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E I-‘iv-> Gcrm:m I':uu'ili«;:.~' who are u'»\’;lilE ing p:l.ix>‘li,Q‘o>f In ('lurnl:m_\' are «tl<~.~ali?Lll<* ‘in .—\.n«.2l~:‘.:ul<l. :xn<l- ar:'zlllg.,>'t.>.xm'-111,5 l1:1\'P flueen mmlc for Ih<.-nl‘ I'o oC<‘vUP§' H”: {\V:xTSOn (‘<m\*::les<=m:t..'llmm'». I 1' .-\:4 11.-Le Methodist Church on Sumluy ‘at, 7 p.m_ Mr R. B. Slnit:h will‘ ..‘.“"”g Entitled “A .Dl'(’/(1111 of Paradise. ” “The Final lnvitmion" will be the éxllriect cf the s(-ermon. . ’--“-1% “During ::l v,~;:l'tuill pt):-iu(l," .<:xiC Mr. .-\. S. I‘»‘l’3l<-olnl, in fhu Tlmlso ut’ Ev}:-:'r.-;~‘onl:xli\'u-.< nn 'l‘lm.":=;l::y_ “t7"ulh:§ uufs €‘HJ'Ol‘<3(l no-lic<[=u.~:«*." “l<2lljoyml il‘?.” Qtle-st,lolle-(l Mr R. ,Mc'czall:{lll in 2: tone \\'l."u-h .~pt.;l{-'* _\=<.ulumeg_ ‘H ll2l~' lwr-rm :n.~'cor:uim_>.l-tlmi .\l!' 'l‘. H. \Vindl«=y, uf '.l‘(‘». l:L‘;ro_ who :u:vum-[J:n:i-_-{I by his son, left. an :1. }:i;_,-’-}lulll‘illg -‘rmorlifirm on '.\'l'uml:ly, and 1':1il(?r.l tn I-.~ill’rn. 7.» r«>pU."iod 50 be ;.~;;fo, '[“rw_v '.\'<‘l-<9 “I::‘.s3m<'l.” bu?’ I;;fi3l:sg{-('1 to Qjol 'ml. smzl lmmos. _

.-\ menu)r:mdlnu issued }:»y 1110 'l*l‘xlgfish Fuel Research Boa;-«A1 regarding the producfion and ~_;_s.o, of :tlc:hu]ml :15 fun} for zxutnxnohilcs and inturnal comhusti-izn 4-ugfines. .<tntes 1h:11: alcohol cannog be produced cc-.c»nolnica3 Iy in Great’ Britain, but recommends its production in the DonlinionS,\fllere iargc tr.‘-.l(':'fs of land we available and .<:ui"a.blve for the yurpose.

A report. of the Rangitikei Cou_nfy Council ‘meeting appears on page 6.

. Mr 'l‘. Buxton, of Timaru, left on ’f.‘llul'Sdu.y for Sydney, I'cpr<:Senting the South Island Potafo-growers’ Association, in’an (.!11de:1\'0111' to scum-e the removal 01" the 0mb:1:1'go on potatoes, -«Press Association.

All persons having claims against the estate ‘of the late Godfrey Lyndon, are required to furnish them in dup. licate to the Executors ,care of Meldrum, Mac Lean and Davies, Solicitors, '].‘a.ihape, on or before 28th August, instant.

'A. private company. with a capital of 2910.000 has been successfully form. ed in Wellingto-11 to import and eX_ p.loit British mm lproducti-on. The xw'.v.comp:'llly -will be under the man. aging directorship of Mr C. D’Arcy Mien, who has recently refurned from J"lnglalld..' The czxpital has been fully ~:subsc:rib(=d, and operations are to be «.‘ormnmlc(.-d forthwith.

rsoxne idea of the great losses caused by the rccent4d'rought in Australia. may he gnthel'ed from a sfatement by Mr Sidney Kidman, the Australian “C;l{'t'le Killgi.”«thut he himself had lost. about 140.000 sheep and about 40,000 cattle. I-lis principal losses in cattle {Vere in Western Queensland. fie was looking furwar&_. however, to. :1 good season when ‘everything would come along f§:le‘.y.

A. trouble .stea_dily approaching crisis in Dunedil_l has been the prcsenfi difficulty in obtaining :10-c«:‘svs -to the Hathour Board w'hai'ves and lands, the main factoa-in this difficulty being the railwziy and the goods yards, says the Dunedi.n’Stal". The Boarcl’s engineer has submitted, in -accordance with in.~:fl'uctions, :1 plan pl‘ovi<.ling for the '.':lil\\':ly being czxrriecl o\‘crllea<l .o\'or J'etf.y, Raftraya" Hanover, and Fredofrick Streets, with elevated platforms at the railway station. A

_Mr J.‘ I\l(:CarFhy, who is well known as u desT’§'flcl' of freez?ng works, said 211‘ (.‘«lll‘islch'.lv'<=.ll that T§'elv Zea‘:and led the world so far as fl'eezillg' works were crmcornod. He urged that a return .\hould be made :Is_Soon as pos-.-:' 1:? the sl:md:ll'd of grading estab—lished ;jsrior to ’c'he'wal', and~ spoke sl'l'ol:giy ag:lin.<’c the eutfing up of car(’,27.>'.l,‘S. He. \\':ll'nod Canterbury farmers i"}*:ot the N(>l'fl\ Island would soon out.<h'ip the South Islmxd in the produc-‘.-inn of mutton and. beef. V”

.R(-orlaml will adopt prohibition withiza :1 few _v§':n*s,, :Iccol'(ling‘«fo a pre-(ll="-tl()'l1 l)_\' Ur Qllzunos G£ll'(lYlCl'. :1 former nlag‘iStl':=te of Gl:Lsgo\\': He preclicted tzluit soveral counties in Scotl:mal would go L‘ll'_v next election. Numl'wrs of plobisaitcs rosulled in :1 majority f‘:lvoul'illg; prohibition. “Mr Gll rdner S{Ll(l: “At a nieoling of working men of Paisley the V’o‘l'C was 104 to 40 in f:l\»'our of complete pl'olliT)i’t'ioll. \Vl'.en the czountry decides the question I am sure the vote will be two lo one in favour of the drys.”

The possilfilitios of New Z(‘:ULim} (,-;) up trrade in who -East \\'(‘l‘C mentioned :1? the F:_u‘m~el's’ Union Conference by Mr ,W. .T. T’olS()n_. of Fox-dell, who sfated that he had met‘ :Imm=l'ou.< white people from the East who were Imlging for 21 1121819 0:‘ I\7'e'\\' Zoahmd I:mll.‘)._'i.‘h<.‘. pl'ose7nt pc.-itio~n was that they only got. hoof and fl'esh—kil‘.cd fuwl. He‘ tll<)llg‘ht that l,_.()00_,00O curvases Lf New Zouland. mutton per unnum could I‘(‘l{f]ily be «”li.<pnse¢], of in the iC:ISI'. 'll \\tzl.< x'<‘~.~‘»<.-I\'-J<i: “'l‘lt:.§f tlw Uo\'m'nn'lon‘. he asked“. to uppo'l':l7t :1

l'(3pl'€?;s'Olll‘Elti\'e fo investigate the possibilities uf opening up trade withthe I-lustcrii cmln’rrie.~:., with u v're\\' to Exponing up now mal'kots,fol' our pruim-.6.”

Than ;\I1l:lig:lIl1'cH“(-;d Ho(*.iot_\' of Rl3l- - Servants I‘.-.15 petitioned ‘.llO H -use mi“ln-pl-es:-rlf;U‘iwe: for .1: full in;;niry into the oper=l.t’u.l: of 2. vermin firm of .=\‘m:‘:'i3ln Vl‘!-:l(f}§l*\!‘](l‘l‘,°. win.) nawnz’ ¢,i<*( In (10:11 v_\'r:v})_t I'lH‘L)‘df_‘,'h GS--7':lhli:~‘.hml \\‘::ruhnd:l’l;<—-r.~*. 01‘ je\vel}or:<. \\'<>rv. H:xy_\' 1-}::ilmcd. an ()1-s_v':lxlis;lt'i';~,l*. in 2'(-.~‘ll':linr of trmlv. The positi-u ilr‘ p;‘:tr'.< tu be l“hu‘.' the .-\.H.H.S. (ma-v _<_j:'ol‘ :1 q!::lnl'ity of x\'zn‘clles frmn the firm, hut when they app'io(T for :mbfhor lot were info:-n’no.d That" the firm had in—: .x'l'l‘x:(;*e<'l rhvir r:'ust.unlol's to sell to (‘S-1 tubWi-'}leul wzu(3h-xnakcrs and jewellers,‘ 01113’. 3

‘I A F:ll'nle-1' in the Tllrukinzx Valley linfmwm‘-z’l av. .Pl'ex‘-aid *.'(‘.pol‘f(.‘l‘ that FllO ' winter was one of the host oxp<-?l*ix‘nr<(‘d Min his lor:ulil._\' for m:ln_\' _\'(.':u's. FGPJ :-<-muinod pl(rnl'if'n‘. I'i;lht4llp til} the i I“('('.("l1§' fr()StS». \\'hon it renpivod a sotluwk. but there was sfill .<uf‘fi(-i(—~nf leff 10 t,':H'i‘_‘.’ Hm stuck in good condition until the spring g*r:lss :Ippoal'od. His mtal I 4 ssos in s}m(\p during I‘llo%\vintel' <.>xlly_:lf_rgl'('g:afo(l two hog"§el's. ’!‘§::~ f:1!'n1(-‘er I'eC(!ntl_\' spvm :a few weeks in Huwko ‘rs Bfly.~\\Tfm'ohe found feed very :<<*-V2:.rce, ‘Lt 1'O(:0vc1'y not lmving been made 'f’l'Cml rho drmxght before, the winter set in. A. mnnbor of farmers were not carrying half their former stack. Coeksfoof hay, when :n':xilablo , was I'eu.di]y being snapped up at £4 ;per ton in order that buyers could pull their Stock throu_:h the winter.

Damp feet usually result in a. cold. Get “NAZOL.” No cold is Nazol—pl-oof. (‘:0 doses 1/6.. Chemists and stores. 3

Financial -returns, delayed by the Civil Service stl'ike,‘show a deficit in West Austr-ali:L for the past your of £665,224:. The total deficit now £4,086,704. _

At New Plymouth the SIM. dismissed an inforination Egaiiist James McLeod for printing a iluuble czird un the Connolly (UNI Borough lizuidicaps in (:onnoc’ri«.un with tho Wmlgnui races in May. The S.M. held that ‘(lie card contained no nolificzftiou on behalj of any booklna.kol'.’

At a meeting of the pl'ov:‘.~ional flirectors of the \Vangunui W-oolien Mgflls, Ltd., it was reported that the additional £BO,OOO which it. had been decided to place on the xnarkct (making the to'ta‘l Cilpiifill £2OO_.OUO; was :11ready ne:ll'ly fuliy subscribed. It was decided, therefore, that the share list shall be c‘.os-ed on Saturday week, after which no f‘ul'fllor fll)p}il.'.'BYi()llS for shares can be considered.

“Quail shooting‘ is deadly spurt," declared a- member of the Cantorbury Acclimatisation Society at the last meeting of the cnuncil; when a proposal cznue up for ‘the issue of ladies’ game licenses at 21 fee. of 55, and a. suggestion was made that the privilege should be ~exfon(led to boys. “I saw :1 man nr.*:lrl_\; mm‘dered while quail sliroting." he

:'.u{icC, "zuul I don't know how boys will get on.” The Cuunci‘; «lucided to‘ confine ‘the. :’ocomlnondations to ladies only.

.-\ iargely attended meeting of the Bay of Islands Returned Soldiers.‘ Association, at which delegates were In-c-sent from its six branches, passed the following resolution unanimously: “That this :branch of the R;S.A. has no confidence in Mr R. P. G-reville (North Auckland Land Board commas’. sioner) and the Land Board in its agiministration of the Discharged Soldiers‘ Settlement Act, and if Mr Grew ille desires to challenge this resolution, we. invite him to attend a. general meeting of the Bay of -Islands Returned Soldiers’ Association to beau‘ concrete cases.”

i’ _An amusing incident occurred in the Siipreme (‘.‘oul't'i:he other day. arising ‘out of that tantalising little feminine habit." of being late. The defendant tin a divorce suit had not put in an appeal-ance and Eounsel for the plainftiff hllsbflgld suggested to the jury’ than‘ she was probably drunk. Her Solici!tox- repudiated the suggestion and asysured the Court that she was ill. His 11-l'ono‘lll', Mr Justice Salmond, said he would accept neither assurance. and it must have been with some satisfaction fhat he observed the missing lady glide into the Court 21 short time afterwards, evidently having merc-ly exercised a wonlan’s prerogative. g

.-\ new use fcxwgthe neropfane was dis<aovered while if was on_ its vjsirt and :1 Kaitoke native was Ihfl one -.'l'esp-msitile (says {the TDann~(»Viz‘k‘e Ne{\'s). He is said to have ’r'oun(l it 11 splendid way of Gctocting the “g'o~ slo\\"’ :Igricul’r,{ll'al worker. 'l‘hi.< ustute Maori, when he had hi.~:.""'¥‘ivel' Riso” disdained a. View of Hm "<x‘-\‘ll from above. I-I9 wanted to .<«-«i- M. «t his fur-In looked like from rhw‘ and did so. He was strikingl_\' 1:‘.

pressed, relating his (‘xpez‘icn.<3v.< 211.1 terwards so~n§3o\.\'h:{t in I]li.~r st‘l'ai.n: When I go up I see 111y,f:mn. Bu.‘ I no see my p‘.-cughmvan. no .<(-0 my horse, and no‘ see, m_\; plmlgh. By «gol'l-y, when I got back home I give £ll3ll‘ —————- loafer the suck!

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Taihape Daily Times, Volume XI, Issue 3547, 7 August 1920, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Taihape Daily Times, Volume XI, Issue 3547, 7 August 1920, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Taihape Daily Times, Volume XI, Issue 3547, 7 August 1920, Page 4