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The annual presentation of prices to the pupils of the Sumner School took place at the Sumner Town Hall, Mr D. Lumaden (chairman of the School Committee) presiding over a crowded attendance of parents and friends. The Hon. J. Barr, M.L.C., the Rev. W. J. Williams, Mr J. McCombs, M.P., and Mr J. Jamieson, of tne Canterbury Education Board, the Rev. W. McAra, the Rev. E. C. W. Powell, the chairman and the headmaster, Mr G. P. Allen, also addressed the gathering. The Hon. J. Barr then presented the priies as follows; Standard Vl.—Alison Wiggins, Dux girl, attendance, proficiency: Kathleen Hampton, proficiency; Grace Henley, proficiency. Sewing: Kathleen Sharp, JunlSr sliver medal, proficiencyi Olive Gray, proficiency; Kathleen Thomas, competency j Freda Allen, competency, girl exercising most influence | Jessie Moore, competency, attendance) Grace Carter, sewing 2, attendance; Barbara Smith, attendance; George Brown, Dux hoy. Sofloicncy; Elgar Allen, silver, medal unlor), proficiency; Martin Barber, proflenCy; Max Best, proficiency 1 Harold Fortune, proficiency) Don Wilson, proficiency) Lance Jarman, proficiency) Nell Bates, competency 1 Huia Barnett, competency) Geoffrey Dawe, competency and attendance: Max Roberts, competency) Jim Merritt, attendance) special prize, best at figures, Basil Bishop. Standard V.—Amabel Powell, proficiency! 1, composition, arithmetic,. and history 1; Mora Jones, proficiency 8, history 1) Nora Jones, proficiency 2, history 1, attendance; Connie Phllpott, proficiency; Rita Allen. English 1, drawing 1, history 2) Muriel Wiggins, senior silver medal: Robert Morley, proficiency 1. and drawing 1; George Ell, proflcleticy I, history 2, drawing 3; Basil Bishop, profloiency 8, history 1, drawing 2; Alan Wilson, composition 1, history 2) Willie Merrlt, attendance 1: E. Box, attendance, English 1; Peter Phlpps, geography 2, attendance] Dora LaWson, composition 2, history 2; Maurice Dawe. English 1, spelling 1: sewing, Lyndal Partridge 1, Beta Allen 2. Standard IV.—Alex. Allan, proficiency 1, composition 1; Jack East, proficiency 2, history 1, geography 2, Nature study 2) Jack BamfoM, oroflclenoy 2, Nature study 1: Burnard Boulton, general progress) Paul Pasooe, history 1, drawing 3, geography 2; John Pascoe, drawing 1, geography 8, history 2; Marjorie Duncan, proficiency 1, drawing 1, sewing 2; Marjorie Best, proficiency 2. drawing 2, attendance 1, sewing 1; Hazel Petersen, proficiency 3, Nature study 1, attendance 1; Roma Billlns, composition, English i, attendance 2; Gerald East, attendance; Bona Bailey, attendance, English 3, Dudley Dawe, attendance; Iris Fluerty, attendaiioe: special prizes. Iris Fluerty and Clifford Collins, general proitrcss. Standard lll.—Tom Dacre, proficiency 1, history 1, geography 2; Alan Drake, proficiency 2, attendance; Lester Wiggins, proficiency 3, geography 1; Leslie Williamson, general improvement; Geoffrey Williams, English composition: Isobel Bates, proficiency 1, geography 1, history t, sewing 1; Eunice Whitfield, proficiency 2, attendance 1; Nancy Jarman, proficiency 3, geography 2: Neroli Smithson, general progress; Thelnia Cairns, sewing 2, attendance; Maurice Petersen, attendance 1, arithmetic 1, English 2; Mary Brown,-attendance, English 2, ■writ'ing_2l Noelle Box, attendance, history 2: Edna BUUns, attendance; Hubert Davis, attendance, reading: Dorothy Jackman, attendance, spelling l; Charlie Klingensteln, attendance; Jack Bailey, attendance. Standard ll.—Enid. Davis, proficiency 1, English and spelling 2; Dorothy Alexander, groflciency 2, English, writing 1) Gladys ates, proficiency 3, arithmetic 1. attendance; Enid Chambers, general progress, arithmetic 2; Eric Carcw, profloiency 1, arithmetic, English, and spelling 1) Croydon 'Francis, proficiency 2, composition, and i spelling 2) Alan Roswcll, proficiency 3, j spelling, and English 1; Gerald Goodenough, general progress; sewing, Ivy Willis 1, Phyllis Loach and Mary Sharp (equal) 3. Standard I.—Arlti Andrews, proficiency t ( V. Clark, proficiency 2i Betty Boulton, proficiency 3; Raymond Bascand, proficiency t; Sinclair Stapley, proficiency 2; Willie Bretteil, profloiency 3; Willie Morton, attendance) sewing, Hazel Cook 1, Natalie -Partridge 2. Class 4.—Laurie Drake, Donald Smith, Ronnie Morton, Douglas Goodenough; at: tendance, M. Weastell. Class lll.—Bruce Turner and Marjorie Chambers, Scripture class; Dick Neville, best attendance; examination, Amabel Powell 1, Alison Wiggins 2; Clifford Collins 1, John Pascoe 2; Junior attendance; Irene Sexton, Nancy Lang. '. LYTTELTON WEST. The Lyttclton West School held its annual prize-giving ceremony at the St. Saviour's Schoolroom. Mr F. J. Page, chairman of the school Committee, presided, over a good attendance of scholars, parents, and friends. Following is the prize fiat t Standard Vl.—Boys: Harvey Page (Dux), Leonard Hewland 2, Alan Miller 8, Colin Henderson 4. Girls: Edith Cottam (Dux), Thelnia Hoist 2, Mabel Henderson 3, Jessie Wood 4. Standard V.—Boys: Claude Pllmmcr 1, Malcolm Miller 2, Claude Fletcher 8. Girls: Jessie Farquhar 1, Evelyn Wood 2, Doris Prisk 3. ■ • Standard IV.—Boys: Norman Hoist 1, Victor Gilmore 2, Cyril Porter 8. Girls: Phyllis Cottam 1, Gladys Mochan 2, May Bromley 8. Standard lll.—Robert Crawford 1, Norman Prisk 2, Neil Derbidge 3. Girls: Eileen Ewan 1. Marjorie Johnstone 2, Marjorie Hunter 3. Standard II.—Boys: Leonard Huston 1, Clarence Powley 2, Willie Sillars 3. Girls i Ruth Miller 1, Nettle Hewland 2, Gertie James 3. Standard I.—Boys: Geo, Clarke I,' Jack Rhlnd 2, Brian Muxlow .3. Girls t Irene Cottam 1, Mary Pitcalthly 2, Olive Spicule 3. Special Prises.—Woodwork! Colin Henderson 1, Harvey Page 2. Cookery: Myrtle Powley 1, Thelma Hoist 2. Drill: Richard Sneddon, Eileen Ewan, Most popular boy: Richard Sneddon. Most popular girl: Myrtle Powley. Attendance! Douglas Gower, Tim May. Composition I Clifton Wilson. glllgencoi Mabel Wood. Sports: Victor llmore. Sewing t Standard VI, Myrtle

some new blood were Introduced, the Samoans might play in the future a worthy part in the history Of the Pacific. It was the policy of the Germans, and it is the policy of the New Zealand Government, to prevent as far as possible all marriages oetween Chinese and Samoans, but I am not sure that this is not a mistaken policy, New Zealand Administration, "The general opinion expressed by I residents of the Islands is that the Now Zealand Administration 1r making good. There is a certain araouut of criticism, but it seems to arise mostly from the Prohibition issue. Most people whn have resided for long periods in the tropics, and who have taken alcohol as a stimulant, have found it necessary to take more and more as time went on, and would be regarded as heavy drinkers in temperate climates. To such people it Is a Very severe blow to have their supplies of spirits suddenly cut off, and they are naturally critical of every action of a Government which has seen fit to cut off the supplies. "There are two points in the administration which seem to me to be points of weakness. One is that so very ferv of the officials can speak Samoan, and the other is that the attempt is being made to observe New Zealand hours of work, whereas in all tropical countries it is the hours immediately after daybreak when (he white man can do his best work, 1 think that it would be a good policy for the Government, in certain departments at least, especially the Native Department and the Medical Department, to make promotion dependent on the passing of examinations in the Samoan language. This is, of course, the practice in India aud the Crown colonies. '' Apia is, like the rest of the world, very short of houses, aud accommodation is very difficult to secure.' When the building shortage is relieved, one may look forward to its being a very attractive tourist and holiday resort'for" the people of Now Zealand." I should like to see used there, for exploring the coral gardens near the reef, the glass-bottomed boats which thev have at Hawaii."

Powley 1, Margaret Wood 2; Standard V, Eileen Brooks I, Moaa Collins 2; Standard IV, May Bromley 1, Gladys Mpchan >; Standard HI, Edith' Wales 1. Hilda Ooodmanson It Standard 11. Winnie Wales 1, Nancy Ewan 3; Standard I, Olive Sproule 1, Edna Barr a. Page medal for the best boy athlete In the school: Morris Scott. Parker brooch for the best girl athlete t Myrtle Powley.

WALTHAM. The annual presentation of prises and certificates took place in the Waltham Sobool on Wednesday afternoon. Mr C. V. Harvey (chairman of the school committee) presided, and Introduced the Mayoress (Mrs H. T. J. Thacker), who unveiled the second honours board containing the names of old boys of the school who served In the Expeditionary Forces. The Mayor (Dr H. T. J. Thacker, M.P.) addressed the large gathering of parents end children, and afterwards presented the prises. Mr P. Mcnzles, president of the Primary Schools* Sports Association, in presenting the cricket shield, Congratulated the boys on winning it for the second year in'succession. Following is the prlxe listsDux Medal—Mr Hughes's prize, H. Nlckle i dux (girls). Winnie Mountfort. Composition,—Standard VII Mr Adams's prises, boys, B. O'Danlels; girls, Winnie Mountfort. Standard Vs Conduct, Edward Escott: highest marks, N. Crockett) neatness, Vera Askew 1, Doris Ashmore i. Sewing—Standard VI, Maude Wilson; ttandard V, Doris Ashmore; Standard IV, die Fullwoodi Standard 111, Lucy Palrthorne; Standard 11, Joyce Peacock; .Standard I, Doris Creagb. Domestic Science—Dr Thacker's prize. Winnie Mountfort. Cookery—Plate of Scones: Isabel Hartland 1. Sponge Sandwich; Ena Fright 1. Mrs Mortlock's special: Emily Milton. Best Decorated Tables—Kathleen Broad and Winnie Bentoul 1, Doris Ashmore and Emma Yorke 2, Mona Butler and Vida Anderson 3. Best Decorated Baskets—Enid Robertson 1. Dodo Harvey 2; teacher's special. Isabel Fright 1; Judge's special, Mavis Bishop 2. Beet Decorated Vases— Florrie Hill 1, Ida Russell 2; judge's Special, Roblna Carter. ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATES. Standard Vl.—Girls I Doris Columbus, May Cox, Florence Roberts, Boys: Ernest Lepper, Alfred Pegley, James Timbs, John White. Standard V.—Girls: Edna Cox, Adeline Johnson, Mary McNaughton, Ina Nicklc. Boys: Harry Rofe, Bert Woolley. Standard IV.—Emily Smith. Standard Hl.—Girls: Daphne Cox Vein Knowles, Merla Morrison, Gladys Spicer, Dulcle Were. Boys: Douglas Gcmmel, Lester Martin. Standard ll.—Girls: Joyce Peacock. Boys: Ronald Clive. Standard I.—Violet Hancock, Arthur Vivian, Alan Martin. Sports Prises.—Cricket: Bat for highest aggregate of runs (Mrs Thnckcr's prue): Charles Oliver.' Medal for highest average of runs (Mr Honre's prize): Charles Oliver. Bat for highest average of ruus, Juniors (Mr Patrick's prize): Charles Oliver. Most Improvement (Mr Rich's prize): Ernest Ambrose. Rounders (Mr Watts's prize)) Doris Columbus. *\ ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION'S PRIZES. Cricket Shield.—Football medals (7 a-slde competition, under 11 years): J. Watson, A. Murr, E. Hamburgher,* E. ■Sibley, R. Chaston, A. Silvester. Girls.—soyds flat under 9, Mavis Depree) under 10, Violet Hancock. - 75yds flat Under 12, Bdna Small. Potato race under 11. Edna Small. 75yds potato race under 12, Connie de Chateau. 100 yds open, loftyds skipping open. Freda Watts. 50yds skipping under 10, Doris Lysnght) under 12. Jessie Carter) under 13, Winnie Mountfort. 100 yds hoop race, open, Doris Columbus 1, Mavis Taylor 1

Boys.—soyds flat race under. 9, Chris. Hampton. 75yds flat race under 10, James Howurth; under It, R. Chuston; under 12, R. Freeman. 75yds sack race under 13, A. Wederell. Long Jump, open, R. O'Daillels. Siamese race, open, R, O'Duniels and C. Bright. . TEMPtETON. The Templetoa Domain was chosen this year as the site for the presentation of Srlzes to the pupils of Tcmpleton School. Ir T. Hobbs, chairman of the School Committee, presented the prizes, and mentioned the hard year the teaching staff had gone through. Following is the prize list:— Standard I.—Rosie Jones A, Ronald Keinptliorne 2, Pat Price S. Standardßl.: Jack Wain 1, Stuart Mackle 3, Seal Simpson 11. Standard III.: Murray Lee 1, Rewi Colling* and Willie Brown (equal) 3, Standard IV.: Dorothy Bailey 1, Bertha Falconer 2, Mavis Voice 8. Standard V.: Mavis Davison I, Anthony Gordon 3, Henry Wright 8. Standard VI.: Alan Gllbcrthorpe 1, Chas. Price 3. James Col ion S. Sewing Prizes) Standard I. Edna Boyle, Standards 11. and 111. Doreen Genet, Standard IV. Mavis Voiee, Standards V, and VI. Ethel Wain. Prize for essay, "Visit to H.M.S. Renown": William Sandrey. Prize for highest marks at proficiency examination: William Sandray. RAKAIA. The Rakala School held its hreaklng-up ceremony on Wednesday afternoon In the presence of a large gathering of parents and friends. The children submitted a lengthy programme of songs and recitations, which was much appreciated. The chairman of the school committee, the Rev. A. S. Morrison, expressed regret at tho failure of the school committee to provide prizes for the children this year. There had been keea competition, especially for Jthe attendance prizes, and the decision not to reward the children's efforts had caused keen disappointment. The following had earned attendance prizes: l —Sydney Breach, Jack Craig, Phyllis Judkins, Leonard Street, Connie Laraman, Eva Smith, Hairy Craig, Alice Thompson, Walter Judkins. ; Betty Breach, Roy Buckctt, Margaret Smith, Alfred Hawtin. In addition to the seven children who gained proficiency certificates, and whose names have already been published, the following gained competency certificates. Emma Trevella, Mary Hewson. The winners of the Navy League competition weje: Standard VI, Leslie Hapwood, Betty Morrison) Standard V, Carl Penny 1, George Kaan 3. Advantage was taken of the occasion to say farewell to Miss M. R. Kenna, who lias been, first assistant at Rakala for about two years and a-half, and has resigned in order to take up a similar position at Burwood, On behalf of scholars and parents Mr Morrison presented' her with a dressingcase, and referred to the good work she had done at the school. The Rev. E. Blakisston and Mr W. E. Judkins also spoke, and Miss Kenna suitably replied, As each child filed out it was presented with a bag of lollies and a bag of cherries. While the, parents partook of afternoon tea, the children enjoyed a programme of races and lolly scrambles. The afternoon was altogether a most enthusiastic and enjoyable one.

HINDS. The annual prize-giving was held at Hinds School on Wednesday afternoon. Mr J. M. Hamilton, after referring to tho successful year, presented each pupil with a book. The following gained prizes:—Sewing! Standards V. and VI., A. McKenzle 1, A. Crowe 2. Standard IV.: A; Frampton 1, F. Elms 2, M. Mclnnes and F. Hlckard extra prizes. Standard III.: A. Morrts. Standard 11. I V. Feron 1, M. McKeage 2. Standard 1.1 E. Clark 1, N. Rlckard 2, A. Donaldson 3, School gardens: H. Montgomery and J. Mclnnes 1. W. Feron and H. Dalton 2. Good attendance certificates: W. Feron, F. Elms, M. Elms, H. Montgomery, W, Montgomery, and A. Frampton. Mr Hampton presented the school with a beautifully-framed copy of the address to the Prince and his reply, aiid Master C. Hansen, an ex-pupil, gave a photograph of the school football team. After the distribution of lollies the school broke up for the midsummer holidays. AULENTON. The annual prize-giving was held at Allenton School on Wednesday. The fol lowing is the prize list; — Standard IV.—Proficiency--Hoys: Winston Corbett 1, Alex. Wills 2. Girlst Fanny Cambridge 1, Pearl Balncy 2. Progress (Miss Thomson's special): Dorothea Cambridge. Sewing (Miss Thomson's special): Winnie Jary. Gardening (Miss Ditfort's special) : Kay Anthony and Basil Niven. Attendance (llrst-class): Fanny Cambridge and Hay Anthony, Standard lll.—Proficiency—Boys: Allan Bruce 1 Willie Moodio 2, Henry Lane 3. Girl*: Lesley Dyhrbcrg 1, Cora White 2, Janet Quarteley 8. Sewing (Miss Hume's special): Blta Wendelhorn. Standard ll.—Proficiency-Boys: .lames Hill 1, Hula Crysell 2, Derrick Broom 3. Girls: Kathleen Austin 1, Irene Moriarty a,

Edith Jnry 8. Sewing (Miss Hume's special) I Kathleen Austin. Standard Is—Proficiency—Boys: .Reggie Welch 1, Lewis Mathieson 2, Douglas Stewart 8, Girls: Mary McDonald 1, Jean Blackwood 2, Rita Henderson 8. Drawing prko (Miss Brown's specnti): Annie Gibson. P.4—Proficiency—Girls: Doris Anthony 1, May Christensen 2, Laura Williams 8. Boyst Willie Chapman 1, Bonald Henderson 2. Cecil Banks 3. Progress: Ida Crysell (special). Writing: Thomas Phaup (special, Miss Annett's prize). P.S—Proficiency—Girls: Marjorle Church 1, Minnie Crane 2. Boys: Kenneth Austin 1, Robert McJarrow 2. P.S—Proficiency—Girls: Joan Harris 1, May Jary 2. Aoys: Douglas Sparrow 1, Edgar Hill 2. P.l—Proficiency—Girls l Thelma Tate 1, Nellie Drummond 2. Boys: Norman Jones 1, Robert Lynn 2. Progress: Raymond sparrow (special).

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Sun (Christchurch), Volume VII, Issue 2142, 27 December 1920, Page 8

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PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Sun (Christchurch), Volume VII, Issue 2142, 27 December 1920, Page 8

PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Sun (Christchurch), Volume VII, Issue 2142, 27 December 1920, Page 8