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Beautiful weather favoured the Autumn Show yesterday. There was a record number of exhibits, all the available space being filled. In the fruit section there were over 200 entries, some very fine apples, nectarines and peaches being shown. In the Out Flowers class exhibitors made a mistake by not conforming to the rales, a number of, exhibits being disqualified by the judge for this reason. There were some fine samples of cooking in the bread and sweets class and the judges had a task to determine the winners. Some fine work was exhibited in sewing and needlework. The entries in tbe incised wood carving excited general admiration, the carved occasional table being a credit to the exhibitor. In the Public School Competitions entries were disappointing, there being practically no competition; this also applied to the needlework section in the same class. The attendance was good and great interest was displayed by the public in the exhibits. Mr Guthrie, M.P., in a few words welcomed those present and declared the Show open. He made reference to the poor entries in the Public Schools Competition, saying he was sorry that the scholars hadsnot 'availed themselves of the opportunity to exhibit their work. It was the first time that sheep and horses had been included in the schedule and be hoped the entries would encourage the committee to continue these classes in tbe future Mr R. J. Williamson, of Kawhatan, made a splendid exhibit of potatoes. Afternoon tea was provided under able supervision. The officials and judges are to be congratulated on the smooth way in which the arrangements were carried out. The secretary and his assistant had a strenuous time, but abiy carried,out thslr duties. The following are the results: —

POT PLANTS. Foliage plant: Miss Managh 1. Basket of New Zealand ferns Miss Matilda Zohs h.c.

Flowering plant, pot: Miss Zohs 1, Miss Managh 2.

OUT FLOWERS. Rose, one bloom: Mrs Q. M. Dixon 1 and 2. Roses, 6 blooms: Mrs A. Rhodes 2. Roses, collection: Mrs Managh 2. Dahlias, 3 varieties: F. W. Stringer 1. Dahlias, cactus, 6 varieties: F. W. Stringer 1, Mrs O’Keefe 2. Antirrhinums: Mrs A. Rhodes 1, E. Rummell 3. - Pansies: Myrienne Stewart 1. Gladioli: Mrs O’Keefe 2. Carnations: Mrs u’Keefe 2. Phlox Drum: Mrs J. Maher 1, Mrs J. Johnston 2.

Geraniums: Mrs Essou 1, Mrs Rhodes 2. Zinnias:.L. P. Apperley 2, Sweet Peas: Mrs Esson 1, Mrs Linton 2. Cut Flowers: N. Wefton 1. Table bouquet: Mrs J. Johnston 1 and 3. Spray bouquet: Mrs J. Johnston 2. FOR CHILDREN ONLY. Bouquet of wild flowers: Miss McKinnon 3. Bouquet of cut flowers: Marjorie Graham 1, I. and D. Hinks 2, Basket of New Zealand ferns: Kathleen Graham 1. FRUIT Apples, Coxs Orange: F. Heerdegen 1. W. A. Officer 2, Moore Bros, n.c. Apples, Jonathan:: E. Managh 1, H. Rodewald 2, Moore Bros. h.c. Apples, Sturmer: J. McKay 1, Roy Johnston 2, F. Heerdegen h.c. Apples, dessert: Mrs G. Kraeger I, O. Travis 2, N. Zohs and J. McKay h.c. Apples, heaviest: Moore Bros. 1 and 2. Apples, cooking: E, Managh 1, O Trovia 2 and h.c. Apples, dessert, four varieties: H. Rodewald 1, Moora Bros. 2, F. Heerdegen h.o. Apples, cooking, three varieties: Moore Bros. I, E. Managh 2, O. Travis h.c. Apples, case export; Roy Johnston 1 and 2. Peaches: F. Heerdegen 1, B, Managh 2, J. Maher h.o. Pears: Moore Bros. 1, P. Heerde gen 2, S. A. R. Mali h.c. Pears, dessert: Mcora Bros. 1, Mrs Maher 2, F, Heerdegen and S. A. R. Mair h.o.

Pears, cooking; F. Heerdegen 1 and 2.

Plums, English: N. Zoha 1, Mrs L, Weston 2 and h.o.

Plumi<, Japanese: Matilda Zohe 1, Mrs F. M. Deighton 2, R. Johnston h.o. Quinces: R. Crowtber 1, Moose Bros. 2, Jas. Maher h.o. Tomatoes: Myrienne Stewart. Walnuts: Matilda Zohs. Plate of fruit: E. Managb 1, D. Turnbull 2, F. Heerdegen h.c. Collection fruit: F. Heerdegen 1, J. McKay h.o. YEGETALBES. Broad beans: Mr Weeks. Runner beans: W. F Hammond. Dwarf beans; J. R. Eason 1, Rnmmell 2, O. Krebs h.o. Beet, round: C. McKinnon 1, Alex McDonald 2. - Cabbage: R. Williamson 1 and 2. Red cabbage: Roy Johnston 1 and 2, E. Maaagh h.o. Carrots, long: J. Maher 1 and 2, Miss Loye h.o. Carrots, short: Dr. Tarnbolll, H. Searle 2, O. McKinnon h.o. Cucumbers: O. Krebs 2. lettuce: R. Crowtber 2. Leeks: H, Searle 1. Pie melons: J. Maher 1. Onions, keepers: G; A. Bailey 1, L. Weston 2, G. A. Bailey h.o. Onions, heaviest: L. P. Opperley 1, J. McKey 2. Peas: Cooper 2, Parsnips: J. Maher 1, W. Russell 2, J. Johnston h.o. Potatoes, white: Moore Bros. 1, li. Weston 2. ' „

Potatoes, heaviest: Moore Bros'; 1, Mrs Williamson 2. Potatoes, Moore Bros. 1 and 2. Potatoes, long: R. J. Williamson 1, Moore Bros. 2. Pumpkins: E. Managh 1, J. Maher 2. Pumpkins, heaviest: J. Maher 1, E. Managh 2. Rhubarb: F. Heerdegen 1, Mrs Cooper 2, W. Rummell h.o, ; Yegetable marrows: L. Weston 1, H. Higgs 2. Vegetable. marrow, heaviest: R. Johnston 1, J; Maher 2 and h.o. FARM PRODUCE. Field carrots: L. Weston 2. Mangolds, long: J. Maher 1.

t , Marigolds, heaviest; J. Maher 2. Mangolds, globe: J. Maher 2. Brown oats: Moore Bros. 1, 3 and h.o. • , ' Sunflowers: Miss M. Hutton 2. Soft turnips: Moorp Bros. 1 and 2, F. Noble h.o. Silver beet: E. Weston 1. - Swedes: Moore Bros. 2, J. Woolston h.o. Romney flseces: W. F. Stevens 1 and 2. ' Ham, home cured: S. J. Moore 1. BREAD AND SWEETS. , Jam Sandwich: Mrs J. Moon 1, Mrs Siddle 2, Mrs A. Binning'h.o. Sponge roll: Mrs J. Moon 3, Mrs Randolph 2. Loaf bread: Mrs J. Johnston 1, Mrs S. Dickson 2, Mrs M. Deighton h.c. Brown bread: Mrs W. F. Stevens h.o. damp oven loaf: Mrs J. Maher 1 and 2.

Plain scones: Miss J. Meads 1, Mrs P. Rhodes 2, Mrs Boys h.c. Date scones: Mrs M. Graham 1, Miss K. Byers 3. ■- Girdle aoones: Mrs Managh 1, Mrs J. MoOaw 3.

Shortbread: Miss E. Binning 1, Mrs P. Rhodes 2.

Gingerbread: Mrs W. E. Stevens I, Mrs F. Rhodes 3. Pastry: Mias E. Binning 1, Mrs J. Moon 2.

Pound cake: Mrs P. Rhodes 1, Miss Boyes 2. Seep cake: Mrs J. Moon 1, Mrs Gascoigne 2. Fruit cake: Mrs A. Shields 1. Madeira cake: Mrs J. O. Murphy 1. Mrs J. Moon 3.

' Biscuits: Mrs M. Graham 1, Mrs W. Fulton 3, Mrs M., Deighton h.o. Pikelets: Mrs A. Williamson 1 and h.o.

Cream puffs: Mrs M. Deighton 1, Mrs A. Shields 2, Mrs Managh h.c.

.Sweets and toffee: Mrs W. F. Stevens 1, Miss Satohell 3. Ooooanut ice: Miss K. Byers 3, Mrs Ssevens 2, Miss F. Meads h.o. Turkish delight; Miss J. Meads 3, Mrs Stevens 2. Preserved fruits: Mrs Hornblow 3, Mrs Hinks 3.

Preserved fruits 12 months old Mrs Hornblow.

Marmalade: Mrs Klengender 3, G, Oliver 3

Jam: Mrs Gascoigne 1, Mrs Hinks

Picklet walnuts:: Mrs Lessette 1, Mrs Watkins 2.

Chutney: Mrs Gascoigne 1, Mrs R. Johnston 2.

Plnm sauce: Mrs Shield 1, Mrs R. Williamson 3.

Butter; Mrs Randolph 1, Mrs J Johnston 2.

Butter, separator: Mrs P. Rhodes 3, Mrs O’Keefe 3, Mrs Rhodes h.c. Butter, fanov: Mr J. Maher 1. Honey in comb: W. A. Officer 3, E. MoOoad h.c. INDUSTRIAL,

Plain sewing: Mrs Gascoigne. Table centre: Mrs J. Maher. Qnilt: Mrs Woolston 1 and 3, Mrs MoOoard li.c.

Ribbon work: Mrs J. Maher 1. Mrs T. W. Mills 2. Huckaback cushion: Miss MeOoatd.

Most handsome cushion: Mrs A. Gascoigne 1, Mrs Esson 2. Dawn Thread work: Mrs Esson 1, Mrs Moore 3.

Mt. Melliok work, Mrs Mills 1, Mrs Hornblow 2, Mrs Moore h.o. Collection crochet: Mrs Jordan 1 and 2.

Collection white fancy work; N L, Hornblow 3.

Trayclnth: Mrs J. Woolston 1, Mrs Fulton 2, Mrs Hornblow h.o. Gross stitch: Mrs Boyes 1, Miss R. Thompson 2. Eyelet embroidery: Mrs Esson 1 and 2. * Embroidered bloase: Miss E. Eng. Prettiest article made from handkerchiefs: Mrs Gascoigne. Stencil work: Mrs Bates. Knitted socks: Mrs Murphy 1, Mrs Q. Stewart 2.

Knitting: Mrs O’Keefe 1 and 3. Shadow work: Mies H. Banning 1, Mrs Esson 3, Mrs Mills h.o. 3 laundered collars: Ruby Thompson

Handmade buttonholes: Ruby Thompson. Hairpin work; Mrs Banning 2. Crochet woollen: Miss H. Banning. , Cosy cover: Mrs Miles 1, Mies Eng 2, Mrs Esson h.o. Handmade lace: Mis Klingender 1, Mrs Watkins 3.

ARTS AND TECHNICAL. Geometrical drawing: W. McIntyre. Incised wood carving: Mrs B. Barrett 1, W. B. J. Harvey 2, Mrs 8.. Barrett h.o.

Carving in low relief: E. A Wallis 1 and 3.

Oil painting: Mrs G. A.rßaiiey 1 and 3. Floral painting: Miss Saohell 1. PUBLIC SCHOOLS OOMPETITION. Transcription: W. Rummell 1, Edith Johnstone 2, Blanche MoOoard h.o. Freehand drawing: Lily Moore 1, Mary Officer 3, Rose Siddle h.o. Drawing of a chair: W. Rummell. Map of North Island, New Zealand; W. Mclntyre 1, Hazel Ross 2, A Harrison h.o. Model in plasticeue: Doris Harri son. Handwriting: Rose Siddle 1, Edith Johnstone 2. NEEDLEWORK. (Schools.) Crochet d’oyley: Blanche MeOosrd Monogram: Myrleune Stewart. Plain blouse: Blanche MoOoard. Fancy work: Myrienne Stewart, PHOTOGRAPHY. Landscape: J. R. Esson 1 and 2. Portrait: J. R., Esson 1 and 2. Annual life: J. R. Esson 1.Amateur study: J.' R. Esson 1, W. Waters 3. For children under 17. Collection of wild flowers and berries: D. Klingender 1, Hazel Rosa 3, Enid Deighton h.o. Buttonholes: Dorothy Deighton 1, Master Bristow 3. Collection postcards: Miss Lissette 1 and 2. HORSES. Pony mare or gelding, 24,3 or under: A McDonald’s Bonafide 1, K. Linton’s Silver Belle 3. V, N. Randolph’s Oindets 3. Pony mare or gelding, 18 hands or under: Mrs R. W. Smith’s Shannie, ridden by Miss Barns, 1; V. N. Randolph’s Cinders 2. Weight carrying hack: S. Pronse 1, A. Hoye 2, Oliver 3. Light weight hack: E. McGonnellp, R. B, Hair 3, O. Lissette 3. Best lady’s hack; Mr Hair’s Sap phire, ridden by Miss M. Fitzherbert 1; Mr MoGonnell’s entry, ridden by Miss Meyers, 3; Mr U. E. it i ' ' I J J > > j t i

Dean’s entry, ridden by Miss Dean*. 3, ■■

Cob, mare or gelding: W. Meyer 1, J. Woolston 3, O. Unlsman 3.

Utility horse .** W. Hamilton 1, J. Kinkead 2, H. Zohs 3, Best military horse; J. Gopdwirs 3, J. Woolston 2, B, Zohs 3. « Best gig horse in harness. A. James 3, J. Esson 2, W. F. Stevens 3.. * -

• Best gig horse and turnout: A. James 1, W. F. Stevens 3, J. Wooleton 3.


Fat wethers, freezers: W. .F. Stevens 1, Dr. Turnbull 2 and h.o. Fat wethers, open: W. F. Stevens 1, E. Stuckey 2. Fat ewes: H:. Lambert 1, S. Weston 2, W. Stevens h.c. Fat ewes, freezers: H, Lambert 3, S. Weston 3, Dr. Turnbull h.o. Fat lambs, woolly: W. F. Stevens 1 and h.c., S. Weston 3. Fat lambs, freezers: S. Weston.

Pet lamb: Miss Ruth Wallace and Miss McDonald to divide first and second prize. ’ jj, t COMPETITIONS

Ladies’ nail driving: Mrs, E. J. - Wiiliamson. Gents’ nail driving: O. Hatton. Sheaf tossing: Ormond 1, J. Meads 2.

Sheep guessing, correct weight 133iba: O. McElnnour 3371b5.

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Bibliographic details

Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXIX, Issue 10892, 5 March 1914, Page 5

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MANGAWEKA HORTICULTURAL & INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY. Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXIX, Issue 10892, 5 March 1914, Page 5

MANGAWEKA HORTICULTURAL & INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY. Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXIX, Issue 10892, 5 March 1914, Page 5