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Local and General.

Passengers by the 1% Ventura,'' which arrived at Pago Pago "on Monday, were allowed to go on shore.

We hear on good authority that the Influenza .Epidemic Commissioners have presented their report, and further that the report is in the printer's hands. It is assumed that the printed document will be circulated in due course, and will be available in Samoa at an early date.

Mr. Gustav Kliukmuller, whom we announced last week as trustee of the late Dr. Grcvel's estate, was appointed under Dr, Grevel's will. It might have appeared that the appointment was made uuder Administrative authority.

A. meeting of creditors in the estate of Allan Williams, deceased, will be held in the Courthouse, Apia, an Wednesday, September 10, at 9.30 a.m.

A prohibition order has been issued against Domingo Reis, commonly known as " Domingo " or " Mingo," and will remain in force for three months. Persons are warned against supplyiug him with liquor and he is'uQt permitted to enter licensed premises.

Messrs. Skeates and Whiu P.O. Box 59, Auckland, {l „ nounce in our advertisemen columns that mail orders !,, motor cars, motor cyclebicycles and all allied acre sories, can be ' with every steamer. The-, are agents for B. S, A Bicycles, Indian Motor Cycles and Oakland Cars. Thos interested should send for catalogue.

The Marist Sisters' Schoc at Savalalo will re-open o Monday next, September ist.

A complaint reaches us from Mulivai protesting against filthy practice on the part oJ certain natives, who are alleged to habitually pollute the rive and its banks at the rear or Groves' store.- While the recent drought lasted whit< people in the neighbourhood were compelled to reserve their limited supplies of water for drinking purposes alone, and in order to perform then ablutions water had to btcarried from the river iut< their bathrooms. In the earl \ morning, when this was done. the condition of the rive: banks at the spot mentioned was often so offensive that, a long detour had to be made and the water obtained from a point higher up the stream. The disgusting practice indicated is of continual occurrence, and the offenders it ; s hoped will receive the at f ilions of the police.

A rumour is in circulation that the Seventh Day Actveutist mission in Samoa will shortly be abandoned, the reason assigued being the alleged discouraging results attendant «n When asked for confirmation of this stoiy Pastor jSteed smiled. ''We. never haul down the flag, and we never will," he said. The woithy pastor authorised an unqualified denial of the statement. Far from giving- up the Mission, it was their iuteution iu the near future to appoint additional missionaries to carry on the work in Samoa, which was progressing in a satisfactory manner, and gave much hope for the future. As soon as arrangements can be made Mr. Ho.wse will take a wellearned furlough, but this and other developments depend on the annual Conference, which ought to have ,takeu place iu June, but has been delayed owing to the difficulty" of getting the representatives of the movement in the various islands together.

Messrs. Cadbury and Frys, probably two of the largest manufactures oi cocoa and chocolates in the world, have decided to combiue forces with a capital of many millions sterling. The preseut capital of the two concerns amounts to

A native race meetiug will be held at Laloraanu on Saturday, September 13.

The Bishop-elect of Melanesia, the Rev. J. M. Steward, iu the course of an interview in Auckland, in reference to the Solomon Islands, stated that 4l under favourable ship. ping airaugenieuts there would be a . market for bananas." Touching on the labour question in regard to accelerated copra output, he said-—" At preseut there was sufficient labour available for work going on, but should there be a great, deal more settlement difficulty might be experienced in fiuding sufficient labour.

Mr. Joseph Stowers will open a garage between the premises of Messrs. Rothschild and P. C. Fabricius on Mouday next for the conveuieuce of the motoring pubHc.

Capt. R. Carter has been appointed Acting Provost Marshal, in the tenporary absence of Capt, J. M. Gillespie, and Lieut. Wollerman takes up the duties as Assistant Provost Marshal.

The motor ship Oregon is expected to reach Pago Pago this week end and it is more than likely that she will arrive at Apia towards the latter part of next week

s. Whatever shortage there may he iu some districts, the supply of riative foodstuffs in Aleipata, according to a correspondent, is adequate to the needs of the people. Bread fruit is about, finished, lout there is a plentiful reserve of taro, bananas, and yams any amount of everything, as our informant put it. The natives, he says, were uever so well off for money, and are prodigal iu the spending of it, so much so that the only worry traders have is the difficulty experienced in replenishing their stocks. Evidently the copra boom, with the resultant higher prices to the natives, is reflecting itself iu a state of affairs which it is most vratifying to record.

The advantage of posting letters when ready was fully demonstrated on Wednesday morniug when the Prinzessin called at this port. The postal Department despatched mails for America and Europe, but as very short notice was given, practically only mail matter already posted was despatched.

Oue, at least, of our arterial roads, that to Mulifauua, is in a shocking condition at present. It is probably the best used road in Samoa, and those who are "bilged to travel-on it by motorcar or ta'avale, are t 0

be commiserated with. We hear <,f all sorts of miuor accidents to ears as a result of the lou S stretches of cobble stones which protrude -several inches above the surface and drivers must be expert and particularly careful to negotiate the many difficulties. When a public works policy comes iuto existence ~ and prayers for such are many - the Mulifanua Road should be one of the first improvements to be effected.

The attention of motor-ear owners is drawn to an announcement affecting them in our advertisement columns.

The following passengers arrived per the Talune on the 22ud inst.:— Misses Hewett, Lloyd, Winter, Ryan, and Mesdames Craig - McKerrow and Maid, Tate and 2 children, Hay-MacKen'zie and child; Messrs. Eecles, Norton, Wilcox, Tatcheli. Hay-Mackenzie, Paterson, Johnston, and Aunandale.

The local office of the U.S.S. Coy. is in receipt of advice that the " Atua " left Sydney on Wednesday 27 th inst. She has a full cargo of foodstuffs and coal for Suva and will proceed to that port direct. She also has 176 tons of Apia cargo on board which will be transhipped to the "Talune" at Suva and will reach this port about the middle of next month.

The Mail Steamer " Niaga" ra" left Sydney on 28th inst. and calls at Auckland and Suva, leaving the latter port for Honolulu and Vancouver on Friday nth September.

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Bibliographic details

Samoanische Zeitung, Volume 19, Issue 35, 30 August 1919, Page 4

Word Count

Local and General. Samoanische Zeitung, Volume 19, Issue 35, 30 August 1919, Page 4

Local and General. Samoanische Zeitung, Volume 19, Issue 35, 30 August 1919, Page 4