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Bowls and Bowlers



It is most satisfactory to record that the Auckland Centre Executive has this season made a stand to enforce some of the existing rules of the game. In some quarters the effort will be hailed as long overdue. Rules are simply a starting place for players and are not designed to press unfairly upon anyone in particular, but are made to give all an equal chance in any game with fellow contestants. However, it is unfortunate and indeed amazing that the attempt to thus bring all contestants into line with each other should be interpreted in some instances as purely an endeavour on tho centre’s part to trample upon tho susceptibilities of bowlers. The executive officers deserve every commendation for their stand to enforce rules and in this work should receive the wholesome support of every player in the centre. It is hoped that they will continue and thus earn the gratitude and support of every player who has the real interest of the game at heart. If bowling is to develop as a game and not a pastime there should be. no hesitation on the player’s part to receive the rules, study and obey them to tho letter.

The laxity which has existed in the past is really lamentable. As recently, for example, as the Easter tournament, umpires were definitely instructed—and these instructions were written and actually underlined in red ink for emphasis—to inspect all bowls and discard those not stamped according to the rules under which the tournament was played and the rules generally governing the stamping of bowls. Yet despite these instructions two pairs of bowls found their way through to the first round of the post-sectional play where they were discovered ana rejected by Mr. G. L. Gladding, the centre’s energetic secretary. It was quite obvious therefore that some of the umpires in the sectional play* took no notice of the instructions or were too timid to enforce the rules. It must bo assumed, however —for the umpires’ duties are taken up by unselfish bowlers who give time to the smooth running of tournaments —that the latter was the case. But there should not be any hesitation in the inspection of bowls if the ‘‘pokers’* which have been complained of from time to time are to be eliminated from contests. Furthermore, it is quite obvious that the contestants do not take the trouble to read the programme covering the tournament which is supplied to each one, otherwise they would not bring bowls that do not conform to the requirements -of the tournaments. Obviously’ there is a need for a tightening up all round with the umpires and the players. The Centre Executive in view of this circumstance would be therefore well advised to persue the work diligently that they have already commenced. In this they may not find favour with a minority of bowlers,, but, on the other hand, they will gain full favour of all players who wish to see bowling progress on sound lines.

Many notorious examples of attempts to take shot bowls out for a solid score, which have resulted reversely in a score to the opposing side, have been related from time to time. But examples of deliberately’ giving a shot away to the opposition to obviate a big score are rare. Hence the following is Well worth relating. During one of the final games in a recent tournament, a skip faced the head with one up and the balance of his side’s bowls well away from the head, while his opponents’ bowls lay second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth shots. He contemplated the position and decided that his opponent would attempt to gain the five shots by driving the shot bowl. Hence he decided to push one of them into shot. The tactics were Successful. His opponent was satisfied with one and did not attempt a drive, and thus the game was ultimately won. for there was four the difference on the board at the conclusion of the game. m. • •

This afternoon members of the Auckland Centre, including Mr. S. Coldicutt. the president, will meet the Mangere Club when the occasion of the visit will be taken advantage of by presenting the first-year champions’ shield to the winners.

Three rinks from the centre will also visit the Helensville Club shortly when the inter-club pennant will be presented to the club. The event will no doubt be a red-letter day in the history of the club, for it is the first occasion that Helensville has entered the competition and that it should have won against the formidable array’ of opponents is very’ gratifying. The win also marks the first occasion that the club has figured as winners in any of the Auckland Centre’s events.

Bowling in New Zealand has developed with team work. In other words, rink play is considered the premier game in the Dominion. ith this as a basis of development the sport has shot ahead bey’ond all expectations, until every little village or hamlet has its bowling green. However, in Australia the singles game is the recognised true test of bowling and there, especially in Victoria, bowling has also advanced. A movement is on foot in Auckland to add an open singles competition to the already long. l ist of annual competitive events. The suggestion is certainly worthy of the utmost consideration for many reasons. The chief one is that a number of players have not the opportunity to follow up the many matches to find the ultimate champion of their respective clubs. A special tournament where any’ player might enter and try himself out against entrants would certainly find favour. The should certainly be discussed at the coming meeting of delegates. During the past season the cha ™ pi ° n + _ bowls competition was added to tn ® list of annual fixtures. It pro-ved a success from a club point of view. The wisdom of adding still another competition to the list will require some coneideration. On the other hand, the development of the singles game tv ill certainlv receive a great impetus bl. a. special open tournament set aside for its promotion. . , , There is to be a meeting of club delegates to the Auckland Centre on April 30. The purpose of the meetim, is to select nominations for council ’ors on the Dominion of Xciv Zealand ;? r ~ As the Dominion Councif accepted the suggestion to hold the"? annual meeting earlier than the „ r , r week In September to allow the Incoming executive time to fully prenare the Dominion tournament, the Selection of nominations is fhe busfness ‘will not take long to put through and much of the evening will he at the disposal of the delegates, when thev will have a wonderful opnortunitv to advance many points in n tbe to con h d e ucf i°ng'’Sf'^irnaments SSs. rsrjrsssrsi °Lp& ■Halls Sulphur and Sarsaparilla Salts A great Spring and Summer Tonic, in the form of an effervescing ,„T delightful drink. Large bottle posted for 3s. —E. W. Hall. 117 Armagh st„ Christchurch.

game. Indeed, players can attend the meetings personally, but they cannot participate in any discussion. They have, however, the opportunity of ventilating their opinions through their respective club delegates. INTER-CLUB MATCHES TEAMS FOR SATURDAY The following are the bowling teams in inter-club matches to be played on Saturday:— Kenmera v. Auckland.—At Auckland: Edmiston, Priestley, Horton, McCall um; Hertslet, Marshall, Jacks, E. A. East; fcityak, Bart.ett, E. D. Reid, Hosking; Annandale, Cutfield, Wright, Irvine; feymes, Wake, Spooner, Long; Wade, Kenderdine, Mellars, M ingins; Whitaker, Hatch, A. M. Bell, Newton; Armiston, Mahon, Johnson, Saxton; M. Reid, Dransfield, Dixon, Short; Martin, Brook, Ridings, Watson. Veterans: Kirk, Choyce, Clark, Vickerman. At Remuera: Tudhope, Scott, J. C. Kissling, Coe; Burnett, Dempsey, Brookes, Graham; Lusher, Gannaway, G. H. Kissling, Harbutt: Brown. Gardner, Burcher, Hill; Headdey, Davis, Gavey, S. Kissling, Fisher, Rathbone, Baker, Macfarlane; Harrison, Tuke, Somerfield, Russell; Keary, Brownlee, Brittain, Bull, Sanderson; Loosemore, Alexander, Hegman, Young. Executive teams: Bowles, "Wight, Badeley, Procter; Smith. E. D. Ashton, Paterson. Daniels. Veterans: Campbell, Sutherland. Stubbs. T. A. Ashton. First-year players: Tudhope, Mahoney, Tomlinson, Acheson.

Auckland v. Remuera.—At Remuera: L. Whittaker, McDougall, Hinton, D. Campbell; Dr. Coldicutt, Blades, Wyatt, Moir; Harding, Bannister, Graham, Davidson; Mills, Munro, Carr, Bailey; Alexander, Jury, Wilson, Walker; Darlow, Jaffrey, Ure, Brackebush; Probert, Ward. Clarkson, Perritt; Armitage, Matheson. Harvey, Woolley; Hislop, Myers. Rudd, Daniel. Executive teams: Hacket, Dicketts, Craig, Osmond; S. Coldicutt. Inglis, Lyell, Scantlebury. Veterans: Moon: Kretschraar, Commons. Dingle. First-year Players.—Sommerville. Hamann, Vicker, Forgie. At Auckland: Simpson, Susman, Bourke, Steele; McCrea, Michaels, John-Carlaw, Nicholson: Matthews, Hewitson, White, Fletcher: Williams, Hodgson, C. Allan. H. Allan: Dadley, Rawlinson, R. D. Gray, Fraser; Hampton, Esam, Pollok, Neil; W. Campbell, Beaumont, Atkin, Duncan: Woodham, Newell, Israel. Price; De Renzy, Messenger. F. J. Whittaker. Keesing; Griffiths, Mohr, Mason, Keys. Veterans: Treacy, Paterson, Robertson, Prime.

West End v. Mount Albert.—At West End: Brummell. Knox, McKeown. Thomson; Cole, E. Darby, Potter. Needham; B. Wilson, Lovatt. P. Darby, C. Hardley; Harris, J. W. Hardley. Thomass. Bell: Irwin, Selby, Anderson. Wise. At Mount Albert: G. Hardley, Tudehope. W. Hardley, Clarke; Noad,. Price. Tonkin. Cooke; McNair, Martin, Horsley, Bremner; Hardy, J. Darby, Adeans. Brookes; Sands, Andrews, Kirk. Maher.

Mount Albert v. West End. —At West End: Williams. Guthrie. Cutforth. Jenkin; Orix, Gladding. Walker, Rev.’ Beck; Morris, Rev. Sutherland. T. Maxwell. J. Thomas: Smerdon, Mercer. Blair, Baildon; Woolsey-Allen. Francis. W. Dimery, Garlick. Home teams will be chosen on the green. Mount Eden v. Avondale.—At Avondale: Chambers. Gregson, Marshall. J. Smith: Mueller. B. Smith. Oatridge, Vivian: Moon, Stone, Delamore. Daisley; Wright, Murdoch. Robertson. Rudman. At Mount Eden: Spence. D. Ferguson, D. Nairn, Battersby; Doull. McCauley, Sherriff: Surmnn: Moore. Owen, Mullins, Hull; Williams, Cordes. McKenzie. Her--1 °Grey Lynn v. Stanley.—At Stanley: Street, Marshall, Fletcher. Llversidge; L>. Leydon, Molloy, E. Leydon. F. Preston; Teague, Bleaklev, ,T. Lye, Caddy; Emirali, Laing. Blamires. C. Little; Mason. Perkin, ,T. Reed, Moran; W. Smith, Wilde. H. Reed, Whittle. Stanley v. Grey Lynn.—-At Stanley: oUthnsrm. Clarke Hlooker. Johnson: Watson. Hipkins. Ogilvie, Hooker, Johnson; D. M. .Tones: R. Reid. Sheehan, Brav, Hall; Kennedy, Dawson, G. M. Reid: MacGregor, Weller, Nibloek, Lock, White; Sainty, Niehol, Callon. Wrigley. Rawhiti v. Howick. —At Howick: Morrow, J. F. Roberts. Austin, Murray; Thronsen, Henson, Keller, Haslam. At Rawhiti: F. Roberts, Hedges. Moncur, Mclnness; Samways, Schofield. Eaves, Paterson. _ Rawhiti v. Ponsonby.—At Ponsonby: Leaning. Savin, Worthington, Harris; Oulpin. Wilmot. Scelly, McKinlay; Pattison. Barker, N. Thomson. Wooller; Kattei’feldt. Bennett, Tavlor. Macpherson At Rawhiti: Cameron. It. J. Walker. Sharkey, Chiplin; Hamlin, Wayte. Martin, Oldham; Cowden. E. T. Walker Miller, Vaughan; Vincent, Ryder. Watson, Stnbbs. . _ , .... Ponsonbv v. Rawhiti. —Vt Rawhiti. Bishop, Baggett, Wright, Bryant: F. Letham, Oates. Aitchison, A. Letnarn; Lincoln, Stevenson. Drummond. Torrance: Tarkinson, T. Elleray.. Somers, Dick. . t Hillsborough v. Henderson. —At H©nderson: Sinclair, Scarborough, Goldsmith. Thomas: Monk, Farrnh, Strinsrer, Preston. At Hillsborough: Pearce, McMillan. Williamson. Gregory; Clarke. Farland. J. Wilson. Wilkinson. Mount Eden v. Avondale. —At Avondale: Chambers, Oregson. Marshall. J. Srmtn, Mueller. B. Smith. Oatrtdsre. Vivian; Moon. Stone. Delamor°. Daisley: W right. Murdoch, Robertson. Rudman. At Mount EdeJi: Spence. D. Ferguson. D. Nairn. Battersby; Doull. McCauley. Mullins, Purman; Moore, Owen. Sherriffs, Hull; W illiams, Cordes, Mackenzie. Herron. Ponsonby v. Papatoetoo.—At Panatoetoe- Goodacre, Lovett. Mclnness. Kelly: CDrke, W'. Brown. Pardington. Crowe. Papakura v. Clovedon.__At Papakura: Dic-kev, G. Boagev, Meikle. Leitch: T. G Sm> f h, Pa*re. McCall. Hammond; Cmuifnrd. Hunt. MnEntee. Bates: Baton, Mo~fnrrt Searle, Hone: E. D. McLennan. D. McLennan. TCirton. MoCallum: Agmen, Smith. Thornton. W. Boaeey. Rowe. GREY LYNN CLUB Club pairs, in two rounds of 15 heads each, will be plaved bv members of the Grey Lynn Bowling Club on Saturday. Plav will commence at two o clock, following is the draw: John and C. Preston v. A. and E. Buckley, and v. cox and Gibbons; Armstrong. Davidson, v. Snell, D. Young, and v. Knight. Hawke: Cox, Gibbons, v. J. Preston. Burns and y J and .T. C. Preston: McDonald, Dickens, v. Knight. Hawke, and v. Armstrong, Davidson; Parnell, Mclvor, v. Brown, Walker. and v. Emmerson. Burrell: Stewart. Sisrlev. v. Emmerson. Burrell, and v. Puddle.* Baildon: Aggers, Baynes, v. A. Lve. Cronin, and v. Brown, W alker. Christey. Egginton. v. Puddle, Baildon, and v. Lye. Cronin. WEST END CLUB Semi-final Percentage Fours. —Baynes. Skinner. Hill. Wynynrd, v. Cornwall. T arkinson. Taylor, Pierce: ford. Hopwnnd. Whitten, v. Service, Haig. Plummer. Worsfold. HILLSBOROUGH CLUB Pairs will be played at the Hillsborough green on Saturday.

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Sun (Auckland), Volume III, Issue 641, 18 April 1929, Page 13

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ON THE GREEN Sun (Auckland), Volume III, Issue 641, 18 April 1929, Page 13

ON THE GREEN Sun (Auckland), Volume III, Issue 641, 18 April 1929, Page 13