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For Sale and To Let, - T?ULL Quarter acre freehold with S-room home, 1 J? Liddel street, for sale, £160. W. B. Scandrett, Land Agent, corner Dee and Esk streets, Invercargill FOR SALE— i acre freehold, with 4-room house and scullery. A bargain. W. B. Scandrett, ! Land Agent, corner Des and Esk streets, Invercargill. TO LET- Residence, with stable, at Gladstone, half acre ; residence contains 7 rooms, besides kitchen, bathroom, etc. Apply Charles Rout, Land and Estate .Agent. FOR SALE — li acres and 5-roomed house, also 2 Sections of 6 aoresat South invercargill. Apply R. J. Cummin?, Land Agent, Atbenasum Chambers, Edk street. . FARM near Winton for sale, containing 60 acres good land. Terms very easy. Apply to Charles Rout, Land and Estite Agent. FOR PALE— lmproved- farms, ringing from 200 acres upwards to 800 acres, within easy distance of Gore. Full particulars on application to R. J. Cumming, Land Agent, Esk street. rpwo Storey leasshoid brtek buildings, Dee street, JL for sale; 12 ypaa lease unexpired. Suitable for almost any business. W. B. Scandrett, Land Agent, corner Lee and Esk streets, InvercargiU I^OR SALE at Woodend, 4 acres, divided 2 pad- . JL docks ; G-roomed house, garden and orohard, dairy ami bam: good poultry farm, £260. Apply Alex Tio: tor, House and^Land agent, fcsk street. FOR SALE- 8 sections and 4-roomed dwelling at Grasniere: a bargain, W. B. .Scandrett, Land Agent, comer Dee ana Bsb street, Invercargill. FOR SALE Sections in.Forth, Tweed, Clyde and Boivmont streets — Apply R. J. Cuuuniag, Land Agent, Esk street, FOR SALE— Sections in North, and South InvercargiU Powelltown, Hawthorn, Applebv and Kilbrony. Apply Alex Trotter, House and Land Agent, Esk street. FOR tale a house of 5 room;*, bay window and verandah, bathroom, wasnhou>e, J acre ia Mc Master street, feast Invercargill— £3i6. Apply R J <. uuimiug, Land Agent, Athenicum Chambers, Esk street. FOR SALE at Appleby, corner Ness and Grace streets, J acre, 4 roomed building, washhou-:e, Btable and shed— £lß6. Apply Alex Trotter, House and land ageut, tsk street|7»OK SALE— Good building ait-- Clyde street JL eastern aspect : i acre; to be Bold a bargain J. Wilson, Land and Estate A*,ent, Esk street. SOUTHLAND RA IfvG CLUB NOTICE TO OWNERS ANDTRAINERS ALL Training Licenses having expired, owners and trainers are informed that new one are now available. RICHARD CLARK, Secretary. THE key to success in life U a sound digestion. Secure this by using TIGttK BLEND TEaS They are composed only of tho Finest Growths, and are guaranteed free from adulteration. lO'" 8 BAXTER'S CHOICE RAYA TEA j for | 13 s 9 D TRY IT. REVOLUTION. Kudge-Whitworth Cycles BRITAIN'S BE&T BICYCLE. LADIES' or Gents* fitted with Free Wheel, 2 Brakes. Nickel-plated Itims, Best Tyres and Tubes, Long Nickel-plated Pump and Clips, Lamp, Hell, Toe Cups, Complete Set of Tools and Outfit in bag, and the Most Liberal GuarauCee throughout fo 16 GUINEAS CASH From tbe SOLE AG'SNT fcr Otago and Southland R Murie, PRINCE OF WALES BUILDINGS, Due stebbt, Invbecaeoill. COME AND INSPECT.

I Amusements qRAND football match union grounds. Hawkes Bay v. Southland WEDNESDAY, 26m AUGUST KICK OFF AT 3 P.M. Admission, Is ; Grandstand Is ; Inner Ring 6d. Tickets for the aeries of matches can be obtained from any member of committee, Weaney Bros, N. J. Keane., or box office. Price 4s 6d. R. GALBRAITH, Secretary. PARK SCHOO".. A N ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE GIVEN By the Pupils IN TIIK ZEALANDIA HALL, OS Wednesday ana Thursday, 20tii Ah-n 27tb AUGUST. ADMISSION Is; CHILDREN HALF PHICE. HANDKERCHIEF BAZAAR. A NOVELTY, 41/ ILL be held in ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOLROOM »» 23rd and 24 th September. I AID OF THK CONVKNT. VARIED PROGRAMME. DRAWING OF VALUABLE PRIZE3. The Nuns will gratefully accept Gift Handkerchiefs rom lady friends. meetings INVERCARGIuL MUoICaL UMO>. REHEARSAL TONIGHT S o'clock, voices and orthest a " May Queen," ; 9, orchestra only .strings and « ood, wind). FIRST PRfcSBYTERIAN CHURCH. 11HEREV\ RUTHERFOR» W DDBLL.MA., D.D., Will Lecture ia the above church on THURSDAY NEXT THE 27ni ISSr, AT 8 P.M. SI'BJKCT : "An Evening with some Irish and Scottish Humorists." Proceeds in aid of tho Young People's Library Fund. ADMISSION : ONE SHILLING. Tickets m y be obtained at 'he Book Societj 's ■'cnot, Athemcum Buildings, or James Manson and Co s, Tay street. INVERCARGILL STARR-BOWKETT BUILDING SOCIETY. {' HE Seventh Aunual General Meeting will be fccld in the Y.51.C.A. Had, Kelvin street, on >vednesday, 26th August. 11)03, at 8 o'clock p.m. Business : Consideration of annual balau-ip B'tet-t and report, appropriations and general. E. B PILCHER," storetary. THE 5.3. ROSS CASEY will leave Dunedin for I Invercargill on SATURDAY, 29th August. ] Further particulars on application co { SOUTHLAND STEAM SHIPPING CO. LTD. | H. L. TAPLEY & CO, Telephone 252. Agente, Esk street. , <^^Z/ r YoST^WßiriNo Machine Company NEW MODEL, No. 10. npHE Most satisfactory Typewriter ever produced. WE SELL A YOST EVERY DAY OV AN AVERAGE— Sundays included. Write for Catalogue. THE YER EX & JONES GOY, WELLINGTON. DON'T advertise unless you hftva eom&thing better than other shops keep. Masteis has a special line of boys' colonial tweed suits, all sizes, at 8s 6d. You cannot get them anywhere else under 10s 9d. Boys' suits, with vests, worth 248 Od. Masters' sale price 17s 6d. Wo guarantee to give satisfaction, or money returned.

SCOTS WHISKY "V HIGHLANDS L i Just Landed the First Shipment to New Zealand of " QLENORAN'OLD HIGHLAND MALT WHISKY - from the Ord Distillery Co., Ross-shire, Scotland,* one of the oldest of Highland Distilleries, ; MOFFETT & CO., Invercargill - I ■■ • I II 1111 .11l I

Special Advertisement upturn---* WANTED -A smart youth, grocer's assistant, able to drive. State last tmployer. Apply Grocer, W AJ, ieb D ~ XWO palDter3 ' A PP Iv F " Bose * Apv\ ANIED-Udies'and gents' secondhand Cycles for sale. No reasonable offer refuged. VV. G Woods a Co, Ma -sey-Harris Depot. LOST between end of Liddel street and E trich street by way of railway line, Clyde, Earn, ond Nith streets, a purse containing a sumof money Reward on returning to Kirk and Koyds, '1 ay street. WANTED- Young lady wants situation in office Has a knowltdge of shorthand and tjping, Previous experience. Address " Nemo," Tihhs ofCoe W ANTED at onoe twoflaYcuMers, two paddockers and two mill hands. Highest wastes. AudU Mcßae Bros, Wyudham. h vv > SPRING, Beautiful Spring ! haa coixie, and- -so- has .Masters" first shipment ol Panama Hats, made cpecially to suit thf-^Htouthland climate ; soft and easy littfng'" to the head ; stylish shapes. Masters' f*sale Price, 4b 6d. WANTED pa>r good working bullocks. Apply Sonthlaud Timber Oo.'s office, Esk street. LOST, last night, between the Zealandia Hall an< tbe High ouhooi Gymaasium, a gold crescem brooch, with a dove set in ptarls on one point and a large pearl on the other. Finier will be rewardeo on re'uriiiug same to Miss Crofts, Music Kooms, Esk street 3s 6D GOLD BELIj PINS 3S (iD . T. ROCHE, WATci-MAfiKn. ** w U "^ HIBERNIAN HOTEL BUILDINGS, Dee 8 reet. FOR SALE a modern 7 roomed Houpo aDd ou>houses, J acre, Leet sUeet, price £650-cheap. J. >> llson, Land and estate agent, Esk street BEST Groceries at lowest prices at Smyth's, Tav and Dee streets SUFFERERS from ASTHMA should immediate give MONNTAIN KING ASTHMA POWoEfcS mal. F H Hall, chemist. Price, 2a 6d PRIMIC Hams and Bacon, feet, hocks aud pig heads at Smyth'a, iay anil Dee streets. WANTED waitress and kiichen maid (hotel, Alexandra), tjood wages ; lad for station, plouirhman, cook, waitress i,botel), generals ; «irls .o sleep at home, town aud country. Appl> -.narp, Mrs Uolnies, Dee screec. OT -GEORGE JAM*. -vUde fromchii"-., t.ui , O uperior co all ottier-- Ja ce used il * i/< <i riUbK'BL-hJND TEaS eara of trial have proved Tiger Bio ds to be after all the best. WifiA CYiiLE WORKS, iAYSTRhEr. i WfIRA CYCLES ARE built of B.S A. parts, Reynold's Double-butted tubes, h othing but the very best material used. Wiras are fully guaranteed and fitted with speeial vulcanized tyres Ladies' W^ra Cycles pecially built for Southland. Prices and terms to suit all customers. to . We repair all cycles. Wo make XdepairS — any porta fur cycie-i, re-enamel cycles and thoroughly oveihaul cycles. Ty ieS — All makes stooKed. ACCESSORIES. GORDON GLENNIE, TAY STREET. [pun S-de— A uout-e of C rooms, bath, scullery* and 17 waai-houNe, \ acre, in Elles Road, 20 minutes walk from Post Ofllce. R. J. (Jumming, agent, Athe-n-eum Uluunbers, Esk street. L^UK Sale at Tramway Road. South Invercargill, a •*■ nrst-class freehold section, consisting of 16 acres of high and dry land with ?0 chains frontage, house, orchard, -etc Would make imlendid sites for huildimf. Land also suitable for brickmakiug. Situated 8 miles from P. o. Apply Alex. Trotter, Houso and Land Agent, Et-k street LAST WEEK LET-GO SALE Boys' and Girls Gymnasium ShoeslO^ 13, 2s fld Men's Sewn Balmorals usually 148 <3d, now 10s Cd Ladies' Tan Evening Shoos, usually 0s 9d, now 2a lid Children's Patent Ankle Straps 4-0 la lid, 7—o 2s Ud, 10-iaajlld Men's Glrtcie Kid Boots, sizes 0, 9, 10, price Hi 9d SIMON'S LET-GO SALE, Dee Street. IT will stop that cough. TUSSICURA, a wonderful Chest, Throat and Lutig Tonic. Is 6d. Hall, chemist, Invercargill INFLUENZA, BKOKCHITIS, and all diae-oaes of tho throat and lungs can be cured by TUSSICURA. Is Od. Hvll, chemist TECHNICAL Students wlil find a splendid assortment of carpenters' and carvers' tools at Smith and Laing's, Esk street. HOW stylish Mr Jackson looks in that navy blue suit he bought at Masters'. It fits so well and haa padded shoulders, just like tailor-made. I hear that Masters', at that cheap shop in Dee street, are selling them for 455, and giving a PAir tweed working pants in as discount. WANTEi>— Everybody to try the SHAM HUGE BR4ND of Ceylon Tea. Superior qn-dity rice only Is Cd per lb. Sole agent, K. MEREDITH, Tay street SUFFERERS from ASTHMA should immediately give mountain king asthma powder a trial. Jb\ H. Hall, chemist. Price 28 Cd. SMYTH & CO, Tay and Dee streets, are cash buyers Of prime dairy fed .pigs. OK SAL y 4 ro'-m bouse and scullery at Rich raond Grove, cniap. W. B. Soandrett, Land Agent, corner Dee atid Esk Streets, Invercargill. WANTED— An experienced general : high wages ; housemaid kept. Apply personally, or by letter, to MrsMassey, Aveual. UCKLAND— Poor man's Orsneea for marmalade, and plenty of Seville Oranges for marmalade. Recipe given to buyer how to make. Mrs Webßtor. O s £t^ WILL purchase a Gent's Coloured Dress /W O Blurt, snort front, stout body— usually sold at 6s 6d. Masters' Sale Price 2a 6d. We have only three dozen left, be in time— Masters' Bargain Storea, Doe street ROYERJ^YCLES. ROVER CYCLES lead the cycle world. If it's a Rover it's aU right. The name of England's first and best Cycle. Ladies' Rovers Awarded tha Gold Medal, London, 1003. RALEIGH" CYCLES. Raleigh Free Wheels are Free Wheels Indeed. Ralcighs never wear out. MONO-POLE CYCLES Slonopoles for easy running and durabiliiy, P.H.V. SPECIAL VULCANIZED TYRES, P. H. VICKERY, DEE SIREET. INFLUENZA, BRONCHITIS and all diseases of the throat and lun^s can bs cured by TUSSICURA. Is6d. Hall, chemist ST GEORGE Potted and Preserved Meats and Table Delicacies are delicious. Once used always used TIGER TEAS Standard of excellence. Takes precedence of all -othera. INFLUENZA— Cured by TUSSICURA. A wonder tonlc-and stimulant. SHAMROCK Tea is noted for its strengthening purity and tbe price is vory moderate IsOdlb. ' Sole Agency, ©.".Mewilitb- Tay street, Invercftrglll,

Sydney Stock Sales. » - Per United Press Association. By Electric Telegraph. — Copyright. SYDNEY, 4.,ig. 24. Received 24th 11.3 p tn. At the Homebush sales to-day were linn. Best wethers, 20s to 2Rs .'.ld —275; good. 18s to J'Js; e>ves, l-est, 19s to 23s <5d ; good, 17s Oil to ISs 'HI. Mullocks— Best, £12 15s to £14 12s ; good, £11 15s ; cows, best, £'.) 10s to £10 10s; good, £9. Best bout", 29s to 30s per 1001b. Canterbury Farm-era* Co-op-erative Association e At a meeting of the Board of Directors of tho Canterbury Fanmers' Co-operative Association, held on Friday, the manager, Air .1 . 1\ Newman, submitted the lift lance-sheet for the past year, which shows a most satisfactory result. The profits' for tho year, including ££lAB4 brought forward from last year, amount lo £19,70(1, and the directors propose to distribute this amount as follows : — To pay a dividend of 8 per cent, on capital and a bonus of 0 per cent, to sha>rcholders on purchases made duri-ig the year ; to rebate of 25 per cent, oil all commissions canned (wool excepted), and to give a bonus of 0 per cent, on saluries ; to carry £3000 to rosenve fund ; to write oil £10(VO against freehold property account, and 15 per cent, oil' plant and furniture account ; and to carry forward the balance. The profits for the year of the Association's business establish a record, and tho shareholders are • to be congratulated on having snich a (ine business in Timaru. London Markets. /^^ , •» ■• — Per United Press Association. By Electric Telegraph— Copyright. LONDON, Aug. 23. Lamb — Canterbury, heavy. 5-fcd per 5b ; Dunedin, Southland, and North Island, 3d. N.Z. beef, 180 to 2201b, fair average quality ox : hinds, 4id ; rest unchanged. Kabbitskins — 1972 bales were offered, and 175G bales sold. Winter skins realised full prices : light and iuferior declined lid to 2d. The N.Z.L. and M..A. Co. are in receipt .\i the following cable from their London office :— " Tallow— We quote present spot values for the following descriptions —28s Od for (ine mutton ; inferior mutton and inferior beef—market active."

Red Rough Hands Itching Palms and Painful Finger Ends. ONE NIGHT CURE. \[j§| SOAK the "hands on retiring in a strong-, hot, creamy lather ofCUTICURASOAP. Dfy,and anoint freely with CUTICURA OINTMENT, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during the night, old, loose kid gloves, with the finger ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms. For red, rough, chapped "hands, dry, fissured, itching, feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful finger ends, this treatment is simply wonderful* Millions Use Cuticura. Soap, assisted by Cuticuba Ointment, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the Bkin, for cleansing tho scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and irritations, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women use Cuticuba Soap in tho form ' of baths for annoying inflammations, chafings, and excoriations, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washos for ulcerative wealcnessea, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which read* ily suggest themselves to women. Complete Humour Cure, Conelstlng ofCUTICURASOAP, to cleanse the efciu CUTICUBA OINTMENT, to instantly allay Itching, and soothe and heal; Cuticura Resolvent Pills, the new chocolate coated substitute for liquid Resolvent, to cool and cleanse the blood. A SINGLE BET is Often oufllcient to cure tho severest case. BoM thronehont th< worM. Anetrall-m Depot: R. T<nv*-s & Co., Sydney. Britliili Depot i ST-28, Charterhouja So., London. French Depot- 4 Rue d« la Pel*-*, Ptu-iE. Fozri2£DßOOAiTDCazv.C<Htr-i Bole Props. ARE YOU BALD ? ASTOUNDING- CHALLENGE. THE PROPRIETOR OF CAPILLA HAIR TONIC. Being desirous of having a uublic test made to prove the infallibility of his now famous Hair Restorer, known a 8 CAPILLA Hair Tonic, is prepared to treat any gentleman troubled wLth absolute . baddnoss <jt is immaterial of bow long standing) free of Charge for a. period of 12 or 16 weeks, and guarantees in that time to produce hair liin long (by the aid of Capilla alone, used according to the direction supplied with every bottle) on .the scalp atfected by baldness. Falling which, he is prepared to forfeit to the Wellington Hospital the sum of £25 sterling. The conditions to be :■ First, that a coniuoitteo of six Wellington medical men or well-known Wellington gentlemen be appointed to substantiate the fact of Capilla having done what wo claim for It. Second, that the gentleman upon whom the test is to be made has upon tho scalp a down or slight fluff. It is immaterial whether it is discennible with the naked eye or not so long as a microscopical examination proves it to exist. If tho above Challenge is accepted, wo particularly request the attendance of newspaper repoi'tero, medical men, nnd others who are interested to watch the progress made from day to day. Capilla will increase the length of laddies' hair 1 to 2 inches per month. The above challenge, now appearing In the leading Australia-n newspapers, haa been accepted by members of Parliameat and other leading citizens. Their testimonials may be seen by all enquirers" ALL CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE. Head Office for New Zealand ; 0 FEATHERSTON STREET, WELLINGTON; P. HAYMAN •& CO., ■Wholesale Agents. N.Z. Ofllce : 0 Featherston street. TIQEK BLEND TEAS. " The real luxury of the day. Obti'maulo every who TNF-LUBNZA-Oiired by TUSSIOUBA. A wondf r ' X ful tonjc and stimulant. IsOd. Hall, chemist WANTED KNOWN -That P. H Hall, chemist, -itoeka Tuflsioiira;. Witch's OU, Mountain King ABthmti Powder, la 6d and Ba Gd ■ h T AKGE» Tiriß Pie Fruits, 2s per tin at Smyth'B, lay JLi and "Dee utroete.

REMOVAL SALE ! "X^XX-ES T3LJ&JF BOX. 1 Bought of E. G. TJNDRIIiL, HATTER AND MERCER, v Esk Street, Invercargill. _____ __, _ ______________ .... . .' . - . ...... - === '.\ l Cravenette Coat „. ._ 55s 6d £2 15 6 Now 40s Od £2 0 0 I Frame Hat ... ... ... 7s 6d 7 6 „ 4s 6d 4 C 1 Cool Spring Hat .„ ... 10s 6d 10 6 „ 8s 6d 8 6 2 White Shirts ... 6s 6d 13 0 „ 5s 3d 10 6 i 2 AlhWool Shirts 7a 9d 15 6 „ 6a Od 12 0 -.! I Navy Chesterfield 32s Sd 1 12 6 „ 24s Od 14 0 1 Astraohan Gloves - 3s 6d 3 6 „ 2a Od 2 0 1 Lined Kid Gloves 4s 6d 4 6 „ 3s 3d 3 3 6 Trilby Collars Is Od 6 0 „ 9d 4 6 6 Military Collars 9d 4 6 „ 7d 3 6 2 Ribbed L.W- Pants 4s 6d 9 0" „ 3s 3d 6 6 2 Mosgiel L.W. Singlets ... 4s 9d 9 6 „ 3s 9d 76] £8 11 6 Now £6 6 9 • Wo take this somewhat unusual method of showiog the public what the Redactions we» e making amount to on a parcel of Hats aud Mercery, every article of which is GOOD VALUE AT FULL PRICES. 'Wo wish all to understand that these goods have NoT _-KKN BOUGHT JOB _*0K THE SALE, but are first quality jzoods that have secured us a name second to none in Southland for the LATEST arid BEST in HATS and MERCERY. 20 per cent, discount will be given off every article sold during our Removal Sale TAILORING._TAILORING. NEW TWEEDS. We have much pleasure ia drawing attention to our large stock of CHOICE NEW TWEEDS, Just landed Ex S.S. Rakaia, comprising--NEW SUITINGS, NEW TROUSERINGS, &c. This season we have a New Cutter ia charge of this Department, whose fit can be relied on. Our principle of a first-class article at a" moderate price U sound. S3T A TRIAL SOLICITED. ft_] HERBERT, HAYNES & CO TAILORS AND OUTFITTERS, ' TAY STREET, INVERCARGILL

pane's Emulsion. A weU-known Otago doctor writes : " I write on behalf of a patient of mine whom I treated for consumption with Lane's Emulsion ; the sputum has diminished, cough less, sweating almost stopped, and weight has increased 7 or 8 pounds." Another : " The composition of Lane's Emulsion is excellent, and should be of great benefit in wasting or lung diseases. I have compared its Emulsification with others (microscopically) and find yours excels them i all." A Christchurch doctor -writes : "I have prescribed Lanb's Emulsion for several of my patients, and am highly pleased with the results. I consider your Emuhion a great improvement on the ordinary Emulsions of Cod Liver Oil." A Wanganui doctor says : . ■■'Lane's Emulsion has much benefited several of my patients. I am satisfied x it is a thoroughly good preparation." A Wellington doctor says : " I have been carefully watching the re? suits of Lane's Emulsion in cases of lung weakness and general debility. The results have' more than justified its use." Doctors reconunflnd oajjr wb-m they are wll«& W^ 6 tried and teatedWe a JMulmon. Its value a8 a rafob» lungbaaler and body builder is being Moved every aay. Wha* Xanetß Emulsion ha» dofae for others it is possible for it. to do; We > vrouid iu-njrws npej you: this one ) necessary^in>-~" Take none but Lane's.'' Chflsusts and Gtocore all I sell it. 2/6 and 4/6 par bottle. mmmmmommmmommmimmaimmimimv,, . . . a > I7HBMENDOUS Husb' at Masters'. #*• .'- r dozen Men's Heavy Wool Pants, ' slightly damaged, worth 3s 9d, Masters ?. price, Is lid per pair. . ■ ■tr>QTATb&*3r"bnions, chafT,' oats, fowls' wheat, &o J^ at Smyth'B, Tay and Dee streets. 3. .t-__:.. : ■'-'■ '■' '■' '~^- — '. ..'..■'.■'. : — : 3 rTiEGHNIOAL Students wiUflnd.a splendid wsort '■ X" ;monfc of carpenters' and carvers' tools atanutl ' '"""and tahig'B/EBfc street. -—•-.-

SEVERE COUGH CURED _"BY;£^A^" ° -^BfRIAIN'S COUGH REMEDY. :*•:. _r"YC_arles> -,E. -Dee - HATOIock, . N Z^ says :^-*^ I _eg- to^ be; allowed ■- to^d my testimony; excellent qualitiea .of CMm-orfain's Cpugh Remeds^ - ff My chHd was ■'• attacked with a severo cough, winch ontlrely disappeared after using one bot+i„ «f ffdn nnlendid medicine. V e»}e


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Southland Times, Issue 19133, 25 August 1903, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 19133, 25 August 1903, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 19133, 25 August 1903, Page 3