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Special Advertisement Oolumn U> ANTED Visitors hefore going home, to Buy a L'tary or Pa-.ket Xrnas Cards, parcel Of Toys, Crockery, Fancy Good?, Illustrated Lo<don paper with pioiures, Christmas Otago Witness. Chatterbox, or other nlos booS» for children -Kkensteen Bras ani (Jo. EKtiN*TEBNb' Salvage Sale, Don street, opposite Todd's Auction Mart. * isitors sbould give a call if they want real bargains in Presents, Portmanteaux, Gladstone and Brief Bags, Hat Boxes, Crockery, Tinware, Tuys, Fanoy Goods, Albums, Wedding t'resentß, UIQCKe, Traye, Books, Christinas Cards, Picture rrames, rlaciuee, Lawn TeDuis Ra?qu'B and Net 1 , Sunday gohool tickets, Tools, Cutlery and Bpo-n», Games, Berlin Wool, Tricyoleß, Ironmongery, and thousands ot etcetera?. WANTED, at once, a boy to milk cows and make himself generally useful on a farm. Apply, R. M. McOallum, Edendale FOR^ALE— A feotbn in Tweed itreet, close to Clyde Street. nJOummlng-, Land and tsUte Agerjt, Atnentoum Chamberß. WANTED- Reapectable young 1 lady as barmaid references. API ly southland Hotel, Gore. WANTED— To borrows 1000 for 5 yare on r.rst etas* freehold property ; state interest A. B. 0., Times Office. LOST-l red and white cow, strawbbrry faced ; on the 11th lust, from »;ast road. Reward. Apply Mrs 4. Watson, KastKoad STRAWBERSIKS and Cream, the flratof the season at OhihiDga Tea ttoom, (Ascent— Only Sixpence I iJ/a Acre Farm, five miles from town, new six_L7sV room dwelling, dUiry, cow b^re, stable, orchard for sale, £850. Terms to suit buyer if sufficient depOßlt Is made. Apply W. B ricandrett, Land Agent, corner Dee and Eoh atreete, Invercargil). ALL Olairas against the late Mr John McGregor, of Mskarewft, farmer, are requested to be sent forthwith >n duplicate certified as oorrect to the undersigned. 8 J AM SS HARVEY, Solicitor for tbe bxcoutors Jnvercarßill, Uth December, 1900 RUN 3010 acre 9, and 200 acres freehold with cotUge, 20 acres cultivated, tor sale £1 U. Owner dtceaßed. Good cattle niD, 20 miles from InviroarfciU. Fine chance for young man with knowledge of stook Atply W. B. Mandreit, Land Agent, corner Dee and Ksk streets, Invercargill. SAHTA OIi&UB HAS ARRIVED SANTA GLAUS wishes to inform the public that he has, as usual, taken up his abode at Miss btone's Magic Cave, I'es strett, and has brought with him all the most wonderful toys imaginable. Oal. and tee them. WANTEn Cook for a station. Apply Tothiil, Wateon and Oo FR Exceptional Va'ue in Ladies' While Undersklits, beautifully trimmed, 5i Ud io 16s 6d, try W. L&WIS A uvmpaNY. FARM, Seaward Downs, 337 acres, with d#. lilng. To lejse tot a teim of Uve ytars. Apply W. v. ecandretr, Land Agent, corner Vee and tut street*, Invercargil). I>HE SCRPBI3R OLOVE-Well named; a verit- . able surprise ; a White K:d Glove, 4 buttons, black stitched bicks, for Is Cd per pair, honenly worth 2s lid pair. W. LKWId ti tn>MPA*V. 17U)RSALtt-A)lotments63and64, Clifton, nearly J? 4 acres fronting Bluff Rood, in township. Cottage of 4 rooms. R. J. Cumming, land and Estate Agent, Alhtnayjm Chambers, Invercargil WLBWI3 & COMPAJ»Y have all shades in • l adieu" Novelty Si k 1 ies, fringe^ enO, lsed. O EGAS— Portable Model by Bell Co., on terms, fcs4d monthly Lrewlen Piano Co, Lillicrap and Co, a!r»ntß, KBftßtreet WANTED KNOWN— For Board and ResWenoe and a Oomfortable Home, MR* ATKINbON'B the top of Tay street is the Cheapest House in town, Qarring none. Beds and meals 6d eaon. A trial olioited Dry Firewood for sale WLKWH ft COMPANY have a oharming • assoitmenoof shades in pongu Silks lstkl yard. FOR SALE— A suburban property, 20 minutes walk from Dee street, 8 roou a, scullery, dairy, wash-house, stable, workshop, sheds; li acres, b. J. Cumming. Lana and Kktate Agent, AthenuiUm Chambers, Invercargill. WANTED KNOWN— Tbat Mra Durham's, Tay street, is tbe best and oheapest place in town or board and lodging. Meal a 64 nod good beds. I>YPEWRITBRS — Remington still leading -On . sale new and second hand— brief and letter sizes-for cash or time payment Requisites kept. RICHARD ALLRN, Agent WANTED KNOWN To My Customers and the Publio Generally. THE LITTLB BOOT SHOP, ESK STREET, Opposite the Police fetation, IS THE PLACE TO BUY Boots and Shoes Cheap for Cash During the Nest Two W«ekeSeveral job lints bought while in Christchurcb w.ll be sold at Uidiculous Prices. CALL EARLY AND SECURE THESE BARGAINS THOS. CRAW LEY, BOOTMAKER. LOST— 8 lieid of cattle from a paddock near Hedgehope, supposed to hive gone towards Ua aura. Finder rewarded on application to P. A. Vyner, Beljrrave House. 1 /WWa LADIES' and Girls' Trimmed Sailor A V" " Hals, trotn is to 0s 6d. Our straws only oeed to be seen to be appreciated. W. LEWIS AND COMPANY. WANTED KNOWN-All kinds of Laundry work, CITY LAUNDRY, Kye street SHIRTS, Collars and Blouses ironed and glazed. CITY LAUNDRY, tye street. TTISITOBS to town aie requested to send their V linen tothe OITY LAUNDttY, Eye s treeu WINDOW Curtains done up as good as new at the OITY LAUiSDBY. ALL Plain LiDen mangled, 2 pence per dozen, aUheCITf LAUNDRY. MONEY at 4J per cent, in »vms of £1000 and at 5. 5| and 6 per cent according to amount of loan and locality of security. Apply W. B. Bcandrett, Land Agent, corner Dee and Eak street*, Invsrargill . WLKWH & COMPANY have a beautiful • asHortmeutof Blou'ing Silks In Blick and White Checks at Is 1 Id yard. FOR SALE a hcuse of six rooms, bath, Bcullery, washhouse, stable, and half acre well laid off in Mary street, Katt Inveioarjsi I. R J Cummiog, Land and Estate Agent, Atbenwum Chambers, (nvercarglll. SOUTHLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION. A PPLICATIOMS, with testimonials, from Teach«re A. oompetent to fll the following vacancies *»U be co eived at this office up to Tuesday, the 18ih lnst :— 1. Blufl— MUtreM salary, £115 per annum. 2. Athol— Head Teacher, present salary (male) £131, (female) £117 per annum, with residence. 3. Arthurs Point— nead Teacher, salary according to average attendance. 4. Skippers Reefs— Head Teacher, present salary (male) tUIS, (female) £1(10 per annum. JNO. NEILL, Secretary. Education Olllre, Invcrcargill,.7th December, 1000. Trout Fishing Season, 1900. FRANK AT STEANS, IMPORTER OP RODS, BEKLS, LINES, BAITS FLIES, Etc. FOR RIVER, LAKE AND SEA FISHING. One of the most complete np-to-dato collections of AnglingHßequisites to select from. NOTHING BUT SUITABLE AND RELIABLE GOODS bTOIKED. PRICES MOST REASONABLE. Inspection and Inquiry oordially invited. FISHING LICENSES ISSUED. Southland Agent for the " BUOHAN " Trout Flies. i FRANK a7~BTEANS, i 80UTHLASD PISHING TAOKLE DEPOT, ! DKB STBBKT, INVIKCAKOILL.

: ANOTHER TERRIFIC SUCCESS HUNDREDS TURNED AWAY UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION TO TIT IRTH BROTHERS' ROYAL CIRCUS ANI) MENAGE Klfi TO-NKSHT! TONIGHT! POSITIVELY LAST APPEARANCE Another Monster Programme THIS AFTERNOON AT 3 O'CLOCK Children's Grand Festival CHILDREN ADMIITTED FOR 6d to Gallery Is CARPET SEAT J , 2s CHAIRS Adults as usual 2s, 3s, 4a. Booking office at C ha?. Begg and Cos. OPENING GORE, FRIDAY, FOB TWO MGIIT4 ONLY gI.UFF PUBLIC SCHOOL Friday, 14th December, 1900 S i n.-PBIZE DKLIVKBV. Address by Mayor of Campbelltown. Parents and Friends Cordially invited. 8 r X.— Annual School Entertainment : Operetta, " DICK WHITTINGTOv," Drill Hall. ADuISSION .. Is6dandls. GRAND PERFORMANCE OF "MESSIAH" BY Combined Church Choirs In THEATRE ROYAL oo TUESDAY, 18th DECEMBER, In aid of Musioal Union Funds. Box Plan openab Lillicrap's from Tuesday, nth in ft. INVEBOARGILL C I T V B AND. GKAND PICNIC, GORGE ROAD, (Seaward Bush line) BOXING DAY, DECEMBER 26, 1000. 2 S RETURN FARE *£ 3 not Water an 4 Milk Supplie-1. CLIFTON, WOODEND AND BLUFF ATHLETIC SOCIETY. ENTRIES for 100 yds, Clifton Handicap (120 yds), 220 yds, Quarter Mile, Half Mile, Mi'e, Uiorpi'g Handicap, Maiden Sawing, Standing Chop and Sawing Handicap close on SATURDAY, loth ItfST., With Mr W. Tulloch, Princess Hotel, Invercargill; Mr M. Da'ton, Clifton Hotel, or the Secretary, Post Office, Clifton. W. MITCHELL, Mxretarv Vf-ATAURA ATHLBTIC BOOIBTT. ANNUAL (SPORTS, BOXING DAY 26th DECEMBER. Fntries for the Sheffield, 220, 440, Half-mile and Mile, 220 Hurdles and District have been extended til) SATURDAY, 15th DECEMBER. Programmes on application to E. J. CAMERON, Secretary. r^TAUTAU HACK RACES To bo hikl at OTAUTAU On WEDNESDAY., 26th DECEMBER £60 in "STAKES 1. HURDLE RACE IIANdTcAP (open), 6 aovs ; 1J mile 2. FLYING HANDICAP, 7 soys; 4 furlongs . HANDICAP TIME TROT, 7 soys ; 2 miles. Open to hones that have never won 5 soys in one stake 4. OTAUTAU OUP HANDICAP (Welter), 10 MVB ; 1 mile 5. STEEPLEOHASB HANDICAP, 10 soys; ty miles 0. OPEN WBLTBR HANDICAP, 8 wv 9 ; 1J mile 7. JUMPING COMPETITION, 0 B6va, Post entry. 8. CONSOLATION HANDICAP, 4 soys ; onoe round course. ENTRIES CLOSE 10th DECEMBER, With R. NISBETT, Secretary. OtauUu - TFTINTON CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. 22nd Annual Sports. BOXING DAY (26th DECEMBER) 1900. 1. Quoits (handicap), £2 10s, and silver medol from Mr J>s Wilson ; entry 2a 2. Maiden 100 Yards, £1 109 ; entry 18 6d 3. Youtbb' 220, &17»6d; entry Is 4. Caledonian Handicap, )3O vardf, £8, and a £1 Is trophy from Mcsjra Broad, fcniall and Co : entry 4t f>. Bagpipes — Strathspeys and reels, £3; entry '2s Od 0 High Lfan, £l 10a ; entry Is Od 7, Footbivll Race, 110 yards, £l and a trophy value £1 Is from Messrs Anhur Briecoe and Co ; entry Is 6d 8. One Mile Uace, £3 108, and a trophy value £1 Is from N.Z. Hardware Oo ; entry 2k 6d i). 220 > lat Handicap, £3 10s ; entry 2«6d 10. Highland Fling, £1 ifcg ; entry la 6d 11. Vaulting, si lOo; entry >n ed 11 220 Yards Hurdle Race, £3 10s; entry 2a 6d 13. YouthV 150 Yards HurJlef, £1 la M, and • trophy value 10s 6d by Messrs Thomson, Bridger and Oo ; entry Is 14. Married 1 adies* Uace, box of tea valus Ka 6d by McKay Bros 15. Throwing Crioket Ball, £1 os ; entry Is 16. Irish Jifr, £1 10s ; entry Is 6d 17. 440 Yard* Handicap, £3 10 a ; entry 2s 6d 18. 100 Yards Hand leap, £1 10.*, and a silver medal given by Mr Hunter (President); entry 2s 10. Log Sawintr, £4 ; entry 4s 20. HaTf-Mile Handloap, £3 IPs; ent<v, 2s 6d 21. Log Chopping, £5 5s (trophy by the Hon. J. Q. Ward), second £l ; entry 2s (id 2-2. Mile Bicycle Race, Acet) line lamp value 30a «ud an oil lamp «(iven by Messrs Uegarty Bros A Silver Medal will be (riven by the fioe'ety for the winner of most points in the running events — See posters. Entrirg to bo sent not later than 8 p.m., 18 h December, for events 4, 8, 0, 12, 17, 18, 20. ROBERT WILBON, Secretary. ■pIVERTON ANNUAL REGATTA. Boxing Day, December 26, 1000 FOUR OARED OCTRIGOSO RACK (opes), £20. N.Z.A.B.A. Rules. WHALE BO AT RAOP, £8. MAIDKN PAIRS, DINGY RACES, SAILING RACE and other Aqual io Events. The Steam Launoh will run Excursions) during th<; day EXCURSION FARES. For full particulars see posters. T 8 MITCHELL, Hon. BecreUry W LEWIS ft COMPANY h«va a magnificent • assortment of Ladles' Umbrellas and Sunshades in prices ranging from Is od to 32s 6d neb. Can supply a tlrst-olass Umbrella, sterling s'lver mount*, 4s 6d each. WHAT is the use of paying more when you can get tbe best or bread for Sd the Jib lo»f at R MEBKDITH, Orocer.Tay street f~^OOK'B TOURS— Paeeengrera booked from Blun to \j Australia thenoe by rail to Sydney, Adelaide and elsewhere. Passengers booked from Blufl to London by all routes at current rates, no extra charges. Apply, W B. Scandrett, agent for Cook Si bon, corner Dee and Eak street*. Invercarglll. FOR the Boys ! For tha Country ! For the Holidays 1 For the Seaside ! For good wear !— Tbe B'den-Powell Suit, procurable ONLY at W. IBWI3 AND COMPANY'S.

for the goal, to be successful, 1 depends on the quality of the JnKttk To be successful, requires in |^W other things, besides football, \t< r* seii'denial. ...» We have thrown a quarter of W r «s.r-» a century'i work into our ■'^2&>~ earnest endeavours to make mL}\ J d&^^~' ~ DER Bl Tobacco Perfect in Quality, Faithful in Manufacture, and Unique in Flavour. Question: HAVE WE SUCCEEDED? Answer : 3,000,000 lbs. are sold annually throughout Australasia. 19 You needn't Rush it — every Tobacconist and Storekeeper sells Dnb\.

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Southland Times, Issue 14512, 13 December 1900, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 14512, 13 December 1900, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 14512, 13 December 1900, Page 3