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Last year in accordance with a vote by Parliament the sum of .",5,980 5s 2d, was distributed among the 356 Public Libraries in this Colony. The following table shows what was received by the 25 Libraries in the Nelson district :—

Milneb Stephen must have "struck oil" in Dunedin, for he is still there healing the poor, as he calls it. The ' Hawera Star ' says' of the .Waimate Plains land :— '" In 1878 land was sold in this district at about £15 per acre, which would not now realise more than £10." The Auckland ' Star ' states : — Numerous rumours are current, respecting the intended retaliation of publicans on the Licensing Commissioners. It is said that one licensed victualler whose .house is to be closed has determined to serve the members of the Committee with writs claiming £,3000 damages. From another source we are given to understand that Mrs Patterson, of the .Fitzroy Hotel, is about to proceed civilly against the Chairman of the City East Licensing Bench for having accused her of harbouring girls in the house. The reports are given for what they are worth, but the authority in both instances is certainly good. Ai Musselburgh, Oiago a meeting of the Licensing., Cornmitte said hotelkeepers were now looked after as' if thpy were tick et-.of-leave men or felons r :. . : Mr .Ekyce has reduced the Armed constabulary very considerably during the past 3 ear, Jand he now considers that it will not bear further reduction with safety, and that it would be most unwise at present to thin it more. Its cost at present is £62,000 a year. The strength of the constabulary on the 7th instant was,4Bo, being divided as follows,:—Waikato, 123 ; Kawkai,; 79 ; Taranaki, 105 ; Opnnake, 66!; ; Taupo, 73 ; A.C. Depot, 34.

vCMtiJiiihg''i BerMJL and^Mr, Whitaker p one* ofcthe staff pifiiHe^ MelJ bourne; Argus;sQre passengerpy Pairarapa piiher trip tbthejEslaiiclsP thej Colonial v^r£asurer> "V^jiajr is" =th<| estimated ■ total^'cost v fe pf, issuing; v tM Dpoms^ay,;^e^gMepa^^d,. by: tti^fPropertyrTax^epartmqiit ;• an& s of: what r use i will.^ ife -fcf,^j^lo'ii^ wlieu/iiis complete 4 ? Mii-iffp 1 j',!:v^, j p. Mr 'Button, M.Hlß w^as,gjy£n£§i tice th^t.iiai-will ask the Minister, for Public,' '" Why' the amount aSLrdoaWd" 'last year, to. main rpacls ;and jliridges "under the jloads'jOpnsfeuction Act,■was; limited ;to'. '£sffii yx$oi bridges, and £80,865 for mains roads,1 the "Estimates for; last year ,'havnag provided the sum of je75,000, besides ; the balance 'of the, tjand Fund! up to: £100,00, a£ prbvided by clause 4; of "The Eoads and Bridge^ Ctinstrac- : tion Act, 1882" ?" ::; ; ..■''■';-.,!.'.'■';'■■; ',»;, -Mr Daniel/ M.H.8., ;'iiitkids:, : to move,- "That, in the opinion of this • House, the importation" of weasels', stoats and otlier j vermin for. the destruction of rabbits, is; unwise and injudicious, and should be'prohibited by law.," ',' " „ .V ' ':''': " .' ■ ■'. '■• '■■ Mr ; George ; HoGG,.;of Waitaki, .Otago, has been appointed mine mana- : ger to the Pictoii Coal''C?mpany.' He holds several excellent, '■credentials from some of the be^t* colliery iowners in England,"and'under his management a genuine test of the valiie of. the Picton Goal : Mine } can be! madey There were twenty one applicants'for the office. „ . • . ,-;, At an evening school for adults in Hornsey,l'.'The Horse" was the pupils as a subject of comppsitpn.; An Agricultural cottager--one ft tjiose wiio: will shortly have a!'vote7-set to, work; '' witli; a ; 'will,-.arid'"./exeeujted '■ folio-wing srf'^ke", prs ois ; noblest: of ''anermals and^so is the kow^ jlf you hit him he won't db it. ; ;The ors has 4 legs. lin kp.rn'er. Einis." W. FELLOws,,of Oi.eyeland.Ohio,after experimenting, for .two years,; ; 'claims to have, succeeded,in inventing,a way to take instantaneous and absolutely permanent photogfeplis; upon■ianythingJ having^a smooth surface by the : action of electricity. «■ The expense is less than one cent for each picture, If all that is here claimed as true, this invention will revolutionise photography^j •,. ."['.' ''..',". '-, • T" h-- : - The ' Western Figaro,' a Blymoutb; journal of some, influence, concludes' -an article praising New" Zealand, frozen mutton ., as follows:'"— '[Xn the Kaikorai Valley, about five miles from Dunedin, where the Company unfleece their flocks, and refrigerate the delectable and very nourishing flesh,, the frozen meat costs 2^d a lb : in London the average price, appears to be 7d. Odd! What becomes of the odd pence? The Company fleqce' the flocks, but who fleeces the English consumers of irigified mutton ?. And, to come to the point, why do we not have a great deal more of the superior meat at Plymouth. DuiNedin Trades and Labor Council is hard .at work registering electors.. Sib William Fox, speaking at Wellington thd other night, said he cpnsidered the present Licening Act unworkable, as the number of.police were quite insufficient to put down Sunday trading. The Salvation Army is preparing, for a furious attack on Wanganui.: ■ t The ' Post ' understands that.; the vestry of St. Peter's Church, Wellington, are about to purchase a large organ, of superior quality. If the best instrument is ultimately selected it will probably cost about £1000. . , An Otago paper says that there should be separate carriages on the railways for women, and says the practice has been adopted on the New South Wales railways for many years; Some stir has been caused at Waikaia, Southland, by Grun Shee and party obtaining seventy ounces of gold (for their first paddock this winter) at Upper Waikaia. - A large number of ferrets have been let loose in the Wakatipu district, Otago. , .■..; It is stated that two .Town Coun-, cillors have been chosen; as borough auditors. Surely such a farce iwill not be allowed, ■<■ . f ■ The Kbranui Company has a lease, of eight hundred acres of a coalfield, at Westport. Their output is now one hundred tons, per day; and from ; its excellency, the coal •;'ls ! rapidly growing in favor. ; " : : lj Greymouth coal is being largely used in Melbourne for gas-making purposes.- '■■'■■>■ ; ■ '•■ -■- The Eev, K. Waddell, of J)unedin, in the course of a recent sermon saidhe was inclined to believe the statement of Henry George, that all our miseries and trouble have arisen from ignoring the spirit of the Jewish land laws under the Mosaic dispensation. Mr Macandrew, M.H.E,, has given' notice to that effect, and will furthur' move that ' Hansard;' be published twice a week in newspaper form1" un: corrected except ml regard to verbal errors." There is, however, no probability of the House giving up its privilege of correcting ' Hansard * before it reaches the general public. 1 The manner in which this .privilege has been abused in the past has earned for 'Hansard' the title of.:thei " Book, of Lies. "—Dunedin ' Star.' Wild pigs in Puketoi, prPviricepf* Wellington are exceedingly plentiful this season, and fern being scarce, they have taken to devouring one another, some of the clearings being strewn with the remains of.carcases. BishopSuter, in alate lecture, had occasion to allude to the hard knees' that camels have through being drilled to kneel down when their riders want to mount, He said he supposed it was from this that " our good friends of the Salvation Army " got their pepuliar phraseology about knee drill! ' ' ": ■The proprietor of the 'Manawatu Times,' Mr ;G.W. Eussell, has entered an action for libel against Mr. McKelvie as -proprietor; and ,Mr' Me Minn as. printer, of the ' Manawatii Standard.' Damages are; laid at £1000. The Burns' Statue Fund Committee ofjDunedin report excellent progress. Of the total cost of the statue (^1500), only one-third remains to'be collected' Special arrangements have been made with the New Zealand Shipping Company for the conveyance of the statue from London to Dunedin. .' '. ,

~i~Mr:si3OTSi^^ {tice! tbask^the ■ Government, IWiiethfer 'dra^ji tooihe liounW ofHthe'ny^^ jbusinessim this-'scblonjtt^an^if itfis. 'for j;ifiatf'im^ : tii>; ii;i ryj] tw '']^EW/Zea).and'^ neai'er home tliahiliondon^ h'A. firniiof ;but6hers' <iii< ■'■'^eW.cas|l6ii' {. Ne^ .iSoutk supply m .^e^pa.sil^lilD f shep|> (front .New Zealand weekly; per the Union-i tiospreapMng agamst^cannibalisifehas; beetf'so effec'tiye' as:;plaoiiig|; tfeforehthej 'n^'.'^-'datttiei'dibli tHan!^am f ;;;; o '.^JI, yqtjng--1 subaltern,, tlie 'other' iday; in one of the West .End clubs, contradicted ii fiery old niajpr- in ■;the, cotifße of.a slight argument^I,'^l^youmean; 'to• call me,^ 4iar,?y'asked ; &ieferocious old -warrior., ■f' Well, ( no, not exactly,',': coplly replied the Sub; i( but if lis aw yoii1 in the''company of Ananias and Sapphire.-,' I would ; s'ay : yoi\were in^ the bosom of your family." In- •.;:: '> . The damage-caused; by :the; -earth [ quake shock in,Essex,',particularly in ttieVneignl3()rh6od,,of CHelmsford .and .Colchester.,'has been greater.tnan was. at-1 first believed.:.; > Many ■Hbusjes^have been'partially unroofed, and;,]]! "some cases1 the. buil^.in§S;iliavei.J'Been so! &4iaken as 'to'. iAfc Colchester the damage • amoimted; to: quite' sixty thousand potinds.'! in tv.^ ' ."'-^Tr Biier |inßrms/.;the merstoni Times ' that' lie>- intends)'to contest; the -Manawafcu seat- at ;next election; against1 all cobaers ;i. iand another candKlate'; s has .'ap.p'eare'd- -for the ■Waitotara district ;in: Mr': (Herir.y •Sergeant/;-•■.-: ,-; -' ;;;;:; i^-'l'^Ti ::^ -MAiME^qTifiE Wilmott, the notorious lecturer, ; died a short lime ago at the Hutt, in abject poverty. Whilst^-lying prostrated by siclmess at the house of a poor shoe,maker, who had kiudly taken ;her in, she made a .pouching appeal; to her Freethought friends for aid,, but the appeal 1 was ;vain^'\ The local WesJ^yari^an^.^P^sßyterian haviing heard of' Her melancholy case, came to her^ aid,-and she was provided with;more;comfortable lodgings. She'died In her. last moments she .warned her daughter to have nothing to> do-with Freethinkers. ■^' Bangitikei Advocate,' June 9th. ; .^The recebt'idigcovery of silver on the borders of ' r , South'! Australia . and New South Wales appeai'3 to prove;of considerable importance. The . deposits in the Barrier Eanges are, according to the Australasian, turning out to be of an exceedingly rich nature. ' In. the Lakes Camp Districts ores of sulphide of silver have yielded assays/, as high as 22,0000z5" of silver to the ton. Fresh finds are of daily occurrence, and, so far, the yields are reported to exceed ...those of the Nevada silver mines. ; ■ A big yield of gold is reported from the Thames, where, according to the 'Advertiser ' three large specimen stones from the Prince Imperial were crushed recently, and gave the magnificent return; of sozs of, gold to the pound avoirdupois. The .collective weight of the rocks was exactly 201bs, and the total yield lOHozs retorted gold. They: have been acknowledged to be the richest stone ever obtained from.the mine, and were broken about 420 feet below the sea level in the slopes on No. 2 reef. No stone of equal richness has ever been obtained in a similar depth in any part of this or any other goldfield in the country. '

Library. Charleston .. Clifton Terrace Collingwood Dovedale .. . Fern Town .. Fox Hill .. Hampden .. Hatter's Terrace ' Karamea Lower Moutere Lower Takaka Motueka. Motupipi .. Nelson Institute Ngatirnoti .. , Bichrnond .. Biwaka Sarau Spring Grove Tddmor Valley . Takaka East Upper Motueka Wnimangraroa Waimea South Waimea "West Income. £ s. d. .. 61 0 0 .. 7 2 6 .. 20 1 8 ..400 .. 8 2 0 .. 15 14 3 .. 2412 0 .. 22 10 0 .. 10 10 0 . ... .3:15 0 .. 17; 9 0 ... 4 10 0 .:. 11 9 3 .. 147 5 6 ... 3 16 .. 13 15 0 .. 13 13 0 .. 3 7 6 .. 2 11 0 '....., 16 9 6 .. 3 11 6 .. 2 5 0 .. 30 14 0 ., 14 5 8 .. 2 15 9 Amount ol Subsidy. £ s. d. 29 13 2 111 6 15 10 11 10 0 0 11 8 3 14 0 9 17 2 0 16 7 7 12 4 11 9 18 .3 1412 9 10 3 6 12 11 5 50' 6 0 9 13' 7 13 7 3 13 6 6 9 15 8 9 10 0 13 19 1 9 17 2 9 7 11 19 4 1 13 11 0 9 11 :8 Total .. 463 10 '7 365 18 11

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Colonist, Volume XXVII, Issue 3857, 14 June 1884, Page 4

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PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN THE NELSON DISTEICT. Colonist, Volume XXVII, Issue 3857, 14 June 1884, Page 4

PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN THE NELSON DISTEICT. Colonist, Volume XXVII, Issue 3857, 14 June 1884, Page 4