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END OF THE YEAR BREAK-UP FUNCTIONS OTAUTAU The annual school concert was held in the Otautau Town Hall when the building was well filled withan appreciative audience. Mr G. Sinclair, chairman o£ the School Committee, occupied the chair. The children provided the first half of the programme, and the various items met with the reception they deserved, and the teachers are to be complimented on the result. The following items were given: Songs, senior pupils; playette, Lesley Smith, Betty Milne and Alan McCrostie; dance, junior girls; song, infants; drill display, boys; songs, Standards 3 and 4; dance, infants; song, senior pupils; Poppy Song, Standards 1 and 2; dance, M. Campbell, R. McFadgen, K. Smellie, M. McMillan, J. Chisholm, D. Smyth,, J. Collie and B. Baker. The following supplied the adult portion of the programme: Songs, Mrs F. L. Smith, Messrs H. Hogg, A. Coulter and E. Liddell; dialogue, Mr Jellyman’s party; Sailor’s Hornpipe, Miss Lily Maxwell; song, senior pupils. The accompaniments were played by Miss Burns, Mrs Hogg and Mr E. Jellyman. The chairman, in his remarks, said the school had had a successful year, and he had to thank the parents for the admirable support they had given in securing regular and punctual attendances. The reports of the inspectors were very good, and stated that the classes showed careful and efficient teaching, while the tone, discipline and conduct were excellent. In the proficiency examinations this year 11 out of 17 had gained proficiency ' and six competency. Thanks were due to the headmaster (Mr A. I. Milne) and his staff for the good work accomplished in the school. ' Otautau was the centre of a farming community and most of the pupils came from the farm. The speaker stressed the importance of a high standard of education for these boys and girls. Mr Sinclair then presented the following certificates: Attendance, Olive Pullar, Olive Corkhill, Eric Batchelor, Selwyn Pulley, William Millar, Eileen Hassed, Keith Laidlaw, Alex Hibbs. Jessie Officer, Dorothy Jellyman, Alan Baird, W. Batchelor, Alan McCrostie, James Millar, Albert Chilton, Edwina Hamlin, Joyce Thomson, Keith Browning, Edward Eason, Walter Hassed, David Mackie, Mary Ayson, Margaret Ballam, Margaret Durant, Jean Pullar, Lulu Pulley, Jessie Rowe, Colin Campbell, Ernest Kennedy, Ritchie Ballam, Michael O’Brien, Alf O’Neil, Edward Coombe, James Thomas, Bert Watts, Eileen Ballam, Francis Daly, Grenville Lightfoot, Angus Manson, John McGregor, Thos. Rowe, Brian Whittlestone, Lester White, Betty Baker, Jean Batchelor, Jean Campbell, Alys Chilton, Margaret Jellyman, Constance Stevens, Stanley Butler, Robert Hassed, Jean Chisholm, Doris Humphries, and Ray McFadgen. The chairman mentioned that the chairman of the Education Board and the member for the district were to have been with them that evening. Mr Campbell (Lumsden) was to have been present, to present the handsome shield and medals won in connection with the Agricultural Club’s competition. They had, however, found it inconvenient to attend, and they were indebted to Mr John'Fisher for coming along. He had taken a very active interest in education and was chairman of the Education Board and a member of the School Committee at one time.

In presenting the shield and medals Mr Fisher referred to the advantages enjoyed by the boys and girls to-day compared with those of years ago, stating they now had their technical colleges and high schools, and not the least of these was the study of agriculture. It was a pleasure and _an honour to present the handsome shield donated by Messrs Thomas Bros, for most points in agriculture, won _ in the following classes: Potato growing, Ritchie Hassed; mangold growing, Eileen Hassed; pig-raising, Robert Hassed. This performance • was all the more creditable when it was considered that Mr Hassed’s holding was not the richest land in the Western District. Accompanying the beautiful shield were medals to each of the winners, donated by the MacKinnon Trust He then asked the winners to step forward and accept the shield and medals. In presenting the dux medal to Doreen Smyth, the chairman congratulated her on gaining this distinction, and trusted that when she went to the High School she would gain further honours. Mr Sinclair also mentioned that the Otautau Library Committee had again given a donation, entitling the runners-up to the dux to a free subscription for 12 months, and the winners were Reay McFadyen and Angus Manson. They were grateful to the committee, and he wished the recipients every success. The speaker also stated that Miss C. Burns had acted as accompaniste for the school items and also at the practices; and they were very grateful to her. On behalf of the teaching staff and committee he asked Miss Burns to accept a pair of vases as a token of appreciation of the services she had rendered in this connection. FORTIFICATION. The Fortification School concert and dance held last Friday evening provided a most enjoyable entertainment. There was a large and varied programme, one of the most pleasing items being a play entitled “A Joyous Christmas,” written by Miss Olive Templeton. After presenting each child with a prize, Mr F. Carswell expressed pleasure at the support the function had received and thanked those who had assisted in the preparation of the concert. Miss O. Templeton and Miss Anderson acted as accompanistes. while Mr L. Braid kindly . supplied music for the dance, extras being played by Mrs E. Kennedy and Mrs O McCrystal, Mr M. Kennedy successfully carried out the duties of M.C. The items were as follows: “God Defend New Zealand,” by the school; recitation, by June Livingston; play, by Joan Carswell, June Livingston, Allan Wilson and John Cook; recitation, by Allan Wilson; song, by school; drill, to music by senior pupils; recitation, by John Cook; song, by Thelma Cook; recitation, by Joan Carswell; recitations, by James Carswell; recitation, by Audrey Livingston; song by school; play, by school; song, by Astley Fallow and Allan Wilson; song, by school. During the interval a song, “The Huntingtower,” by Mrs O. McCiystal and Miss Anderson was well received. NIAGARA. The Niagara School break-up social to be held on Friday last was put off out of respect to the late Mr James Haldane, who was buried that day. The function was held on the following day when a large number of parents and friends attended.

After a very interesting concert arid action songs by the pupils, which received much applause and reflected much credit on their teacher, Mr Robson was asked to assist in giving out the prizes. He congratulated Mrs Dunlop on the efficiency of the school, as

detnonstrated by the way the p..pils went through their exercises He thought Niagara was fortunate in their teacher. After the certificates and prizes had been handed out, Mr Robson said he would have to ask Mrs Dunlop to vary her programme a little. He said they all knew Mrs Dunlop had carried on the Sunday school for many years without assistance from any one, and he thought it must be very disheartening under these circumstances. The parents wishing to' show their appreciation had decided to circulate a list, only pupils and parents of pupils attending the school to subscribe. The result was this present which he asked Mrs Dunlop to accept with the best wishes of parents and pupils of Niagara Sunday School. Mrs Dunlop thanked the donors for their thoughtful gift. KENNINGTON. At the break-up ceremony of the Kennington School there was a large attendance of parents, ex-pupils and friends. The chairman of the School Committee, Mr R. J. A. Clark, presided, and made reference to the year just ended. The Rev. J. H. Thomson presented the prizes and complimented the winners. The headmaster, Mr J. F. Ewart, thanked parents and the members of the committee for their support. He was indebted to Miss M. McDonald for the organization of the annual concert and for her valued assistance in the work of the school. After the presentation of the prizes a sports programme was held on the school grounds. The prize list is as follows: —Primers: James Docherty, Willie Snodgrass, William Mawdsley, Elwin Maxwell, Noel Holmes, Charles Jack, James McKay, Eric Miller, Ivan McKenzie, John Dawson, Brian Wyeth, Margaret Findlay, Gwenda Wyeth, Joan Burgess, Joyce Burgess, Phyllis Bell, Marjorie Dawson, Freda Sampson, Helen Border, Berwyn Fairburn, Brian Holmes. Std. I. Norman Riddle 1, Ray Niven.2, Dulcie Fairbum 3; best kept books, Esme Henderson. Std. II.: Janie Wyeth 1, Cyril Wilkes 2, Avril McQueen 3; neatness, James Miller; industry, Leslie Fairbum; spelling, Janie Wyeth. Std. III.: Murdoch Mackintosh 1, Harry Riddle 2, Alex Peters 3; progress, Joan Holmes. Std. IV.: Daphne Shields 1, James Waddell 2, Robert Findlay 3; progress, Enid Fisher; sewing, Enid Fisher. Form.l.: Class Prizes, Campbell Wyeth 1, Bruce Henderson 2, James McQueen 3; sewing, Evelyn Barlett; general excellence, lan Fairbum. Form II.: Dux of School, Gladys Fox; Jessie Bell 2. Sports Prizes. —Invercargill and Suburban School Sports Associations’ annual meeting, Betty Maudsley, junior champion, first 50yds skipping under 9, second 50yds race under 9; awarded silver cup donated by Mr B. C. Galloway. Attendance certificates were awarded to 26 pupils. WAIMATUA. The annual distribution of prizes at the Waimatua School took place on Friday afternoon last, the chairman of the School Committee, Mr George McDermott, presiding. In the course of. his remarks the chairman expressed the pleasure of the committee at the very large number of parents and friends present. He eulogized the work of the staff as reflected through the excellent progress the pupils were making and stated that not only had the pupils of Form H., under the expert tuition of their teacher, Mr A. C. Witting, established a new record of attainment in the history of the school, but also that the grounds, thanks to the operation of the Unemployed Labour Scheme, under the supervision of the board’s architect, Mr J. Gough, were now reputed to be second to none in Southland. Mr James Tapper, secretary of the School Committee, in endorsing the chairman’s remarks, referred in glowing terms to .the outstanding success of the school under the present headteacher’s guidance. He expressed the hope that parents would realize fully the opportunities the children had of obtaining a thorough training both in character and in lessons, and would give their utmost support to the ■ committee and teachers.

As the pupils of the upper standards were this year receiving Athenaeum tickets instead of the usual book prizes, the headteacher outlined the operations of the Juvenile Library. The chairman, on behalf of Mrs McDermott and himself, then presented to the school a handsome merit board, bearing the names of the dux pupils since 1928.

The headteacher, in accepting the gift on behalf of the school, thanked the donors for their fine gift and the thought which prompted the action. After the presentation of prizes, children and guests were entertained at afternoon tea by the committee. The prize list was as follows:— Form 11.: Dux medal, Louis Moir. Second in class, Eunicie Biondell. Progress, Geoffrey Capil, Doris Munro, Alma Blondell.

Form I.: First, Jean Fennell; second, Charles Tapper. Progress, Marjorie Collett, Elizabeth Thompson, James Girvan, Doreen Mincher, Violet Welsh.

Std. 4.: First, Mary Tippett; second, George McDermott. Progress, Pearl Munro, Dulcie Green, Ivan Munro, John Barnes, Raymond Capil. All of the above gained athenaeum tickets. Std. 3: First, James Tuffery; second, Linda McDermott. Progress, Iris Mincher, Murray Thompson, Margaret Munro, Gordon Green, Vera Capil. Std. 2: First, William,Tapper; second, Blanche Murray. Progress, Mervyn Tuffery, Dorothy Munro, Audrey Green, Robert Drummond. Std. J.: First, Ruby Witting; second, Merven Moir. Progress, Norman Todd, Jean Welsh, Leith Turnbull, Andrew Barnes, Daphne Collett, Mollie Barnes, Jean Finnerty.

Maoriland Attendance Certificates:— Louis Moir, Marjorie Collett, James Girvan, Mary Tippett, Margaret Munro, George McDermitt, Linda McDermott, Dorothy Munro, Leith Turnbull, Ruby Witting, Welby McDermott. Primers.—Progress: Lilian Barnes, Thora Capil, Nessie Drummond, Norah Finnerty, Merle Murray, Betty Fennell, Peter Drummond, Welby McDermott, James Tapper, Rex Welsh, William Green, Richard Munro, Jackie Munro, Arthur Todd. GUMMIES BUSH. A large crowd of parents, friends and the School Committee "assembled at the school on Friday afternoon, the chairman, Mr Playfair, presiding. After the following programme, afternoon tea was' partaken of, bringing to a close a very successful school year. Choruses by the school children. Pianoforte solos, Valmai Pankhurst and May Cormack; recitations, Kathleen Molloy, Kathleen Livesey, Laurel Bentley; sword dance, Betty Hill and Duncan McKenzie; tiny Jap dance _ and Nuts and May by pupils. National anthem. Miss Cormack played the accompaniments. At the close of the function a presentation was made by the School Committee to Miss Ferry, the relieving assistant, who has completed her term at the school.

The following is the prize-list:— F. ll.—George Hamlin. F. I.—Florence Barron, Dorothy McMillan, Peter Jones. Standard, IV.—May Cormack, Valmai Pankhurst, Kathleen Molloy, David McKenzie, Herbert Bennett, Arthur loyStandard lll—Ruth Cormack, Martha Bennett, Esther Hamlin, Mary Hamlin, Robert Clark, Alexander McMillan, Duncan McKenzie,

Standard ll.—Ena Habgood, Freda Hamlin, Isabel Molloy, Gwen Jones, Francis Bennet, Herbert Habgood. Standard 1.-—Daphne Bennett, Laurel Bentley, Kathleen Livesey, Doreen Molloy, Henry Bentley, William Clark, John Jones. , P. 4.—Elva Clark, Betty Hill, Janet McMillan, Doris Barrett, Kenneth McKay. P. 2.—Kathleen Bentley, Doreen Hamlin, Eileen Jones, Jessie Molloy, lan Matheson, Percy Hamlin. Sewing Prizes (Mrs Bailey’s prizes): Dorothy McMillan, Valmai Pankhurst, Florence Barron.

Most Popular Girl and Boy (Miss Hunt’s prizes).—May Cormack and George Hamlin. Attendance Prizes.—Dorothy McMillan, Valmai Pankhurst, Mary Hamlin, Freda Hamlin, Laurel Bentley, Henry Bentley, Francis Bennett, John Jones, Duncan McKenzie, Alexander McMillan, Peter Jones. WAIRIO. The annual break-up was held at the school on Friday last, when there was a good attendance of parents and friends, over which Mr J. J. Finn, chairman of the School Committee, presided. In welcoming the parents the chairman referred to the cordial relations existing among all concerned in the welfare of the school. He mentioned the excellent reports gained this year, and thanked the teachers for their efforts. The grounds once again were in excellent condition, and reflected great credit on Mrs Laytham. He then presented the prizes as follows:— Form H.: Doreen Keen 1, Gwen Collie 2, Myrtle Keen 3. John Pope, Elsie Crawford and Len Everett. Form I.: Jean Dickson 1, Donald McColl 2, Mavis Steans and William Dodds (equal) 3. Robert Latta, Eric Todd and Douglas Mackie. Standard IV.: Frank Forde 1, Alex. Ayton 2, Rhoy Crawford 3. Standard III.: Francis Ayton 1, Kenneth Todd 2, Alma Tennant 3. Norma Robins, Evelyn Mackie, Owen Crawford, John Dickson, Donald Munro, and George Munro. Standard II.: Howard Barnfield 1, Cyril Forde 2, Edna Steans 3. Elizabeth Latta, Doreen Forde, Gladys White, Doris White, Reta Dickson, Margaret Dickson, Joyce Tennant, Kathleen Todd, Ngaire Rollo, Peter McColl and Walter Keen. Standard I.: Patricia Finn 1, Edna Crawford 2, Joyce White and Sylvia Tennant. P. 4.: Ainsley Rollo, Vera Steans, Evelyn Bates, Annie Nisbet, Jean Nisbet, Trevor Crawford and Joseph Dodds. Primer Classes: Edwina Dickson, Mary Finn, Peggy Gunn, Margaret Gunn, Margaret Roche, Annie Roche, Kenneth Bamfield, Murray Barnfield, Raymond Bates, Gordon Cottrell, Raymond Forde, Morrell Flynn, Maurice Keen, Ivan Pope and John Dennington. PAPATOTARA. The following is the prize list for the Papatotara Public School. Form II.: Dux of School, Rose E. Hellier; second prize, Isabella E. Galt; third prize, Sylvia E. Baker. Form I.: First prize, Olga Bennett; second prize, Nancy Johnston; third prize, Herbert Ogilvie. Std. IV.: First prize, Marion Broomhall; second prize, Leslie Rodgers; third prize, Mavis Williams. Class prizes, Jessie Smith, Constance Goodsir, Tuahuniri Acker, James Barnett, Lewis Bennett, Allen Erskine, Frederick Erskine, James Jacobson, Roy Patterson, Gregor Ridder. Std. III.: First prize, Zena Ridder; second prize, Dallas Ward; third prize, Edna Lawrie; class prizes, Edith Erskine, Valmai Roderique, Joy Robinson, Wallace Baker, James Donaldson, Ewan McKenzie. Std. II.: First prize, Mavis Bennett; second prize, Norma O’Connell; third prize, Lillian Bennett; class prizes, Edgar Acker, George Barnett, Cyril McKenzie, Aileen Galt. Std. I.: First prize, Mervyn Rodgers; second prize, Rita Smith; third prize, Ernest Goodsir; class prizes, Lester Heads, Francis Ward, Mavis Barnett, Francjs Hellier. P. Classes. Class prizes, Shirley Forbes, Maureen Roderique, Peter Beaton, Lex McKenzie, William Morton, Charles Davis, Lorraine Melvin, Thelma Goodsir, Rita Barnett, Olive Donaldson, Esme Morton, Clarence Acker, Hugh Erskine, Victor Goodsir. APARIMA. About 60 parents and friends assembled at the Aparima School for the annual break-up when a book was given to each child, while a special prize was donated by Miss Harris (the headmistress) for “stars” gained each week. An exhibition of handwork in the school elicited favourable comment, and at a convenient interval Mr Hall, chairman of the committee, congratulated the children on the work done and paid a special, tribute to Miss Harris for the excellent manner in which she had taught the children. He said the progress they had made reflected the greatest credit on her. Attendance certificates were presented as follows: First class, lan Stewart, Maud James; second class, Jean James, Douglas Richardson. A picnic was held later, the results of the various events being as follows: Standard VI Girls race: Chrissie Sheddan 1. Remander of girls, Rose Sheddan. Boys’ race: R. Hall 1. Consolation race: Maud James 1. Spoon and potato race: Bessie Sheddan 1. Threelegged race: Jean James and Chrissie Sheddan 1. Walking race: Maud James I. Book on head: M. Stewart 1. Obstacle race: Jessie Sheddan 1. Stepping the chain (ladies): Mrs Richardson 1; men, J. Muirhead 1. Ladies’ spoon and potato race: Miss M. Beggs 1. Ladies’ race: Miss M. Keen 1. Men’s race: Mr J. Shefford 1. Peanuts and lollies, which had been donated, were distributed amongst the children, while toys were given to the little ones. A basketball match was also held between the young ladies of the district and the pupils, the result being: Young Ladies 2, Pupils 1. FAIRFAX. The annual break-up of the Fairfax School was held on Saturday in the presence of a large gathering of parents and visitors. Mr A. J. Officer, chairman of the School Committee, presided, and congratulated the teacher, Miss Hardy, on her excellent work both inside and out of the school and wished the children a pleasant holiday. After the prizes had been given out, children’s games and races were run, a lolly scramble and afternoon tea being a fitting termination to a successful afternoon. All the pupils attending received a prize, the following being top of their respective classes: Form 2, Herbert Agnew 1, John Playfair 2; Form I, William McFarlane 1, Myra Cull 2; Standard 4, William Guise 1, George McFarlane 2; Standard 3, Ray Angelo 1, John McFarlane 2; Standard 2, Minnie Lay 1, Wallace Mclntosh 2; Standard 1, Joan Guise 1, Elsie Bye 2. Special prizes were awarded as follows: Vegetable gardening, William Guise and Ray Angelo; flowers, Doreen Coombes; sewing, Jean Hay, Pearl Murdoch and Elsie Bye; progress in writing, Ross Guise. BALFOUR. The Balfour School break-up was held on Friday afternoon last. The prize list is as follows:— Std. 6—Phyllis Walker 1 dux, Molly Baird 2, A. Lamb 3. Std. s—Lloyd Liddell 1, Eula Stevens 2, Gayna Denton 3.

Std. 4—J. Mulqueen 1, Agnes Stewart 2, M. Dwyer 3. Std. 3—S. Baird 1, Rex Orr 2, T. Cooney 3. Std. 2—R. Stevens 1, Annie Cooney 2, Lexie Baird 3. Std. I—Fairy Liddell 1, Edna Rasmussen 2, Margaret Roy 3. Attendance Certificates—Std. 6: Phyllis Walker, Molly Baird, Olive Matheson, Les Matheson, Francis Gluyas. Std. 5: Kate Joyce, Lloyd Liddell. Std. 4: Henry McMath, Michael Dwyer, Agnes Stewart. Std. 3: Julia McLean, Thomas Cooney, Stuart Baird, Rex Orr. Std. 2: Myrle McGregor, June McMath, Kenneth McLean. Std. 1: Edna Rasmussen. Primers: Frank Savage, Arthur Alexander.

Special Prizes (donated): Sewing, Std 6—Alma Liddell. Std. s—Kate Joyce. Std. 4—Muriel Dale. Std 3 —Violet Joyce. Std. 2—Grace Cowie . Std. 1— Edna Rasmussen.

Cooking: Std 6—Phyllis Walker. English: Std. 6—Alma Liddell. Neatness in book work: Olive Matheson, Std. 6. “Proxime Accessit” prize: Molly Baird, Std. 6. Arithmetic and science: Francis Gluyas, Std 6. Special progress for year: Roy Herron, Std. 6. General progress and drawing, Std. 4: W. Stevens. Merit and progress, Std. 4: Muriel Dale. During the afternoon sports were held in the playgrounds. The following are the results: Infant girls’ race: Yana Liddell 1, Betty Wilson 2, Daphne Savage 3. Infant boys’ race: F. Proctor 1, A. Alexander and L. Lamb 2 equal. Std. I girls: M. Roy 1, E. Rasmussen 2. Std. 2 girls: M. McGregor and L. Baird 1 equal, June McMath 3, G. Cowie 4. Std. 2 boys: H. Stevens 1. Std 3 girls: V. Joyce 1, J. McLean 2, P. Gluyas 3. Std. 3 boys: Rex Orr 1. Std. 4 girls: M. Cowie 1, A, Stewart 2, E. Liddell 3. Std. 4 boys: W. Stevens 1, M. Dwyer 2. Std. 5 girls: Kate Joyce 1, Gayna Denton 2, Eula Stevens 3. Std. 6 girls: Alma Liddell 1, O. Matheson 2, P. Walker 3. Std. 6 boys: W. Stewart 1, R. Grant 2, R. Herron 3. School Handicap: First heat— M. Dwyer 1, W. Stewart 2, W. Denton 3. Second heat—R. Herron 1, W. Liddell 2, R. Grant 3. Final—M. Dwyer 1, W. Stewart 2, R. Herron and W. Liddell 3 equal. Girls’ championship: Mavis Cowie 1, O. Matheson 2, Alma Liddell 3. Junoir boys’ handicap: P. Mulqueen 1, H. Stevens 2, M. Wards 3. . Senior boys’ championship: R. Herron 1, W. Stewart 2, R. Grant 3. Boys’ 440 yards: I. Alexander 1, R. Grant 2, W. Stevens 3. Senior girls’ relay: J. Denton, G. Denton, K. Joyce and E. Stevens. Senior boys’ relay: A. Lamb, R. Grant, A. Liddell and L. Pringle. Girls’ 220 yards: Edna Rasmussen 1, M. Cowie 2, O. Matheson 3. Double harness race: M. Cowie and W. Stevens 1, E. Stevens and F. Gluyas 2, G. Denton and R. Orr 3. Young ladies’ race: Miss Jane Wilson 1, Miss W. Arnott 2, Miss V. Scobie 3. Married ladies’ race: Mrs G. McGregor 1, Mrs Henderson 2, Mrs H. McGregor 3. Married men’s race: A. N. Macdonald 1, R. Condon 2. Girls’ three-legged race: G. Denton and E. Stevens 1, A. Stewart and J. Denton 2. DACRE. (From Our Woodlands Correspondent.) There was a very good attendance of parents and friends at the Dacre School break-up, Mr W. Goodson, chairman of the School Committee, presiding. An attractive programme of songs, recitations, etc., was given by the children, after which Mr Goodson presented the prizes. The prize list was as follows (in order of merit): P. II.: Kathleen McLeod, Bernie Kerr, Niel Taylor, Bruce Taylor. P. IV.: Dulcie Tuffery, Norman Taylor, Clarence Goodson, Jessie Kerr. Std. I.: Monica Kerr, Terence Kerr, Bain McLeod. Std. 2.: Walter Taylor. Std. 3.: Raymond Baird, Thomas Robb. Std. 4.: Lindsay Baird, Doris Baird, Doreen McLennan. Std. 5.: Iris Tuffery, William Baird, Nessie McLennan, Enid McLeod, Leo Scully, Archibald Henderson. Std. 6: Alex McStay (dux of school), Margaret Ritchie, Jack Ritchie. MATAURA. SPORTS RESULTS. The results of the sports events held at the break-up of the Mataura School were as follows:— Boys (12 and over): 220 yards: W. Russell 1, J. Coster 2, T. McGillivray 3. Girls (9-10): Skipping Race: B. Hocking 1, R. Clarke 2, C. Johnston 3. Girls (11 and over) sack race: M. McKinnon 1, A. Adam 2, E. Clearwater 3. Girls (10 and under) three-legged race: B. Hocking and P. Lennox 1, J. Home and S. Buchanan 2, C. Johnston and M. Turner 3. Boys’ (9-10) tyre race: J. Adam 1, A. McLeod 2, D. English 3. Girls’ (12 and over) 75 yards: M. Major 1, J. Adam 2, V. Brewster 3. Boys’ (10 and under) sack race: A. Scott 1, B. Bromby 2, S. Redman 3. Girls’ (10 and under) sack race: B. Hocking 1, M. Turner 2, E. Clearwater 3. Boys’ (12 and over) 100 yards: T. McGillivray 1, R. Folster 2, W. Russell 3. Girls’ (8-9) 50 yards: S. Buchanan 1, D. McGowan 2, M. Folster 3. Skipping race (girls 11 and over): M. McKinnon 1, N. Robertson 2, E. Heywood 3.

Boys’ (11 and under) wheelbarrow race: L. Bolger and A. Scott 1, G. McCaw and K. Taylor 2. Girls’ (17 and under) 75 yards: E. Grant 1, M. Adam 2, J. Larking 3. Girls’ (11 and over) three-legged race: Nancy Robertson and Elsie Clearwater 1, Eileen Heywood and May McKinnon 2.

Youths’ (under 17) 100 yards: A. Hayles 1, M. Murphy 2, J. Sayers 3. Boys’ (under 8) tyre race: B. McConnell 1, David Muir 2, Frank Newlands 3. Girls’ egg and spoon race: Nancy Robertson 1, Mavis Hocking 2, Maud Major 3. Boys’ (10-11) 75 yards: H. Valentine 1, G. Gillies 2, B. Weatherburn 3. Boys’ tyre race: Derek Dore 1, Richard Folster 2, Roy Buchanan 3. Girls’ (10-11) 75 yards: Nancy Robertson 1, Neilina Richmond 2, Mavis Hocking 3. ' , „ Boys’ (8-9) 75 yards: F. Newlands 1, I. Turner 2, D. McNeur 3. Girls’ (over 12) 100 yards: Jean Adams and Maud Major (equal) 1, Vic Brewster 2, Georgina Gilder 3. Potato race, boys (8 years): J. McEwing 1, Alan Weatherbum 2, Maurice Balloch 3. ■ Girls’ potato race (8 years): S. Buchanan 1, A. Johnston 2, D. Monaghan 3. Boys’ sack race (11 years): J. Monaghan 1, F. Newland 2, L. Bolger 3. Slow bike race (under 15): T. Clarke 1, D. Dore 2, W. Wards 3. Wheelbarrow race: C. Coster and G. Folster 1, B. Marshall and R. Folster 2. Girls’ potato race (9 years): J. Murphy 1, B. McEwing 2, M. Folster 3. Girls’ (11 years) potato race: Nancy Robertson 1, Annie McGillivray 2, Ruth Hannabus 3. Boys’ (10 years) potato race: L. Bolger 1, S. Redman 2, H. Valentine 3. Girls’ (10 years) potato race: P. Lennox 1, Ruth Robertson 2, Rita Nunn 3. Championships. Senior Boys—loo yards: T. Monaghan 1, Bruce Marshall 2, Norris Johnston 3. 220 yards: T. Monaghan 1, Bruce Marshall 2, D. Dore 3. 440 yards: D. Dore 1, T. Monaghan 2, B. Marshall 3. High jump: R. Clearwater 1, T. Monaghan 2, B. Buchanan and N. Johnston (equal) 3. Long jump: B. Buchanan 1, T. Monaghan 2, B. Marshall 3. Aggregate points: T. Monaghan 13, 1; B. Marshall 9,2; B. Buchanan 6,3; D. Dore 4, 4. Senior Girls—7s yards: Jean Adam 1, Maud Major 2, Vic Brewster 3. 50 yards: Jean Adam 1, Maud Major 2, Vic Brewster 3. 100 yards: Jean Adam 1, Maud Major 2, Vic Brewster 3. Long junto: Vic Brewster 1, M. Major 2, G. , Gilder 3. High jump: M. Major 1, G.

Gilder 2, V. Brewster 3. Aggregate points: Maud Major 11, 1; Jean Adam 9,2; V. Brewster 7,3; G. Gilder 3, 4. Junior Boys—22o yards: Harvey Redman 1, Allan Major 2, Hamish Buchanan 3. 75 yards: H. Redman 1, A. Major 2, H. Buchanan 3. 100 yards: A. Major 1, H. Redman 2, H. Buchanan 3. High jump: M. Barclay 1, H. Redman 2, H. Cameron 3. Long jump: A. Major 1, M. Barclay 2, H. Redman 3. Points: Harvey Redman 11, 1; Alan Major 10, 2; Maurice Barclay 5,3; Hamish Cameron 4, 4. Junior Girls.—7s yards: E. Heywood I, Mavis Hocking 2, R. Bennett 3. 50 yards: M. Hocking 1, E. Heywood 2, A. Adam 3. Long jump: E. Heywood _ 1, Ruby Burnett 2, Betty Hocking 3. High jump: B. Hocking 1, Olive Sinclair 2, Alice Adam 3. Aggregate points: Eileen Heywood 8,1; Mavis Hocking 5,2; B. Hocking, 4; Ruby Bennett 3, 4. PUKEMAORI. The break-up of the Pukemaori School was held on Friday afternoon. Races, organized by the secretary, Mr Todd, were thoroughly enjoyed by the children. A few items were given by the children, after which Mrs Johnston, in the unavoidable absence of the chairman, Mr W. J. Johnston, commended the children on the • splendid attendance throughout the year and hoped that the grade of the school would be maintained next year. She also congratulated Miss Robertson, the teacher, and the pupils on the proficiency passes, all entrants being successful. The sewing prizes which were donated by Mrs W. J. Johnston were presented to Hazel Marshall in the senior division and Mavis Todd in the junior division. Dux prize: Agnes Cavanagh. Second prize: Allison Whyte. Attendance Certificates—First class: Wallace Carr, Christopher Johnston, Peter Sim, Jean Froude, Mabel Froude, Hazel Marshall. Second class: Ronald Bradley, Hugh Bums, Allan Todd, Martin Todd, Peter Whyte, Reina Johnston, Isobel Todd, Jean Todd, Mavis Todd, Allison Whyte, Nancy Whyte. WAIMUMU. The Waimumu School held its annual break-up presentation of prizes on Friday last in the presence of a large number of parents and friends. An enjoyable programme of sports events was arranged for the children, who spent a happy time. Subsequently afternoon tea was dispensed at the hall and the prizes were presented by Mr J. A. Johnston, chairman of the School Committee. Mr Johnston expressed appreciation of the manner in which the teachers had carried out their work during the year and for the interest they had taken in improving the school surroundings. Each of the five pupils who had sat for their proficiency had been successful and such an excellent result reflected credit upon the capacity of the head teacher, Mr Cameron. Mr Goodwin also paid a tribute to the fine work of the teaching staff. Mr Cameron, replying on behalf of Miss Traynor and himself thanked the members of the school committee for their loyal support and co-operation. Prizes were presented as follows:— Dux: Ernest Goodwin; Sewing: Standard 7; Monica McSweeney; Standards 5 and 6: R. Paulin 1, K. McSweeney 2; Standards 3 and 4: Jessie Chalmers; Standards 1 and 2: Joyce Johnston 1. The first prize for the best kept garden plot was awarded to N. Miller, G. McChlery and E. Goodwin. The sports events resulted as follow:—Girls race, 5 to 7: J. Smith 1, P. Tressider 2, J. Miller 3. Boys 5 to 7: A. Barber 1, R. Chalmers 2, G. Chalmers 3. Girls 7 to 9: J. Taylor 1, J. Johnston 2,1. Smith 3. Boys 7t09: J. Courtney 1, H. Miller 2, A. Miller 3. Girls 9 to 11: J. Chalmers 1, K. McSweeney 2. Boys 9 to 11: J. Smith 1, J. Taylor 2, F. Hayward 3. Girls 11 to 13: B. Barber 1, M. McSweeney 2. Rabbit race 7 to 9: D. Chalmers, J. Courtney, A. Miller. Rabbit race 9 to 11: S. Miller, F. Barber, J. Taylor. Girls three-legged race: K. McSweeney and M. McSweeney 1, J. Chalmers and B. Barber 2. Boys’ threelegged race: D. Chalmers and A. Miller I. R. Chalmers and B. Perry 2, Wheelbarrow race: J. and N. Miller 1, F. Barber and G. McChlery 2, Sack race: F. Miller 1, H. Miller 2. High jump (girls), B. Barber 1, J. Chalmers 2. High jump (boys) G. McChlery 1, C. Calder 2, E. Goodwin 3. Vaulting: G. McChlery 1, F. Miller 2, F. Barber 3. Ex-pupils race (girls): R. McChlery 1, J. Barber 2, I. McChlery 3. Potato race: N. Miller 1, T. Forbes 2, C. Calder 3. The committee is indebted to those who assisted the prize fund. WYNDHAM DISTRICT HIGH. The annual break-up of the Wyndham District High School took place at 11 o’clock on Friday morning, when the scholars assembled in full strength. A few parents were present, as also were Messrs Peter Campbell (Chairman) Rob Robertson, (Secretary) and A. T. Ross, School Committee man. The chairman, Mr Campbell, made suitable remarks in his opening address, during which he announced that the duxship this year fell to Mavis Smith, Menzies Ferry, to whom—on behalf of the donor who desired to remain anonymous—he presented a handsomely bound book. (Cheers and applause.) Mr Campbell then presented the following list of attendance certificates. Form ll.—Jeannie Cook, Margaret Ross, Clifford Campbell, Osborne McKay, Samuel McKay Herbert Haig McLellan.

Form I.—Dorothy Dynes, Marjorie Harley, Hazel Maguire, Edna Sinclair, J. Black, Ted Pankhurst, Sam Richardson, W. Richardson, J. Robertson. Std. 4.—Catherine Black, Joyce Blackbum, Joyce McKerrow, Daphne Richardson, Bertha Stevens, Violet Todd, Alex Mclvor, Hector McLellan, J. McLellan.

Std. 3—Myrtle Crosbie, Connie Ireland, Betty Thompson, Jack Cook, H. Henderson, E. Leith. Std. 2.—Susan Henderson, Doreen McLellan, Eric Ford, Eric Leith, E. Milligan, Lance Miline. Std. I—Margaret Dryden, June Ireland, Cora Milligan, Rosemary Mitchell, Molly Richardson, Iris Stark, Phillis Todd, Lloyd Heydon, Archie McKay, Gordon McKay, Gordon Pankhurst, Telfer Robertson, Jack Stevens, Tom Stevens, Allen Young. Class p.—Grace Bain, Margaret Milligan, Winnie Dryden, Ngaire Peacock, C. Dryden, Clifford Miline, Alex Ross, Robert Winter.

The official ceremony concluded with the chairman wishing the staff and pupils “A Merry Christmas and A Happy Nevz Year.” - A thoroughly enjoyable sports picnic was then held under the supervision of the committee and teaching staff, also Mr W. Richardson. The following were the results of the sports:—Girls under 6.—Ailsa Allison 1, Gertie Ross 2, Audrey Richardson 3. Boys under 6.— James Young 1, Morrison Winter 2, Charlie Dryden 3. Girls under 7—Olga Milne 1, Hilda Henderson 2, Mary Cook 3 Boys under 7.—Donald Mclvor 1, Robert Winter 2, Harry Gabites 3. Girls under 9.—Clara Lobb 1, Betty Winter 2, Molly Richardson 3. Boys under 9.—Roderick McDonald 1, Gordon Pankhurst 2, Eric Leith 3. Girls under 11.—Dorothy Dynes 1, Opal Miline 2, Shiela Campbell 3. Boys under 11.—Peter Mills 1, Gilmour Ross 2, Ronnie Mclvor 3. Girls under 13.—Hazel Mcguire 1, Ivy Townley 2, Eleanor Miline 3. Boys under 13.—Alex Mclvor 1, Hall Henderson 2, Sam McKay 3. Boys under 15.—Errol Allison 1, Henry Munro 2, Murray Mclvor 3. Girls 12 years and over, —Myrtle Crosbie 1, Dorothy Crighton 2, Mavis Dynes 3. Boys 12 years and over.—Len Mclvor 1, Bill Davis 2.

FERNHILLS. On Friday afternoon in order to mark the close of the school year a short sports programme was run off in the Fernhill School grounds, a good number of parents being present. Messrs A. Mackenzie and A. E. Ward were handicappers while the duties of judges were carried out by Messrs R. J. Anderson and T. McFetrich. Mr A. Mackenzie, chairman, after an appropriate address to the children called on Mr R. J. Anderson to give out the following prizes: Dux of school—Lois McFetrich. Form lll—John Ward. Form ll—John Gordon. Form I—Lloyd Braithwaite, Edward King. Std. 4—T. McFetrich, Esther King, Fred Ward, Alex Bolger, Charles King. Std. 3—Leslie Ward, Fred Bolger, Patricia Rabbitt, Ngaire Macalister. Std. 2—Mary Stewart. Std. I—Emma Brewster, Maurice Rabbitt, Mary Macalister, Winnie Rab■bitt, Raymond Braithwaite. P. I—Owen Rizzi. Attendance Certificates —Lois McFetrich, Tom McFetrich, Patricia Rabbitt, Mary Stewart. An enjoyable afternoon tea provided by the ladies was partaken of in the hall at the conclusion of the prizegiving. A concert and dance was held in the Pukearuhe Hall on Thursday evening, December 15, under the auspices of the Femhills School Committee. The following was the programme: Dialogue, J. Aitchison, A Buck; song, girls; recitation, M. Rabbitt; dialogue, boys; song, girls; recitation, M. dialogue, boys; song, girls; recitation, W. Rabbitt; shadowgraph, children; song, girls; recitation, E. Brewster; song, L. McFetrich, P. Rabbitt; songs, Messrs M. Bengen, R. Butts. At the conclusion of the programme Mr A. Mackenzie thanked all who had assisted in the evening’s entertainment. An enjoyable supper provided by the ladies was then dispensed and dancing became the order of the evening. Music was provided by Miss N.. Crowe. The M.C. was Mr R. Price. TEWAEWAE. (From Our Correspondent.) The annual break-up and prize giving ceremony of the Tewaewae School was held on Friday afternoon. There was a large attendance of parents and friends of the pupils. John Alderson, one of the pupils, acted as chairman and an enjoyable programme was given by the children. The prizes were presented by Mrs Graham. The programme was as follows: Recitation, Mary Corkery; song, Ita Griffin; recitation, Tony Knowler; song, Joyce Horrell; song, children; recitation, Peggy Graham; duet, Mary Corkery and Cecily Griffin; recitation, Alma Erskine; action songs, infants; recitation, Nancy Corkery. The prize-list was as follows:— Form 2—Peggy Graham (dux), Mary Corkery, John Alderson, Gus Stenton. Form ■ I—Cecily Griffin, Sylvie Erskine. Std. 4—Raymond Corkery, Gladys Horrell, Cecil Erskine. Std. 2—lta Griffin, Dan Corkery, Teresa Knowler. Std. I—Colin Erskine, Nancy Corkery, Bernard Knowler. Primer 4—Joyce Horrell. Primer 3—Tony Knowler. Primer 2—Kevin Corkery, Alma Erskine, Marie Griffin. Primer I—Nellie Knowler, John Knowler. KAWEKU. On Friday afternoon the parents and residents of the Kaweku district assembled at the school for the annual break-up picnic and prize-giving. The winners of the principal sporting events were as follows:—Single men’s race—Dennis Dunn 1, Norman Shallard 2. Young ladies’ race —Kitty Dillon 1, Margaret Dillon 2. Married ladies’ race—Mrs lan Mac Kay 1, Mrs McKeown 2. Married men’s race—D. Dunn 1, J. Young 2. High jump—Norman Shallard 1, Douglas Siocombe 2. The distribution of the prizes by the chairman, Mr Luke Cody, was followed by refreshments provided by the ladies. The prize list was:— P. I.—Alex Mac Kay. P. 2.—Erin Dunn. Std. I.—Vera Dillon, Doreen Mac Kay, Iris Dunn, Phyllis Lockhart. Std. 2.—lsobel McKeown, Fairleigh Walker, Alice Mac Kay. Std. 4.—Douglas Hollands, Noel Dillon, Doris Lockhart, Mervyn Dunn, Gray Dillon, Winnie Cody. F. I.—Molly Cody, Kathleen Cody, Daniel Mac Kay. Attendance.—lris Dunn, Mervyn Dunn, Daniel Mac Kay. Sewing, senior.—Molly Cody. Junior—lris Dunn 1, Alice Mac Kay 2. Mrs Young was also the recipient of a gift from the girls in recognition of her services as sewing mistress. ORETI. The annual break-up of the Oreti School was held on Friday before a large attendance of parents and friends. The children under the capable direction of their teacher, Mr Kelly, presented the following programme: Chorus; recitation, Marie Ford; Maori song, children; recitation, J. Campbell; chorus, juniors and chorus; patter interlude, A. McLean and R. Hubber; solos and chorus, Crombie Murdock and chorus; recitation, Crombie Murdock; chorus, children. At a suitable interval the chairman, Mr T. R. McLean, congratulated the children and teacher on the excellent programme that had been presented and said that every item had been appreciated by all. The committee had had an opportunity of reading the inspector’s report of the school. It was a first class report and showed that good progress had been made in every department of school work. He referred particularly to the improvement Mr Kelly had. made in the school grounds and they were now in beautiful order. They were sorry that Mr Kelly was leaving them, but, as the change meant promotion, they were glad for Mr Kelly’s sake and hoped that he would find continued success and happiness in his new school. The chairman then called upon Master Robert Hubber, who, in a neat little speech, presented Mr Kelly with a handsome travelling rug on behalf of the children and parents as a token of appreciation of the work that he had done and of their esteem. .Other members of the committee heartily endorsed the remarks of the chairman. Mr Kelly suitably replied. Two special prizes donated by Mr Kelly were awarded, one to Nancy Finlay for neatest work in school and the second to George Biondell for greatest general improvement. J. Campbell who had missed one day was awarded a first class attendance certificate. -

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Southland Times, Issue 21895, 22 December 1932, Page 9

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THE SCHOOLS Southland Times, Issue 21895, 22 December 1932, Page 9

THE SCHOOLS Southland Times, Issue 21895, 22 December 1932, Page 9