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THS Southland Times PUBLISH EVERY MORNING. Luceo Non Uro. WEDNESDAY, sth AUGUST, 1903. Summary of News.

It is asserted in the North Otago Timeß that even kerosene coagulatethrough the intensity of the cold in the Hakateramea country. aaid was ladled from the tin with a spoon. Mr W. Fraser, M.H.R. for Wak*tipu, has advised ,t constituent that he interviewed the Minister of Hallways re Uia.'i- I iuir the cattle yards at Luuisden a public wound, aud was informed by the- Minister that he knew nothing of tho application, and strongly disapproved of it. ' and would see into the matter at once. Air Fraser also interviewed the Minister of .Justice re the "erection of accommodation for witnesses in the Lumsden Courthouse, and although hopeful oi getting tho request granted, has not yet received a definite reply. Mr Fraser is vvidently a live member, and is prompt to aer, when circumstances cull lor action. He will, he says, do his bc-st to gel the railway yards at Lumsden fenced and better station accommodation provided. — Own correspondent. A meet ing of tho Executive of tho Troopers' Alemorial League was held in the Council Chambers yesterday evening, the Mayor (Mr OJ. Froggatt) presiding. Ihe secretary reported that excellent progress was being made with the collecting, over iiiHlU being in hand. Tho school collections were doing very we!!. and a substantial sum was expected. Due or two more lady collectors are inquired to assist, The S.R.FU haU oftetect to hold a, football benefit on H'th August, and tlu> secretary w«s instructed to "accept und thank, the I,'uion for their ol'fer, ivnd arrange for the Sale of admission t ic't.u>ts. It was intimated '.hut several families desired to make speci il contributions, and cards will be sent to those who are so desirous. The Patriotic funds Hill, now before Parliament was ititormally discussed, and probably a meeting of the l'atriotic League will bo called for an early date to discuss tho position of that fund. The monthly meeting of the Operative nutchens' Union took place in the Union llooms on Monday. Mr .1. Childs occupied the chair, and there was a large attendance. Correspondence was read from the Christchurch Union re the conic-ivrca in that city of the Butohers' Unions, aud it wa^ unanimously agreed to fall in with whatever course may bo adopted, as this Union could not be rep represented. The present award oi the Arbitration Court expiring oa Ist September, a sub-committee was- appointed to confer with employers re a new agreement. Tt was unanimously agreed to have a clause inserted in the next award making it compulsory lor employers to keep a ikiv and time register, the Inspector oi V.ictonies to Iwvc power to -\- g,„ine it during business hours. I lie treasurer reported having received -l_ 9s being members' contributions at the m.'eium other matters having been dealt with, meeting adjourned with a vote of thanks to the chairman.' All Saints Anglican Church, Lumsden. was re-opened on Sunday alter undergoing extensive repairs and a Iterations. Special psalms., lessons, prayers, ami bvmns were used, and a n:> mon applicable to the occasion was preached by the Vicar the Key. W. C. \Voods. Ihe annual meeting oi [uirishionets was held on Monday night. '1 he total income for the vi-iir was X79 Us 3d. and the expenditure i:T7 Its Id. There is however a debt of about. _._<> one for the recent repairs. Of the income the Lidie-s' Guild contributed £•!(>. and i hey have goods and cash amounting to fully _IU ue- ides which they are working hard for a sale of worx. in November next It wa« arranged for the Vicar to gi\e a lecture about the middle of September, in connection with it. The ladies will provide for a soiie?. Mr V/iKiam Reynolds was appointed people's warden and Messrs Stanford. Hiddell. Jol.i son. Goulding. -L Uichards and Geo. Uichards lh c committee. Messrs 11. S. Stamombo and W. Uichards, who were not present, to he asked to allow their names to be added Mr If. .) Iliddell was appointed secretary, and Mr C. F. Johnson, treasurer to the eommi'.'ee- The usual votes of thanks were pissed ; ihe honorary organist. Mis-.-, Rivies. to bo written to thanking ncr n.r h^.r kindness in lilling the position. The coinmitten heHl a short meeting after the parishioners' meeting closed. — Owi> correspondent. Since 1804 the Victorian Itacini? Club lias paid ill .-180,000 in ntakes. Capstan Butter is not surpassed for quality. It is the choicest, tho purest and the best. From all storekeepers. " How to enjoy pictures "—by profrly admiring them. How to enjoy your breakfast or the evening meal, try Baxter's choice Hava Tea, the quality is excellent, and tlie price most moderateonly one shilling and sixpenro per pound —try it. Neglect Always Dangerous.— To the average man it seems childish to doctor a cold, and unless it becomes particularly annoying to him. little or no attention is given to it. Often a cold contracted in the winter is allowed to run until the opening of spring. This is a grave mistake, as even though the warm weather may bring relief, tho system is thereby weakened and rendered susceptible to disease. A cold should never be neglected, whether it be a child or an adult who is alTliet.Ml, ns health and often life, is risked. A hottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, costing but a small amount, will bring speedy relief, and by its uso all dangerous consequences will be- avoided. I' or salo by Macalister and Co., chemists. That tho market is crowded with inferior tools of the same style as the Excelsio- Horse Hoe and Cultivator makes it necessary for us to draw attention to the fact that the F.xcelsior is made from first-class, high-grade material only. Price, with hilling attachment complete, £3 10s. Kvery farmer should be provided with this im;i.ement. " One of our boys is rather delicate -md subject to contracting croup and colds very easily," says John Congden, FTavelocki, N.Z. "We have experimented with many kinds of cough mixtures, but nave had such _pleti_id results from uslnp; Chamberlain's Cou^h R«na<»dy that jwe now use it exclusively. We have I never had a case that it did not cure promptly and effectively. Undoubtedly | It is the bast cough remedy in the mar-

♦- Searching after new- things is attended with dangers. Edison lias injured his eyes while experimenting w.'th Rontgen rays, abd an assistant nits* ;-isi a limb. The treatment -of soldiers in the German Army is a reproach to cultivation, and cannot make for loyal service. Sir W. I'reece. who first, oi thes-e latter days, demonstrated me j. ossil-ilities of wireless telegraphy, is very il'. Tlie captain of the I'aparoa de< lined to take Taamanian mails for New /.ei.lnud. He had the experience of ; >,c ss kukaia, which was quarantined at Otago, before him. There is a palpable error in tho value of N.Z. cheese in London, !n the AgentGeneral's report. The l rice ;ust week was 52 5. The House of Lords is not fighting the Irish Land Bill. The conclave has not yet agreed upon a successor for Leo XIII. Several of the cardinals are ill. A frightful railway catastrophe has occurred in Silesia through ;1 train parting on an inclineIrish newspapers liked "ie King, but -still harp on Homo Rule and independence. Th,e New South Wales Treasurer is against placing the hotelkeeper at the mercy of the prohibitionists without compensating him for loss of business.

1 his evening in the First Church a •social will be held in connection with the impending departure of the pastor, the Rev. J. Gibson Smith. To the majority of people it will be the last opportunity of meeting Mr Smith before lie loaves for Wellington, a<nd in ordon that no one may be deprived of it a cordial invitation is .extended to all friends. The invitation issued from the pulpit last Sunday morning was to members, adherents and friends of First Church, and it'll those who are included in one or other of these classes will meet a hearty welcome at tho church this evening. The occasion foT> the social, is such that a crowded attendance is assured. Full reports of the decisions in the Fortrose liquor cases will be found on page four. - , The broken weather experienced in Invercargill during the past fortnight doe-i not, sec to have been so bad in the Western District, for ploughing has proceeded apace during that period. On Sunday heavy rain fell in the Otautau district, but higher up country the day was not n bad one. The Otniitau stream rose rapidly all da v. but none of the other streams were affected.. The deer liberated ia the Lillburn district some few seasons ago appear to have flourished well. Two hinds, with young, have been seen recently by settlers, one ol them being almost tame"— jumning in und out of the paddocks at will. The Martyn llagan Comedy Company continue to give tho utmost satisfaction to their patrons at the Zealandia Hall. This evening further variety will be given to the entertainment in the shape of a baby show, tho audience to be the arbiters and judges, and the prize an up-to-date pram, to wheel the triumphant infant home in. Southland stables are to be well represented at the forthcoming Grand National meeting at Christchurch— from Gore goes Southerly Huster ; from Winton, Typhoon and Fright : from Ifeddon Hash, Agent ; and from InvercargiU. Andy Regan Southland has neven sent such a frtring forward before, and the plucky owners deserve to bring home a win. On a second scrutiny it was found that Mr J. I fun tor, of Forest Hill, tied with Ittr O . «-. Wel-b. of Clifton, in the iurkfrv-k'iif__inir competition i\t the Poultry Show last \vo_Kj. The Southland Rifle Club lire the first stage of a two-range competition for the third trophy presented by Mr A. \ • llawkc, presidjent. The range to-day will bo "00yds ; 10 shots and handicap. in ( the evening a tniangular match between the Oreti and Mercantile Rifles and the Club will take place in the Giunson HalL The 1 n ve? cargill Harriers iuii their 5 mile handicap race to-day. starting from the Hospital at 3 p.m. The attention of those who aie interested in the last of the series of Win ci Lectures is directed to the postponement, which it has been found expi-dient to make. Tho final course, in which Mi G. M. Thomson will deal .nth New Zealand plant life, -is now nxed loi next week. TW a Arc in Caimpbelltown, at 5 a.m. Yesterday, a four-roomed cottage in Liffey street was destroyed, the li.mates escaping with nothing bit their night clothes Tho cottage was owned by Mi W Sycamore, and tenanted by AliL-le-nient, his wife and two .mildr.n. Much sympathy is felt for the family, who were unable to .save anything Ihe building is insured for £fiO in the Commercial Union oflice- This ts the seventh firo that has occurred in I h/i township during the past twelve months. As the recent controversy in the London papers has drawn attention to tne extended use of grain spirit in Scot™ whisky, Messrs James Watson and to.. Ltd., distillers, Seagate. Dundee, desire to state that they make pure Hifhlan malt whisky only. Attention i_ directed to advertisement elsewhere. A mining flume is carried oyer the OtVo Central railway at a height ot 6*> ifeet. During tho recent frost a cvi- ."„-, 'n, IC e v.-«.=T formed fi-ora the railway to the race, the only break therein iw- - s*? h S_o -IS« »o?el h ancl°pSy 9 SS-T?; Sd^flßappearanca Is earnestly I

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Southland Times, Issue 19116, 5 August 1903, Page 2

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THS Southland Times PUBLISH EVERY MORNING. Luceo Non Uro. WEDNESDAY, 5th AUGUST, 1903. Summary of News. Southland Times, Issue 19116, 5 August 1903, Page 2

THS Southland Times PUBLISH EVERY MORNING. Luceo Non Uro. WEDNESDAY, 5th AUGUST, 1903. Summary of News. Southland Times, Issue 19116, 5 August 1903, Page 2