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P Friends are notified that the funeral of fcbe lata Mr Richard Bowater takes place st Sanson on Sunday.

Mr Isaac Gibbs, Marfcon, has made spesfal preparations for Sunday—pork sausages for breakfast, galantine oimksn for dinner and boiled bam or pressed pork for tea * Obiaf Detective Marsact bag been appointed Sub-Inspector at Palmerston North, and Deteotive-Sergt. McMahon has been appointed Ohlef Detective.

Mr O L Daniel, architect, Felldh. g, calls tenderß;for erection of a Town Hall at Waituna, also for slfearstic-Bs and additions to Messrs Waokrill & Stewart’s motor garage. Messrs Jones & McGregor, Ltd., anaonnou that their sale is in fall swing sad bargains are obtainable in every department. In the advertisement it will be noticed several leading lines greatly reduced. There are hundreds of other bargains bat they are too numerous to mention, and the firm invite the public to call and inspect.* Mastenon Gun Club held a £IOO ma?ch yesterday, which was won by Arthur losns, of Masterton. Second money was divided between 8 Jenson, T. H. Harvey, F. F. Fenwh’k, T. Parker, O. F. Sidey, H J. Dyke, Q. K, Foreman and L. Meads, Kaugitikei,

The late Mr Richard Bowatsr, whose death occurred at Sanson this morn fag, had been ailing for several mouths H« arrived at Wellington with hi*) father In 1874 and has been associated with the blaoksmithing boß'ness at Sandoafor a great numbe- of years. After the death of his father he took charge of the Sandon business He married a daughter of Mr S Georgs. Deceased took a lively interest in all matters affecting the progress of the district. He was secretary of the Recbabites for many years, and also occupied a similar position for the Methodist Sunday School. gm

Mr W O. Kitney, whose death occurred at Marten on Wednesday* was a nativ8 t of Maidstone, Kent, England, where he was horn in 1850. Ha was brought up in his native country bs a v gardener. Mr Kit :ey came to New Zealand in 1874, and entered the service of the late Sir William Fox, as gardener cu his estate at "Westoe, ” and continned in his employ for 13 years. Mr Kitney was caretaker of the reservoir for Marten Borongh. Council for many years, He |had long been an enthusiastic Forester, having joined the Order In England, and was attached to Court Little John, Marten, for over 30 veara. and for many years held the office of secretary.

Wo increase ia the ”Oost of Living” prices of Groceries, etc. Lower than ever for cash. Drapery. Clothing and Boots are fco he cleared regardless of cost to facilitate malting alterations to the premises. Great money saving sale now on. See advt.—T. H. Bredin, Co-op. Stores, General Providers, North Broadway, Mar ton.*

The sale of the Taylor art collection at ..London brought a grand total of £368,499. fSouth Africa won the Colonial prize in connection with tbe Koiapore Cup. * Melbourne reports that yesterday a house was burned at Dnnnstown and Mrs Clarke and her infant perished.

Li Hon Hang has been sentenced to imprisonment for life with hard labour, for attempting the life of tbe Governor of Hong Kong. Marton Dairy Company have been advised by cable that tbelr Beamera shipment of cheese was sold at 69a 9d.

; The Tahiti, Ulimaroa, Maunganul, Rotorua, Wimmera- Victoria, Zeaiandic, Warrimoo, and Orangi, should ba within wireless range tonight.

The Loudon Daily Mail’s Capetown correspondent reports that a gold-bearing reef thirty feet In height running towards Signal Hill, was discoveted during excavations at the Capetown Docks.

The estate ofifCharles Brinsley Maciay, of Westmeath, England, has been sworn at half a million. He bequeathed £BO,OOO and his art collection to the Fitzwilllam Museum at Cambridge. The Hon. „ Fisher, Minister of Marine, states that it has been decided not to erect a lighthouse at the Three Kings. The cost would ba great, and it is considered that, with careful navigation, there is no danger.

Mr J who judged at the Taihape Show "yesterday, holds a unique record Me has exhibited at poultry shows continuously since hewaa 15 years of age—ne Is now 49 years ~and for 20 years he has acted as judge for various associations u ia New Zealand.

FeSJdlng Beautifying Society have accepted plans for beautifying South Another lakelet is to be constructed, artistic bridges /erected, and many other improvements. £6O ia to be expended In farther planting Klmbolton Road.

Two men were noticed emerging in a suspicions way from Obopsr’s seed shop in Wellington last night. Constable Smart aoccsteci them and one bolted. The other said he was an employee but inquiries showed him to be a burglar and he was detained.

Carterton reports that the body of Fletcher v;bp found in Wh'akawirlwin creek this morning, some distance from where the fatality occurred. Deceased was aged 30 years Ho was born at Cambridge, Waikato, where his father resides. He had been married only thirteen months.

Mr R. F. Haybittle, the wellknown Fellding musician, has just had an naata&l compliment paid him. His orchestra played at a function at Kimbolton recently, and the Committee have discovered that there was a credit balance, which has ,beea forwarded so him as an appreciation ofj.his excellent music.

The one presented by Mr T. W McKenzie Masterton, to ; Pending A, & P Association, to be wen ontrightifor heaviest pen of fat lambs at nest Show, is one of the nicest trophies the Association has received. It if s onp,®nct one, quite plain, with exception of the inscription,, bnt decidedly good. It is enclosed in a handsome Morocco silk bound case, which considerably enhances its valno. The winner will have something to bo proud of.

Interviewed yesterday the Hon W. F. Massey said so far Cabinet had Been dealing with a great deal of routine work. That bad now been practically v overtaken, and the Ministry wocld enter on the consideration of -masters of policy. One of the first of those questions would be the appointment of the High Commissioner. D was proposed to bring down a Bill this session dealing with the reform of the Legislative Council

The dangerous state of Klwitea ford was discussed at last meeting of FeiSdlcg Borough Council, and a suggestion mads that some protection work should be placed above the ford on KimboSton Road. The bau|j had been soonred out by a fresh in the river, and it was thought a farther fresh wovld do great damage. Or. Geo. Say well, who by the way is not bu engineer, was opposed to anything being done. The nest fresh might fill up the scour. And ha was right—it did.

Mr R H W. Bllgb, of the White Cross Levigue, will address meetings in the Opera House, Msrtoa, on Sunday, Ai 3 and B.SO hia lectures are for men and lads over 14 years on the “Dangers of Impurity,” ami at 4 p.m he gives an address to women on the “Influence of Sisters ” At the last conference of the TeßObers Intsitote there was a request sen-; to she Department to appoint teachers specially for instruction in physical purity. Mr BJlgb’a work was well mentioned.

Wo loans from latest reports of town news that as yet there la no abatement of the Rush for Snips at the Great Salvage Sale of Drapery and Clothing at Gahagan’s; and which for the text two weeks will be made even more attractive by the wholesale manner in which the firm are marking down the balance of stock for a true clean sweep.*

A heavy strong washing Shirting Grand Drill at Sale Price is advertised by Gollinsou and Onnningbame, Ltd., the Big Drapers of Palmerston North. This is a splendid line for strong wear, and being fleecy backed makes it warm. The colours are Plain Greys, and Grey with strikes, and the Sale Price is B>£d. Carriage will be paid on all parcels over £1 to fcfaa nearest Railway Station which includes any article of Drapery yon may require at our Sale Prices *

For Children's Hacking Cough at night, Woods’ Great Peppermint Care. Is <sd 2a Kd. If you don’t know that Tonking’e Linseed Emulsion won’t let you cough, well, then, you ought to. la 6d, 2a 6d, 4a 6d.

Every day something new, cheap and reliable is being exhibited at Messrs Llord & Co.’s great sale. This week is going to be an epoch of a huge clearance. Three special 10s 6d lines are worth yonr while to look at. Girls’ tweed coats, sizes 33 to 48; hnuflaome silk blouses and a smart yerg-* of boys’ overcoats, all to deer a* ;On 6d; with hundreds of other b?r,<--a»»>s in ladles’ and men’s wear very cheap and very good.*

Mr Ernest Short's address at Taihape 013 Romney sheep is held over till next issue.

Owing to the tremendous seas dr to a submarine disturbance many tons of eatable fish have gone 'ashore dead at Island and Lyalhßays, Wellington.

The exhibits at the [Taihape Poultry Show yesterday came from as far north as Waitara and from Te Hero on the South, The Hawke’s Bay district was also strongly represented.

On Tuesday night a large slip came down near Mr Mnrpby’s property on the main road between Mangaweba and Mannl, and the road Is tsill blocked traffic. Many slips have also occurred on Bangiwahia aud Kawhatan roads.

The body of a man was discovered amongst the mangroves on the beach between the Waltabanri and Piabo rivers. It Is believed to be that of John Phillips, who has been missing for abant'tbree [and [who. It is believed, fell into the Kanaeranga river.

William Rodgers, an elderly man, and an old and highly respected resident of Whatepoa, near Thames, was found dead alongside a cow byre' While Rodgers was engaged feeding cows he was attacked by a sadden seizure, and fell. When noticed, Ufa was extinct.

Regarding the damage ■ caused to Lyttelton reclamation works by the recent storm, the secretary of the Harbour Board states that the repair work would extend over a month. The cost of replacing those parts of the walLwhiohJbad been broken oH would be about £450.

The verdict at the inquest at Sydney t on the victims of the Kahibah tragedy was that Keenan mardered hia wife and then oor°mitted suicide. The evidence did not disclose a motive, as the pair had lived on good terms, he husband suffered from pains in the head. In connection with the interim award of the National Telephone Arbitration, the ' British Exchequer has issued a four, million three per cent loan at redeemable in i 8 years. No specific sinking fund| is provided. The banks bave taken three and a-half millions. The balance Mas been put on the market. At Fnkekobe Court yesterday before Mr B. E. Gotten, S M., Patrick MsoMenamin, charged with stealing the racing mare Sonltoria, valued at £IOO9, pleaded not guilty and reserved his defence. He was committed to Anckland Supreme Court for trial, £bail being allowed in two sureties of £100„ and a personal sneety|cf £3OO,

Two men were drowned in floods In different parts of the lower Waicarapa on Tuesday. One, named Brodersen, lost his life while crossing Abbott’s Creek on horseback, and another, named Henry Fletcher, was drowned at Pakio while crossing a swrSlen. stream jßroderson’s body wss recovered yesterday.

Feilding are taking a keen interest in the recently formed Ladies’ Walking Olab. Members have been entertained on several occasions, and bave just been notified by a prominent Fosiding man that hie summer residence at Plimmerton is at their disposal fox a fortnight immediately after Christmas. The exceptional severity of the southeast gale on the coast is clearly shown by the fact shat for the first' time in her four and a half years’ career in the Wsllinsfton-Lvttsltoa ferry service the steamer Maori was usable to get out of Wellington Heads on her sailing night. There was a tremendous running in Cook Strait, and across the entrance to Wellington Harbour, and the weather waa exceptionally thick and dirty. The Minister for Is tern rd Affaire, tbs Koa. H. D. 8011, has finally decided the question of totalisatur licenses for the year ending Ist August, 1913. The number of. days on which the totalizator may bo used is fixed by statute at 350 These days will be allotted t>t tie same racing and trotting clubs sa held licenses during the present year for the same days, and far the same mootings, except that the Raagitikel Club will ha allcwed two days, one of- which wlil be taken from the Marton, and one from the Canterbury Jockey Club, . Territorial instruofticuers fa the Wellington military diepriat have been re-allotted as followsPalmerston:' Area Sergt Sergt. - Major J. A. Bell; secretary at Mounted Brigades head quarters, Sergt.-Major Dovey; secretary at Infantry Brigade head -quarters, Sergt.-Major Foster Levin: Area Sergt.-Major, Sergt..-Major Davison. FelldSng : Area Sergt. SergtMajor Morrison; 6th (Manawetn). Mounted Bifies. Sergt -Mftjrjr Wray. Taibape: 6th (Manawatts) Mounted Rifles, Sergt.-Major De .Lorao,

Tlio Ealvfag of She Star of Canada depends almost entirely a pen She work being carried out "la She submerged No. S hold, which contains grain, lead and antimony. Daring the past week efforts h»ve been coacantrated on the clearing mst cf the grain, bo that the antimony Kiid lead oonld be reached, and so that the divers might be enabled to work from the inside off the’ vessel. From tbegoutset some difficulty has been experienced by reason of the' fames arising from the fermenting grain, and yesterday new fames a.oifc, presumably from the antimony. They had an overpower! ok effect’on at work, one officer haying to come ashore for attention

There are many gocu a-eparators on the market, but we claim for tbe "Baltic” tbe following points: Easy rnnnlng, clean skimming, standard spare always on band. That is why we took nn the Wangannl Agency. The B' Itio Company has now a special expert on 6 here, and ho cap al way,; overturn! any machine that may require attention, and all machinery needs attention sooner or later. Brices and particulars can be obtained from the Wanganui Fresh Food and Ice Co., Guyton Street, WafegiejoK* " The Roslvn Woreteo 4a..; Woollen Mills are sorely taxed at present to cope with enormous demand far the people’s favourite Roslya All-wool Blankets, Rngs, Tweed*,. Worsted Football Jerseys, Suit;-. Socks, Stockings, .Flannels,, Blaidlnge, Yarns, ladies’and gents’ lio« Unshrinkable Underwear "Delta” finish.*

It yonr property is jnsured call at or ring op the Sr-icdard Insurance Co , Ltd., Brnoriv;-.V- Marton. Telephone 97. O. R. Cooke, Raagitikei District Agent, insnranoes effected promptly on-the most reasonable terms.— Artvt.

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Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10405, 19 July 1912, Page 4

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Untitled Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10405, 19 July 1912, Page 4

Untitled Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10405, 19 July 1912, Page 4