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PREVENTED BY CimfflJßA SOAP. THFATTIEST — tbt scalp nr.d hnirv. >■), 1 v.w.n shampoos of Cl'TK'ir.A t~ ••!■, rii.;-- -wiiti ■. inn wiiU-r, dry. and ap:>ly a li_-ht drcf>«!n:' oi > ■Vt:citr», purest of emollient skin cures, i'ti. ly '1 fnt Di lie scalp. This tre ■tinent -will clc;ir t o Rrnlp and hair of crusts, 6ca>B, and dnnclmll', s -n.n,->iiT!i .tod mwl ltrl.ii>(f pni-rai-0,1, (-ripply tl-e t ...,is-vii|! nil rcy mii'l nun nshin. -lit, and inat'c tliu j :,..'.[• Ki' !1 «'. wlu-n all oNo Luis. f-.iiii by all Cnioniai Clii>mi«lß. Pivttbr Dnuo and ) ii Coep., Sole Props., B-^tcu, V. fc. A. : Special Advertisement Coiumn . 117 ANTED— An experienced erenerftl servant "» Apply Mrs J. L. Wateoa, Forth street. LOVKRS of good t« sbouid try Baxter's Famoui Biva Tea at Is 6d per Ib ; graod value. '■ ANTED— GirI, about 14, to help with house " » worfe. Apply Office this Paper. STATE rf late Z. I Siott-Seotions U, 15, 10 ( * Blrck XIX, Campbelltown, for pale ; eeparatelj or Id one lot, R. J. Oumming Land aud KBtat< Agent, Athenaium Chimberg, nveroargi 1 Floral Fete 19th Feb. NB.- Entries close for the programme to-day • Saurday, 15th. Seo advb FOB SALE —At low price, to quit, Hirinbj' reapei aud binder. Oarawell and Co , Kafc a' reet. I i MATADBi HOBTIOULTURAL &OOIETY ANNUAI SHOW WEDNESDAY, 19th FEBRUARY, 190S CHEAP Fars. Freezing Works and Paper Mil! thrown open to the public. J. C. MAcGaEGOB, Seoretary RICHARDSON Grass - s eed Cleaners ; hand driven. A few only in stock. Oarawell and Go, agents. F>B SALE— Several desirable residsnres and vacant sites in tnveroargill aud suburbs. Apply to O&rewell and Co. the popularity of Rambler Cycles in i Southland— At Otaatau Sports Id the cycling events of the Dine competitors euht rode Ramblni bioyoles and they won all piizea. tt&mblers have won every wheel race in Southland this season. Call and have a look at the stock of Swift and Rambler Oyc'es held by k. MUKI- 1 "., corner of Leven street and Prince of Wales Lane. SOUTHLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION A PPLIOATIONS, with testimonials, from teachers A. oompeteDtto fill tin fellowiig vaoanciea will be reoeived at this office up to Monday, the 24th February : - Group A— Head teachers (male or ft male) in the fallowing eohools : 1 Pyramid Siding : Salary, £l36 per annum 2 Oteramika : Salary, £139 per anoum 3 Haldane : Salaiy, £121 per annum i Otara : Salary, £110 lOi per annum 5 Merrivale ; Salary, £110 10a par annum 6 Skippers Beefa : Salary, £98 per annum 7 Hamilton Burn : Sa'ary, £34 per annum 8 Pins Bush : Salary, £72 per annnm 9 Dacre: Salary, £64 per annum 10 Upper Shotover ■ Salary, £30 perannum 11 Kaisreraand Slopedown : ( Half time schools) with probable sub&idy by school committee ; ealiry, £120 (.er ai<nam In the case of Dicre there is no'residence. Group B : District High Schools : 1 Winton : (a) First assistant ; salary £S0 per annum. Applicants must be qualified to t ach secondary subjeots oo account of which an addition of £50 per annum will be made to the salary (b) Special assistant, galaryj £;0 per annum 2 Gore : Special assistant, salary, £80 per annum 3 Mataura : Special assistant, Balary, £80 per annum In this group the engagement will io each case be ( for one yeir.with prospect of being permanent should the Bis rict HI gh Schools prove successful Group O : Waianiwa : ilißtrees, salary, £85 per annum Group D: Pupil teachers (four h class) in the following si hools : Mataura (two Pi's) Bluff, Invercargill north | If qualified applicants for any position in group* A, B and O are invited to produce evidence of abi'ity t~> teach music ai d doling. Applicants for positions in Group D are n quired to state (a) thei r »ge, (b) literary qualifications, (c) any evidence th> y may have of ability to teach sewing, singing tnd phys'cal exercises. JOHN KEILL, Secretary. Education Office, 14th Feb , 1902 WANTED to sell, on account of owner leaving South Island, dwelling house in Dalrympl «oad. Half-acie of land. Apply to P. F. Whitcombe, Railway Department. Title uoder Land Trantf- r Act. Terms to suit purchaser RAVA TEA is very popular, right for the pa'ate, only Is 6d per lb. To be had from J 8 Baxter. FOB B ALB- An acre of land at Pilot Station, Bluff, with 8-rcomed dwelling house, In firstclass order. Price £360 ; easy terms of purchase. O W BrowD, Land and Kstate Agent, Ksfe street, Inveroargill »*AA AOREI at Etal Creek, Wairakl District, tJvJvv for sale; c!o»e to the Reaumont Estate recently acquired by the Government ; 10 miles from Mgh'Cftpß Ktilway Mation. All capable ot cultivation. R. J. Oumming, Land and Kstate Agent, Athenseum Chambers, Jnvercarcargill. WANTED TO LET— A store in Llddel Btreet 1 opposite Maokerrai and Hazlett's. For par ticulara apply Robert Cleave BOROUGH OF INVERGABGILL INSPECTOR oF NUISANCES i PPLIOATIONS will be received up till 4 p.m 0" A Thursday, 20th February, 1902, for the portion of Inspector ot Nuisances for the Borouzh of Invercargill. Wages at the rate of £160 per annum applicants must give Information as to their quUlflo»tiona tor the position and particulars of theii previous experience. Duties to commenoe from date of appointment. Particulars of duties, ete, may be obtained at the Municipal offices. WU YOUNG. Town Clerk. Municipal Offices, Invercargill, Bth February, 1902. OA. 2r. 29p. for Bale, being seotion 11, block 19, Invercargill Hundrtd. Clifton, Bluff road, i room house, 0 months old, and eoullery. Thret rooms 14 x 12, kitchen 14 x 16. and lean-to scullery Fowl house and fowl run; good vegetable garden price low; terms it desired. W B Scandrett, Lane Agent, uiper floor, oorner Dee and Eals Streets, Inveroargill. SIMO N'S RECORD BOOT SALE STUDY EVERY LINE r ' ladW and Gir)B' Evening Shoes . . Is lid Ladles' Plush Slippera . . - . . . Is r Ladies' GlacieWalkiDtfißhoes.. .. Ss lid ' Men's Nailed B'uchere * 8 lld Men'B Walking Shoes (sewn) .. .. Oa 6d ' Infants' Brown Hair Shoes . . . . Is 9d 1 (worth 3» lid) 9 NORTH BRITISH GUM BOOTS r^^MM^^^f BOOT SALE ! DEE STREET. IF you find it hard to make both ends meet, ecot omiee by using Hondai-Lanka tea. The bet value in pure tea. _^___ e XJUE have good Iteasons for claiming your patro '" age. In Hondai-Lanka Tea you get tip-to quality at reasonable prices. That's reason ! > rTtKY Baxter's Rava Tea next time, only Is 6d pi '■ X Ib., eood quality, rich liquor. fli>e ll.vour TO LET a four roomed furnished house at Blul oloee to beach and S minutes' walk from lai j way station. For address apply J Dale's store. T^O LET- 3 Rooms, above > airy Supplv Co., oorn« ~ 1 N ilh and Tay streets, suitable for offices c dre-i , maker. W B £candretc, upper floor, corner Dee an " sk streets, Invercargill IjtOß SALE— A three roomed cottage and exoellet 1. eeotion in O'Hara street, Kilbrony, near Kill ,e Road for £145. R J Oumming, Land and Estal 3 Agent, Athemeum Chambers, Inveroargill FOR sale or to let a new house of five rooms wil half acre land, house is well finished throughoi i and has Venetian blinds, tanks and water laid in d scullery; email stable and cowshed. \V B. Seai r- drett, Land Agent, upper floor, comer Dee and Eg etreete, Invercargill

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Southland Times, Issue 15171, 15 February 1902, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 15171, 15 February 1902, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 15171, 15 February 1902, Page 3