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THE INVERCARGILL CLUB. RECORD ENTRIES. AN IMPOSING DISPLAY. The Invercargill Poultry, Pigeon, Canary and Pet Club’s 23rd annual show was opened in the Drill Hall yesterday afternoon in most auspicious circumstances. Record entries, admirably displayed exhibits and keen competition all contributed to make the show one of the most outstanding in the history of the club. Glowing comment was forthcoming from all sides concerning the staging of the birds and pets, and fanciers and breeders generally commented upon the high standard of the exhibits forward. An attractive exhibit which evoked special praise was an entry of 70 fancy pigeons from the lofts of Mr John Black’s aviaries, Dunedin. Mr Black’s enterprise was rewarded with many prizes. Altogether there were just on 400 entries, 130 more than last year. Officials responsible for- the staging of the exhibits and the general arrangements were Messrs R. E. Huffadine (secretary), R. C. Wilson, T. Gough, Philip Lindsay and other members of the club. The show will be continued to-day and to-morrow. Judges’ Comments. The open poultry class was productive of much good quality. The birds were very well shown and in excellent condition. In his comments the judge (Mr R. C. Wilson) said that for the first time for some years Buff Leghorns were on exhibition. It was pleasing to see their return to the competitive arena. The Brown Leghorns were of exceptional quality, beautiful colour and type. In the Black Orpington class the quality was very good. The prize for the best bird in the show was allotcd to Mr T. Harris’s winning pullet, an outstanding bird in every way. The prize for opposite sex went to the same exhibitor. Mr R. Drysdale’s golden laced Wyandotte, the first exhibited in Southland for over 20 years, was awarded the prize for parti-coloured bird. There was only one White Wyandotte on the board. This was rather a young bird, but of good type and colour. The bantams made a fine showing, said Mr Wilson. There were several varieties of breeds on exhibition. The special prize for the best bantam was won by J. R. Gough with a Pile modern game bantam hen of outstanding type. There was quite a good showing of Old English game bantams. The special in this section went to J. W. Keir’s Duckling cockerel, a very neat little bird, well shown and in good condition. There were also a number of black rosecomb bantams, the outstandbird being a winning pullet shown by J. Keir.

The Pekin bantams were well represented, both whites and blacks. The South Island championship for best Pekin went to G. D. Holloway’s buff cockerel.

In the utility White Leghorn class the winning bird was produced by the Laymore Farm, and was of outstanding type and substance. The second bird was a trifle shallow in front and narrow on top. There were only two hons exhibited, the winner being a good type but hardly ready. There were ten cockerels forward. The winning bird, bred by A. C. Goodlet, of Dunedin, stood out. It was a little rough in headpiece, but outstanding in body. The second bird was not quite so far on as the winner.

The winner of the White Leghorns (utility) was a fine pullet possessing a wonderful face and good expression of eye. a trifle low in the leg, but with a great body. The second and third birds were not quite up to the winner. The Black Minorca provided a strong class. The winning cockerel was the best utility bird in the whole show, being outstanding in every respect. The Black Orpington class was the strongest for years. The winner, produced by A. F. Clark, was the model of an Orpington, very neat, of good colour and not too big. A very pleasing class was the Rhode Island Reds. There were 12 pullets on show. The winner also took the South Island championship. The novice and amateur classes were well filled, but there was nothing outstanding in the ducks. A Khaki Campbell drake, on exhibition for the first time, shown by Bromley Bros., is a direct descendant of the world’s champion. It attracted a lot of interest. Fancy Pigeons. Mr S. A. Lindsay, judge of the fancy pigeons, expressed pleasure concerning the type and quality of bird in this class. The varieties were much more numerous than in previous years and the quality all round was very good, with some very outstanding birds on exhibition. Fancy pigeons represented the flower of the animal world, said the judge, their colour and shapes being more pronounced than any other fancier section. The winning bird in the pouter or cropper section was a cock showing good quality and was a good performer. It was an extra special exhibit. The winner in the pigmy pouters was a yellow hen, a very dainty specimen, performing well, nicely marked and possessing good legs. The dragoons were a fair class. J. Black’s winning bird, proved to be of good substance and showing much strength. In the African owls class the winner was a typical specimen, nice and cobby. The Nun cock shown was a good specimen well marked with good shell. The fantails were a very pleasing lot. J. Black’s laced fantail was a very dainty little specimen with a nice action. A good class was found in the long-faced tumblers. The outstanding bird was J. Calvert’s black cock, a typical tumbler which won well. The Red Self section saw J. Calvert’s adult cock, in the reds, win handsomely and in the yellows a bird worth special mention was J. Black’s winning cock. Bald heads made a pleasing show. J. R. Gough won with a typical bird of outstanding merit. Some very nice shortfaced almond tumblers were shown by J. Black. The muffed tumbler, a nice blue checker, was also shown by this exhibitor. The magpies were a very strong, though even, section, there being not a poor bird in the class. J. Gough’s winning bird was one of outstanding merit, while J. Popenhagen’s young hen ran the best magpie very close. An unusual species was seen in the Runt section and created a lot of interest among fanciers. It was very pleasing indeed to see the English carrier pigeon represented. A splendid species (a cock) was exhibited by J. Black. This bird was one of the best in the show. The ice pigeons shown by Mr Black, also created much interest, while the same exhibitor’s Archangels commanded admiration. Working Homers. Mr Philip Lindsay, who judged this class, said the quality was surprisingly and uniformly good, competition being very keen in every section. A number of local lofts were not represented, but what there was on exhibition was of good quality. The championship went to H. Holland, of Gore, with a nicely shaped and well conditioned bird. It was a pity the local lofts were not more fully represented, commented Mr Lindsay, otherwise this section would have been in keeping with the others and would have meant an even more successful exhibition. There was a good show of roller canaries, practically the whole of the entries coming from Invercargill aviaries.

The pets class as usual attracted attention, cats/ dogs, rabbits and white rats being on show.

PRIZE LIST OLD ENGLISH GAME. Leghorns, Buff, cockerel: J. W. Keir 1. Pullet: J. W. Keir 1. White Leghorns, cockerel: J. Petrie 1. Pullet: J. Petrie 1 and 2. Brown Leghorn, Hen: R. Drysdale 1. Pullet: R. Drysdale 1 and special. Minorcas —Cock: Robert Mitchell 1. Hen: Robert Mitchell 1. Cockerel: Robert Mitchell 1. Pullet: W. Jefferson 1, Robert Mitchell 2. Hamburgs (golden)—Hen: E. Eunson 1. Cockerel: E. Eunson 1. Pullet: E. Eunson 1. Black Orpingtons—Hen: G. D. Holloway 1. Cockerel: T. H. Harris 1 and cup for best bird of opposite sex. Pullet: T. H. Harris 1, two specials and cup for best bird in the show. White Rock—Cockerel: J. Moore 1. Golden Wyandotte—Cockerel: R. Drysdale 1. Pullet: R. Drysdale 1 and cup for best parti-coloured bird, spec, and champ; R. Drysdale 2. White Wyandotte—Pullet: W. Keen I. Sussex Cock: G. D. Holloway 1. BANTAMS. Pile Game —Cock: J. R. Gough 1. Hen: J. R. Gough 1. Cockerel: J. R. Gough 1. Pullet: J. R. Gough 1. Old English Game (Spangled)—Hen: T. Gough 1. Cockerel: T. Gough 1. Black Red—Cock: Allen and Bell 1, J. W. Keir 2, C. Fallowfield 3. Hdn: C. Fallowfield 1, J. W. Keir 2. Cockerel: J. W. Keirl. Pullet: Allen and Bell 1. Duckwing—Cock: J. W. Keir 1 and special, Allen and Bell 2. Hen: J. W. Keir 1. Any Other Variety—Cock: Allen and Bell 1. Black Rosecomb—Cock: L. Johnson 1, Allen and Bell 2. Hen: J. W. Keir I, Allen and Bell 2. Cockerel: J. W. Keir 1. Pullet: J. W. Keir 1. Pekins, buff or cinnamon—Cock: G. D. Holloway special and championship, P. Lindsay 2. Hen: P. Lindsay 1. Pullet: P. Lindsay 1. A.O.V. Pekins—Cock: J. W. Keir 1. Hen: J. W. Keir 1. Cockerel: J. W. Keirl. Pullet: W. Jarvie 1 and special. Sebright, golden or silver—Cock: Allen and Bell 1. Hen: W. Jarvie 1 special and championship, Allen and Bell 2. Cockerel: R. S. Jarvie 1, H. A. Matheson 2. Pullet: R. S. Jarvie 1, Lex Keir 2, J. W. Keir 3. Japanese—Cock: J. W. Keir 1. Hen: J. W. Keir. Silkie— Cock: J. W. Keir 1. Junior Bantams—Game, Male: Ray Hamilton 1. Female: John Popenhagen 1. Pekin Male: F. Thomson 1, P. Rowley 1. Female: N. Allen 1, F. Thomson 2. Rosecomb—Cock: N. Allen 1. Hen: N. Allen 1. Sebright—Hen: N. Allen 1 and special. FANCY PIGEONS. Cropper or Pouter—Cock: P. Lindsay I, J. Black 2. Hen: P. Lindsay 1, J. Black 2, J. L. Neilson 3. Cock Ringed: J. L. Neilson 1, P. Lindsay 2. Hen Ringed: P. Lindsay 1. Pigmy Pouters —Cock: J. Smith 1, J. Black 2. Hen: J. Smith 1, J. Black 2. Cock Ringed: J. Black 1. Hen Ringed: J. Smith 1, J. Black 2. Dragoon Cock: J. Black 1. Hen: J. Black. 1. Cock Ringed: J. Black 1. Hen Ringed: J. Black 1. African Owl —Cock: J. Black 1. Hen: J. Black 1. Cock Ringed: J. Black 1 and 2. Hen Ringed: J. Black 1 and 2. Turbit—Hen Ringed: J. Black 1. Oriental Frill—Cock: J. Black 1. Hen: J. Black: Cock Ringed: J. Black 1. Hen Ringed: J. Black 1. Nun—Cock: J. Black 1, J. Wilson 2. Hen: J. Black 1. Cock Ringed: J. Black 1. Hen Ringed: J. Black 1. Jacobins—Cock: J. Black 1. Hen: J. Black 1. Cock Ringed: J. Black 1. Fantails, white—J. Black 1 and 2. Hen: J. Black 1 and 2. Cock Ringed: J. Black 1 and 2. Hen Ringed: J. Black 1 and 2. Fantail, any other colour—Cock: J. Calvert. Cock Ringed: J. Black 1. Tumbler, Black Self—Cock: J. Calvert 1 and special, J. Black 2. Hen: J. Calvert 1, J. Black 2. Cock Ringed: J. Black 1, cup and special. Hen Ringed: J. Black 1. Red Self—Cock: J. Calvert 1, J. Black 2. Hen: J. Black 1, J. Calvert 2. Cock Ringed: J. Calvert 1, J. Black 2. Yellow Cock Ringed: J. Black 1. A.O.V. Tumbler—J. Calvert 1. Black Bald Tumbler. —Cock: J. R. Gough 1 and special. Hen: J. R. Gough 1 and 2. Cock Ringed: J. R. Gough I. Hen Ringed: J. Popenhagen 1. Red Bald Tumbler—Cock: J. Black 1. Hen: J. Black 1. Yellow Bald Tumbler—Cock Ringed: J. Black 1. Hen Ringed: J. Black 1. Blue Bald Tumbler—Cock: J. Black 1. Hen: J. Black 1. A.O.C. Bald Tumbler—Cock: J. Smith 1. Cock Ringed: J. Black 1, J. Smith 2. Hen Ringed: J. Black 1. Almond Tumbler.—Cock Ringed; J. Black 1. A.O.V. Tumbler.—Hen: J. Black 1. Cock Ringed: J. Black 1. Hen Ringed: J. Black 1. Muffed Self.—Cock: J. Black 1. Muff Check.—Hen: J. Black 1. A.O.C.—Cock: J. Black 1. Hen: J. Black 1. MAGPIES. Black Cock: J. R. Gough 1, J. Smith 2. Hen: J. R. Gough 1, J. Smith 2. Cock, Ringed: J. Smith 1, J. R. Gough 2. Hen, Ringed: J. Popenhagen 1 cup and special. Magpie A.O.C.—Cock: J. Black 1. Hen: J. Black 1. Runt.—Hen, ringed: J. Black 1. A.O.V. Fancy Pigeon.—Cock: J. Black 1. Hen: J. Black 1. Cock, ringed: J. Black 1 and 2. Hen, ringed: J. Black 1 and 2. JUNIOR PIGEONS. Bald Tumbler—Hen: J. Popenhagen 1. A.O.V. Fancy Pigeon.—Cock: B. Little 1 and special, Nancy Little 2, Nola Little 3. Hen: Nola Little 1, B. Little 2, Nancy Little 3. HOMERS. Most Likely Flier.—Cock: B. Drysdale 1, J. L. Neilson 2, Miss G. Stenton 3. Hen: Miss G. Stenton 1 and 3, J. Calvert 2. Likely Flier, under 12 months. — Cock: H. Holland 1, R. E. Huffadine 2. Hen: B. Drysdale 1 and special R. E. Huffadine 2. 100 Miles.—Cock: H. Holland 1. Hen: J. L. Neilson 1 and 2, J. Harvey 3. Hen under 12 months: J. Harvey 1. 200 Miles.—Cock: H. Holland 1, cup and special. Hen: H. Holland 1, A. E. Petrie 2, J. Harvey 3. 300 Miles.—Cock: H. Holland 1, W. H. Patterson 2, J. Calvert 3. 300 Miles.—Hen: W. H. Patterson 1 and 2, J. Harvey 3. 500 Miles.—Cock: B. Drysdale 1, R. E. Huffadine 2. 600 Miles.—Cock: H. Holland 1. Hen: J. Calvert 1. JUNIOR HOMERS. Most Likely Flier.—Cock: J. Harvey I, L. W. Briggs 2, W. Mee 3. Hen: J. Harvey 1, A. Hamilton 2, P. Rowley 3. Likely Flier under 12 months.—Cock: A. Hamilton 1 and special, L. W. Briggs 2, J. L. Rodgers 3. WHITE LEGHORNS. Cock: Laymore Poultry Farm 1, A. McDermid 2, G. Bishop 3. Hen: A.McDermid 1, J. E. Clent 2. Cockerel: A. C. Goodlet 1 and 2, A. McDermid 3.

Pullet: W. Keen 1 and cup best opposite, sex and special, D. A. Petrie 2, A. ,C. Goodlet 3.

Brown Leghorns.—Hen: R. Drysdale 1. Cockerel: R. Drysdale 1. Pullet: R. Drysdale 1 and 2 and special. Buff Leghorns.—Pullet: J. W. Keir 1. Minorcas.—Cock: R. Mitchell 1, A. J. Robertson 2. Hen: M. L. Norton, 1, R. Mitchell 2. Cockerel: R. Mitchell 1, cup and two specials, W. Jefferson 2, W. D. M. Wilson 3. Pullet: W. D, M. Wilson 1 and 3, W. Jefferson 2. Orpingtons, Black.—Cock: T. H. Harris 1, J. Campbell 2. Hen: G. D. Holloway 1, S. Brumby 2, J. Campbell 3. Cockerel: A. F. Clark 1 and 2 and special, T. H. Harris 3. Pullet: J. Campbell 1 and 2, cup and special, Allen and Bell 3. Rhode Island Reds.—Cock: F. L. Witting 1, Allen and Bell 2. Cockerel: S. Peoples 1 and 2, E. C. Stephens 3. Pullet: F. L. Witting 1, special and championship, J. F. Soper 2, E. C. Stephens 3. Austral Orpingtons.—Cock: S. J. R. Dick 1. Hen: S. J. R. Dick 1. Cockerel: A. J. Campbell, special, 1, S. J. R. Dick 3. Pullet: C. Neilson 1, J. Campbell 2, Laymore Poultry Farm 3. White Rocks.—Cockerel: J. More 1, P. S. Hitchcox 2. Pullet: J. More 1, P. S. Hitchcox 2, W. R. Clent 3. Wyandottes (Golden). —Cockerel: R. Drysdale 1. Pullet: R. Drysdale 1. Sussex.—Cockerel: G. D. Holloway 1 and special. Pullet: C. Neilson 1, G. D. Holloway 2. Novice Class. —Light Breed Female: L; McNeill 1, L. McNeill 2. Selling Class: C. Neilson 1. Light Breed: R. Mitchell 1. Farmers’ Classes.—Heavy Breed Male: S. Brumby 1, C. Neilson 2. Heavy Breed, female: Laymore Poultry Farm I, W. R. Clent 2, G. D. Holloway 3. Light Breed, Male: J. Calvert 1, R. Mitchell 2, A. C. Goodlet 3. Light Breed, Female: W. R. Clent 1, J. Calvert 2, W. L. Norton 3. DUCKS. (Open Class). Indian Runner Fawn. —Drake: A. J. Middlemiss 1, J. Calvert 2. Duck: J. Calvert 1. Duck under 12 months: A. J. Middlemiss 1. White Runner Duck.—J. Calvert I.‘ Duck under 12 months: J. Calvert 1, cup and special. Utility Classes. Indian Runner Fawn.—Drake: J. A. Holms 1. Duck: J. A. Holms 1. Drake under 12 months: J. Calvert 1, W. P. Clent 2. Duck under 12 months: J. Calvert 1, A. J. Middlemiss 2, V/. R. Clent 3. White Drake: J. Calvert 1. White Drake under 12 months:' J. Calvert 1 and special. Khaki Campbell.—Drake: S. Brumby 1. CANARIES. Yorkshire Canary.—Clear Buff Hen: E. B. Wilson 1. Variegated yellow cock: E. B. Wilson 1, Miss M. McDonald 2, C. G. Boyd 3. Variegated Buff Cock: C. G. Boyd 1. Variegated Buff Hen: C. G. Boyd 1. Cinnamon clear • or. variegated.—Yellow cock or hen: L. and W. Taylor 1, E. B. Wilson 2- Self or foul green cock or hen: L. and W. Taylor 1. Unflighted Classes, Clear Yellow Cock.—L. and W. Taylor 1 and special, L. and W. Taylor 2, E. B. Wilson 3. Ticked Yellow Cock: C. G. Boyd 1, E. B. Wilson 2. Ticked Yellow Hen: E. B. Wilson 1. Clear Yellow Hen: L. and W. Taylor 1. Variegated Yellow Hen: L. and W. Taylor 1. Variegated Buff Cock: C. G. Boyd 1. Variegated Buffi Hen: L. and W. Taylor. Cinnamon Variegated Yellow Cock or Hen: L. and W. Taylor 1 and 2. Foul Green Cock: C. G. Boyd 1. Norwich Canaries.

Clear Yellow Cock: A. G. Keen 1. Clear Buff Hen: A. G. Keen 1. Ticked Yellow Cock: A. G. Keen 1. Variegated Yellow Cock: A. G. Keen 1. Variegated Buff Cock: A. G. Keen 1.

Roller Cararies. —Clear Yellow Cock: A. N. Jordan 1, A. J. Robertson 2. Clear Yellow Hen: R. Thomson 1, E. B. Wilson 2. Clear Buff Cock: A. N. Jordan 1, A. J. Robertson 2, H. Philpott 3. Clear Buff Hen: A. N. Jordan 1, A. J. Robertson 2, R. Thomson 3. Ticked Yellow Cock: A. J. Robertson 1. Ticked Yellow Hen: A. J. Robertson 1. Ticked Buff Cock: A. N. Jordan 1. Ticked Buff Hen: A. N. Jordan 1. Variegated Yellow Cock: Miss Hooker 1, A. J. Robertson 2, H. Philpott 3. Variegated Yellow Hen: A. J. Robertson 1, R. Thomson 2 and 3. Variegated Buffi Cock: A. J. Robertson 1, special and champion, A. J. Robertson 2, A. N. Jordan 3. Variegated Buff Hen: A. J. Robertson 1 and 2, H. Philpott 3. Self or Foul Green Cock: A. N. Jordan 1 and 2, A. J. Robertson 3. Ladies Class.—Miss M. Thomson, 1 and special, Mrs Robertson 2, Mrs Philpott 3. British Song-bird: Master Robertson. PETS SECTION. French Rabbit: M. Jones 1, J. Winter 2. Pet Dog: Miss N. Georgeson 1, Brian Huffadine 2, Mary Robertson 3. Cats.—Persian, Neuter: Miss Steel 1. Black Cat: J. Gardiner 1. Any Other Variety Cat: Mrs D. Scandrett 1 and special, Miss J. Peterson 2.

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Southland Times, Issue 22011, 10 May 1933, Page 14

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POULTRY SHOW Southland Times, Issue 22011, 10 May 1933, Page 14

POULTRY SHOW Southland Times, Issue 22011, 10 May 1933, Page 14