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PRODUCE PRICES CURRENT. THI’USDAV, DECEMBER 10, 1012. WHOLES AX, £. Fresh Farm Butter. Sd per Ih. Fresh Butter (separator), 9d per lb. X'’actory Butter, %Ib prints, la 2*4(1 lb - Kggs. Is. TTour, £2 5s to £lO. Oatmeal, 260s to 2705. Bran. £5. Pollard. 140s. Chaff, £3 10s. RETAIL. Fresh Farm Butter, 10d per lb. Fresh Butter (.separator), lid per lb. Factory Butter, %lb prims, is Id lb. Cheese, 9d ib. Eggs, is 3d. Bacon. Sliced. Is; plec/ 1 , 11A Darn, lid. Potatoes, S ibs. for Is.. 12s. per cwt. Flour, 2001b 20s 6d; 1001b 10s 9d; 501b 5s 9d; 251b 3s. Oatmeal, 601b 7s 9d. 251b 4s. Pollard, 8s per 1001b. Bran, 6s, SOUTHLAND STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKET. TIMES OFFICE. Friday. FIVE STOCK. —The amount of business passing in stock circles during the week lias been fairly good in all classes, and there lias been quite an extraordinary demand for good store cattle, outside as well as local buyers operating. The scarcity of sheep offering and the abundance of feed no doubt accounts for such a great demand for cattle. One or two lines of good fat cattle have come on the marker during the week, but were sharply tucked up by local butchers at last week’s rates. Fat sheep have been ruling high, but we expect in a few weeks' time that a large number of dry ewes will be on the market, which of course should mean a slight decline in tallies of this class of stock. Owing to shearing operations being on there is not much doing in store sheep: one or two lines of shorn two-tooths have sold up to 17s. Buyers for store lambs are not Loo keen at prices asked by vendors, though one or two lines have been sold up to 13s. FAT CATTLE.—Prime ox beef is worth from 33s to 345; unfinished. 30s to 325; heifer beef, 30s to 3ls; cow beef, 2(is to 275.

FAT SHEEP.—Hutches’ heavy wethers rule from 25s to 26s 6d; lighter, 23s to 2 Is; shorn prime wethers, 19s to 20s; lighter. 17s to 17s 6d: fat owes in tlie wool, 23s to 2 1s; shorn, 16s to 16s 6d; fat lambs. 15s to 16s.

STORE CATTLE. —Throe-year-old bullocks fetch £7 10s to £8 10s: 2%-year-olds. £5 5s to £5 15s; 2-year-olds, £4 15s to £5 10s; 18-montli-olds, £3 15s to £( ss: yearlings. £3 to £3 10s: dairy cows, best. £lO to £ll. down to £B. STORE SHEEP.—Mixed sex hoggets, in the wool. 21s to 21s 6d; ewe hoggets, in the wool, 22s to 22s 6d: ewe hoggets, shorn. 17s to 18s; mixed sexes, shorn. 16s to 16s 6d; 2-tooth wethers, in the wool, 21s 6d to 22s fid: shorn. 15s to 15s fid: mixed aged ewes. In the wool, 16s to 16s fid: shorn. 12s fid to 13s; old ewes in woo!, 12s to 12s fid; shorn, 10s to 10s fid.

OATS.—There is a holiday feeling about the market at present, and there is not much business doing, the demand being very quiet. Advices from Sydney are to the effect that the market is likely to lie easier directly the new oats are to hand from Victoria and Tasmania. Merchants are not much inclined to buy at present, ami about Is ltd, 0.t.c.5.. for A grade Cartons, and Is lOd for E grade Cartons, would now be the maximum prices obtainable by farmers. CHAFE.—The market remains dull, although really prime quality will always command a sale. For prime quality merchants are at present offering £3. 0.t.. but most of them are not at ait anxious to buy even at that figure, owing to shortage of storage accommodation. HEMP. —The market is firmer. and from £3fi to £3fi ]Os can he obtained for ■ fair” grade for prompt delivery, o.t.c.s. TOV\\—The market continues fairly firm, to-day's value for No. 3 grade being about £S IDs per ton. o.t. POTATO MS.—There are practically no new local potatoes on the market; but new northern potatoes are offering at about £l3. 0.t., at Dunedin. The season for old potatoes is about over, and they are worth from £S to £lO delivered at Invercargill, according to quality and condition. WHEAT. —There is a little more enquiry for best quality whole fowl wheat. Indifferent samples are not wanted. Prices to farmers are about the same as hast week, viz., from 3s 9d to 3s lid. 0.t.. s.e. TOXCNT7X SALS. —Monday. December Hi.— Wright. Stephenson and Co.. I,td.{ report ;—We yarded So head of cattle out of a total yarding of I.D), Bidding throughout the sale was brisk, but in some cases prices did not reach the vendors' reserves. Twenty well-bred yearlings. tended by Mr Win. Vorke. realised t3 I its. Account Mr Norman Moffett. 4 fat cows at £7 as; IT yearling steers at £3 13s fid: I ;:-year-<dd steers at £S H)s; 33 3-year-old steers passed in at £3 las. Hunt* r. Sutherland, and Pice report:— We had an entry of some 1.30 head Of cattle, comprised principally of 1-year and 3-year-old steers and heifers. Bidding throughout "'as fairly brisk, yet prices offered at auction for several pens barely readied vendors' reserves, though in most cases sales were effected privately afterwards. Three-year-old steers realised £S ids; 2-year do.. £i> Ids; 1-year do., f:; I3s; yearlings steers and heifers, £3 ids; fat cows. £7 13s; dairy cows, £6 3s; store cows, £3 10s. At a meeting held after the stock sale of the directors of the Tokonui Saleyards Co, and tlit- Stocks Agents, it was decided to continue the regular monthly sales on the Monday preceding (lie Wyndham monthly sale, unless etherwise nolilied by advertisement. Farmers and others having stock coming forward to these stiles are requested to forward their entries to the agents early, so as to allow of advertising. FOBTBOSE SALE. —Tuesday, December 17. limner, Sutherland, anti Rice report; A small entry of stock. We sold fat heifers. £3 13s thl; yearling steers and heifers. £3; dairy cows passed in at £S 10s, WYNDHAM STOCK SALE. Thursday, December Id Wright, Stephenson and Co.. Etd. report Sheep. Very- small entry. We sold a pen of l'n i wet hers at IXs fid; 3Ci hoggets at 13s 7d; 30 ewes and lambs at Its >ld. Cattle. —We sold fat cows at £3 lips and £'■ 17s tid; I store cows at £! is; bull at 3 guineas. Hunter, Sutherland, and Rice report:i'attic,—Very few cattle were forward and prices, were a shade easier ail round. We sold a small line of fat and forward bullocks tit £lO 13s; fat cows at 3s let down to £7 3s: dairy cows, >3 l«s to £s 3s tid, Siheep. —\Ve sold it fat ewe« at 13s; 10 do. at 17s 3d; 7 heifers at 17s 3d; 37 ewes and lambs at Ss 3d, all counted; it two-tooth ewes and wethers ithinl. Its; fit sound-mouth ewes and lambs. Its fid, all counted. Pigs.—We sold It wetmers at its and I3s fid; 1 do, at Ills fid; 3 do. at 13s fid and His 'id; I stores at 37s and 3Ss; I do. at. 375; 1 do. at 335. Fowls.We sold a ( rate of 1 t fowls for IS? 3. Henderson and Co.. Etd.. report : Sheep.—A small yarding: but prices realised for all classes were good. Fat sheep met with a very keen inquiry, and we sold shorn wethers at IDs Hid. Particulars of our stiles were: 4?i shorn fat wethers at 13s Hid; fill fat ewes and wethers ;n 33s fid; HJ3 mixed hoggets (shorn) at las Id. Cattle.—A small yarding, hut competition was keen throughout the sale. We sold fat bullocks at £Pi 3s and i'Hl 7s (id; fat cows, 3 a.t ts 1.3s others at £S ills, £7 17s fid. £7 3s. £i; 13s, and £fi 3s tid; store cows. 3 at ifi His. 3 a! £3 17s fid, I at £3. 3 al £t His; store steer, £7 13s; 3 do. heifers at £fi; 33 3-year steers al £fi 13s: Hi yearlings at £3 Ms; HI do. al £3 Ifis; 33 steeps at £fi 17s fid; dairy cows at £7 13s. £7. Hi 13s fid; bulls. £7 3s fid. £-1 10s (3). £3. Pigs. —Two at (3s fid. ( at 1.35. STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. DFXFDrx. December 30. The following sales wero re; o-ted op the Stock Exchange to-day ; Waitangri, J3UU N.Z. Pi >***

RIVER PLATE COMPANY. AUCKLAND. December 20. The directors of the River Plate Company recommend a dividend of 10 per I cent, tier annum for the year, including | an interim dividend, that £20.230 be paid ! to the reserve, and that £SIBO be carried j forward. The approximate not profit is | £05,1)0(1. Tlie total reserve, including i premiums on new shares recently issued, j will he £ 11 o,0(m. SHEEPSKINS. LONDON, December 20. At the sheepskin sales 6340 bales of I Australian were offered, and practically i all cleared. There was a good attendance and keen general competition for all descriptions at (.id above October rales, and for .some short-woollcd .of The Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. and Reduced, are in receipt of the following cablegram from their London House, under date of 19th inst. ; .Sheepskins.—Merino sheepskins short and shorn, and crossbred sheepskins, short and shorn, arc -id to Id higher; others are %d higher. DREDGING RETURNS. DUNEDIN. December 20. flood Chance. 250z 2dwt ; Karauniu. 220z 3dwt ; Waikttia, 17oz sdwt ; Mn-s----terlon, 17nz 4dwt. KAURI TIMBER COMPANY, MELBOURNE. December 20. At the annual meeting of the Kauri Timber Company the Chairman stated that their outside liabilities had not increased. and. the assets were. £BOO.OOO. During tlie year they had acquired more timber than they cut down, while enough timber bad been recently acquired at the Jarrah Sawmills property (Westralia) to last them from 15 to 20 years. Tito prospects of the company were fairly good. Tlie report and balance-sheet were adopted. MONEY AND MARKETS. LONDON. December 20. ■—Bank Returns and Discounts.- — The Bank of England returns show;— Stock of gold, coin & bullion, £31,406,000; reserve, £22.170.000 : proportion of reserve to liabilities. 42.0S per cent. The notes in circulation total £28,754,000 ; public deposits, £11,301.000 ; other deposits, £40,241.000 ; Government securities, £13,025,000 ; other securities, £34,157.000. The bank rate of discount is 5 per cent. Short loans are discounted at 4(4 per cent. : three months’ bills as follows: — London, 5 per cent. ; Paris, 3’i per cent. ; Berlin, 6 per cent. Consols are quoted at £74 7s 6d. —Colonial Stocks. — The following are the quotations for Colonial Government stocks, compared with those ruling a week previous:— Dec. 13. Dec. 20. New t4outh Wales 4’s .. 102 101 New South Wales 3 %’s.. 98 98 New South Wales 3’s .. 84 84 Victorian 4's .. ». 100 100 Victorian 3 (-Us .. - - 94 94 Victorian 3’s .. -- 78 78 Queensland 4’s - • 100 100 Queensland 3 (4’s.. .. 94 94 Queensland 3’s .. •• . 79 79 South Australian 3 %’s.. 93 93 South Australian 3’s .. 76 76 New Zealand 4's •• •• I° 2 .101 New Zealand 3%'s -- 9t 91 New Zealand 3’s ..... 80 SO Tasmanian 3 %'s .. -- 91 91 Tasmanian 3's .. ..83 S3 West Australian 4’s .. 84 84 West Australian 3Vi’s .. 91 91 West Australian 3's .. 83% 83% —Metals, — Copper —Spot, £74 8s 9d; three months, £75 9s 3d. 'Pin Spot, £226 10s; three months. £227. Electrolvtic —£81 sa, Lead—£lß. Iron —06s 9d. Speller—£26 7s 6d. —Sugar.— German, 9s fid; first marks, ,11s id. —Wool. — The Bradford wool market is quiet, and prices are. unchanged.

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Southland Times, Issue 17225, 21 December 1912, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL Southland Times, Issue 17225, 21 December 1912, Page 4

COMMERCIAL Southland Times, Issue 17225, 21 December 1912, Page 4