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Sydney reports that butter has advanced 4s, and is 144 a. Wheat Is firmer at 4a Id and 4s lj-£d. The little boy Bobble Smith is still missing Irons his father’s home at Christchurch.

Entries for the annual Musical Festival at Napier represent nearly 1300 contestants, constituting a record in the history of the Society. The Wa’bac and Ngaroto estates, says a Napier message, are under offer to Government and the Land Purchase Board will pay a visit of inspection to-morrow.

Wong Sue, a Chinese fruiterer at Dunedin, was fonnd hanging dead at the back of his shop yesterday afternoon. The discovery was made at 3.80, bnt the body was not out down, and the police were not informed till abont 5 o’clock. It is stated that deceased had been gambling heavily lately. Tauranga is sending the following remit to the Acclimatisation Societies’ Conference, at Wellington, next mo tb That Government be requested to impose a special license of £1 on all pea rifles except those need under snob conditions as may be expedient. Under the Defence Act P. P. Welsh, a Territorial, was flned £1 and coats at Camara for failing to render personal service. He pleaded gnilty, and gave the exonse that he was a jockey, and wonld have to give np bis job If be attended to drill Tbe Magistrate held that Ibis was no exonse for not attending camp, and counselled him to arrange for attendances at parades when absent from Camara. The formation of tbe Massey Government appears to have given general satisfaction, being regarded as a strong, well-balanced Government, capable of doing credit to itself and to tbe oonntry. On tbe whole there is a desire to give tbe Government a fair trial, and If the electors will give a fair trial to Oiosoent Tea in any of its tbree grades at Ss, Is lOd and Is Sd per lb. hey will be thoroughly satisfied. * Two Guineas for four lines of poetry! Bead Tonking’s Linseed Emulsion intimation every Saturday amongst news items : .

The Manawatn Gorge road ia blocked by slips, and will be iaapassablo for some time.

The Beacoasfield resident, Mr W. Marston. who recently acquired the art of water divining, is in great demand, and quite a number of bores are being pet down where fie indicated water.

On Saturday, 13th Inst , a “Secret” hill climb took place at Miramar, True to the test the 3% h.p, Douglas Motor Cycle secured first and second places in Class “A. ” All particulars of the fine Motor from W. H. Bain and Co., FeiidSag* ,

The Wellington Magistrate has dismissed the case against Henry Mas tine!ale for alleged;broach of the Gaming Aot. The case arose out of one in which Scoti was last week fined £3O fo?; making a bet in licensed premises The money for the bet was paid by Martiudale who dened any guilty knowledge. Yesterday while a tram conductor named Frederick Hancock was standing on the top of a doubledecker running along Featherstoa Street, Wellington, changing the destination board on the side of the oar, bis head came into contact with one of the Iron standards which support the overhead wires, and he fractured his skull. He died in the hospital la the evening. Feilding Wesley Choir have entered for the Grand Choral and Church Choirs Contest at the competitions to be held in Napier in August. Other competitors are Miss Ilyu Sandiltsnds (contralto) Feilding, who has entered In eight events, Miss Baddeley, Kimbolton, 10. These two, with Miss Y. associated in a vocal trio. .Mr H, Illingworth, Soagotea, will also be a competitor.

Salvage operations are proceeding on the Star of Canada, and a final big effort to refloat her will be made in about a week’s time. Grain is being jettisoned from Ho. 8 hold, .and 700 toss of silver bullion sud lead-valued at over £2o,ooo—have yet to be removed. A special hatch constructed oa No. 2 hold on the shelter deck la being fitted. The authorities are sanguine of success,.

The Bugby League representatives returned to New Zealand from' Australia by the Wlmmera yesterday. The Council of the New. Zealand Rugby League held a meeting, when the team’s refusal to return to the Dominion on tbs evening after tho last match- with New" South Wales wns discussed. An effort waa mode to locate tho-ringleaders in the affair, but -ns'the whole team had signed a paper refusing to play, it was decided to fine each player £3.

We ars sorry to acts that a great ntisbsr of era* subscribers, chiefly fa tho backblcioks, have not forwarded gs any subscription for the past two and a halt yesre; In fact, since the Company took the paper over.. We are euro we need only “'remind them of tho great cost of supplying them with their papers regularly to ensure tho prompt payment of the accounts gnat rendered to them, either to the bead office or ■to oar local agents. We., wo aid also point oat to them that by paying '243 in .'advance they secure a bonus cf 20 per cent, on their annua! contributions.

Yesterday as the- Premier passed through Palmerston North to Napier, Mr Bniclx, M.P., introduced 5 a deputation from the Trotting Club. Mr Fred Nathan, president, asked for a totalizator permit. Mr Mac* keuzie ateo asked for a permit for Manawata Hunt Club, Mr Massey said that the 250 days allowed by statute could'not be exceeded except by legislation. Asa tosnit of the. Wellington Conference, a private Bill would be inlrcdr'-.p.l to increase the number of days, bo treated as a non-party question. Being s policy matter, ho could not commit Government to more than this.

A startling collision between a motor car ansi two tram cars'occur red last avowing at Auckland, by which Mr Ferguson, a visitor from Greymouth. had one baud severely crushed. The car was driven by the owner. Mr Percy Kingswell. who passed In front of the tram towards the right, The driver failed to notice the tramoav. coming in the opposite direction, and the automobile struck it Tbs impact threw the motor back in front of the other car again, and it was knocked efi to tbs side of the road, Ferguson was thrown out, . the other occupant being badly shaken. Ferguson had his thumb amputated,- end may lose bis hand. The motor was badly damaged. The Sonoma arrived at Sydney yesterday from San Francisco. She Is tbs first steamer of the reinstated American mail service. The United States Government is substantially subsidising the service to encourage marie enterprises by American shipowners and to qualify for what Is called the second class subsidy steamers must travel an average of 15 knots an hour on the outward journey. On that condition the owners are entitled to claim a subsidy of two dollars a mile. The distance botween-the two ports is 7400 miles, making the subsidy £BOOO. Since the steamers were engaged in this service before they have been ‘fitted up for oil burning, and it is said that they are now capable of steaming 17 knots an hour. Messrs E. Lloyd and Op. are going ahead at a record pace. Further reductions in every depattrnent are being made this week with the balance of stock which at the sacrificing prices a speedy clearance must inevitably take place. Millinery, Underclothing and Ladies’ Costumes are absolutely at given away prices. Honsehold Drapery, Dress Materials, Laces, Ribbons, Neckwear, and last, bat not least, Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and Boots and Shoes are going to quit. Yon will be surprised at the big parcels yon can bay for snoh little money at Lloyd’s.*

People desirons of reducing their doctor’s and chemist’s bills shonld pay attention to their footwear daring this wet weather. A splendid opportunity of seeming high grade footwear, of which all shonld take advantage Is being offered at Yonng’s Shoe Sale, Marton.* * What chance have yon of getting hold of the latest books published if yon do not write or call at Stewart’s Centra! Book Arcade, Manga weka. The Stationery and Fanoy Goods Departments are heavily stocked with the latest from England and America, A post card addressed Box 23 Will, find us,*

If yon don’t know that Tonking’s Linseed Emulsion won’t let yon oongfa, well, men, yon ought to. Is ■6dj,Jr6d',' 4s: 6d; - ■ ■

Anrdew Lang, the famous author and scholar. Is dead,'says a Lon* r7oa cable, Deceased was bom in 1844.

Members are reminded of the adjourned- general meeting of Marion Overseas’ dab in the Coronation Hal! to-morrow evening. , Mpjor-Qeneral Baden-Poweil, in the course of an interview suggested that South Africa and Australia shoula arrange for reciprocal assistance Id matters of defence.

Daring a heavy log in the Auckland Harbonr yesterday morning the ferry steamers Condor and Kestrel collided when off the Calliope Dock. Very little damage was done. Melbourne reports that record tides and the recent gales have completely altered the Labes Entrance. One roller, of tidal wave dimension, shook residences and broke and washed away a laga area of ground and trees.

At Wellington Court yesterday Charles John Duffy was fined £3, with £2 Gs 6d costs, for selling milk containing baron preservatives. Frederick Petberiok was fined £3 with costs for selling watered milk, Duffy was granted leave to appeal.

A Gore wire states that David M McKenzie 85, years, employed by the Postal Department for nearly 31 years, died on Sunday morning from inflammation of the Inngs. He served in Timara and Dunedin Post Offices.

Margaret Mclntosh, licensee of the Royal Tiger Hotel, was charged at Wellington Magistrate’s Court with having employed an unregistered barmaid. The case for the prosecution was that Miss Millie Wilson, bookkeeper, was detected by the police serving In the bar This was admitted by Mr Wilford, who conducted the defence, but the point rajsad was that J’she was serving in a private bar. The bar in which she web serving did not open on to £tha street, and was no bar as defined in the Act, The Magistrate, Mr W. G. Riddell, dismissed the Information.

At Palmerston'” yesterday Mr Thomson, S.M., delivered judgment in a case in winch Wsa. J. White, of Whyte’s Hotel, Foxtoa, was fined, as licensee, far permitting the sale of liquor to a native. The sale was 13! ad 8 by a barmaid 60 the Tobunga Hingawata Tuparoa, while Whyte was absent from Foxtoa. The barmaid had already been fined £6, asd costs, oh two charges, and the Magistrate. .now.; hold, that the hceasse waa legally responsible, even though the sale was made agsiUEt hsa orders, and fined him £2 and costs on each of two charges. -

“He got boshed in a cloud” Is'a colloquial version of the explanation by the Americas A. B. Stone for his failure against W. E. Hart, Ausfcialia’s fixes native barn airman, in the first aviation contest held in Australla an Sat rday, near to Sydney. Hart bad to. start tea minutes ahead o£-Stone, and safely flaw over the croEH country course of miles Is 24 minutes. He found it advisable to make a big sweep round at the beginning in ' order to allow for a strong wind. Stone ran into a big r sia clone!.. When he emerged, wet through, he had lost sight of Hsrt, was oat of his course, and had lest his bearings .Attar he had been la the air for nearly half an hoar and found himself alongside of the sea instead of «£ a place 18 miles away, he gave up aud descended to the earth, a damp, disappointed aviator. Three attempts b 6 enfolds...-were within 24 boars made by a labouring man 'named Hackman ton ' la Melbourne the other day. He was found cn the railway line near Royal Park on Monday morning with his .right leg nearly Revered. According to the story he told to the police, Duckmsnton, who had been drinking heavily, tried first to out his throat with a razor, bat the wound was not serious, He n«zt attempted to hang himself ia a ebed at his pareats" residence, bat hla father discovered him and cat the ropa. The police were scat for, but before they arrived Dnckmastoa escaped. He heard a train approaching, and, running on to the line lu front of it, was knocked down and gbad his leg crashed to a palp, sustaining other severe injuries besides.

An inquest was faeid at Gore on Saturday on the body ol a roan found in the Domain. The body was identified as that of Hugh Beattie, but who had lived for the past three years in the Wokomai Goldfields as Hugh Ward. He assumed his ancle’s surname. Medical evidence disblosed that the main artery and muscles inside the left elbow wars completely severed, death resulting from hemorrhage; A verdict was retained of death from hemorrhage from a wound selfinflicted whflo mentally depressed. The .following, unsigned, was scratched on w tin tobacco box on .the body .of the deceased: Master* man. I leave yon the claim. Kothing to live for. I think rotten inside. 1 am done. Am a liar all my life, Mrs Sel wood can bury me if she and Peters like. My will. Love when we meet. Died mad about 5 p.m Saturday. Por - the best. Look well. Yon oaa dissect my body or bnry me. Thanks.”

It is about three years sines tbe latest OoraraissSon inquired into matters connected with tbe police fores of the Dominion, and some members of the force.appear to.think that very little, if anything, has been done in the direction of giving effect to tbe Commissioners’ find* logs, also that those hading* must have proved unpalatable to tbs Government then in power and to tbe Administration that . succeeded in the early part of tbe present year. Tbe opinion seems fairly general that the present Ministry would do much to improve the conditions in the force if they gave consideration to the recommendations of the Commission and brought them into effect- Daring the sittings of the Commission frequent references were made to new regulations, proof copies of which have been seen and perused by several members of the force, who consider that their adoption would he beneficial. Despite the allegation that these new regulations are superior in many respects to those in- operation at present, nothing has been heard of them since tbe Commissioner, Mr H. W. Bishop,. ,S.M., sent in his report. No increase in the "Cost of Living" prices of Groceries, etc. Lower than ever for cash. Drapery, Clotnihg and Boots are to be cleared regardless of cost to facilitate making alterations to the premises. Great money saving sale now on. See advt.—T. H> Bredin, Co-op. Stores, General Providers, North Broadway, Martoa.*

ini^ < ' J?* s * ,ol ' ao *bis morning Frederick Stevens was fined £25 or two months’for street betting

„ a J. he WiEmera, Warrlmoo, Moeraki, Victoria, Taluue, Zealandla, at,d Rofc oraa should be within wireless range to-night. In the chess match at Marton. between Marton and Bulls, Dr. Hatberly has adjudicated in favour ?* Mr H. H, Richardson, Marton. in *“ e l ßa flohffißd game with Mr Mason, •nails. Marton therefore wins by one game; v

* final reminder is given of the furniture sale to .be conducted by Messrs Brice, Broad *& Go. at Marton Jnaction Hall, to-moorrow for Mr A. Macdonald. The sale will start at noon, and exceptional bargains will be offered.

Dr. Bnlkley, of Hew York, declares that a diet cf rice, broadband batter, and water is the best cure of sain diseases and unhealthy complexions, and is more efficacious than medicines. He advocated the use of chopsslcks as an ald to ctlges'Oß ' foe successful use of fice by the Chinese and Japanese is due to toe fact that they eat with chopsticks, gwhioh bring to the mouth only two or throe grains at a time. Southland Times states that Mr P.. Sheedy, Heddon Bash, has produced a contrivance by which he can turn binder twine into rope in a few minutes. The rope can be. made to any thickness and length. The contrivance is wonderfully simple and will be sold shortly at about Mr Sheedy’s idea is that would be a very handy thing about a farm The twine used in fastening sheaves could be kept and turned into rope, instead of being thrown away. It is not supposed that farmers will in future do all their won ropemaking, bat the handiness bf being able to run one piece of rope from binder twine justs when it may be wanted, .and the simple operation of the machine, will very probably make it worth a place .on-most farms.

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Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10408, 23 July 1912, Page 4

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Untitled Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10408, 23 July 1912, Page 4

Untitled Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10408, 23 July 1912, Page 4