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dBOETKEAKD STOCK, OBAUST, ETC., MARKET. TIMES OFFICE. Friday. Sheep.—The business passing has been Mostly limited to private sales, the entries at saleyards being small. Likely buyers have been a little backward In operating owing to reports as to dry weather being experienced in the north md the likelihood of consignments being sent to the local markets. During the last day or two advices to hand, however, report that very fair rains have fallen from Oaraaru north and this should harden their market. Shearing of dry sheep has started and if good ■weather continues there Is a likelihood of having very fair catalogues for the first Southland sale, which takes place on Friday, Dec. Kith. Current quotations are: Aged ewes (aa'Hli lambs at foot) !)s to 10s Gd all counted: young ewes (Avith lambs at foot) Jls to 12s 2d ail counted: ewe hoggets from 16s Gd to 18s, the latter for specially good; mixed sex hoggets from 15s Gd to 17s; wether hoggets from 14s to If.s fid; butchers’ wethers, l!)s to 21s, and extra henvv weights from 20s to 255. rattle. —Prime quality of beef is scarce and holders continue very firm in their ideas of value. For private sales they are asking from 27s to 38s per fOOlbs and several sales have been made on n slightly better basis. Good forward bullocks are readily sold at from £7 to £B. In fact all classes of well-bred young cattle are easily placed lit fully up to last report. Young dairy coavs and heifers are still sought after and good sorts readily change hands. Oats.—-There has been a strong demand from the north during the week, and considerable business has been done for prompt shipment. One or two enquiries have come In for Australia, and business is pending for one or two orders. To-day’s values to farmers are —•ls lOd to Is lOtid for A Gar tons; Is OHd to Is 10d for A SparroAvbills ami B Gartons, and Is 9d to Is DV6d for B Grade, on trucks: country stations, according to distance. Farmers avlio hold stocks are now asking as on trucks,

anti It remains to be seen whether the market will come to tills price or,not, but if they are firm, U should come very close to it. Merchants’ stocks are now very low, and the business passing is purely at a hand-to-mouth description. Ryegrass.—This market is very firm and undressed seed according to weight and freedom from Impurity is worth up to 2s !)ci on trucks, perhaps a shade higher for anything special. There is a good demand from the North Island and Canterbury. Chuff. —The recent advance in this has been maintained. Rather more is ottering from the country just now than lias been the ease for some time. Prime (half (,s worth n 15s to 13 17s lid, on trucks.

Potatoes, —The market is unaltered from last week. .Sufficient potatoes are available for local consumption, but there are not enough left to warrant .shipment. New potatoes will . very shortly he arriving in invercarglll from Melbourne and Sydney. fibre. —The London price for "fair hemp is equivalent to about £l7 on trucks, and for “good fair” at about £3O. These are not profitable rates, and tilings are consequently very alack. tlie market lakes an tip ward move several of the mills are likely to close down. Tow,—Tow continues firm at about £,' 5s to f5 los, on trucks, for No. 2 tirade.

CLEARING SALE AT LONG-BUSH. .Messrs J. IC. Watson and Co. held ft clearing .-.ale uu Thursday on the farm at Lunghush, recently acquired from Mr T. I-;.'flint by Air \V. Henderson. There was a large attendance of the public, uml i lie whole of the eutiy changed hands at highly satisfactory prices. Horses. —The following prices were obtained: —Mare. £39, Mr D. Todd (Lougbnsh); 2 do., Air W. Henderson, £3O and £33 ids; mare, Airs W. Houston (Gorge Road), £4O 10s; gelding, Air W. J. Davis (West PluiutU, 10**; do., Mr J. Oraham. £3l; do,, Mr Jus. Fleming (Rukalioukat. £33 10,s. Plant. —Gig, Mr’Turner (St- Remans), £2l; roller, £l3; tine harrow. £4 ss; cultivator. £‘J 10.--; drill, £11; mlgcr, £l3 10s; binder, £lO ss; plough, £10; dray, tir,; buggy, £lO 10s; and spring dray, £.lO 10s. Cuttle.—Cows. £9, £8 15s, £8 ss. £9 10s and £7 ss, to Mr W. Henderson; one at £i 10s to Air D. Rutledge; £ll, to Air K. Galbraith; UU 10s, to Mrs Hewlett, West lUains; £9 17s Od to Mr \V. S. Fleming; £ll 13.s and £ll 10s to Mr W. McGill (Woodlands); £ll 10s to Air AV . 11, Brent; £ll 15s to Air Ashbrook; ill 17s lid to Air A). Concoininon; £l3 3s 6d. lo Mr John AlcTaggart (Llaltour); 10 belters to AlrW. S. running at £3 Is each; 3 steers, to Mr J. Grab aim? tKennlngton), £3 each ; 10 calves, to Air W. Robertson (Walklwi), 33s each; ami hull, to Air \V. Henderson, £l3. \ Air J. Uilklson, assisted by Air Wrnce Ireland, acted u.s auctioneer.

CLEARING SALE AT MABEL BUSH. Messrs Wright, Stephenson ami Co. mi Wednesday held a clearing sale on Hie farm ml .Mabel Hush, lately inquired hy .Mi .Jno. Warden from Air Jim. AlcDonu lit. There was a hi rut* attendance, ami mil istaeioi-v prices «ere realised. Air Tims, (ioodkd: was Ilm auctioneer. Sheep.- -l ITi '4 and" tl-lool|i eWf.s with 112 lambs, realised R’.s Hid (all e(Hinted), Air J. Evans'( Hedgelmpe) being Hie porlihaser ;■ KO sound -moil I lied fIH'S, with 69 lambs, lOs 4d (all ciiiiii led ), went lo the same p arch user, as also did HIT ewes, falling mouths. with lit:!,lambs; 43 -1 ami (i-luoth dry- owes bruimhl 2t.s id. being knocked ’down la A. ami T. Pettigrew (Grove Hush j. (’ill tli*. —:t-year-old store steers at £t> 2s were purchased by .Messrs Bustard Bros. (Balfour,). Dairy rows were -sold at £l2 10s in .Mr F. Kenton, and lor i'll and £8 7s lid to AR- J. G. McDonald. Others brought down id £5 3 as. I'jye yearling heifers were bought at £3 3« i.v Air J no. Warden; a yearling steers, at £:! 7s, liy'lhe same purchaser; and bull realised £0 IDs. Five hellers, with calves ac tool, fetched X* r > each, Air Jno. Warden being the purchaser. Implements brought fall values—a Hidger, £10; corn crusher, £Ja an; broadcast sower, £7 as; Duncan cultivator, 15s; drav, £ll 2s lid; weighing machine, £2 7s; aiul single buggy. £7 lh Gci. The horses, which were well got up by Air Thomas Grant, were sold as lolidws; Bay mure, Blossom, £49. purchased by Air 11. Fltzgihbon (Borne): bav gelding Tom, £3B, .Mr B. Tobin; bay inure Belle, £SS, Air Kltssgibboii; bay gelding Bob, £2l IDs, Airs Wilkie (Otatara); bay gelding Sharp, £33, Kilkelly Bros. (Grove Bush); bay harness mare, £li as. Unbroken draught gelding, rising three years, was knocked down at £29, and another at £l7 as. Harness and .sundries brought lull market values.

the wool market. AUSTRALIAN SALES. In view of Hie New Zealand sales’ now taking place and the interest in (lie (repel of prices, Hie following from (lie Sydney Dally Telegraph of 12lli hist, will be read with interest; — Auction sales were resumed in Sydney on Monday. The interval of a week seemed to have whetted the appetites of the Ini vers, and they attacked the offerings with renewed vigour. From good medium wools upward the tendency was a strung one, and prices were distinctly in owners’ favour. There is still little or no support being given to the market bv America, and the Continent are taking Hie bulk of the offerings. The Home trade Is keen upon getting wool at a reduction of present rales, and bids up keenly in the hope of obtaining a share: but the opposing demand is nearly always 100 strong to permit of ibis being done. The character of the offerings continues gradually to improve. There is still a large quantity of burry wools offering. Sueli parcels as nave a good length of staple to recommend them remain unchanged; Inn short, burry wool)', especially the skirtings, are comparatively neglected. Fine crossbreds, even If burry, tire selling well, so also are parcels of iambs’ wool if of fair length. Taken all round. Hie market is a strong one. ami evidently buoyed up by Hie favourable news from the Continent and the Home trade regarding die rapid rale of consumption of Hie raw material Hint i-i going on, Reports are singularly unanimous in this respect. We may (alee il dial tlie exceptional activity of the industry is keeping prices up, as there are as yet no signs of any tailing off in the rate of consnmpiion. Under iheie circumstances a maintenance of value; may he counted upon, at any rale for die present. ■The general trend of the market Is towards increasing firmness. The sole except ion lo this rule is burry, shortstapled wool. Bun- is more noticeable in Hie skirling.', and these are inclined 10 lie neglected now that the buyers are gradually gelling a heller selection to choose from. The present clip, so far as 11 has been marketed up lo (he present, is likely lo he lememhered as one of Hie most ’fanlly ever placed, upon the mu rUel. MONEY AND MARKETS. LON dd’N. November IS. Received November IS, 9,10 p.m. Bank Returns, Etc. — The Haul; of Biujhmd returns siiow:— Stuck of gold coin and bullion, £33,5.88,01)'); re'erw. £2 i.SUI.oOU: proportion of re.-crve to liabilities, 52.36; In circulation. £28,52:1,000; public depo-dts," £lO,1)76,000; oilier depo-its. £:!';, 13:1,000: Government securities, £l-1,6 14,001); other securities. £25.732,000. The bank rate D 5 per cent. Short loans aie discounted at 1“* per cent.; three months’ hills ns follows: London, unquoted; Paris, 2~,' b ; Berlin, 4% . ' _ Fonsols are quoted at < 8 ■&. —Colonial Stocks,—

Following at e the quotations for Colonial Government .slocks, compared with those ruling a week previous.’ Nov. 11. Nov. I 8. New South Wales V 5.... 105 14 105 Vi New .South W ales 3'.i’.s . 97% 08. New South Wales 3’s .... 86 83% Victorian Vs 193 Vi 10-Vi Victorian 3 Vi’s OS OS Victorian «'s So)i 83 Vi Queensland Vs 103% 102 •A Queensland 3 Vi's 97% 98 Queensland 3’s 81 Vi 81 Vi South Australian 3Vi’s .. 9S 98 South Australian V 5.... »3V4 83 Vi New Zealand Vs 109 Vi 103% New Zealand 3 Vi’s 00 la 00 ~ New Zealand 3’» 80 85-;* Tasmanian 3 Vi’s 09 99 Tasmanian H's Bi> 86 West Australian liVi’s .. 06 06 West Australian 3’s .... 86V2 86V2 Wheat.—lt is estimated that the wheat crop in Great Britain will total 7,60-1,900 quarters. —Cereals and Flour. — The markets ate steady, but inactive, closing very firm on adverse, rumours regarding the Argentine crop and higher American quotations. Farmers throughout the world are disinclined to sell. A cargo of Australian .sold at 35s 6d. Holders are asking 36s about, and JanuaryFebruary shipment, 335._ I* or parcels of November shipment 80s 3d has been paid. There is very limited demand tor spol Australian, about 36s 6d; New Zealand, best 33s t!d to 33s od; inferior, 3 os. J'lour —Tom- tU'xmuul. PaienLs, litis to 36s lid; spot, -Ms lid to 31s 9(1 C.i.l. Outs are quiet, G.u'tons, Ins 6d to 19s 3d; Spa no wbills, lis to Ills 6d; Da Hula, Nov yinber-Fecetnber,. I3s !)d. Hurley Fair demand. I 'hevalHer, 3Ss to 31s. —Butler.— Butter is hardening. Danish, 116s to USs; choicest New Zealand, 110s to I 13s; Australian, unchanged. Choicest is meeting Willi improved demand, but there is limited inquiry for inferiors and .stored. Cold weather is stimulating the market, and Us lone is l.elier all round. —.Metals. — Copper—Spot, £57 13s 6d; three months, £3B 11s 3d. Tin-Spot, £166 10s; three months, £166 13s Gd. Spelter—£2l. Iron—l9s Gd. —Sugar and Wool.— Sugar—German, 9s; first marks, 11s 2d. Wool. —At Bradford w’ool is quiet and prices are unchanged. The Antwerp sales closed irregular at 5 per cent, below September scries rates. Six thousand nine hundred bales of Da Plata were offered and 3939

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Southland Times, Issue 14578, 19 November 1910, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Southland Times, Issue 14578, 19 November 1910, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Southland Times, Issue 14578, 19 November 1910, Page 4