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Sew Zealand shipping com- . pony's line. SEGULAK MONTHLY DIRECT STEAM LINE TO LONDON. rpHE following magnificent full-powered X Steamers will be despatched as under:— _ „, . Probable Tons Port of Date of I Jteamer. Eegr Departure. D6p . ture , lonic .. .. 4753 Lyttelton Mar. 29 Buapehu .-. 4165 April 3 Tongariro .. — .AP ril The.abofe are ail «iew steamer*, bum of «teel, and commanded by men of great experience. ; The passenger aocommodution is rep'e'e with every . modern convenience, and the dietary >ca!e nidi 98 will Bii.»;uin the well earned reputation of the Company. The homeward route will be vi* the Straits of Magellan (if weather'permits), »nd tf'e time occupied i 9 col expected to excord 45 days. An experienced surgeou will accompany each at^amer. Paeeage money—Saloon, from 60 guineas Upwards; second cabin, 40 guineas; steerage, from 18 to iJOguineHß. For further part film's npply to SCLANDEES & CO., Agents. NEW ZEALAND PUBLIC WORKS. ROAD—NELSON TO GRKYMOUTH AND WESTPORT. LIELL ROAD IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT, Point 46. fTTIvITTBN TENDERS will be W received at this Offica uuti! Noon of FRIDAY, the 4th of /piil, 188*, for the above Contract. They are to be marked on the outside •'Tender for ! yell Bo«i Improvement Contract." anrf addressed lo (he Resident Engineer,-Nelson, Th graphic Tendi>re. similar y addressed and n^arLed, will be received it' presented at any Telegraph Office bj Noo>. of tho *Mne da to. provided that writtei tenders ure lo 'sed at any District or Resiimt Engineer's Office, or with Po.<rmaster, Lyel:, by the same hour. Drawings, Specifications. and General Condi!ions may b>* s nen at this Office, and. at Famu's Hotel, L.yel!. The lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted. By command. J. GEO. BLACKETT, Resident Engineer. PubHo Works Office, Nelson, Mireh l7t', 18*4. PUBLIC WOtfES, N.-W ZEALAND. PICTON-BUhUMJI RAILWAY. DASHWOOD COiNTRACI-FOiiMA-TION. W!cITTBN T TKNDBH3 will bi received at, this Oflice unti' N;>on oi SATURDAY, the 12th April, 18S4, fo; the above Contract. They an- to be marked on the outside, " Tendtr for Dn*hwood Contract," and addrss d to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works, Dunedin. Telegraphic Tenders similarly addressed nn« marked will be received if presented a' any Telegraphic Office by Noon o ike sank date, provided that Written Tenders are lodged at any District or Re ident Engineer's Office ty the same hour. Drawings, specificitions, and gonernl condition* may be seen at tnis Office, and t,t the Public Woiks Offices at Nelson, Blenheim, Christchurci, Wellington, and Aucklnnd. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. By command. W. N. BLAIR, Engineer in charge M.I. Pablio Works Office, Dunedin, March V, 1881. PUBLIC WORKS-NEW ZEALAND. TAKAKA BRIDGE APPROACHES CONTRACT. County of Collfngvrood. TTTRITTEN TRS'DEFS will be reoe'vea \ T at this Office umii Noon of SATURDAY, the 12th of April, 18S4 for the above Con'ract. They are to be warki don the oi - side "Tender f r T. kuka Bridge Approaches Contract," and addre'-ed to the Hon. 'he Minister for Publia Works, Nrlson. Telrgraphic Tenders, similarly addrceeed and marked, wll be if presented at am Telegraphio Office by Neon of ibe ssm date, provided that writtt-n tenders am loriged at any District or Resident. Ent'ineer'.OfEce by the Bame hour. Drawings, Specifications, and General Condition." may be leen at this Office, and at the Po«t Offioes Takaka, Co'lingwood, and Motuoka. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. By command. J. GEO. BLACKEIT, >'esideut Eogineer. Publio Works OfFc?, Nelson, Mlire b2l 1881. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, NEW ZEALAND. ADDITIONS TO LINEMAN'S STATION CON I'RACT. LONGFORD, County Inangabua. TT7BITTEN .TENDKRS will be V T received at this Ofiice until Noon o! SATURDAY, sth of April, 1884, for the above Conlract. They are to be marked on the outside " Tender for Add lions to Linemnn's Station Contrac,'1 and addressed *o the Hon. the Minister for Public Works, Nelson. Drawings, Specifications, anri Genertil Oonoitions may oft teen at this Office, at tl;e Telegraph Sat on, Lorgforri, and Fama's Ho»ei. Lyell. The lowest or any tender sot necessarily accepted. By commard. J. GEO. BLACKEIT, Resident Engineer. Public Works Offiof. Nfj>on, Mn-ch J3ih, 1884, ANISiED VALLEY ROAD, WAIMEA COUNTY. CONTRACT No. 23. BUSH FELLING, FORMATION, AND METALLIC G. Length about 2£ Miles. ffIENDERS will be received at this .!_ Office until Noou en WEDNESDAY, April 2nd, 1884, for the above Contract. They are to be marked on the outside "Tender Section No; 23, Aniseed Valley Koad," and addressed to the Hon* tho Minister of Lands, Neleou. Planp, Specifications, and General Conditions can be teen at Mr Hcdder's Store, Richmond, and at the Scrvey Office, Nelson.A cheque /or £10, and made payable to the Hon. the Minieler of Lands only, and marked correct by a Bunker for twenty-one days, to be eachsed with each tender: or £10 cash, lodged at (he Survey Office, Nelson, with each tender. : l'bo lowest or any tender not necessarily •eoept'O*. (Bigned) JNO. 8. BROWNING, Chief Surveyor. Surrey Office, Nelson, Marr-b 20 h, 1884 WAK'JJiD by let of septembtr, a SeTen-raomed HOUBE * ith Bath, room and Garden, within easy distance of Poet Offlot. APPSJ» i^tiog tttmtf to Bos H t F. 0 ..

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Colonist, Volume XXVII, Issue 3881, 31 March 1884, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Colonist, Volume XXVII, Issue 3881, 31 March 1884, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Colonist, Volume XXVII, Issue 3881, 31 March 1884, Page 4