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Adv6n.Ui,r**'>Ms are inserted *n thU column at^P* T ote of Twt>nt% words for OnftoittlUz?- 1 P i \ i * insertions, ha\f-a-oroton; *w •'• seriionst four shillings and six pence: for Cash only; if booked one shitting eaoh insertion. NELSON Defence Rifle Clnb.— Next competition Saturday 14'h and Wednesday 18th inst. Mesars Jonea and Cimpbell'B trophieß— 6oo and 500. 2527 NELSON'S Greatest Poultry Show. 1000 Birds on exhibition from all parts of the Colony. 2505 , THURSDAY, tfriday, and Saturday. J Don't mies it— 1 2507 The Poultry Show, r "| HIS WEEK— lOOpaira of Ladies' All--1 Wcol Bloomers at 33 lid, made in ! the Colony, Navy and Blaok. 2608 Bert Tasker & Co., Hardy-sl. HE Sight of the Tear - 1000 epeoimena of feathered arts. Ticfeet3 Is, includes admission and Art Union. 25^2 ISIT tte Poultry Show— Thursd»y,_ Fr day, and Saturday. One Shilling prooures admission and a chance in Art Union. 2513 ;rj -HEUE'LL be Musio in the Air oa IJL Tboraday next — Opening Day of Poultry Shoff, 2514 EpOR SALE (Cheap).— l Heavy Draught ' Galding, lhing 4 years (broken) ; 1 Heavy Draught Gelding, liaing 3 years (unI broken) ; 1 Heavy Draught Filly, rising 3 ; years ; Heavy Draught Mare in foal to Balmoral, has taken ssveral prizes at local dhow ; 1 Berkshire Joar (imp,), 15 months old, also Weaners from imported stock.— Apply V. A. CLAYDEN, Richmond. 2517 I O LE i , in Collingwood-etreet, near the JL Sohool of Musio, almoßt. new sixroomed House, with all conveniences. 2445 Apply at tbis Office. HE GREAT ASTHMA CURE— Its Effects are truly marvellous, and the united testimony of gratefnl patients pronounoe it to be a roiraoulous oujep. Price 7/6 bottle.— W. H.Crowe, Medioal Expert, Bridge.street. . 2468 ARE you suffering from Influenza or Chilblains ? If so, I guarantee cute in every case taken, or money returned. — W. H. Crowe, Medioal Expert, Bridgestreet. 24G9 FOR Special Value in useful Drapery, visit Carpenter's Special Sale of New Goods. Only addreßs, Hardy-street, near Waimea-street. d 435 "T7OUTHS 1 Shirts 1 with or without OoU L lars. 1/3, Boys' Braots3Jd, Caps 64, Men's Roslyn Sox 9d, Colonial Knitted Pants 2/11. 2436 ("1 IRLS' Knitted Bloomers 2/6, Ladies' T Warm Underskirts 1/11, Ooraets 1/6, Children's Knitted Roslyn Wool Sox ?£d, Stockings 9£d, Dorothys 2/3. 2437 OOOMERANG COUGH CURE.— Don't 1> neglect your oough ; Etop it at onos, and diive away all thought of consumption. 2412 W. H. Cbowe, Bridge-street' WE supply RUBBER STAMPS of the best quality, without vexatious delay.-' The Colonist" Job Printing Department. FOE SALE. -A few Horses, for farm work ; also a Pony, quiet and stylish. Apply Crown Stables. 1826 RUBBER STAMPS!— Try a Rubbei Stamp, with speoial Indelible Ink Pad, for marking your linen, 1121 I7TOK Ntw, Up-to-date Furniture, BedJ ding, Prams, Gooarts, eta; also, sound, reliable Secondhand Furniture, Ranges, e.o; go to Lock's, Complete Fur nisher. FOR Carpets, Rugs, Sbeetings, Curtains, Linoleums, Rangeß, Pianos (new and 2nd hand), and Atlas Sewing Maohines— cheapest place, Lock, Universal Provider. fiiOß Cutlery, Crookery, Pictures, Vases, V Bedßteads 1 Fenders, Fire Brasses, Blinds Hall Standß, Suites-Lowest prices at Look's, the People's Furnißher. W~~ANTED KNOWN— .Have you tried Craig for Boot Repairs? If not. do so ; U will be to your interest. CRAIG, Bridge-street. UR STAMPS are good Stampß, Bob! RUBBER. Latest Designs. "The Colonist " Jobbing Department. Machine Shearers. IX' H -^.ye Runs of THREE and FOUR YV a HEDS. about B.UOO to} per man, starling from FIRST WEEK in AUGUST- Full Rates. Apply - J H. YOUNG & CO.' Ltd,, Shearing Contractors. SYDNEY, 8, Spring-Btreet MELBOURNE, Imperial Co., Oollins-st. ADELAIDE, Steamship Buildings. 2331 Land Transfer Act Notices. NOTICE is hereby given, that the severa' parcels of Land hereinafter described will be brought j under the provisions of " The Land Transfer Act, 1885," and its amendments, unless caveat be lodged forbiddiog the same within one month of the date of the Gazette containing this notice. 1384. ALEXANDER O'BRIEN". 34 aoreß 1 rood 22 perches, par! oi Seotion 16 Suburban South. Oooupied by applicant. Diagrams may be inspected at this office. Dated this 3rd day of Jnly, 1906, at .tho Lands Registry Office, Nelson. H. EYRE KENNY, 2496 District Land Registrar. Properties for Sale. MESSRS BISLEY BROS. & CO. have s ill for Salo Sections at ENNER GLYNN, DHUMDUAN, HENLEY, MAITLANDS. For further particulars apply at thtir Offices, Hatdy stfeet 2 89 £425! FoMJaie! £425. T .VO ACRES AND DWELLING AT STOKE. \/8 ESSES BISLEY BROS. & CO. have JrX for Private bale, ib above, Two Aores Good Land, with good Dwelling and other outbui'dings. For farther particulars apply at their Officea, Hardy sfrett. Folio 82. 2388 HOUSEKEEPERS — " K " Baking Powder Makas the best Cakes, Scones, Puddings, and Pastry, and gives the most satisfaction. _ TRY IT Sold in 6d and 1/- Tins. To n^g a, SAMOA, FI J I. '•Tbosel a'yisleaupon tho ocean, thrown j like studs of emerald o'er a silver zone," WINTER TRIPS. "naTua," 3000 Tons Leaving Auckland JULY 24, Round trip from Nelson can be done in 40 day?. Tickets available for extended periods. EXCURSION FARES. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. OF 1647 N.Z., Limited. KARSTEN FOB FURNITURE, GO-CARTS, & PRAMS. REMEMBER-NEW AND SECOND HAND. Exchange & Mart, I Bridge Street

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Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11976, 11 July 1906, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11976, 11 July 1906, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11976, 11 July 1906, Page 3