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Exciting Trotting


THE Te Aroha Trotting Club deserves to have a successful career as the management functions in an appreciable and hospitable manner for its many patrons. In this department no detail was neglected, and all the officials attended to their respective duties admirably. Mr. R. L. Somers, the alert president, was “at home” to visitors, and the efficiency displayed by acting-secretary G. A. Bush was a pleasing factor of the function, and should tend to secure him the permanent position which he is so capably fitted to fill.

Little fault could be found with the racing, and the pitch to which on several occasions the excitement of spectators was raised over the stirring finishes was a tribute to the work of handicapper C. E. Gooseman. As previously mentioned, winners were well concealed #nd speculators found the several problems difficult of solution, a fact shown in the repeated failure of favourites. Only two first public selections, Haerangi Pai and Floraline, succeeded in giving backers any return, but in each instance supporters were unable to come out square. In some races several candidates were fairly evenly backed, w r ith the result second and third favourites, where successful, returned useful prices. Mishaps in Big Fields The holding nature of the track was against fast times, and except in the case of the Ruakaka Handicap, placegetters failed to run up to handicap time. In the event in question—a 10furlong flutter with a 3.4 limit—those securing the money improved on their handicap times from three to four seconds. In the improvers’ races for hoppled horses, the fields were unwieldy, particularly with so many on the front mark, and there was the usual trouble at the start, with tanglers and jiggers, with the inevitable result many had their prospects early extinguished. Collisions occurred in at least two events, causing several competitors to take no further part in the proceedings, and there was some trouble in the saddle race, causing Huon Gratton to fall. There was a fair amount of rough driving, but the undulating track was perhaps responsible for some of the mishaps. Congested fields did not improve things. Totalisator Increase Generally speaking, speci lation was brisk, but bettors were slow in making up their minds, and the officials, allowing latitude in this direction, the time-table for the events on the card was soon fractured, and when it came to the final heat, it was well behind time and run in a fading light. The sum of £15,752 10s was handled by the totalisator staff with the accuracy and nimbleness that characterises the Auckland firm’s transactions. Last year’s figures were £13,127, the club showing an increase on this occasion of £2,625 10s.. Two Good Dividends In a big field backers supported Beauty Spot £252, Rosie Thorpe £238, and Great Eyre £l6l. The winner, Zealous £ll4 and second horse. Lord Haldane £ 59, were not in great demand. A straggling start saw Jasper and Kilty left, Zealous, Beauty Spot and Carnui quickly settling down. Passing the stands the first time Zealous still led, with Carnui, Vanity Boy, Lord Haldane and Great Eyre following, the last-named then losing his position, while actually on the home turn Regret and Golden Park collided and took no further part in the contest. With a mile gone Zealous was attended by Vanity Boy, Lord Haldane, Carnui. Beauty Spot and Great Eyre, but coming to the straight again her closest opponents were Lord Haldane, Beil Dial, Margaret Wallace and Great Ballin, these being the only ones in the picture. Zealous went on to score nicely by a length from Lord Haldane, who was four lengths in front of Bell Dial. Ten lengths back was Margaret Wallace, with Great Ballin, Marosa, Vanity Boy and Araroa following. A Poor Contest The Elstow Handicap was a poor sort of affair, most of the field galloping at various times. Peter Tracey £23», Lackiewood £167 and Lena Ansel £166 carried the money. Peter Tracey and Gold Star went off at a gallop, and Carwood broke. Passing the stands Carwood had gone to the front with a rush, being pursued by Lena Ansel. Peter Brown and Laekiew'ood, the last-named having got off smartly. Carwood increased his lead along the back, and across the yards ahead of Lackiewood, with Lena Ansel another ten lengths further off, but the leader broke' and stopped to a walk. Lackiewood wa y *nto the straight from Billy Carbine, Peter Brown and Lena Arise!, and despite Billy Carbine’s challenge went on to win narrowly by 1 I Peter Brown was three lengths back, and then came Gold GoWe„ L Dow n 1 nSel ' PetCr TraC6y Andover at Last J Sound £4OB, Andover £3XO, and Speed King £278, carried most w°!l ey the Manawa ru Handicap. tS od the si Snal and Um ltind 4 f i, e J d throuehout - Passing me stand, Andover was in charge from Childe Audubon, Boston m,l 4^,i and Admiral Lock. Andover ;'; nd Sebisca were still in the van down mirnV‘~T Ck ’i Wlth , Child e Audubon, AdLoc s and Marionette next. The ? ™?. de an effort here, but int,T llved ’ and Andover led Admiral taT® S l tr ?, tch from Sebisca, Admiral Lock and Boston Chimes, and Admiral Toni? ° ft Sebisca by a neck. Aamiral Lock was two and a-half lengths away third, with Boston 1 nwi 11 dC A’-’tlubon and MarionSounrf *1 1 S - , S P eed King and Gold bound were a long way back. Improved by Race t Rukaka Handicap was won bv th°8 r fir?t aWaae ' Who lla a run second ’in the ffsfnr'r,? 6 ca r«ed £l9B, against Great RamS ° na and £2ll °n Gaza. reat Ballm, who surprised bv S lsf n V vas CntriJst -l wfth a meagre bv Carnf,? R 2 n F the back - followed Ballin ci’ Boadaa Child, Gaza, Great Balhn, Ohena and Margaret Wallace Haldane a |t S R Shtly t in advanee - °f Lord Jdaidane at the entrance to the straight Grea? a ßanfn n£r !? n Sths in front of Great Balhn, with Boada’s Child in S b ln C a With . Regret, and Edna dane P g'at T exciting finish Lord Haldane & ot a neck decision over Great

Ballin. with Gaza half a length away third. Edna Thorpe was fourth and Boada's Child and Regret next. Horizon Wins Nicely

The connections of Horizon received quite a good price when their horse v on the Hot Springs Handicap, for he carried only £ 159. The best backed were Haeranga Pai £498. Cornelian £334 and Gold Sound £22S. Willie Mac again Stood on th© mark, while the favourite and Queen Betty broke. Profiteer went out to set the pace from Manna, Gold Sound, Horizon. Bell Dial and Lady Bar.rington, with the favourite another eight lengths back as they passed the stands. Manna had charge along the back from Horizon, Bell Dial, Gold Sound. Lady Barrington and Haeranga Pai. The favourite put in a good run crossing the top and overhauling tltose in front, Horizon, Manna, Lady Barrington and Bell Dial, as the home turn was reached. Horizon managed to hold off Haeranga Pai to win by a length, with Bell Dial a length and ahalf away. Lady Barrington was fourth, and Manna, "Willie iliic and Profiteer next. Waihou to Gold Star Floraline £ 454, Gold Star £ 353, and Sebisca £245 were fancied for the Waihou Handicap. At the start Bingen Starr, Etta Cole and Bell Todd got up. Peter Brown hit the front smartly from Peter Tracey, and Billy Carbine, with a gap back to Etta Cole and Gold Star. Passing the stands the order was Peter Tracey. Gold Star, Billy Carbine and Sebisca. and further on Billy Carbine galloped and hit the rails, dropping out of the race. Gold Star and Floraline had turns in the lead crossing the top, and Gold Star led to the turn from Sebisca. Floraline, Bingen Star.r, Wild Nut and Etta Cole. In a good finish Floraline failed to reach Gold Star by a length, with Sebisca a good third. Bingen Starr was next, followed by Wild Nut, Etta Cole and Appeal. • A Merry Mix Up There was a splendid pool in the Farewell Handicap, again demonstrating the popularity of saddle heats and the desire of backers to make a recovery on the final event. Liberate £497 was made a good favourite, with Harris £ 308 next in demand, followed by Gold Cast £241 and Charming Pronto £220. The race was run in failing light, but whether this was the cause of the trouble or not, the fact remains there was a general mix-up of competitors when the signal was given. Profiteer before the dispatch reared and fell, and when the whistle blew quite a number refused duty. Harris went off but broke badly. Golden Grattain failed to hit her straps, Maid of the Mountains, Horizon and Marrionette jigged, and Concertina swerved across the track and Master Huia refused to do it right. In the meanwhile Broughton fjiot Charming Pronto to the lead, and he quickly put a lot of daylight between himself and Gold Cast, Huon Grattan, . Profiteer, Blair Audubon, Liberate and Bingen King, who were the only ones to hit the trail properly, but before going far Huon Grattan fell. Down the back Liberate ran into third place. Gold Cast reducing Charming Pronto’s lead slightly. Blair Audubon and Bingen King were the only possibilities of the remainder. Making for the home turn Gold closed up on the leader, and when straightened up for the run to the box, made a gallant effort, but Broughton kept Charming Pronto going all the way, and he lasted long enough to win by a neck. Blair Audubon was several lengths away third, just a neck in front of Bingen King, with the rest well back.

Concluding results: RUAKAKA HANDICAP Of £100; 1£ miles 3 LORD HALDANE (A. K. Saunders), b g, by Good Gift—Lady Haldane, aged, limit. Owner .. . . 3 11—GREAT BALLIN, 12yds, J. Robert2—GAZA, 12yds, A. Cameron 3 Also: 4 Zealous (penalised 24 yds), 5 Edna Thorpe and Beauty Spot, 1« Boada’s Child, 12 Oliver Thorpe and Regret, 7 Money, 15 Margaret Wallace, V) Carnui, 1 Ohena, 18 Kilty, 6 Nella Dillon, 9 Golden Park, 16 Nala, 8 Chancing Pronto, 14 Roamer, 13 Gold Coast. Winner trained by owner, Mt. Roskill. Won by a neck, third horse half a length away. Times: 3.0 2-5, 2.59 4-5, 3.1. » HOT SPRINGS HANDICAP Of £120; 1| miles S— HORIZON (G. H. Mitchell), h g. by Huia Dillon—The Limit, syrs, 12yds J. Robertson 1 1— HAERANGA PAI, limit. J. T. Paul 2 4 BELL DIAL, limit, G. A Williams 3 Also started: 11 Willie Mac, 7 Profiteer, S Manna, 12 Queen Betty, 10 Speed King, 9 Ursuline, 6 Childe Audubon, 3 Gold Sound, S Lady Barrington, 2 Cornelian. Winner trained by J. G. Robertson, Epsom. Won by a length, a length and a-ha!f between second and third. Time, 3.39 1-5. WAIHOU HANDICAP Of £135, 2 miles 2 GOLD STAR (B. Egan), b g, by Gold Bell—St. Louise, aged, 48vds, W. F. Stephens 1 I—FLORALINE, 120yds, S. Hamilton 2 3 Sebisca, 84yds, G. T. Mitchell . 3 Also started: 12 Bell Todd, 8 Peter Tracey, 9 Peter Brown, 11 Joe Truxall, 6 Etta Cole, 4 Billy Carbine, 5 Bingen Starr, 10 Wild Nut, 7 Appeal. Winner trained by W. F. Stephens, Hamilton. Won by a length. Times, 4.59, 4.54 1-5, 4.58 3-5. FAREWELL HANDICAP (Saddle) Of £120; limit 2.22; 1 mile. 4 CHARMING PRONTO (W. Currie and G. Scholium), b g, 5 yrs, by Don Pronto—Amazing Lady, limit (A. Broughton) 1 B—GOLD CAST (C. J. Johnston), b g, aged, limit, owner 2 1- BLAIR AUDUBON (B. Edwards), b g, aged, 24yds bhd, R. Hall . . 3 Also started:—2 Harris, 7 Golden Grattan, 15 Profiteer, limit; 5 Horizon (inc. 24yds pen.), 24yds bhd; 14 Huon Gratton, 12; 13 Marion#tte, 16 Maid of the Mountains, 24; 1 Liberate, 8 Concertina, 36; 9 Bingen King, 10 Ben Lomond, 4«; 11 Master Huia, 60; 6 Nelson Tasker, 84. Winner trained by W. Currie. Epsom. Won by a length, with two lengths between second and third. Times, 2.21, 2.21 2-5, 2.20 3-5. TROTTING FIXTURES April 21—Te Aroha T.C. April 21—Ashburton T.C. April 28—Wellington T.C. May 3, 6 —Forbury Park T.C. May s—Cambridge T.C. May 19—Oamaru T.C. June 2, 4—Canterbury Park T.C. June 4—Hawke’s Bay T.C. June 9—Ashburton T.C. June 23, 27—Auckland T.C.

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Sun (Auckland), Volume II, Issue 336, 23 April 1928, Page 6

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Exciting Trotting Sun (Auckland), Volume II, Issue 336, 23 April 1928, Page 6

Exciting Trotting Sun (Auckland), Volume II, Issue 336, 23 April 1928, Page 6