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Presbyterian Chubch Anniversary.— The social meeting and sacred oonoert to be held this evening in atl -oration of the anniversary of Trinity Presbyterian Church Will doubtIges be largely attended. At six o'clook, tea will be provided in tbe Charon Hall, end, at half paßt seven, the conoert will commence in the Church. Some short addresses will be delivered, and while the charge for admission to the social meeting is small, no pains are being spared to make the gathering an enjoyable one.

Open Meeting.— We rsi-iiml our readers of the open meeting to be held at Wakefield to-night in oonnection with the Good Templars' Lodge. Ad attractive programme has been arranged, and a very plea ant evening should be spent. The members of the city lodges who intend going are reminded tbat ihe Palace Car will leave tbe Church-steps at 5.30 p.m. Bharp.

Pbobate. — In Ohßmbers on Monday, bafore the <Begistrar, probate of the wi'l ot Oon3tiniine Allan, late of Collingwood, deoeased, was, on the motion of Mr Maginnity, granted to Bichard Nugent Allan and George Henry Allan, the executors named in the will.

Accident in the Pkj_obtjs Sound. — The Wellington ' Post ' of Monday last states that " the steamer Waitapu bas brought news of a Berious acoident wbioh befel Mr J. H. Bond, one of the owners of the Homewood Estate, Pelorus Sound, laßt Friday. Aa ho was felling come bush on the etation the branch of a tree oame down and e-truck him on tbe head, i-jaring bim so severely tbat he will probably be confined to his bed for several weeks, tome neighbors went to Havelock and brought down Dr Hoadley, who remained in attendance on the sufferer for come time." We bave since heard that the injured man ie progressing catisfactori^

During the execution of Minnie Dean at Invercargill, hundreds of people assembled outside' of the Gaol. A boy fell from the roof of a building, falling about thirty feet, and fractured his skulh

The annual repoit of the Sun Insurance Office, for whioh Messrs Bout and dons ara the looal agents, shows the total sums insured to have amounted in 1894 to tbe enormous sum of £393,622,429. The net premium inoome for the year was £959,893, and the losses paid and outstanding cams to £485,440, being at the exceptionally fa-ar-able rate of 50.57 on the premiums rece.ved. The direotors make the usual reserve of 40 per oent. of tbe premiums to oover liabilities under ourrent polioies, and the balance of £234,069 has been transferred to tbe oredit of the profit and loss account. After paying £90,000 in dividends for ibe year, or 7s Od per ebare, there is a balanoe of £109 913 to carry forward, and tbe total funds then remaining in hand amount to the very solid total of £1,762,028. The HosriTAL Ball.— Tha arrangements for the Hospital Bill, whioh is ta take place in the Provincial Hall to-morrow night, are now practical y complete, and so thoroughly ia everything being done with a view to ensure suooess tbat s most enjoyable ball m?.y with confidence be antiaipatad. With the large company expected, the room brilliantly decorated, tbe floor in good order, tha magic excelteut, and the refreshments quite beyond tne ordinary, those present ehoa d have a thoroughly enjoyable evening. The ball will be opened at eight o'olook.

Foresters Social. — The Foreßtera will hold a eocial gathering at tbeir Hall, Collingwood street, t-<is evening from eight till ten.

Football. — A matoh for the Third-olass Championship between tbe College II and Union teams will be played in the Botanical Gardens Beserve tbis afternoon. . The following players will represent tbe Unions :— Smith, Livick, Levien, Wix, Usher, King, Harris, Preshaw, Hamilton, Hobden, Kempthorne (2), Bannehr, Baigent, Nalder, and Cook. Mr G, Simpson will aot a? referee. Ia view of their tour, the College Club will hold a praotioe match at Trafalgar Park today at 3 o'clook. They will be p'eaeed to meet a team of all comers. No doubt the request will reoeive a ready response from those footballers who are disengaged this afternoon.

MemobU- Ssevice at Cathedral.lq connection wiih the missionaries recently killed at Ku-Cheng, China, a memorial servioe will be held in the Cathedral this evening at halfpast seven. All are cordially invited to attend, and we bave no doubt there wiil be a large congregation.

Nelson Busby. Union.— A meeting of tbe Management Committee was held at the Panama Hotel last evening, when Mr Poole oooupied the Chair. A letter from the Pirate Club protesting against a decision of the referee in their matoh with the College Club waß read, and the protest disallowed. Under the cirournstanoes it was deoided to return the deposit money. A report from Mr E. Trask, the manager of the team that recently toured tbe West Coaßt was reoeived. Tbe report was adopted, and Mr Trask wbb thanked for the manner in wbich the tour had been conducted by him. It waß resolved to Buspend all Senior Cup matches until after the visit of tbe Auckland Bepreaentatives, and to hold a representative praotioe on Saturday. The following Senior Cup fixtures were rearranged: Prince Albert v. Nelßon, September 7th; Albion v. Prince Albert, September 14th. It was decided to inform the Golden Bay Union that their projected fixture for the 31et Auguat with the hel.on Club would cause some inconvenience in view of the forthcoming representative match, and that the Union preferred that tbe Golden Bay representatives would meet a seleotion from the Nelson Union on that date. At the request of the College Club, the Cup fixtures between that Clnb and the Nehon and Albion Juniors respectively for the 24th and 3lßt August were transferred to tha 14th and 21st September. Another matter was dealt with and the meeting adjourned.

j The Voltjnteebs.— Those who have attended the ambulance lectures are reminded that the third of the series takes plaoe at tbe Drillshed this evening, and will be conducted by Captain Surgeon Hudson.— The first of the speoial paradee for tbe Blenheim City Rifles, of the Nelson Dißtriot, took place under Sergt-Major Healy on tbe 9th instant, but was not favored with much success aa regards attendance. Out of a total strength of -8, there were on parade only 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, 1 bugler, and 12 men ! All the officers were absent. It seems quite clear that this portion of the looal force needs some attention. It will be remembered that it was this same oorps that did not meet with much favor from Colonel Fox, owing to tbe scant attendance of officers and men at bis inspection.

The Unemployed.— Mr H. Edmondson has handed ua a letter whioh he has reoeived from Mr Graham, M.H.R., in whioh the member for Nthon mentions the efforts he has made to expedite the work neoess.ry io provide employment for those needing it, and

also refers to ihe steps taken by the Minister and Mr Tregear with a view to pushing on with tbe requisite preliminaries. On Thursday list Mr Graham received a letter from Mr Tregear stating tbat the first report of 'he engineer sent to lay off work between Belgrove And Moupiko would sure to oome to hand within three or foor dayß, and that arrangements to send men out would then be made at onoe. Unfortunately tbe indisposi-. tion of tbe engineer has caused a de'ay, but the Government and the officials in Wellington are dearly doing ail in tbeir power tj meet tbe oase.

Mr 3 Suteb.— The many frienda of Mrs Suter will be glad to hear that word has been reoeived from that lady indicating that her voyage towards England was not unduly trjing. Mr Kingsley has reoeived a note dated .Teneriffe, June 18th, intimating tbat thus far the passage bad been fairly good, neither etorms nor rough weather having bjen encountered* although the progress of the ship had be m retarded by contrary winds. The steamer reached Monte Video on the 6th of June— Ehe did not call at Bio — and the Equator was crossed on the 17th of the same month. At time of writing the weather was extremely hot.

WoBK JTOB TH- UNEMPLOYED. — Mr Wilson, the Basideni Engineer of the Wellington district, arrived yesterday, and is doing what he can to expedite starting the railway work io Norris's Gully. No doubt he will urge on matters, seeing th.t during any delay there are tbose who are suffering from want of employment. In fc fact the delay that has already occurred is*soriouß nnder the oiroumBtanoes.

At the Christchurch celebration of Arbor Day, ex-Mayor Gapes made a good suggestion viz., that the best means of causing people to preserve the trees planted in public places would be to post up notices requesting the citizens to protect their own property, thus reminding them that the trees in question were planted at their expense, and for their benefit.

The ■ Press ' says •. -On Sunday afternoon a party of men on horseback, riding along the sea beach near Eaiapo>, oame on a very finely marked speci_en of the sea leopard, about 7ft in leDgtb, whioh they scoured alive with a lasso. SubEequently, having ascertained that it was a cloee season for seals, they allowed it to return to its natuial habitat

OfiEXAii*-- tiie besi medioine knovro it Sander and Sons Enoalyoti Extraot. Teßt Its eminently pcsorful .£feot in ooughs, oolds, influenza -she relief is instantaneoas, In Berious cases, and aooideats of ail kinds. be they wounds, barns, eoaldings, bruises sprains, ii is the safest remedy — no swelling' no inflammation. Like surprising effeots produoed in oroup, diphtheria, bronohitis inflammation of the lungs, swellings, eto., diarrhoea, dyscuiry diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs In ase tit hj.pital. and medioal olinicß all over the glotd 1 patrociced by his Majesty the lliag oi Italy ; crowned with medal and diploma at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. Trust in thia ap proved artiole and rejeot all others. Sa_j_es. — We have purohased the whole of three travellers' samples, consisting of Men's and Boys' Suits, Trousers, Shirts, Socks ; Stockings, Children's and Ladies' ; Towels, white and colored, in Honeycomb, Turkish and Huokabaok ; Qailta, white and colored; Gent. Felt Hati, hard and soft; Toilet Covers, and a host of other things too numerous to mention in tbis space. We strongly recommend the publio to see them, as there are Borne beautiful goods among them, and at lower prices than charged by the wholesale houses. — Armstrong and Co., Tra-falgar-st rtt.

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Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8326, 14 August 1895, Page 2

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Untitled Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8326, 14 August 1895, Page 2

Untitled Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8326, 14 August 1895, Page 2