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AGBICTTLTUBAL EVENTS FOB WEEK ENDING- JULY 15tli, 1911Friday. July 14th, Stock sale at Olautau. Horse sale at Riverton. OOBE STOCK SALE The fortnightly slock sale at l!ie Gore Corporation yards was held on Tuesday. There was a small vat-dins of sheep—perhaps the smallest experienced during the past six months. The entry -was submitted to auction in small lots, and after the fat stock had keen disposed of the sale dragged considerably, there evidently being only a limited demand for store lines. On the whole, however, recent values were maintained. In fat shc-ep the entry was fair, but the quality was not quite up to the previous three sales. During the whole of the sale cmly three lots wen' passed. Following are some of the prices realised; SHEER Wright, Stephenson and Co. ; IS prime fat wethers, IDs Ml ; ;i5 at 17s 3d ; luo four and six-tooth ewes, 17s 3d ; 17 store wethers, passed at 10s Dd; 11 ewes told at 7s 6d : 10 do., 10s id ; 54 ewes and wethers. 11s Gd ; 14 rams, 7s lOd ; 11 ewes. 3-s. Dalgety and Co. ; 30 forward wethers. 16s Id ; 34 lambs (good), 15s Dd ; 36 fat ewes, 13s : 30 do.. 13s ; a small pen of fat wethers, 17s 6d. Henderson and Co. ; 35 wethers, 17s ; 30 at 17s Sd : 2.8 ewes, Ds 3d ; a small pen of ewos, Ss 7dNew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. : 130 four and six-tooth wethers. ISs Id ; D2 ewe lambs, 14s ; 37 wethers. 15s 4d ; S rams, 6s 6d. Southland Farmers’ Co-operative Association, Ltd. : 70 store wethers, 17s ; 17 wethers. DCs Dd ; 3!* ewes. 13s. National Mortgage and Agency Co. : 30 lambs, 14s 7d. Messrs J. E. Watson and Co. : A nice pen of fat wethers, 18s. CATTLE. There was a fair entry of fat cattle forward, composed mostly of fat cows. Fat bullocks were scarce. The yarding on the whole was dominated by old and only medium-conditioned cattle. Cows coming to profit and springing heifers were in demand, and for this class of stock good prices are obtainable. There is little demand for store cattle unless they are in fairly good condition. The following sales were effected : The Xew Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency Co. : Fat steer. £7 17s Gd ; fat cow, £6 5s ; cow, near profit. £8 ; dairy cow, £4 7s Gd *. milk cows. £i 12s 6d, £7 2s 6<l, £7 ss. £7. £6 12s 6d, £5 ss, £5 2s 6(1. £4 17s Gd. £4 15s, £4 10s, £4 2s Gd, £4.’ £5 4s, £5 4s, £3 17s Gd. £2 10s, £2, and nine heifers calves at £1 5s each. Dalgety and Co. ; Four fat steers, £S 10s each ; cow. £4 7s 6U ; five cows, £3 10s each. Southland Farmers’ Co-operative Association. Ltd. ; Three dairy cows, £4 10s each. Wright, Stephenson and Co. : Four fat cows, £S each; dairy cow, £G 10s ; dairy cow, £5 5s ; two cows (boilers), £2 7s. Henderson and Co. : Seven calves, to £2 Gs ; old cow, £2 15s. National Mortgage and Agency Co., Ltd. ; Four fat heifers, £7 each. BUBNSIDE STOCK MABKET. DUNEDIN, July 12. Fat Cattle. —167 yarded. just about sufficient for the trade's requirements. Only a few prime sorts were forward. The sale opened at an advance on las-t week’s prices, but values gradually receded and closed on a par with rates ruling at last sales. Best buttocks. £ll 10s to £l3; extra, to £ls 3s Gd; medium, 10s to £9 15s ; light and inferior, £6

5s to £7 10s : best heifers, £6 10s to £S 6s ; medium, £5 to £6 ; best cows, up to £S. Fat Sheep.—lsST yarded, a bis yarding. The easier tone of the London market was reflected at the sale and export buyers operated with caution. As a consequence prices all over were back about Is 6d compared with last week. Quotations : Best we liters, -Os 9d to 21s Gd ; extra, to 22s 3d ; medium. 17s 6d to ISs Od; light and unfinished. Us Cd to 16s; best ewes, IGs 6d to ISs; extra, to 22s Od ; medium, 13s to 14s Gd ; unfinished. 10s to 11s. Fat Lambs. —2000 penned. The extreme prices ruling of late were not maintained. Fxport buyers were operating at reduced limits owing to the easier tendency of the Loudon market. Compared with last week, prices were back from Is Cd to 2s. (Special to the “Times.”) DUNEDIN, July 12. There was another big yarding at Burnside to-day, about 4600 sheep and over 2000 lambs being penned. Freezing buyers continue to operate heavily, though to-day there was not quite the same keenness evident, and it was also apparent that their limits had been slightly reduced. This is doubtless the onicome of the ea-ing tendency of the London meat market, owing to \ei > heavy supplies being landed at Home, and the further fact that the present series of wool sales have opened with a reduction in prices. At Burnside yesterday there was an all-round reduction in the price of sheep to the extent of one shilling per head, and in respect of lambs slightly lower prices had also to be accepted owing to bidding not being so keen. About 170 bead of cattle were yarded, and although there were few really good bullocks and a lot of inferior animals showing evidence of want of feed, they sold well. Prime bullocks realised up to £ls 2s 6d. The market opened about on a par with last week s rates ; but the two closing sales of the day did not elicit such brisk bidding as earlier ones, and the opening rates were not maintained. ADDINGTON STOCK SIABEET. CHRISTCHURCH. July 12. Store Sheep.-—A smaller yarding than last week’s, made up of about equal proportions of ewes and hoggets, and a Uw pens of wethers. There was a good demand for hoggets and sound-mouh. ewes, and prices were a shade firmer. Aged ewes in lamb also sold well, and wethers were unchanged. Forward wethers sold up to 14s 4d; others, lls to 12s; good merino wethers, 8s lOd; good two-tooth ewes, IGs 3d : good four and six-tooth ewes, to 30s 3d: four and sixtooth ewes, to IDs 7d; medium. 10s Gd; sound-mouth, 11s to I ts 3d; aged. 7s to 9 s ; culls, 4s 10(1 upwards; halfbred ewe hoggets. 13s 3d to 13s -id; others, 11s 4d to i2s 9d; good lines mixed sexes, 10s Gd to 11s 6d ; medium. Ss to Os 6d ; wether hoggets. 9s 3d to 10s 9d ; culls. Gs. Fat Lambs. —A somewhat larger yarding than last week's, between 1500 and IGOO being penned, of which a coivulerable proportion was unfini-hed. Prime lambs were somewhat easier, as there was less competition for export, and other sorts were neglected. Prices ranged from 12s to 17s sd; and a small lot up to ISs 9u. Fat Sheep.—A fairly large yarding, including a fair proportion cf prime wethers." There was good demand for prime sheep for export, though competition win confined to a few buyers. Prime c. ethers and owes were firmer by fully Is per head; hut medium and light wethers declined about Is Gd per bead in value, and medium and inferior ewes were also easier. The range of prices was: Prime wetherr. 19s to 2 ss; extra, to 9,5-; Gd : medium, IGs Gd to 18 - vi ; light, 13- Gd to IGs: prime ewes. IGs to 21s 2d: extra, to 21s Id: medium. Hs C 1 to 15s Gd : aged and light. 8s (Id to 12s ; merino wethers. Its 7d to l;.s id. Pai Cattle. —The supply of beef comprised 23G head, the hulk being of good to prime quality, and including some from the North Island. ‘ There was a keen demand in consequence of the short yarding, and values ad winced about -s p,n- 10‘dii over the previous wtek's rales. Prime beef sold ai 25< Gd to 29s Gd ; extra, to 35s ; medium. 22s to 2.*s ; aud cow and inferior, which was in slier!i. supvd v. 19sto 2! i per . I-10ib. 1.mad- £7 to £ll H's; extra, to t'l3 _l2s Gd: heifers. £5 5s to £1 u -s; £•’ s'- >.o £S. Veal calves formed the usual '.'aiding. and they sold at is Gd to alsSt ere Cal tie. —A small ■.•aiding met wi’tlt rather m- re inquiry, yearlings making 24s and :;5- Gd ; fifteen to eighteen months sort-, £2 Gs to I" Is: tnoyear steer--. £3 17s Cd ; 3-year steers, £5 to £G 2s 61 : dry cows, 34s to £4 10s; dairy cows brought £3 10s to £9 us; extra, to £ll 10s. The entry was under the average 7n numbers, and there was a fairly keen demand at firmer rates. Choppers sold up to 85s; large baconers. 50; to C‘7.< (j<l ; snuilitM*, lo 4;>s —tHiiiul to 4b'd ner lb. Large porker '. 3ss to 3Gs; smaller 25s to 30s—equal to 4P.d per Hi, There wore a few store pigs offered and no change in prices, medium sorts making 3 is lo 21s; small. 5s to 12s. ErFECT OP ELAT ,027 JJS. CKOPS. NEW YORK, Judy Ik The Bureau of the Department of Agriculture report- that, the heat wave placed havoc with crops. Foodstuffs and' oats are the liard-.U hit. The wheat crop i; about an a\erage while the corn acreage is the largest recorded, but t lie condition of scuu per cent, is below the average. r/roTAES. LONDON, .inly 11. Popper, .-pot, £57 2s Gd; three months, £57 HO Gd Tin, spot, £3 95 15 ■; per ton; three months. fix;; 10s. Lead, £i3 7s. American .-dock.- - , of copper. Hi, 134,000 Ills, V/OOIi. t Per United Press Association.) WELLINGTON, duly 12. Toe D( partment of Agriculture har ved the following cablegram from tiie High i'ommis.-Joner, dated London, .iiiiy 11. regarding the opening of Hie fourth series of colonial wool sale:;;— The woo' sale; commenced with prices ill an. a\crape of a halfpenny lower all found. Tiit market is weaker, largely on ace-mU of the strike, which resulted in stocks accumulating. The prospects ar- lr \ onrabie if there are not many lots withdrawn: 194,000 bales of New /ten land wool are available. Estimated '.: ii ces of New Zealand wools at the cio-e of the third series of colonial wool .-.■■ i-; hold in London on -May 2G were as fni lows:- - Superior merino, Is to is 2d per lb; medium. Ido to 1 1 !£• <1: Inferior, .'at to 9 k.ii; fine crossbreds, 11 lid to Is 2d; medium crossbreds, 9d to lid; coar.-e cro--shreds, sped to lOd. LONDON, July 11. Tiie wool sales opienod briskly at par to 2b- per cent, decline. , VEGETABLE .RATTER IN WOOL. PARIS. July 11. t a conference at Roubiax. one hundred delegate:', representing the woo! .".pinners aud manufacturers of Europe, te.-'oivcd that a large proportion of proprietors did not realise sufficiently the danger of vegetable matter entering wool fi on; inferior bags. Spinners and buyers were recommended to declare that they wonld buy only wools packed in proper bag-', commencing with the season 1912-13. It was mentioned (hat New South Wales wa.- tiie chief offender, and a deputation waited on Sir George Reid on this question. The local branch of the Bank of New Zealand yesterday received the following cable with reference to the London wool sales :—"Tiie sales hate opened with strong competition and large attendance of buyers. One hundred thousand bales New Zealand won! is available. Merino wools offered not representative.” 3AKKi EE-lit EU. LONDON. July 11. 1 tank Share a— Rank <o' An- tralasia. £l2O Ids to £l2l 10s; New South Wales. £43 10s to £44 IDs; New Zealand. £i2 2.; Gd to £l2 12s Gd. DtrSTEEIN STOCK EECHANG-E, DFNEDIN. July 12. Stock Exchange saies reported ;—New Siyvia. 3s lO'/od (8 weeks) and 0s O'/Xd ; Waihi, 03s 6d ; Mosgiel Woollen. 71s.' ’GOOD HEALTH. Without, health life is robbed of all Its plea-ures, and most of Us successes. There is more good health than you ever imagined in a box of Chamberlain's Tablets. A reliable remedy that begins by dt aiming tiie stomach of ail foul ac- ■ uinuiaii<ms and finishes by toning up the entire system.—Sold everywhere.

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Southland Times, Issue 16785, 13 July 1911, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Southland Times, Issue 16785, 13 July 1911, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Southland Times, Issue 16785, 13 July 1911, Page 4