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Local & General News

A Manawafu resident has sold £450 Worth ofoabbages off 3j aores as a result of six months’ occupation ot the ground. “ One of the curses of this country is that too much credit is given, both publicly aud privately, ’’ said Mr E. H. Williams at Napier. “ This world would be better to live in if everybody paid their debts, ” Next Monday evening a big contingent of Hamilton Orphans is to pay an interelub visit to Te Aroha Orphans. Bro. R. L. Somers is to preside on that occasion. Local Boy Scouts will be interested to|!earn that a meeting of Commissioners of the Boy ScOut Association of the North Island, held at Palmer, ston North, decided to hold a soout rally at Palmerston North from Deccember 27 to January 5. No scout will be allowed to attend unless be is II years old by September Ist One or two local vocalists intend competing at the Hamilton Musical Festival on October 23rd (Labor Day). There is to be a large reunion of members of provincial Orphans’ Olnbs at Hamilton on Saturday, October 21st. The Hamilton Club is undertaking the arrangements and has asked tor a dozen or fifteen Te Aroha members, including tho vocal quartette. The severest cold on the chest—is overcoma by the proper use of Nazol* If yon pay ns a visit, it will convince you (as it did many others) that tho more you buy from us the more you save :—Roland’s, the Farmers’ Drapers and Clothiers, where you’ll get it cheaper.*

There will be no screening of pic •ares at the Theatre Royal tomorrow night, but Friday’s programme bas been incorporated as a doable programme for tonight. Tbe chief piece-de-resistance is “ She Conldn’t Help it,” the latest Bebe Daniels picture. It is an adaptation of the great stage and book success “ In the Bishop’s Carriage,’’ and the star has the role of the clever girl pickpocket, who escapes the police by. inviting herself to the nearest vehiole she espies. It happened , to .Ke the carriage of an astonished Bishop. The second big attraction is one in which popular Harold Lloyd figures attractively. It is styled “ A SailorMade Man,’’ ahd comprises four reels of uproarious mirth leavened with a good seasoning of pathos and thrills. There are also good topical and scenic supports. • 1 . The Dairyman’s l Picture Gallery a'nd how to Lift your mortgage, in iftxt Satdtday’a NEWH. , According to the News, a New Plymouth resident has a horse which has bUb fhade a pet, and m consequence is full of crafty tricks. At gate opening the equine defies all the ordinary fixtures, and will ilork away at any new device until he finds a solution. A few days ago the horse/ observed a baby about two years old sitting in a box mnhohing a' 1 biscuit. This is a dainty that the ajbimal loves, and, without hurting t|e child’s hand, it promptly annexed tne biscuit and devoured if. He liked the taste so well that he investigtted for more. Carefully taking t§e child’s dress in his teeth he lifted the baby from tbs box, and i&g rewarded by more biscuits in the t&ttom of the box. The child’s tither piaded the box behind tbe te, and giving the youngster more units, proceeded with. her duti&. It was not long before the l&rse had the gate opened, and the performance of lifting out tbe child searching for biscuits was repeated without liable or harm. On another occasion the house cat was flipping some milk from a saucer ott the verandah. The horse prompt, ly put its ’ head t over the railings, gently re&rived top oit with* its teeth on to the groan'd; ana calmly absorbed the milk. Some horse ! V T ' V: : ) f , ‘ 1 ' . .W A recipe book containing a number of tried recipes for preparing and cooking* sauSagea in appetising and daibty style is being given away free gratis at Alston's Butchery at present. Mr Allfbn makes a feature of best-quality sausages—pork, beef, toniatd, hanT&nd tongue—and to call extba attention to his goods he is giv-’ mg’away recipe books free to all inquirers. ' A Wpiratfapa farther who had to take £1 a head for mb weaners last yeah, has just sbld ( this season’s contingent for £21 7 s 6d, a good evidence of the improvement evep id. the beef ' \V • • , t . . \ The Mortgage Lifters in next Saturday’s News. " Considering the relative cost of production or any appreciable difference in frieghi, the margin of Ila per case between' kerosene and benzine canhdt be justified on any ground whatsoever.” This was the remark of ah English traveller in Palmierstori. . » According to calculations which havb been made by the experts of the Wafrarapa Power Board it onght to be possible to .light a five-roomed house by electricity for a month at a cost' of 4s 6d, and to provide 25 horse- power, with a six hoars’ co )• tinubus load, at a cost pf £245 per annAm. " Some publicans have the erreonous idhi that as soon as a man’s namb is on the lodger’s book they are entitled to s&ve him with said Mr S. L! P. Free, S.M., af Carterton. "That is not so. He must be living or staying at the plaeb.” A'monster “ hard-up ” social is to be held at Waitoa on Monday evening next'in aid of tbe'funds being raised to bAifd an Anglican Church there. ■'r ■ ' \ This evening the spinsters of Mangaiti are to entertain all the yotfdjg and old dancers of the district and neighborhood (including Te Aroba) ata ball, an opAn invitation extefidud' 1 to all. The energetic committee in oh&rge is working hard to ensdfe that every detail will be attended to, and prospects point to a veily enjoyable evening. We are asked to make it clear that those younb meh who did not attend the recent b&itirildrs' ball at Mangaiti are nbt debarred from aecepting the spinsters’ hospitality this evening. A Wellington gentleman, the winner of one of the men’s championin fhe Wellington Competition (says' the Times) experienced an extraordinary ran on the figure 13 He entered 13 items in the competgain 13 placed, won the particular championship by 13 points. Still the run drills not finibh, for, on going* to book a seat at the demonstration concert on the last evening for a member of his family, he found he had No 13 in row 13, and to orown all, on the last day of the cofnpbtitioris his fswl farm 5 produoed 13 eggs. When the story was being related one of his pals remaiked: f< It’s to be hripfd he will remain single!” It was stated at the local Chamber of Commerce meeting: on Tuesday evening that the local bodies in this district who hid to prrivYde tor antecedent liabilities as required by the recent legislation, were in the almost unique position of having the whole matter fix d up by the due date. In other districts, it was ex. plained, some local bodies are still having difficulty. See next Saturday’s News for the Mortgage Lifteis. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, For Coughs and Colds, never fails

Answe ing an inquiry at Ilia 100 ; Chamber of Commuimt ma-ling ift«l Tuesday evening as to Iho t till) of f! rumor that maeh of tlm ol ooi/'io lighting service of the borough wait'd have to be aitaro I toreduea (Iblaqw .*? between pol.r carrying Hio i mission wires, Mr R. UoultiP ooitj if was only a half-truth it wa« ] that in some places tho polos m o fo i far apart, but that was beOftRSO tho j the regulations bad been “ lightened j up ” Bince the pole linos wore pr Pitted, j However, considerable altotatlon# were being made -as fast as they could be done. Mr Coulter added that more money had been expended upon the municipal electric lighting system this year tbau in any previous year probably since its inception. Qaite one of the nicest and most attractive window displays yet seen in Te Aroha is now in evidence at Caudwells, who are making their spring display of new fashion goods. The beautiful color scheme worked out with the aid of colored electric light is worthy of a special visit ( especially of an evening, as this firm always makes a practice of having their windows illuminated. Saturday next, 30th iust., is the la9t day for advertisers’ discounts. Farmers should note the list of entries for the Farmers’ Auctioneering Oo.’s aunual ball sale at Waihou next' Thursday. Quite a number of applications for the right to convert tb o ic holdings to thp freehold are to come before the Warden at next Monday’s sitting of the Court at Te Aroha. Local bowlers are preparing'for the opening of the season. The Domain greens are considered ti be in better order this year than for some seasons past, and now that the Department has announced reduced charges it is to be hoped that] the local clubs membership will Aoe stronger tbau ever. On Saturday next the Weihi and Frankton clubs open 'heids'asons, and oa October 7th Paeroa and Waikino clubi ' hold their formal opening, while a week later To Aroha opening is due. ■ ■ The matter of the Borough Couucil permitting the Power Boaids wiremen to undertake electrical installations in the borough, without imposing a fee in addition to the one presumably levied by the examining boarc} of the Power Boards’ League, was mentioned at the Chamber of Commerce meeting on Tuesday evening. Reference was made to various Pi esa reports of Power Boaid meetings, whereat the impression seemed to prevail that the Borough Coqiicil and Power Board were not working harmoniously. Members of the chamber realised that this impression, whether erroneous or otherwise, was not in the best interests of either body, and considered that steps should be taken to have a “ heart-to-heart ” talk so that member# of both bodies would be better informed. Finally the following resolution, proposed by Mr A. D. Wallace and seconded by Mr H. E. Wilcox, was married unanimously :—“ That this Chamber draws the attention of the Borough Council to the statement in the Press with reference to the Power Board meeting, which disousSed the cost of licensing wiremen and electricians ; . and that the Borough Council should be asked to make the position as clear to the general public and tho Power Board as the Mayor has to this Chamber.’ The Te Aroha Branch of St John Ambulance Association is determined to raise £SOO for the purchase of a motor ambulance. Several substantial donations have been promised the fund. Seeing that an Ambulance is go necessary it will not come as a surprise \if the Waikatq Hospital Board makes a subsidy on local donations. There is a clause in the Act giving it power to subsidise, and we understand that the Society his made a stout appoal in this direction. • The funeral of the late Mis James Farmer, yesterday afternoon, was largely attended despite the inclement weather, present being (representative of the whole countryside as a mark of sympathy with the relatives of a revered and respected old resident. At the Borough OoQnoil meeting last evening a motion of sympathy with Or Y. G. Hamilton and Mrs Hamilton, in their bereavement at the death on Tuesday of their bady daughter, was carried in impressive silence. i The rain of the past two days was welcomed by dairymen, for it should do much to improve pastures, upon which every farmer is so vitally dependant in their dairying operations. That nasty cough with thick mucous can be cured by Nazol. * Housewives—Now is the time to study economy. Deal with Bolands', the “ Farmers’Draper’’—a store with 35 years reputation for fair, dealings and giving the best values obtainable in this district.* For influenza take Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure It pays to preserve eggs with Sharland’s Moa Brand Egg Preservative. Last year £300,000 worth of egg. were preserved with it. You try it this year. * Farmers ! All the clothes your boy need you’ll get better and cheaper a Roland’s, the “Farmers' Draper.’’* ’Tis a stern, cold world for the “waster,” Tis a hard, rough world for the meok ; But there’s ever a prize for the worldly wise Who boldly and earnestly seek. Never sleep when the world is waking, Hustle in and your share assure ; And for colds get the habit of taking Woods’ Great Pepiermint Cure. The proof of the reliability of Sharland’s Moa Brand Egg Preservative lies in the fact that it has beeu on the market for over 20 years. It keeps eggs fresh and sweet —without tho slightest smell or disagreeable taste. Eggs have been kept for over two years—and wore quite sweet and without taint. It cost to Id per dozen eggs according to the size ot , paekage bought. *

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Te Aroha News, Volume XXXIX, Issue 6279, 28 September 1922, Page 2

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Local & General News Te Aroha News, Volume XXXIX, Issue 6279, 28 September 1922, Page 2

Local & General News Te Aroha News, Volume XXXIX, Issue 6279, 28 September 1922, Page 2