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NEED FOR DRAINAGE TO COURSE There was an attendance of about 40 members at the annual meeting last evening of the Invercargill Golf Club. The president, Mr A. E. Smith, presided and his address gave rise to full discussions on several subjects. In moving the adoption of the annual report (which has been published) and balance-sheet, the chairman reviewed briefly the past season. “But the function of an annual meeting should be to look to the future,” he said. The reports covered the past season, and he was now looking forward to great things in and from the club. “We cannot stand still,” he said, “and it is essential that we should have a course as good as we can possibly make it. We have to go on improving our greens, bunkers and fairways. Personally, I have much sympathy with the Hon. R. Semple’s opinion that the days of the whell-barrow and shovel have gone. I think the club can adopt more up-to-date methods of having its work done.” . Tree-planting was one activity which Mr Smith recommended. Belts of trees would prove excellent break-winds and would make the course a picture, he said. There were complaints last season about the state of the course, but that was attributable to an exceptionally wet season. More extensive drainage was the solution, he thought. That was one of the things that would have to be considered as soon as possible. Satisfactory Financial Position The chairman said that the financial position of the club was very satisfactory. A gift of £lOO from Sir Robert Anderson was being used for special purposes. The balance-sheet was discussed by the chairman and Mr R. J. Gilmour, who explained that the financial working for the year showed an improvement of about £lBO on last year’s figures. The accounts as a whole had come out very satisfactorily for the club, he added. For example, it was a pleasant surprise to find an increase in green fees despite the unfavourable weather of the winter and summer. The contribution from the ladies’ club, too, was improved. Mr Gilmour expressed the club’s thanks to Sir Robert Anderson and to the president, whose personal interest, he said, had been invaluable.

The adoption of the annual report and balance-sheet was seconded by Mr B. W. Hewat and carried. Office-bearers were elected as follows:—President, Mr A. E. Smith (reelected); vice-presidents, Messrs B. W. Hewat and E. E. Broad (re-elected); club captain, Mr J. C. Prain (reelected); deputy-captain, Mr G. C. Broughton (re-elected); secretary and treasurer, Mr F. H. Hughes; committee, Messrs R. J. Gilmour, J. H. Thomas, R. R. Binney, J. D. Strettell and P. B. Bryden; auditors, Messrs Cuthbertson and Osborne.

Drainage Improvement

A report on the drainage system of the course, embodying suggestions and specifications for an improvement, was presented by Messrs Dugald Macpherson and T. E. Paterson. After a full discussion it was decided to accept their offer to supervise an experiment on the Long Tom area, the cost not to exceed £lOO.

In accordance with a notice of motion, the chairman moved that the club’s year should end on December 31 instead of February 28 so that the season could be opened about the middle of February instead of just before Easter. An amendment was carried that the books be closed on January 31.

It was decided to amend the subscription for members between 21 and 23 to £3 13/6. Also that for members between 17 and 21, both to be reduced by 10/6 if paid by May 1. It was pointed out that this meant no alteration if subscriptions were paid promptly, except that the age had been reduced from 25 to 23. In view of the lengthening of the season, Mr Gilmour withdrew the following notice of motion:— “That Rule 19 be altered as follows: (a) That the annual subscription for full members for the year ending February 28, 1938, be £7 7/-, reducible to £6 6/- if paid by June 1, or within one month from the date of election, whichsoever date is later.” After a discussion on subscriptions and green fees, it was decided that green fees should be 2/6 a round and 3/6 a day for all visitors. The meeting carried a motion of thanks to donors of trophies and a special motion of appreciation of the generosity of the ladies’ club. On the motion of Mr Gilmour and the chairman, it was decided to record in the minutes the club’s appreciation of the splendid service given to it by itsretiring treasurer, Mr A. S. Gilkison. QUEEN’S PARK CLUB ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Queen’s Park Golf Club was held last night and was attended by 30 members. The president, Mr W. G. Tait, presided. In moving the adoption of the annual report and balance-sheet, the chairman said that the club now had a five years’ lease of the links instead of the old year to year lease. Perhaps the reconstruction of the greens had been rather trying to members, but they had taken the position in a good spirit. The new holes would be available for play later in the year and this would result in a considerable improvement in playing conditions. The committee had purchased additional units" for the mower and these had been very useful as a portion of the triplex had broken down. The lack of accommodation for men members of the club had given the committee considerable anxiety during the past year, and it was hoped that the members would give a lead on the matter. The committee did not think that the club would be justified in putting up a building without any assurance that if the club were asked to relinquish the links it would receive compensation for its expenditure. He believed that the City Council would view the matter sympathetically. The president congratulated the various successful players on their good records for the season. The ladies’ club had given valuable support during the past year. Mr Tait said he had to announce with great regret that Mr W. S. Ayson, who had given long service as treasurer, and Mr H. Semmens, who had been auditor for several years, had decided to relinquish their offices. The financial position showed a credit balance of £3 14/3 compared with £77 8/7 last year. In view of the considerable expenditure in the alteration of the course and the purchase of mowing units, he considered that the position was very satisfactory. The motion was seconded by Mr J. C. Kirkland. Mr P. J. Alley congratulated the executive on its report. He suggested that the catering charge should be increased since this item showed a loss of £7. The club had at last arranged a satisfactory indemnity insurance.

The president said that the catering actually showed a profit except for entertainment on opening day and visits of other clubs.

In reply to a question the chairman said that outstanding subscriptions amounted to only 10/-. The report and balance-sheet were adopted On the motion of Mr W. S. Ayson, it was decided that the office of secretary and treasurer be combined and that an honorarium be paid. It was decided to amend the rules to provide for the election of one or two patrons. Election of Officers Office-bearers were elected as follows: President, Mr W. G. Tait; patrons, Messrs G. Tapper and W. S. Ayson; vice-presidents, Messrs G. R. Milward and J. C. Kirkland; captain, Mr O. G. Gilmour; deputy-captain, Mr G. E. Glennie; honorary secretary and treasurer, Mr E. H. Ball; honorary auditor, Mr W. S. Ayson; committee, Messrs H P. Fougere, R. T. Barnett, J. G. Niccol, H. W. Norris and H. Edginton. . It was decided that the financial year should end on January 31 in each year. The subscription was fixed at £4 5/with a rebate of 15/- for prompt payment The subscription for youths under 18 years was fixed at £1 and for youth from 18 to 21 at £2. The secretary and treasurer was voted an honorarium of £26 with club privileges. . . . A recommendation to the incoming executive to provide better accommodation at ,the club house for the men members was earned. A vote of thanks was passed to the president and to the retiring auditor (Mr H. Semmens). On congratulating Mr Tapper on his election as a first patron of the club, the president said that on a previous occasion Mr Tapper had dodged a presentation which it had been desired to make in recognition of his long service to the club. He handed over a leather travelling bag and said it would carry with it the good wishes of the club on his peregrinations abroad. Mr Tapper suitably replied. Mr Ayson said that in dropping out of active work with the club he wished to present the club with a cup to be held annually by the most improved player, the conditions to be fixed by the executive. , The president returned thanks for the gift. , • _ INVERCARGILL LADIES’ CLUB A bogey match was played'by the Invercargill Ladies* Golf Club a’t Otatara yesterday. The best cards were:— Miss L. Douglas, all square; Mrs H. J. Macalister, 2 down; Miss P. McCarthy, 3 down. Mrs Macalister reduced her handicap to 30. < women’sAnterclub MATCH

An inter-club match was played by members of the Invercargill Ladies Golf Club and the Otago Ladies Club at Dunedin on Tuesday. Otago won by nine matches to six. Details are as follows (Otago names first): — Mrs Gamble beat Mrs F. G. HallJones, 1 up. Mrs McCarthy lost to Miss Claire Smith, 4 and 3. . Mrs I. Carr beat Mrs J. D. Speirs, 4 and 2. Mrs Gibson lost to Miss L. Henderson, 1 down. - „ Mrs Cunningham beat Miss P. Pilcher, 3 and.l. Mrs Caffin lost to Miss M. Stout, 4 and 2. „ _ , „ Mrs Dawson lost to Mrs Tansley, 2 down. _ Mrs Irvine lost to Mrs A. E. Smith, 1 down. Mrs Potvine beat Mrs J. A. Pottinger, 6 and 5. Miss Young lost to Miss P. McCarthy, 4 and 2. Mrs Aspinall beat Miss L. Douglas, 3 and 1. Mrs Breeze beat Mrs R. Stout, 1 up. Mrs Williams beat Mrs R. A. Wilson, 3 and 2. ~ „ , „ , Mrs Sims beat Miss M. Hughes, 7 and g ‘ Miss Kyle beat Mrs C. C. Anderson. Owing to the Easter holidays next week there will be no weekly match by the Ladies’ Club.


TEAMS FOR TOMORROW Second grade B.—Sammons (2), Jordan (2), Clyma, Calvert, Wixon, King, Lindsay, Groves, Boniface, Dickson. Third Grade.—P. Johnson, S. Ramsay, Jenkinson, Watson, Shirley, Weeds, . MacDonald, Boniface, Andrews, O’Toole, Verity, Sinclair. RAILWAY Junior B.—Mitchell, Cosgrave, Ross, Shand, Buchan, Tilby, Fraser, Wilkinson, Thompson. Anderson, Wilson. WAIKIWI Junior B v. Bluff.—Sheffelbien, N. Harris, Toshach, Broad, D. Muir, F. Waldron, M. Waldron, Cundall, Lainchbury, Taylor, W. Harris, F. Watson, Churton. WOMEN’S CRICKET SOUTHLAND A , •v. Thombury at Doon Street.—l. Dickson, B. Ingram, M. Thomas, E. Ferguson. M. Maley, M. Webb, P Steans, H. Maley, A. Pittaway, R. McKenzie, C. Baker. • Southland Bat Doon Street.—Mrs Chamberlain, Misses J. McNee, J. Springford, J. Morton, N. Rolleston, O. Ker, E. Meffln, L. Tyne, Mrs Anderson, R. Barclay and M. Wohlers. UMPIRES FOR TOMORROW The following umpires have been appointed for tomorrow’s cricket matches: Junior B.—P. and T. v. Georgetown, Mr A. G. Campbell; Railway v. Union, Messrs A. Anderson and A. McCarthy; Kiwi v. Bluff, Messrs T. W. Stewart and L. G. Newman; I.C.C. v. Appleby, Messrs A. E. Donaldson and G. Agnew. Third Grade.—Appleby v. Union, Messrs E. Moore and T. Henderson; Marist v. Kiwi, Mr G. Fraser. M.C.C. TEAM FOR FIRST MATCH (United Press Association) CHRISTCHURCH, March 18 . ’ The M.C.C. team to play the combined Canterbury-Otago team is as follows:—R. E. S. Wyatt (captain), W. R. Hammond, L. E. G. Ames, W. Copson, A. Duckworth, K. Faroes, L. B. Fishlock, M. Leyland, J. M. Sims, W. Voce, T. S. Worthington and J. Hardstaff (twelfth man). G. O. B. Allen, the M.C.C. captain, is unable to play because of an ankle injury received in Australia.


INVERCARGILL CLUB’S ST. LEGER HANDICAPS FOR TOMORROW The following are the handicaps for the Invercargill Whippet Club’s St. Leger meeting to be held tomorrow: Maiden Handicap.—Jimmy Carlton (14yd), Strathosphere (14yd), Ebony Lass (14yd), Gay Song (14yd). Invercargill St. Leger.—Jean Batten, Jesse Owens, Gold Sway, Bramyspride, War Lady, Littleman, Suncup, King Midas, Jimmy Carlton. Novice Handicap.—Gay Song (14yd), Honest Maid (14yd), Pretty Rose (14yd), Eighteen Carat (14yd), Charming Lady (14yd). Open Cup Handicap—Bonnette (BJyd), Bramyspride (14yd), Suncup (14yd), Donaldson (14yd), Jean Batten (14yd), Tom’s Kid (82yd), Mah Boy (lOJyd). Second Class Handicap.—Colleen

Ouge (14yd), Lorretta (14yd), Margaret Bell (13yd), War Pixie (14yd), Willie Win (12Jyd), Sunshine (14yd), Camera (14yd), Danny’s Boy (14yd), Trix Be Good (lljyd), Eighteen Carat (14yd). Maiden Hurdle Handicap.—Pretty Rose (20yd), Johnny’s Double (20yd), Strathosphere (20yd), Danny’s Boy (20yd), Office Girl (20yd), Eighteen Carat (20yd), Jimmy Carlton (20yds). Open Hurdle Handicap.—Camera (17yd), Bonnette (14yds), Littleman (20yd), Trix Be Good (18Jyd), Flying Shadow (16Jyd), Margaret Bell (18iyd), Slow Tom (20yd).


N.Z. BACKSTROKE RECORD • LOWERED (United Press Association) DUNEDIN, March 18. The Otago men’s 400 metres backstroke championship was held in the Municipal Baths tonight. P. E. Mathieson won the event by a length in the time of. smin 42 3-ssec, beating his own New Zealand record by 3sec.

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Southland Times, Issue 23152, 19 March 1937, Page 13

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GOLF Southland Times, Issue 23152, 19 March 1937, Page 13

GOLF Southland Times, Issue 23152, 19 March 1937, Page 13