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and guests adjourned to the Federal tea rooms where Mr and Mrs Balneuves received their guests. Mrs Baineaves wore a powder blue marocain ‘black 'hat, black marabout stole. Mrs Millar (mother of bridegroom) wore,a black taffeta frock relieved with white, white diat and black and white marroout cape, Mrs E. McKay Lyon, Lindisfarne, wore a shot tafletta frock with tone. During the musical toasts items were given by Mr and Mrs AV. AV. Millar, Miss Drydon, Mr Wootten and the accompaniments were played by Miss Hay. The tables were decorated with cream and pink sweet peas and lilies. Mr and Mrs G. B. Millar left by motor on a trip to Akaroa. Mrs Millar wore a fawn costume with hat to tone. Some of the guests were Mrs Thomson, Mr i and Mrs Hillis, Misses H. and F. Baineaves, Mr and Mrs Andrew C. Millar, Mr and Mrs W. W. Millar, Mr and Mrs J. C. Corbet, Mrs and Mrs J. G. C. Barker, Mrs Henderson (Dunedin), Mr Smith, and Mrs Bell of Oamaru, Mrs Jenkins, Miss Faulks and Mr Jenkins of Cromwell, Mrs Munro. Miss Munro, Mr and Mrs George Munro, Mr and Mrs J. AV. P. Vickery and many other friends of the bride and bridegroom. In the afternoon Mrs A. C. Millar entertained the guests at tea WINTON NOTES (From Our Correspondent.) Dr. and Mrs T. Fergus (Dunedin), who have- been visiting friends in the districtleft for Stewart Island on Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs J. Gilmour of Roxburgh are the guests of Mrs R. M. Gilmour. Dr. and Mrs Kidd of Waipiata are the guests of Mrs E. Kidd. Mr J. Rowan, accompanied by Miss Rowan and Mr G. Rowan (Dunedin), is away on a motor trip., through Central Otago. A meeting of the Plunket Society was held at the residence of the president cn Saturday. Those present were Mes tames Perrefle (president), Anderson, Bradley, G. Davis, Driscoll, O'Malley and Walsh (secretary.) It was decided to hold a street day on March 6th, when the Committee will be grateful to receive donations from all interacted in this great work. Mothers can use the Plunket Room as a rest room on Thursdays.

The Wintcn Horticultural Society’s first annual show will be held on Wednesday, February 27th

Over 1100 adults and children travelled by the school excursion train to Riverton on Tuesday. The weather was delightfully fine except towards evening. Both old and young thoroughly enjoyed the day at the seaside.

Winton representatives acquitted themselves creditably in the inter-provincial match recently played at Dunedin. In the ladies’ singles Mrs AV. D. Cowie defeated Miss Botting 9—B. Mrs AV. D. Cowie and Miss AVatson won in the ladies’ doubles, 6—3. 6—2. DOINGS AT RIVERTON (From our Correspondent.) A large number of picnics have visited Riverton and “The Rocks” during the past week. On one day there were three large picnics and practically two thousand people visited the seaside. On the eve of Saturday last, a most enjoyable evening was held in More’s Hall, Riverton, when at the invitation of Mrs Mooney, “The Rocks,” a large number met to celebrate the coming of age of her youngest daughter, Rose. Among those present were Mr J. C. Thomson, M.P., Miss H. L. Hunt, the Misses Trotter (2), Price, Brown, Cloughley (2), Gee (2), King, Leary, Bulman, Mclvor (2), Keen, Turner, Johnstone, Fahey, Mr and Mrs Fahey, Mr and Mrs Cloughley, Mrs King, Mrs Curton and Messrs Matheson, Humphries, Kavanagh, Beer, Gibbon, McKay, Joyce, Davis, King, Hopwood, McNaughton, Keen, and Cloughley Mrs Ramsay, Miss Ramsay and the two Messrs Ramsay who have been spending a holiday at “The Rocks,” left on the Moeraki for Melbourne on Monday last. Mr and Mrs G. M. Brown are at present staying at “Die Rocks. ’ Mrs and Mr Ingles, Invercargill, are spending a holiday at “The Rocks.” Mrs Torrence and Mrs W. Alexandra are staying at the seaside. Mr and Mrs On, Dunedin, are the guests of Mrs McKenzie, as also are Mr and Mrs T. McKenzie of Invercargill. Mr McCawe of the local Post Office is at present on holidays. Mr A.Helm is in charge. Mrs Summers and Miss Summers are spending a holiday at “The Rocks. Mr and Mrs Lipscombe, Invercargill, have rented Mr Thompson’s crib at “The Rocks.” Mr and Mrs Grieve and Mr and Mrs Gee are staying at the seaside.

GORE CHAT (From our Conespondent.) Miss Peggy McQueen, Invercargill, is on a visit to her aunt (Miss Blaikie) Devon street. Miss V. C. Green has returned from Dunedin. Mr E. A. Pigeon went to Christchurch last week. Mrs T. L. Piller has returned from Dunedin. Miss Vida Millar, Timaru, is at present the guest of Mrs J. A. S. Aitken, East Gore. Miss Doris and Miss Phylis Fleming, who have been spending their holidays with Mrs A. Fleming, have left for Christchurch. Mrs T. Taylor has returned from Dunedin. A very pleasant time was spent the other evening at the Hotel Carrington, where an opportunity was taken to bid farewell to Mr J. Archibald of the staff of the Mataura Ensign, who has left for Christchurch to fill a position on the staff of the Press. Mr J. Tattersal, on behalf of the boarders of the “Carrington.” asked Mr Archibald to accept a Roslyn rug as evidence of the esteem in which he was held by those present that evening. One and all wished him good luck and success in his new sphere of life. Mr Archibald, in reply, thanked them for their thoughtful gift and said he was exceedingly sorry to leave Gore. Mr Archibald was also presented with a handbag and fountain pen by the Ensign staff prior to leaving the employ of this paper. Miss Susie and Miss Rimu Latham have left for the North Island on a visit to their sister, Mrs Andrews, Masterton. Mrs Horn and Mrs Gordon Horn, both of Middlemarch, have been the guests of Mrs Grant.

Mrs Grant gave a small afternoon tea in honour of Mrs Hawke, who has recently come to reside in Gore. Among those present were Mesdames V. G. Grant, Horn, senr, Gordon Horn, H. H. Y. Hawke, Wallis, Alexander, Brown, Piller, Dolamore, Hammond, Edwards, Hammerman and Mas C. Bowler.

A DUNEDIN LETTER N . (From Our Correspondent.) DUNEDIN, February 15. Staying in Dunedin during the week were the following Southlanders: — At the Ci,ty Hotel: Mr A. E. Smith and Miss Smith. Mr Gerard, Mr and Mrs Syeon, Mrs J. J. O'Kane and Miss S. O’Kane (Alexandra.) At Onslow House: Mrs Trisk (Lawrence.) At the Excelsior Hotel: Mr and Mrs Irwin, Mr J. A. Wilson, Mr, Mrs and the Misses Stevenson, Mr D. D. Ferry. Mr A. Dix, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Gilchrist, Miss M. Hammond, •Mr and Mrs A. Henderscn (Gore), Mr J. Campbell (Balclutha), Mr and Mrs S. Walker (Balclutha.) Ladj r Ferguson left on Tuesday, for Christchurch and Auckland. Mrs Reading (Wellington), who has spent some time in Dunedin as the guest of her father, Sir John Sinclair, returned home on Friday. Miss Denniston went to Christchurch on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs George Ritchie returned to town on Friday, after spending a few days in the North. Mrs C. W. Rattray entertained friends at bridge on Thursday night, the guest cf honour being Mrs Falla (Wellington). The players included Lady Ferguson, Mesdames Edmond, Beals J. A. Cook, Reading (Wellington), Stock, Misses Williams (2), Rattray (2), etc.Mrs Deals (Christchurch), who was the guest of Mrs C. W. Rattray, at Musselborough Rise, returned north on Tuesday. Mrs Falla (Wellington), who, with her small son has spent seme weeks with her mother, Mrs R. B. Stock, returned home on Tuesday. Mrs Leslie Miles returned to Gisborne on Tuesday. Bridge hostesses during the week include Mesdames Hilton, Finch, C. W. Rattray, Schcrek, Cheeseman, Oldham, Matheson. Mrs Gallaway gave a small tea on Thursday for Miss May Stewart. Miss Rattray asked friends to tea on Monday to meet Mrs Sinclair Thomson (Canterbury.) Mrs Sinclair Thomson is staying M Wain’s Hotel. The engagement is announced of Mrs Sherman (daughter of the late Mr William Dawson), Dunedin, to Dr. Lindsay Park (son of Mr and Mrs S. M. Park, Dunedin), now on the staff of the Auckland Hospital. Mrs O’Neill gave an enjoyable bridge party in the Otago Women’s Club Rooms on Tuesday afternocn. Pink geraniums and foliage in bowls were used to decorate the Reception Hall, the hostess receiving her guests at the entrance wearing a smart 1 w ck of blue and white check silk taffeta, | with large hat of navy to match. Among • the players were noticed Lady Forbes Rob- ’ ertson, Mesdames H. S. Fenwick, Oldham, • Black, J. E. Macassey, Matheson, Finch, •* McMaster, Cotterill, Dcdgshun, sent., E. I Hazlett, D. Ramsay, Scherek, W. A. Moore, Leslie Wilson, Stock, Hilton, Baruch, McKibbin, R. Ritchie, Fitchett, C. W. Rattray, Misses Edmond, Stock, Gallaway.

Mrs J. A. Johnstone and Miss Johnstone have returned from Wellington. Lady Ferguson gave a delightful house dance at “Wychwocd” on Friday night last for Mrs lan McKenzie (Canada). The guests were received in the hall, Lady Ferguson wearing a beautiful gown of rose satin and silver, with diamond ornaments, and a high hair ornament of the same stones. Among those present were Mr and Mrs S. Neill (mauve and silver tissue), Mr and Mrs lan McKenzie, Canada, (cerise morocain) ; Mr and Mrs Noel Adams (cerise and silver) ; Miss May Stewart (black and white morocain.) ; Dr. and Mrs Batchelor (black and gold brocade) ; Mr and Mrs Ellis (Australia), (black morocain handsomely beaded); Mrs Russell Ritchie (silver grey crepe de chine); Mrs Falla (white beaded net over satin) ; Mr and Mrs Ross (white and silver) ; Dr. and Mrs O’Neill (black beaded red and silver) ; Dr. and Mrs Drennan (black and green) ; Mrs G. Reid, Christchurch, (green morocain); Mrs (Dr.) Kerens (white morocain delicately beaded); Misses Gallaway (helio, and silver tissue) ; E. Haggitt (black taffeta) ; Edmond (pink crepe de chine) ; Stock (black taffeta) ; Blomfield (pink taffeta) ; Finch (helio, and silver tissue) ; Eulalie Roberts ' beaded pink georgette); O’Neill (apricot taffeta) ; bara Roberts, Scotland, (pink brocade) ; Reeves (gold velvet) ; W. Johnstone (red crepe de chine) ; Laidlaw, B. Bell, E. Nicholls, Burt, Harris (2), Denniston, Cheeseman, Emerson, Messrs Haggitt (2),. Edmond, Bell (Shag Valley), S. Neill, Sinclair, J. Sinclair, R. Sleigh, Solomon, Crawshaw, Hargreaves, Sise, Acton-Adams, Saunders, C. Gibbs, Dr Gowland. Miss Shand returned to Timaru on Tuesday.

Mrs Vivian gave a farewell tea on Wednesday afternoon for Mrs G. W. Mclntosh, who leaves for her new home in Wellington this week. The guests were received in the drawing room, a delicious tea being served in the dining room, sweet peas being used to decorate the table. Mrs Vivian received her guests wearing a gown of navy blue Oriental satin, with wide belt of figured silk, smart hat of navy with touch of yellow. Mrs Mclntosh’s frock was of grey brocaded crepe de morocain with sleeves of rich lace, and small grey toque. Among those present were Lady Williams, Mesdames Theomin, Parker, Cantrell, Shand. Fulton, Stock, Black, McMaster, Macassey (sent.), Gallaway Laidlaw, G. McLean, J. Watson, Misses Rattray, Webster, Ulrich, Mclntosh (2). Miss Maxwell (Sydney), is the guest of Mrs Ramsay, Stuart street. Miss Dorothy Bond (Auckland), is visiting Dunedin, and is the guest of Miss Betty Mai. ell, Smith street. ARTHUR—NEVILL. The wedding of Mi«ss Cecily Nevill, eldest daughter of Canon and Mrs Nevill, and Mr Stanley Arthur, second son of Mr and Mrs Frederick Arthur, took place in St. Paul’s Cathedral, Dunedin, on Thursday, January 31st, Canon Nevill officiating. The bride, who was given away by Mr H. Le Cren, wore a beautiful gown of pearl grey morocain trimmed with powder blue, caught at the hip with a beaded ornament. Her hat, cf grey velvet, was close fitting, and draped with a lace veil, and she carried a shower boquet of pink carnations and sweet peas Miss Joyce Nevill (sister of the bride), attended as bridesmaid, wearing a pretty early Victorian frock of shell pink taffeta with a bethe of white ninon, black hat, and a beautiful boupuet composed of pale mauve blossoms. After the ceremony a reception w r as held at the residence of the bride’s parents. THE CITY OF THE PLAINS (From our correspondent.) CHRISTCHURCH, February 14. Mrs T. W. Woodroffe and Miss Peggy Ferrier, who have been the guests of Mrs Woodroffe's daughter, Mrs Copeland Smith,

of Rotorua, returned to Christchurch on Monday. Lady Rhodes returned tp Christchurch on Monday from the North Island. Mr and Mrs Keith Garrick, of Murray Place, will leave this month by the Corinthic for Great Britain.

Mr and Mrs John Manson Ramsay, of Kilmarnock, Scotland, and Mr Herbert Lamshead, Devonshire, England, who are on a world tour, have been visiting Mr and Mrs J. de.P. Manson of Lyttelton. Mr/and Mrs F. C. Raphael, Christchurch, are visiting Dunedin, and are the guests of Mr and Mrs S. Solomon, at Belle-Knowes.

Mrs R. M. Porter, Lyttelton, leaves New Zealand by the Corinthic at the end of this month for England. Mr and Mrs Robinson, London, have taken Mrs George Fisher’s house in St. Albans.

Mr and Mrs George Fisher will reside at “Springfield,” Murray Place, the home of Mr and Mrs Keith (?arrick, during the latter’s visit to England. At the Boul’miche, Miss Muriel Little's new studio, on Saturday evening, the students and a number of their friends met for the purpose of presenting to Miss Rita Matson, who is shortly to be married, a leather combined jewel and manicure case. Miss Little, w’ho made the presentation, wore an elegant frock of silver grey lace heavily patterned with silk leaves, and a circlet of green in the hair. Miss Matson was in a charming little frock of sofest shellpink, made in the new period style, the only relief being thre inset ruches round the upper part of the skirt. Mr and Mrs David Matson were present, the latter being in black satin and lace, prettily draped. In making the presentation, Miss Little spoke of the amiable personality of the guest of the evening, and of the placid nature which should stand her in good stead in her new life. Precentor H. Jones, in happy vein, then gave a little homily, also eulogising Miss Matson’s good qualities. Both Mr David Matson and Mr Graham Jamieson (the bridegroom-elect) responded in suitable terms. A delightful programme of songs and pianoforte solos followed, after which a jolly little dance brought to a close a most enjoyable evening. IN THE CAPITAL (From our Correspondent.) WELLINGTON, February 14. Miss T. Creaginton, of Wellington, has left for the south, where she will spend a short holiday. Miss Davey, M.A., of London, is at present touring the Dominion. Having visited the hot springs in the north, she has now gone to Queenstown and Central Otago. She expects to leave for Wellington in about two week’s time. Mrs J. Peat, Mrs W. Peat and Miss Peat have returned to Wanganui from a visit to Wellington. Mr and Mrs W. Shepley left Wanganui last week to take up their residence in Auckland. Dr Sir J. Lynn-Thomas and Lady LynnThomas left on Friday en route for Timaru, where they will spend some days with Mr and Mrs Turnbull. They intend returning to Wellington about the 28th after which they leave for Auckland.

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Southland Times, Issue 19172, 16 February 1924, Page 14

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THE DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS. Southland Times, Issue 19172, 16 February 1924, Page 14

THE DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS. Southland Times, Issue 19172, 16 February 1924, Page 14