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Bowls and Bowlers



Playing the game not for his own glorification, but for the success of all members of his club, is what a club secretary unselfishly does. With his bowls peacefully reposing in his locker, while the rank and file of the players are improving their ability to grass a bowl, the secretary plods on inside the club-house, attending to the members' needs. That is his game. And in thislvi*-. /\. n. i\eeaing capacity it can be said with accuracy that there is no better officer than .Mr. A. 1-1. Keesing, secretary of the Auckland Club. But when he has the opportunity to roll a bowl, he can roll it to some purpose. Last year, he had tlie record of being in 12 winning rinks in succession, nine of which he skipped himself, and three in which he played in the number three position. The former was the percentage fours competition of his club and the latter was the Pennant competition. As a singles player he has won the Anzac Cup on two occasions, and has been runnerup for numerous competitions over the past few years. As it player of the game either on the green or in the club-house, he is a. hard man to beat. Mr. (J. A. Townsend has joined the Epsom Club. lie comes with a reputation for playing games from the St. John’s Club, Wanganui. Mr. 11. Buchanan, of the Warringah Club, New South Wales, has been in Auckland for the past few days. Me left by the Niagara on Tuesday for Sydney. The executive members of the Auckland Bowling Centre journeyed out to the Melensville Club on SaturdayThe members of the club provided a very full programme of entertainment which was thoroughly enjoyed by the visitors. The Mount Albert Club will hold an all-day tournament at Mount Albert next Wednesday. Luring the GS years of the parent club’s existence, it has been the custom lor the president to give an "At Home” every season. Some exceptionally brilliant functions have resulted during these many years of club life. But the "At Home” held on . Saturday last compared most ably with the best that has yet been .ltcld. Both Mr. and Mrs. Craig were Yvarmly congratulated on their efforts; avid the fine gathering of visitors amply testified to the popularity of the Auckland Club president. It was certainly a memorable day in the annals of the club. One very pleasing feature of the occasion was the presence of Mr. G. J. Mackay, immediate past president of the club, who has been very ill for some time past, and Mr. PL PI emus, a very highly respected veteran member. Both* wVre warmly welcomed back to the precincts of the club by their fellow members. * * * A Sydney commentator asserts that there is a lack of true representative bowling strength in the side that is to represent Australia in tlie coming test against. New Zealand. Me claims that the sidte is by no means a first class one, and advances the opinion that the only way to obtain true representation is % to pay the expenses of the contestants- Such criticism sounds very fine. AM that it needs is substantiation by v the true facts. It has been made qu%.e clear by Mr. J. C. Blair, a member of the Victorian Bowling Council ,now in Auckland, that as far as his is concerned there is true representation. Indeed, at least 12 of tlie players coming to take part in the Dominion tournament, which immediately follows the test, are front rank exponents of the game in Australia, while th%3 team actually to represent Victoria the best that can be selected from th*? State, and the Victorian Bowling .Council went to some trouble to arn?vo at the selection. The question arises as to who are available 'from the ,other States for representation. This has not been made quite clear to us .here up to the present time. If the players are not the strongest and it is the intention to place the best in the held irrespective of the State of Origin, then it can be considerably augmented! from the Victorian section. If, hctvever, the Australian Bowling Council decides toplay only one team from O'acli State irrespective of the strength .available, then there is a chance of a weak side being placed to represent Australia. If. on the other hand, it is decided to select the best players irrespective of their place of origin, then it i» quite certain that very fair representation will be available. * * » The success of the Public Service annual pairs tournament, held last Friday, was so pronounced that two greens—Epsom and Hemuera —had to be requisitioned to accommodate all the entrants. The successful pairs were: Green and Fletcher, Postal; McLaren and Watson, Railway; Campbell and Mcßeth, Justice; Pauli and Newton, Mines; Lane and Godfrey, Lands and Survey: McMutrie and Pristly, Education: Hunt and Smith, Railway; Sinclair and Eaves, Railway. A semifinal game was played on the Epsom green on Tuesday evening. Campbell and Meßeth defeating Green and Fletcher. 20 —14. The final game is yet to be played.


The, following teams liave been chosen for pennant and inter-iplub bowling fixtures on Saturday: PENNANT MATCHES Auckland v. Epsom—At Epsom: Plummer, Dicketts, Neil, Brackebush; Ward, Carr, Fraser, Osmond; Ure, R. Wilson, Hodgson, Walker; Israel, Robertson, Hinton, Davidson; C. Allan, Anseli, D. Campbell, Nyell; Wyatt, Daniel, Kirk, Harvey. At Auckland: Williams, Mason, Aldred, Muston; John Carlaw, Jury, Atkin, Bailey; Clarkson, Rudd, McCrea, Fletcher; Treacy, Hewitson, A. D. Gray, K. S. Macky; Newbegin, Bourke, Hood, Steele; McDougall, S. Coldicutt, Keesing, Duncan. Against Helensville—At Helens - ville: Matheson, Hacket, Woolley, Moir. At Auckland: W. J. Campbell, R. D. Gray, H. R. Allen, Scantlebury. Rem u era v. Dominion Road—At Dominion Road: Jackson, W. T. Bell, Gavev, Bray; Scott, Clark, Paterson, Daniels; Bowles, Dransfield, Hill, E. A. East; E. D. Ashton, Tuke, Short, Ryan; M. Reid, Marshall, Somerfield, Young. Against Devonport—At Devonport: Ridings, Kenderdine, E. D. Reid, Graham; Hawkins, Hatch, Irvine, Long; Annandale, Burcher, Spooner, Wooller. At Remuera; Harrison, Wright, Hegman, Badeley; Mahon, Dempsey, 'Wight, S. Kissling; H. East, W r allace, Mellars, McCallum; Cook, J. C. Kissling, Coe, Macfarlane; Davis, Vickerman, Newton, Procter; Brook, Dixon, Pegler, Russell; Sutherland, M. Bell, Norton, Saxton; Murphy, Smith, Jacks, Watson. Dominion Road v. Remuera—At Dominion Road: A. Chappell, W. Richardson, Goldsmith. Kelly: Bellamy, Semadeni, Sayers, Layland: Gentles, S. E. Chappell. Codd, Benson; Taylor. Nagle, R. H. Fisher, Ashby; Hook, Wildish, Johnston, Ramsey. At Remuera: Hinkley, W. Wilson, Bryden. Roberts; W. H. Clarke, Hoppy, Cartwright, Hawken; Virtue, Beck, Bush, Denison; D. Richardson, Ranum. Winks, Hollows; Winthrop, Norgrove, Robertson, Clews. Mount Albert v. Onehunga and Howick

—At Onehunga: Xisbet, Luke, Muir, Clark; Humphreys, Stevens, Cutforth, Allely; Mercer, Wallett, Dann, IT. Dawson. " At Howick: Harbutt. Lane, Garlick, Holds worth. At Mount Albert: Orix, Guthrie. Blair, Jenkin; S. Dimery, Bennett, E. Thomas, Baildon; Gladding, T. Maxwell, Hosking, J. Thomas; Hills, Amoore, Rowe, Bromley. Ponsonbv v. Carlton —At Carlton: Colebrook, Richardson, Calder, Torrance; Oates, Haggett, Paterson, Kelly; McKeown, Gray, Rolfe, Parsons: Farrow, Blincoe, Pardington, Letham; Dromgool, Buckle, Butland. Best; Ormerod, Somers, Griffiths, McGregor. Waitemata v. Devonport—At Vaitemata: Hubble, Fraser, Tarrant, McPhail; Corrin, Brennan, Blackledgo, Johnston; Swanson, Hurley, Campbell, Burrows. At Devonport: Osborne, Fisher, Lethbridge, McGill: D. R. Davies, Bentley, McKinstry, Lyon; Brown. Watson, Wilson, Dick. St. Heliers v. Otahuhu—At Otahuhu: Brewer, Cameron, Cahill, Knight; 'Watson, .Thompson, Garrard, Lowe. At St. lteliers: Campbell, Twiname. S. White, Wright, Bradshaw, Smith, Price, Brooklield. Against Mount Eden—At Mount Eden: Gray, P. S. White, Jackson, Keys; McLaren, Holdsworth, Craws haw, Philip. At St. Heliers: Dawson, J. Diamond. May, Morris; Hunt, Blomfield, Koefoed, P. White. Avondale v. Henderson —At Henderson: Hanham, Kelsall, Wansbone, Porvitt; Anseli, Brooks, Stephenson, Carrack. At Avondale: Newell, Nunns, Harrow, Somervell; Jones, Sutherland, Johnstone, Taylor. Carlton v. Popsonby—At Carlton: Garrard, Bates, Warren, Fookes; Ramsay, A. Pollard, Gladding, Lamb; Buchanan, McKay, Renwick, Polan; Dillicar, Elliott, Gordon, Thomson; Pitt, Stevens, Arey, Truscott; Scherer, Percy, Cook, Gillies. At Ponsonby; Overy, Laird, Lundon, Kilgour; McGlone, T. Mountain, Josey, Martin; Sawyer, Gavey, V. Casey, Clarke; G. Casey, C. Mountain, Wilson, Rowe; Allwood, Cross, Kelly, J. Hosking; Clayton, Isaacs, McNab, Daflin. Against Papatoetoe—At. Carlton; Angove,.. Holland. Wrighton, Perry; Stohr, Barter, Snedden, G. Hosking; Wright, Cottrell, Bird, Wishart. At Papatoetoe: White, Horrell,-Brittain. Clarkson; H. Johnston, Watson, Frost, Deare; G. Pollard, Williams, Chapman. Coltman. Against Glen Eden—At Carlton: Mitchell, Packman, F. Robertson, Kent. At Glen Eden: Whitaker, Taylor, Coutts, Ball. Hillsborough v. Rocky Nook—At Rocky Nook: Clarke, Wilkinson, Stringer* Sheath; Fax-land, Sainty, Thomas, Goldsmith. At Hillsborough: Wombwell, Gregory, Ward, Pollard; Waters, Preston, Thompson, Williamson. Epsom v. Auckland—At Auckland: Duke, Gladding, Bruce, de Launay; Wylie, Foote, Braithw&ite, E. Jones; Harris, A. G. Clarke. C. Lamb, E. Richmond; McCowan, W. Wallace, Moßeath, Mingins; Jansen, Johnston, Hetherington, Grattan, French, Wheelaris, Ramsay, Jenkin. At Epsom: A. S. Lamb, R. G. Clark, Smith, J. Wright; Ongley, Hardley, A. Taylor, George; J. Harrison, J. Wallace, Blakey, Dunlop; Yearbury, Hill, Haszard, A. Jones; Paget, Penn, Parsons, Tanner; Gray, McGregor, Nash, W. Taylor. Against Manurewa—At Mamirewa: Furnell. Townsend, Kendall, M orison. At Epsom: Standen, A. Wright, Burton, Boyne. Ellerslie v. Rawliiti—At* Rawliiti: Fairbrother, Ross, Joll, Macklow; A. MacKenzie, Diggens, Woodward. Somerfield; Ganley, H. K. McKenzie, W. Osborne, Gollan; Westbrook, /Poy, Watson, Wood. At Ellei-slie: Brawewetl, Christmas. Lynch, Dickson; R. Hunter, Cpppins, GodtTey, H.

Hay; McNeice, 'White, Postsard, F. Osborne; Bartlett, A. C. Hill, Henry, Crosher. Onehunga v. Takapuna—At Takapuna: Mackume, W'iggington, Lloyd, MueF'arquhar. Against Blount Albert—At .Mount Albert: Stokes, Buchanan, Schnaekenberg. Wright, Hayden, R. Sutherland, T. George, Robertson; Robb, Cullin, Cowell, Hills. Against Bdendale—At Edendale: Hickman, Fordham, Allen, Kenny; Kennedy, H. Bray, Harmack, Lindberg. At Onehunga: L. Bray, Milnes, Marks, E. Gatland; Coutts, Soote, Jackson, Macklow; A. George, Munro, A. Brown, E. Sutherland; S. Brown.' Harrison, I. Sutherland, A. Gatland; J. Ross, Davenport, Green, Flowerbay; Whitmore, Keenen, Vella, Schnaueiv Mount Eden v, St. lieliers—At St. Heliers: Sherriff, Oatridge, Smith, Fi-aser; T. Nairn, D. Ferguson, 11. Dalton, Corncs. Against Grey Lynn—At Grey Lynn: Moon, Sis'sons, Miller, Findlay; Mackenzie, Middleton, Gatenby, Baker; Delamore, Campbell, Joll, Turner; Mueller, R. Robertson, Gribble. Surinam At Mount Eden: Burley, White, Vivian, Paisley; Wright, Doull, Woolley, Trayes; Marshall, Fulton. Elliott, Gill; Jos. Smith. Rintoul, Hull, Bigelow; Chambers, Dignan, Serjeant. Bainbridge; B. Smitli, Herron, .Battersby, Bourko._ Rocky Nook v. West End—At W est End: Baxter. F. Pearce, B. Kayes, FI. Jenkin; J. Too, Buckle. Smith, Jury; T. Jones, Gribble, W. Jenkin. Randell. At Rocky Kook: Austin, Cliffe, Eaglcton, Finch; Findlay, .Farley, Bain, Cutler; Sidler, Taylor, J. Pearce, Keatley. Against Hillsborough—At Hillsborough: R. Laing, W. White, Clements, Wakerley; Oughton, Tongue, Lorain, Stone. At Rocky Kook: Lamb, Alder, Williams, Bouskill; J. Kayes, Chambers, Blakey, Roylance. Edendale v. Onehunga—At Onehunga: Greenwood, • Brown, Edmons, Sharp; Bradshaw, Sturgess, Brownett, Addison. At Edendale: A. Smitli,a*Avery, R Smith, James, Sakey, Codd, McMahon. Vincent. Grey l.ynn v. Mount Eden—At Mount Eden: Street, Walker, Binns, Tonge; McDonald, Hawke, Paul, Baildon; JoePreston, Jno. Preston, J. C. Preston. F. Preston; Laing. t Egginton, Fletcher, Moran. Against ’ New Lynn—At New Lynn: Puddle, Hedges, Davidson. Liversidge; A. Lye, Knight, Cronin, Whittle. At Grey Lynn: Emirali, Burrell. Bleakley, Buckley; S. Smith, Brown, If. Reed, .Caddy; Emmerson, E. Leydon, Gibbons, Curtis; Dickens, Wilde, J. Lye, Newton; Teague, S. Thomas, J. Reed, Mincham; McLa,ughlan, O’Grady, G. Little, Mclvor. Glen Eden v. Carlton—At Glen Eden: Bond,, Croucher, Edelston, Fox. At Carlton: Firth, Robertson, Audley, Kirkpatrick. Papakura v. Otahuhu —At Papakura: T. G. Smith, McCall, Bates, Rowe. At Otahuhu: Dickey, Mogford, G. Boagey, Lei tell. Takapuna v. Stanley- 4 —At Stanley: Hunt, Somerfield, R. P. Smith, T. Mills; Bioletti, Wernham, Dunlop, Hayden; Corfe, Coulthard, Knaggs, Hooper. At Takapuna: McMurtrie, Veale, Wilkinson, Matthews; Stallard, Arrowsmith, Christey, Brake; Kay, Buckley, Collins, Audley. Against Onehunga—At Onehunga: Price, Elliot, Bennet, Cutler. At Takapuna: Lisk, Galbraith, Taylor, Hanna. Devonport v. Waitemata—At Waitemata: Coleman, Wright, Mason, Pascoe; Blair, McGregor. Stewart, Jackson; Andrew, Vuile, Miller, Layzell. Against Remuera—At Remuera: Atkin, King, Bartley, Snoad; Foster, Armstrong, Hamlin, Elvy; Sinclair, Parmer, Gooding, Bach. Against Devonport—At Devonport: J. Davis, Goldwater, Watson, H. Bayly; Elmsley, Stapleton, Wallwork, Warren; Gill. McLaren. Blackie, Lowe; Clai*ke, Goldsworthy, Blackburn, Morgan, Newman, McDonald, Melville, Trevithick; Gray, Eyre, Anderson, Cox. West End v. Rock3 r Nook—At Rocky Nook: Ilaig, Price, Cooke, C. Hard ley; Bremford, Taylor, Wise, Needham; Hill, Martin, Whitten, Thomson. At West End: Cox, Kirkham, Wynyayd, Bremner; Murray, Worsfold, Potter, Clarke; Thomas's, W. Hard ley, Hopwood, Brookes. Against Hally burton Johnstone—At Hally bur ton Johnstone: Hedlund, Irwin, Anderson, Pierce; G. Hardley, Horsley, Kirk, Maher. At West

End: J. W. Hardle<\ McKeown. Adeane. Plummer; Draffin, Noton, P. Darby, Bell. Henderson v. Avondale—At Avondale: Melhose. Carter. McKay. Scott; Geldard. H. Norcross, Book. Canton. At Henderson: Wright, Massey, McLeod, Higginbottom; Greig, Bridson, Moors, Buscorabe. Stanley v. Takapuna—At Stanley; Chesney, Xiblock, Lambie. McMaster; Gallon, Wrigley, Cox. MacGregor; Sheehan. Bray, White, Johnson. At Takapuna: Nichol, Hooker, Smith, Ogilvie; Gent\s. Purser, S. Reid, D. M. Jones; Sainty. Lock, Wilson, Brookes. Point Chevalier v. West End —At West End: Reekie, Clark, Barton, King; Donaldson, Allen, Lanigan, Gibson. At Point Chevalier: Hepworth, Storey, Bull. Dyson; Holdsworth, Spellman, Boag. Neilson. H’elensville v. Auckland—At Helensville: F. Matheson, . T. McAlister, W. Hunter. At Auckland: J. Stanaway, N. Ellett, C. G. Sandin, R. Smith. Otahuhu v. St. Heliers—At St. Heliers: Pinhey, Davies, Gardiner, Everitt: Taylor, Madigan, Morton, Carson. At Otahuhu: Cook, R. B. Todd. Murdoch, Pearce; Ogilvie, Sinclair, Sykes. Fergusson. Against Papakura—At Papakura : O’Correll, Gardiner, J. Harper, TJppiatt. At Otahuhu: Tomes, Fearnley, Venebles, S. E. Harper. Rawhiti v. Ellcrslie—At Ellerslie: Culpin, Vaughan, Haslani, McKinley; Savin, Sharkey, Chiplin, Macplierson; Pattison. Marton, Moncur, Paterson. At Rawhiti: Murray, E. Walker, Mclnnes. Wooller; Worthington, J. Roberts, Millard, Oldham; N. Thomson, Austin, Stubbs. V. B. Thomson; Eaves, Saniways, Watson, MacMahon. INTER-CLUB MATCHES Dominion Road v. onehunga—M Dominion Road; B.uckley, Tattersall. Tinman, Yeoman. At Onehunga: Anderson, Sawyer, West, Cannon. Carlton v. Ponsonby—.\t Ponsonby: Little, Stokes,■ W. Fletcher, Brown; Blew - don, Robertson, Gage Brown, Fish. At Carlton: H. TrendaJl, Hodge, Harvey. Wicksteed; Hamilton, Doyle, Linden, Ronayne. - Ponsonby v. Carlton —At Carlton: Good, Bishop, Jones, Goldwater; Parkinson, W. Elleray, Lye, F. Moore. Epsom v, Auckland —At Auckland: Wells. W. Harrison, Vinson, Salisbury; Peak, Whit ©house, Lawrence, Brown. Veterans; Freeman, Ambury, Westwood, Laud. At Epsom: McCaffrey, Wood, Maddocks, Morton; Hamblin, Fox, Bowring, McDougall. Ellerslie v. Devonport—At Devonport: Cooksey, Longville. Campbell, Patterson; Bolton, Wilson, McDermott, Figgott. At Ellerslie: Coombe, E. Chapman, Bennett, Sykes; C«. Hunter, Ryan, Slye, McLeod. Onehunga v. Dominion Road —At Dominion Road: McMaster, Fleere, C. Skinner, Melrftosh. At Onehunga: Beazey, Whiteside, D. W. Ross, Davies. Auckland v. Epsom—At Epsom* Beaumont, Myers, Rawlinson, Price; Frost, Inglis, Darlow, Odlin. Veterans: Moon, Paterson. Commons, Kretchsmar. At Auckland: Harding, Probert, Jas Carlaw, Nicholson; Dadley, Mohi, F. Whittaker, Prime. Stanley v. Takapuna—At Stanley: Hindman, R. C. Reid, Weller. G.. M. Reid; Kennedy, Robinson, Clarke, Ross. Mount Eden v. Edendale—At Edendale: Cave, Watson, Hutchinson, Boyce; Murray, Gregsqn, W. Reid, D. Nairn. At Mount Flden: Owen, Spence, Rodman, Tutt; Ovens, Kemuburgli, Moore, Cordes. Edendale v. Mount Eden—At Mount Eden: Munro, Bluek, C.-Hill, Moor; Anderson, White, Potter. Taylor. Against West End—At End: Young, Annison, Edwards, Maud. At Edendale: Flawes, Hart, East, Butler; Ball, Heywood, McLeod, Ashmore; Conway, Harris, A. Hill, Cullens. Devonport v. Ellerslie —At Ellerslie: J. Buchanan, Lacy, Goudie, Rice; Flinn, Martinson, Lattd, McLeod. At Devonport: Connell, Naylor, Knight, Bruce; George, Jackman. Chivers, Brougnton. West Find v. Edendale—At Edendale: Raynes, Parkinson, Harris. At West End: Tudehope, Selby, Cornwall, Adams.

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Sun (Auckland), Volume II, Issue 530, 6 December 1928, Page 6

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ON THE GREEN Sun (Auckland), Volume II, Issue 530, 6 December 1928, Page 6

ON THE GREEN Sun (Auckland), Volume II, Issue 530, 6 December 1928, Page 6