^ '" ■■■■■■■■; ; ; .^ia'' rooms, first-class cuisine and every home- CA 1 Uslljal II U j SQ Us **^SaHsg? HS «a ra «H H"™^ <Qfe^ gfflU^f «S2UH comfort. For terms, apply to ____ —^- __ 1_ -at _^« >J>— .«■ .mrsb. bradlet, "' NewDesisns in Art and .^ia.® F l^*^©^® ®^^3S2S.©^y _^^«.^«- SraraiiSffii Friezes ' and OOU©HS 9 .BBONCHiTIS, ASTHMA, & COMSUMPTIOH, d ry.- e Trcoiom^^^^ '• P w - . Has the Largest Sale of any Chest Medicine in -the World. - Department. • Magnificent' Collection Of Art - ThoSßwhohavo taken this medicine are amazed at its wondetfalinfluence. Ita healing power famorvellous. Sufierers from any form of S r , on^',^VS? l / s °! Motueka Hotel. V^--: . HFsSSS^"'''- r^SS^s^^^«^^jfefa . High Stbeet. "Motuteka. INSPECTION INVITED. Bhon id be without it, as, takeu at ihe begit . .«.e is eeneraliy sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. ; ; 0. HOLtOAKB, Proprietor p XC TURB FRAMING on Premises BeiS'aS'e of Imit& '?is iI *c sreat «ucc©*o of H£ARNE'B BRONOHITI3 CORE, has induced a number mraMS moderatT^a Meals provided af shortest notice. Choice of unnrinc!pled. peraons •. *c imitations, each calling hi* medicine" Bronchitis Cure," with thr object of T SToS FSlcTafsKmmo- range of MOULDINGS SeceE tho S imp«*.«-.sntf sso getting a «al« for an Imitation wWoh has none of 4h© beneficial ejects thai dationforviiitori. in Stock. hearne's BRONCHITIS cv '- Opnsequently It has beeqtne necessary 'to draw your attention to this fact, Wine, Beer and Spirits of the very __ Tn£ to reave** you ir. vo. Srtterests to too particular to ask for HEARNE'S and to SCO that you e*t »*> best quality. ESTIMATES GIVEN for all classes of »"" *° requepx you ir. yo ._. , ■*> _ ..„_.»,. — — A comfortable Two-horse Conveyance HOUSE DECOEATING.] --.•—— — -~ . '" '.. „ == 011^^ „ .' HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CK*^ 9mi 2/6 r Large Bi«e, 4/8. «s and Medicine^ndor,, ,h^ Sad^e Horses and Vehicles on-hire. -." PrOß ,' 6 tor W a HEARNE, Ohe < Victoria. Forwarded to any A«tfre«3, -.when not ofetafn^Je locaUy p/err^re^teTrcorvimTenrßlS: j. SAVAGE & SOISS N-OTICE.-Hearne's Bronchitis Cure-^o. 1 does NOT contain -anypoiso.^hin^n.ea^oftteAci.,; it is e<ll xaU y be nefic i a i ro Suii-sized (Wright's) BiiW Table. . McISOH Papering - . N . z . DE^OT^omcS ZMf^Sbr, HUME'S BHILDINGS, WiLLIS^^EET, WEmNGTON Accommodation for TEN Horses , m Warehouse, Local A-ents-JAMES BOON, Hardy-street,' W. C. ANCELL, Trafalgar-street; T. EASTCOTT, Btebie. ed Loose boxes and good paddocks hlbdi Stbkk! " Obtainable from A. J. PALMEE, PoxhiU.Motupiko, Tadmor, ; : :■ . ,

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Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12407, 24 November 1908, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12407, 24 November 1908, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12407, 24 November 1908, Page 1