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THE WIDOW’S MITE. GENUINE TRIBUTE TO THE Y.M.C.A. Of the many letters received by the Citizens’ Committee during the present canvass for funds none has contained a finer tribute to the Y.M.C.A. than the one we publish below, which was sent in (with £1 enclosed) by a woman whose son has spent the last two winters in France. Dear Sir, —I am sending you my mite towards this great work. Would to God it was more. I have a lad in the Ammunition Column, Not in one letter but in many has he asked me if I had a few shillings to spare, not to forget the Y.M.C.A. He said he could not express what it was to the boys. He had been in saddle one night for six hours, in the snow, wet to the skin, when he was given a hot cup of coffee and biscuits. Another time he had been out for 15 hours and would have been without drink or food only for the Y.M.C.A. He said: “Mother, you can’t say too much about their goodness.” May God bless your good work is the prayer of a mother. BUTTON DAY. Y.M.CA.’S GREAT APPEAL. What citizen of Christchurch can read the above and fail to give to the Y.M.C.A.? It is a letter from a mother—the mother of a New Zealand soldier boy—one of many letters received by the Citizens’ Com mittee that is trying to collect £15,000 so that the organisation may be able to go on mothering our boys in France, Flanders, and Palestine. But there is a power of appeal in this letter —this prayer—that cannot be resisted. It is from a widowed mother and it contained the widow’s mite, a contribution of £1 towards the fund. And to-day all may give—surely must give. Who cannot afford to buy a button —the Red Triangle button—bespeaking the wearer’s acknowledgment of his or her duty to the brave lads, our lads, who are enduring all, risking all, for their country in distant lands? And he or she that is without a button must be poor indeed—poor either in wealth or in character. The appeal to-day is well organised, and the busiest place in all the city is the Chamber of Commerce, the headquarters of Mr C. J. Treleaven and his band of workers. Multitudes of young ladies, mostly clad in white, move in and out again. First they approach a table near the entrance whence they obtain their permits and have their post assigned them. At table No. 2 they present their permits, get their collecting box, the permit being gummed on the box, and their names taken. This table is under the control of Mr A. F. Cooney. Lastly, they secure their arm badges, and buttons for sale from a third table under the charge of Mr V. Beck and Mrs Jones. Thus equipped they depart on their mission. But before they go and also when they come off duty, tea and refreshments are there ready for them if they desire it, this department being under the supervision of Mrs Hunter. Ranged along the wall is a long board, divided into parallel columns. At the head of each column is the name of one of the stations or patrols. At the side end of the board the shift hours are marked, such as 8.30 to 11 a.m., 11 to 1, 1.30 to 4 p.m., 4 to G. 30, 6.30 to 9. In each column are the names of the ladies allotted to that particular station, the name also being opposite the shift hour assigned her. When she goes on duty her card in the column is crossed with a red cross, so that it can be ascertained in a moment whether any station is staffed. All this organisation is designed for the one purpose of helping the citizens of Christchurch do their duty to-day. It remains only for the public to do its part, and by helping the Y.M.C.A., help our soldiers, and honour their city. Let none be without their Red Triangle button. OVERSEA APPRECIATION. IVISHES FOR SUCCESS. Pres# Association. WELLINGTON, March 14. The following messages from oversea has been received by the New Zealand Y.M.C.A. authorities:— From Sir Thomas Mackenzie, High Commissioner for New Zealand in London:—“l wish great success to your appeal on 15th. I recognise the excellent work you are doing for our men.” From Dr J. R. Mott: —“American Associations wish every success to their New Zealand colleagues.” From Sir Arthur Yapp, British Y.M.C.A. headquarters, London;— “National Council and staff send congratulations on New Zealand’s work for her sons in the field, in London, and on Salisbury Plain. In France your Red Triangle workers are doing magnificent service.” From Canadian National Headquarters, Toronto;—“ Best wishes for your campaign. Deep interest being shown here in your work.” From Australian headquarters, London, per Mr H. A. Wheeler:— “New Zealand work abroad deserves unstinted support. Best wishes.” Y.M.C.A. WORK FOR THE WAR. The following subscriptions are announced since The Sun’s issue of yesterday:— Previously acknowledged .. ..£ll,Oßl 12 2 W. J. Barker .. .. 10 0 W. G. C. Beumelburg .. 10 0 G. E. Richardson .. 10 0 G. L. Hart 10 0 W. W. Wyinks .. .. 110 B. Seth-Smith .. .. 22 0 Mr and Mrs W. J. Mason 5 0 0 Rev. A. Liversedge .. 10 0 Westport-Stockton Coal ! Co., Ltd 25 0 0 T. and S.A 10 0 Taylor and Oakley .. 10 10 0 C. Wynn Williams .. 3 3 0 J. H. Drummond .. 10 0 R.B.H 7 0 0 C. J. Cooper .. ~ 110 Mrs C. J. Cooper .. 110 Mrs J. F. Lawry (Kirwee) .. .. .. 10 0 Miss Dorothy Newburgh 5 5 0 E. C. Huie .. .. 22 0 C. .. .. 110 T. Andrews .. ~ 22 0 D. N. Adams 3 3 0

S. ... ,r 4 0 0 Mr Hall.. .< 110 Mrs Sawtell ~ «. 10 0 0 “Braemar” -*•»■ 0 10 6 A. Davies .. :».■ 110 W. G. Coterill .*■ 5 5 0 F. .. i* 0 10 0 R.C.F ~ 50 0 0 H. H. Cholmoncleley 25 0 0 J. Cock and Sons .. 3 3 0 Mr and Mrs L. W. Harley 22 0 H. J. Ranger .. ~ 5 0 0 H. S. Logan .. 2 0 0 Maling and Co. .. 25 0 0 N.Z. Clothing Factory (Christchurch branch) 10 10 0 R. P. M. Manning .. 22 0 A. E. Marriott .. ~ 110 J.I.S 22 0 Hillary and Baxter .. 10 10 0 P. and H 3 3 0 A. Mitchell & Co., Ltd. 10 0 0 J. McEnnes .. .. 10 0 W. J. H. Sedgeley .. 22 0 L. P. White .. .. 110 J. A. Lummis .. ~ 22 0 J. F. Nicklaus .. .. 22 0 H. A. Logary .. .. 2 0 0 J. B. Neale .. .. 110 Anonymous .. .. 10 0 “W.P.” 110 P. J. De la Cour & Son 10 10 0 Frank A. Cook, Ltd. .. 20 0 0 Davidson and Wauchop 10 10 0 T. H. Davies .. .. 22 0 D. Scott and Son .. 10 0 0 Mollie, Gwen, and Jack 22 0 W. L. King and Go. .. 5 0 0 Miss Vera Kirk ~ 10 0 D. McDonald .. .. 10 0 J. Cook 10 0 Misses L. and R. Robson 0 10 0 H. Hcpburne and Sons 5 0 0 Dominion Compressed Yeast Co 3 3 0 H. Bromley .. .. 110 Cook and McKenzie .. 22 0 Employees Dominion Compressed Yeast Co. 7 7 0 W.H.K 0 10 0 H.P.V.B. .. .. 110 Mrs A. I. M. Cleary .. 110 P. M. C. Cleary .. 110 Mrs P. M. C. Cleary .. 110 Master Bruce Cleary .. 110 A. E. Birdling .. 10 0 0 Nemo 22 0 J. C. Helmore .. .. 20 0 0 Mr and Mrs B. Saville 22 0 R. Mulligan .. .. 5 0 0 K. M. Monteath .. 10 0 J. Monteath ~ ~ 0 10 0 J. H. Suckling and Co. 5 5 0 H.A.A 0 10 0 A.C.A.C 5 0 0 E. 10 0 Mrs Lamb .. .. 110 R. A. Joseph .. ~ 22 0 “E.A.D.” .. .. 5 0 0 N.Z. Heroes .. 110 J. Sinclair .. .. 2 0 0 Mrs J. J. Scott .. .22 0 R. Malcolm .. .. 10 0 “C.M.” 0 10 0 Silver Coin Evening, 63 Gloucester Street .. 4 10 0 Miss A. Menzies .. 110 G. T. Chisnall .. ~ 5 0 0 Gough and Son .. 200 G. Andrews .. .. 5 0 0 F. A. Andrews .. .. 5 0 0 J. Paterson .. ~ 5 5 0 A.G.C 0 5 0 Herbert Brett .. .. 110 Employees Beath & Co. 20 0 0 Richardson and Stokes 110 Lane, Walker, & Rudkin 150 0 0 C. W. Rudkin .. .. 10 0 0 L. Rudkin .. .. 10 0 0 Climie, Coates, and Co. 3 3 0 “Mother of Seven” .. 10 0 Mr and Mrs A.S. .. 2 0 0 “For Benefits Conferred on Our Son in Egypt” 10 0 0 Miss A. Gerard .. .. 100 0 0 Miss K. Gerard .. .. 100 0 0 R. H. Arlow .. .. 10 0 0 M. Barnett ~ ~ 5 0 0 W. M. Joynt .. .. 10 10 0 Mr and Mrs R. B. Ward, “Thingamrae” .. 10 0 0 Christchurch Gas Co., Ltd 50 0 0 P. J. Fryer .. .. 5 0 0 J. P. Phillips and Son 3 3 0 Frank Taylor .. .. 110 A. W. Buxton, Ltd. .. 5 5 0 E. M. Carver .. .. 2 0 0 Cunningham & Taylor 5 5 0 P. A. Laurie .. .. 22 0 Mrs Duncan Rutherford 25 0 0 Miss E. Rutherford .. 5 0 0 Mrs Acton Adams .. 5 5 0 T. A. B. Bailey .. .. 22 0 Kinsey and Co., Ltd. .. 10 10 0, Cyril R. J. Ward .. 22 0 “J.E.” 110 Anonymous .. .. 110 Anonymous ... .. 20 0 0 Lamb and Son .. .. 10 10 0 W. R. Hevey .. .. 5 0 0 J. Hevey .. .. 5 0 0 Canterbury Automobile Association .. 10 10 0 Mrs W. B. Clarkson, senr. .. .. 10 0 0 Mr and Mrs D. Boag .. 22 0 A. F. Drayton .. .. 10 0 0 G. B. Denny .. .. 110 Mrs G. B. Denny .. 10 0 Lawrie Denny .. .. 10 0 A. Peppier and Co. .. 3 3 0 Mrs H. Forwood .. 22 0 Employees Sargood, Son & Ewen, Ltd. .. 3 15 0 F .M. Drewilt .. .. 22 0 Miss C. King .. .. 5 0 Anonymous .. .. 5 0 Employees T. H. Baker, Ltd 0 11 6 H. Newton .. .. 22 0 A. Kininmoulh .. .. 110 New Brighton Life Saving and Surf Club .. 22 0 Mrs Peprill .. .. 4 6 International Harvester Co 50 0 0 D. F. Glanville .. .. 22 0 W. Stewart .. .. 5 0 0 “F.E.P.” .. .. 15 0 Rev. S. Lawry .. .. 22 0 Joseph Slater .. .. 10 10 0 H. B. Sorensen .. 220 Dacre and Goodman .. 4 4 0 “Anon.” .. .. 110 W. J. Stevens & Sons 22 0 Dr Fox .. .. .. 5 5 0 Mrs Fox .. .. .. 5 5 0 Mrs Caughley .. .. 110 Hicks and Aingcr .. 10 10 0 J. Hay 20 II 0 Mrs A. S. Bull .. .. 5 5 0 Mrs W. F. Browne .. 110 Bcttle Bros 3 3 0 W. B. Berry .. ~ 5 0 0 S. Bullock .. ~ 22 0 St. Andrew’s Church .. 7 8 6 Calvert and Son ~ 110 Edward Lockwood .. 110 Anonymous .. .. 10 0 Chisnall & Stewart .. 10 0 0 A. S. Lcgh .. .. 22 0 Alfred Smith .. ~ 22 0 James Carter .. ~ 3 3 0 Mrs J. Hrust .. .. 5 0 0 Anonymous .. .. 3 0 0 1). M. and M. Caygill .. 3 0 0 C. B. Dykes .'. .. 10 0 Mrs M. B. Buckhurst .. 110 F. G. Gurney .. .. 110 R. Morrison .. ~ 5 5 Ol B. Land 1 0 o! E. A. Watson .. .. 22 0 T. Smith .. ~ 1 0 0! P. Madsen .. ~ 2 0 0 Violet Cresswell ~ 2 5 1 Ford and Hadfield .. 5 5 01 Gerstena Food Co. .. 5 5 0' Duckworth, Turner & Co 10 10 01 Duckworth, Turner & Co. Employees .. 5 10 0; H. Y. Duckworth .. 5 0 0

Mrs H. Y. Duckworth 22 0 Well Wisher ,* 1 1 5 Bettle Bros. srf 3 3 0 Harris Bros. 3 3 0 Packer and Jones rV JO 0 0 C. J. Jones it 5 5 0 Buick Sales Qo, ij 10 0 0 J. A. Ambrose «,• 7? 10 0 A.H. ... », o 10 0 E. .. w A 10 6 Spoil ~ 1C 10 0 K. Bassett r»- It 10 0 W. H. Beanland *»• 10 0 P. Metz .. ,* ** 22 0 Friend ~ .. ai 5 0 Friend .. ,! ir 10 0 Sympathy >, SV 5 0 Sympathy >« *»■ o 0 T. H. Kerr .. ** 10 10 0 Quill, Morris and Co., Ltd 25 0 0 Mrs E. Elworthy 25 0 0 R.P ,f 110 F. A. Cook .. oi 22 0 Wimmera «. .» 10 0 Ayr Street .. »r 10 C Gilby’s College .. .5 5 0 H. E. Button ~ », 5 5 0 J. S. Barrett .. , > 5 5 0 iJas. Sheat ~ • . 10 0 0 Mother . .. 10 0 ! Anonymous .. .. 5 0 0 H. Hammond & Co. .. 110 Aitchison, Steans and Co 10 10 0 Smith & Smith, Ltd. ~ 20 0 0 Richard Allen .. .. 50 0 0 |J. B. Vautier .. ~ 5 0 0 Kemsley and Co. .. 25 0 0 H. A. Boon .. .. 5 5 0 Kemsley and Co.’s Employees .. .. 22 0 A. E. Preece .. ~ 5 5 0 Walter J. Moore .. 5 0 0 Dr. J. C. Pairman .. 5 5 0 Colonel & Mrs R. Snow 3 3 0 Rawson and Low .. 110 Mr and Mrs Elwyn Jackson .. 110 No. 95 .. ~ 10 0 0 Dr. J. J. Brownlee .. 5 5 0 Mr and Mrs C. K. Sams 22 0 Dr. G. J. Blackmore .. 5 0 0 F. B. Sapsford .. 2 10 0 R. S. Cook .. 22 0 J. J. M 110 H. C 8 0 0 Fewings and Co. 22 0 G. E. Grcenstreet .. 5 0 0 E. Bidwell .. .. 10 0 Miss M. Cholrnondeley 110 C. D. B 2 10 0 Cooper and Pryce 10 10 0 W. H. Harris .. r 5 0 0 Crkddock & Co., Ltd ~ 5 0 0 George Hanmer 3 3 0 L. P. Symes .. ~ 22 0 Mrs Boon ~ ~ 110 C. E. Boon .. .. 22 0 S. Switzer ~ ~ 110 F. C. Poole .. .. 0 10 0 A. B ... 0 10 0 R. Halliburton 10 0 A. Archenhold 5 5 0 Mrs G. L. Beath .. 10 0 Mrs C. B. MacDougall 0 10 0 Fred. Box .. .. 110 Universal Fish Supply 22 0 Ellen Fairweather .. 5 5 0 Rev. F. N. Taylor 110 Early and Son .. .. 22 0 C. Class .. ~ 10 0 C. H. Duff .. 110 A. Masters .. 10 0 Miss I. Munro .. .. 5 0 0 H. J. Bowlker .. .. 110 Miss BoAvlker .. ~ 0 10 0 Memory of W. L. .. 5 0 0 G. E. S. .. .. 10 0 Soldier’s Wife ~ .. 0 2 6 Alex. Mac Lean 110 |Thos. Austin .. .. 110 A. E. White .. ~ 10 0 Chas. Lyons .. .. 5 0 0 Dr. E. G. Levinge .. 5 5 0 Dr. W. H. Simpson .. 5 5 0 Mrs Evans .. .. 0 10 0 T. C. or S. C 0 10 0 Mrs Macßeth .. .. 3 0 0 Mrs S. A. Staples .. 110 S. A. Staples .. 110 W. H. R. Dale .. .. 22 0 G. H. Woods .. ~ 5 5 0 Melhuish and Co. ~ 5 0 0 McPhail and Fisher ~ 22 0 Dean Harper .. ~ 5 0 0 B. Moore .. 5 5 0 E. Coe 22 0 G. A. Blackmore ~ 110 Jesse E. Westland .. 5 5 0 J. McLeod .. 10 0 G, E. McLeod .. .. 10 0 N. T. Pearce .. .. 110 Wrigglcsworth & Binns 5 0 0 J. N. Du Feu and Co. 3 3 0 A.E.B 2 0 0 A.M 0 10 0 J. Lorrimer ~ ~ 10 0 C. Wynn Williams .. 3 3 0 Mr & Mrs C. S. Harper 10 0 0 G. H. French .. .. 10 0 John Bates and Co., Ltd. 10 10 0 W. Sansom .. , 2 0 0 Mrs N. B. Smith .. 10 0 W. Dean .. ~ *. 22 0 M. and J. Hall .. .. 3 0 0 Mrs Phillip Hanmer .. 2 0 0 Ray Livingstone .. 5 0 0 Mother of Five Soldiers 0 10 0 T. H. Griffiths .. .. 5 0 0 Misses A. & E. Evans 1 0 0; A. Sorrell .. . * 110 James A. Boot .. 5 0 0 J. Clarke .. ~ 10 0 A. 51. O .. 10 0 Mr and Mrs T. T. Dowling ~ 50 0 0 Jas. Morrison ~ ... 22 01 A. D. Dobson .. ~ 5 0 0' Mrs G. N. H 10 0 E. B. Taylor .. .. 010 0| Bowler .. ~ 110 W. Westway .. ~ 10 0 A. B. Cox .. .. 10 0 Morrison & Morrison .. 10 0 0 S. and W. C 1 10 0 E. B. Blamires .. ~ 10 0 Mrs C. H. Biss .. 10 0 Mrs L. Palmer .. 110 E. W. H. Gray .. 5 0 0 Buchanan and Sons, Ltd. .. .. 770 H. Broadhead, Senr ~ 10 0 H. D. Broadhead .. 2 0 0 i Mr and Mrs E. Denham 22 0 Bydand .. 110 Mrs Dron ~ .. 116 Misses Dron .. .. 110 A full alphabetical list will be published in the beginning of Apirl.

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Sun (Christchurch), Volume V, Issue 1276, 15 March 1918, Page 4

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THE RED TRIANGLE. Sun (Christchurch), Volume V, Issue 1276, 15 March 1918, Page 4

THE RED TRIANGLE. Sun (Christchurch), Volume V, Issue 1276, 15 March 1918, Page 4