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People and Parties

Mrs. H. B. Williams, Turihaua, left to-day on a holiday visit to Welling ton. . Mr. and -Mrs. J. Francis, Wellington, are guests at the Alasoilic Hotel. Misses Dorothv Adams and Peggy De Costa were visitors to Tc Puia last week-end. . Miss J. Bloomnold, Whatatutu, is the week-end guest of Mrs. R. Sherratt. Waihirere. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Gilligan, Wangamn, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. 11. 15 Williams, Turihaua, and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Holdsworth, Puha, have left on their return south. Mrs. W. J. Wheeler, Aberdeen road, returned to-day from a holiday visit to Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. Ikin and Miss Ikm, Wellington, are guests at the Masonic Hotel. Mr.- and Mrs. R. Graham, Ormond, are week-end visitors to Hawke's Bay. Miss G. Buswell left Gisborne on Thursday for Auckland, where she will take up her residence. Miss L. O'rr, Kanakanaia, is paying a brief visit to Hawke's Bay. Mrs. C. W. Smith and her daughter. Miss Tua Smith, Matthew road, have returned from a visit to Wellington, where Miss Smith was engaged by the Wellington Dramatic Club to arrange a Hawaiian entertainment, which proved ' a great success. The performers comprised members of the club, and Miss Smith was responsible for the solo numbers, which included two vocal mini- | bers and an eccentric tap dance. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Black, who visited Gishorno last week-end, were tile guests '; of Mrs. T. Haugh, Derby street, j Mrs. Gordon Jones, accompanied by her daughter, Moira, left yesterday to I spend a short holiday with relatives 1 in Hawke's Bay. I Miss Elsie Thomas, who has been jyisiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. N. Thomas, Owen road, returned to Napier to-day. Messrs. Robert and Brian Kemp s week-end guests for the Rere dance include Misses, Barbara. Kemp, Every Barker, and Messrs. O. Gregory and R,. Black. Miss Betty Chrisp, Harris street, has been spending a few days as the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. J. Harris, Rere. Misses Joan Thomas and Sydney Barton and Messrs. P. Murphy and E. Bidwell are the week-end guests of Mrs. J. Gardner. Hihiroroa, for the Rere dance. Mrs. "Cecil Graham, Waimata, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. V. S. Caulton, Richardson's avenue. Bridge Evening Miss Peggy De Costa was hostess at a very jollv bridge party at her home in Clifford" street on Thursday night, given in honour of her guest, Mrs. 'l'. H. Carr. Waitara. Lovely bowls of spring flowers were used for the decoration of the drawing room, where the card tables were set out, while a delicious supper was served in the dining-room, the tables being adorned with a mixed bowl of hyacinths and freesias. i The winners of the crazy bridge prizes were Miss Nbeline Margotiouth and Mr. Hugo Wall, who received suitable gifts. Miss De Costa welcomed her guests wearing a smart frock of black Hat crepe and georgette, finished with are ribbon trimmings. -; The guest of "honour looked charming i in a frock of floral crepe-de-chine trim- ' med with touches of brown satin.; Bridge Party On Thursday afternoon Mrs. 11. B. Williams invited a. number of friends to her lovely country home, Turihaua, for a charmingly arranged bridge party.. The weather was all that could be , desired, and during the afternoon the ! guests enjoyed a stroll in the pietur- '' esqiie garden, which was looking particularly beautiful with beds of gaily ■ hued spring flowers. j Card tables were arranged in the drawing-room, which was decorated with bowls of Japanese apple blossom, daffodils and irises. The hall was arranged with large bowls of arum lilies, and a delicious afternoon tea was served in the dining-room, the table being enhanced with a mixed bowl of spring flowers.

The guests included AJcsdames R. U Burke, E. Ewart Brown, J. A. Alaeleod

L. T. Burnard, E. Loisel, M. Hold'en, G. 1. Parker, G. R. Bloomfield', C. G. Holdsworth, G. W. Willock, R. G. Crawford. W. Hamilton Irvine, A. L. Singer, H. Colliding Rice, A. F. Houston. A. J. Stock. R, jf B. Hall, and W. A. Bowie; Misses 11. Scott, It. Barry and M. Barker. League of Mothers The September meeting of the League of Mothers was held in Messrs. Petties' Lounge on Tuesday, when the newly-elected president, Mrs. E. A. Mnis, who presided over a large attendance, opened the meeting with the league prayer. After thanking members for electing'her to the office of president, .Mrs. Muis asked for the loyal co-operation of officers and members, in order to carry on the high ideals of the league. The thought, "The best hand a man can take through life is that of a good woman," was supplied by Airs. Bannister. The business was expedited to enable Miss Sheila Porteous to address members on "The Diet of New Zealand Children. Introducing the speaker, the president complimented Miss Porteous on the work she was doing in Gisborne, and said members could be sure of receiving some interesting and helpful information.

Aliss Porteous introduced her subject by stressing the necessity of supplying the child with proper care am attention to diet, fresh air, sunlight, exercise, proper and adequate clothing, and pleasant and congenial surroundings.

"In New Zealand," she said, "there was- no necessity to deny the child the sufficient quantity of milk, eggs, green vegetables, and raw fruit, so necessary for the building of strong, healthy children." She presented a simple diet for one day, which supplied all the vitamins necessary, and displayed coloured charts of simple an J nourishing dishes appetisi ingly prepared. In conclusion. Miss Porteous asked members to remember the following simple rules :—(1) Allow, at least one pint of milk a day; (2j if possible, allow at least three eggs a day ; (3) to see that each meal provides some food requiring chewing; (4) 'do not encourage a tastt for sugar or sweet things ; (5) to see that a. sufficiency of green vegetables is given: '6) allow some raw fruit every day; and to remember that "food for the child is not an amusement but a serious business, I upon which his whole progress in life largely depends."

Mrs. McKeague moved a hearty vote of thanks to the speaker for her able address, this being carried with acclamation.

The serving of afternoon tea by the hostesses, Mesdames Anderson, Batts. Burgess, Crawshaw. Dickson, and Edwards, brought ft delightful afternoon to a close.

Poverty Bay Bowing Club Ball Crowds thronged to the City Hall on Tuesday night to attend the annual ball given by the Poverty Bay Rowing Club, the function proving an outstanding success.

The beautifully decorated ballroom formed an attractive background for the many pretty frocks of the dancers. The ceiling was hung with coloured stiearners, while two rowing skiffs were suspended overhead. The, wallsi were adorned with fern fronds, and greenery. and on either side of the stage crossed oars made an effective decoration. Suspended above the stage, was the club monogram, "P.8.R.C," written in silver frosted letters on a black background, while the front of the stage was enhanced with bowls of • arum lilies and banked with peach blossom and greenery.

Airs. Alenzios' .orchestra provided the dance music, while enjoyable extras were contributed by Airs. J. Randal and Misses G. Wilson and G. Gooch. The duties of AI.C. were efficiently carried'out by Air. F. Gardner. A delicious home-made supper made by the ladies' committee was served upstairs, the tables being prettily arranged with bowls of Iceland poppies and primulas set on black paper streamers. Spotlight dances and novelties added greatly to file enjoyment of the function.

The committee to whom the success of the evening was mainly due comprised Mr. R. Ncilson, captain, Mr. A. Kirk, president, Mr. J. Wel)b, vicepresident, Mr. E. Webb, secretary, and .Messrs. G. Hadwin, A. Jukes, T. Stevens, p. Brown, W. McL'eod, G. Ardem, F. Gardner and W. Glover. Tlie ladies' committee responsible for the supper arrangements comprised Mesdames Warren, Thompson, J. Webb, MeT.eod, Brown, N'eilson, F. Gardner, Hamond, O'Connell, Kennedy, Western, Brodie, Ansell and Poster, Misses J. Warren, M. Torrie and M. Webb.

Among those present were Mrs. McKenzie, wearing a frock of black fiat crepe; Mrs. W. Hadwin, black flat crepe worn with a red coatee; Mrs. F. Dominey, green windswept satin; Mrs. R,

Corcoran, black lace and satin; Mrs. IvMuir, blue floral chiffon; Mrs. W. Cameron, blal£ crepe; Mrs. T. W. Lewis-', ceriso satin; Mrs. N. White, white velvet trimmed with silver; Mrs, W. If. Millujliip, black patterned velvet; Mrs. McKinnon, blue Hat crepe trimmed with touches of pink; Mrs. 13. Walworth, brown crepe marocain trimmed with scarlet; Mrs. T. Cameron, black skirt and pink jumper laced with black; -Mrs. H. Hill, black skirt and red and white plaid tunic; Mrs. W. E. Robb, navy skirt and white Horal satin jumper; Mrs. E. Pollard, white taffeta; '.Mrs. B. Paine, black crepe marocain; Mrs. F. Milligan, red velvet; Mrs. M. MeNamara, shell pink taffetas. Mrs. R. W r eston chose burgundy red Hat crepe; Mrs. K, Harrison, scarlet crepe marocain; Mrs. C. Dominey, apple green flat crepe ; Mrs. F. Gardner, rose pink taffetas; Mrs. J. Sutcliffe, white georgette trimmed with red; Mrs. W. t'ocoek, white floral taffetas; Mrs. J. Kirkpatrick, red velvet; Mrs R. Neilson, black velvet skirt and pink and silver jumper;" Mrs. T. Nicholas, daffodil yellow flat crepe trimmed with black 'net; Mrs. 0. Hands, black taffeta trimmed with touches of white; Mrs. it. 11. WilliamSj , black satin trimmed with white; Mrs. A. J. Woods, mulberry lace; Mrs. C. Lloyd, blue georgette relieved with touches of silver; Airs. M. Cameron, primrose fiat crepe; Mrs. D. H. Brown, black flat crepe trimmed with silver' lame; Mrs. W. McLeod, pink suede cloth; Mrs. M. Kimber, dead rose pink. Miss 11. Hadwin's frock was of Parma violet crepe; Miss M. Hadwin, dusky pink marocain; Miss 11. Zuppicich, apple green flat crepe; Miss Z. Clayton, black velvet skirt and pink taffeta jumper; Miss B. Clayton, green skirt and green and white tunic; Miss- G. AlcKenzic, cherry red velvet; Miss N. Brodie, white net over satin; Miss Y. Richardson, pink organdie ; Aliss J. Mcintosh, green dropstitch voile; Miss P. O'Connor, black satin; Miss It. Brooks, black velvet skirt worn with a floral jumper; Miss C. Edwards, blue satin trimmed with white organdie; Miss J. Vagg, shell pink crepe: Miss L. McKay, black silk velvet; Miss M. -Morrow, maize floral georgette; Miss L. Hooper, yellow cloque crepe, finished with a shoulder spray; Miss O. Trengrove, white organdie; -Miss B. Trengrove, floral crepe marocain; Miss It. Trengrove, pastel blue crepe; Miss M. Scott, royal blue crepe; Aliss E. McDonald, red and white check taffetas; Miss S. Dale, black coin spot' taffeta. Miss I. Jukes wore blue metal threaded crepe; Miss 11. Moore, blue floral taffeta; Miss A. Alurland, apple green flat crepe; Miss D. Stenner, pink matalasse crepe; Aliss D. Hays, black skirt worn with a silver lame juniper; Miss G. Wilson, bottle green flat crepe; Aliss D. Couvain, silver lame; Miss N. Hicks, green skirt with a silver tame jumper; Aliss J. McKinnon, green crinkle crepe; Miss J. Bould, marina green satin ; Aliss N. Bayliss, green flat crepe; Aliss P. White, pastel blue crepe ; Aliss L. Lougher, navy blue crepe marocain; Aliss Ij. Ucvlt, maize taffeta; Aliss A. Brown Bayliss, blue metal run crepe; Aliss G. Anderson, black georgette. Aliss J. Muir was wearing beige lace trimmed with cherry; Aliss H. Smith, green crepe; Aliss Al. Smyth, black skirt and pink taffeta jumper; Aliss E. Lougher, white organdie sashed with orange; Aliss Al. Gardner, white figured crepe marocain; Aliss R. Riley, black skirt and old gold sal in jumper; Miss J. Shorter, black skirt worn with :i black and while checked jumper; Miss B. Jenkins, black liai crepe; Aliss !. King, lemon cloque satin; Aliss E. Harvey, black Hat crepe; Miss R. Atkins, white organdie sashed with red: Aliss E. Allen, pasteltinted 'floral satin.

Aliss L. Allen was wearing a frock of salmon pink taffeta; Aliss L. Holt, black matalasse trimmed with touches of white;, Aliss 1). Holt, black Ihr crepe; Aliss L. Taylor, lavender organdie; Aliss I. Jepsen, black satin; Miss S. Alain, black and white figured crepe maroenin) Aliss E. Jepsen, black satin Miss T. Scholium, black skirt worn with a floral satin jumper; Alis.s McEachorn, black satin skirt and floral satin tunic; Aliss A. Williamson, shell pink windswept satin; Aliss J. Sherwood, royal blue georgette; Aliss Al. Symes, blue and white plaid taffeta; Aliss I\. Hepburn, red luce; Afiss D. Stevenson, black velvet; Aliss P. Smith, green floral organza; Miss H. Graham, red taffeta; Aliss AL Nelson, while organdie sashed with scarlet; Miss C. Rohan, black sal in; Aliss J. Alley, pink silver threaded crepe; Miss E. Attwood, blue flat crepe;'Aliss T. Shasky, pastel pink crepe; Aliss T. Arrowsmith, black skirt worn with a pink tunic; Aliss N. Chrisp, navy figured taffetas; Aliss AL Qtiinn, black skirt and pink jumper; Aliss IT. Bai, black taffeta; Aliss Fc-ss, plum satin; Miss M. Macnamnra, white check organdie trimmed with red; Aliss J. Denton, black flat crepe trimmed with orange.; and Aliss D. Ansell (Wairoa),. red flat crepe.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19124, 19 September 1936, Page 11

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People and Parties Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19124, 19 September 1936, Page 11

People and Parties Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19124, 19 September 1936, Page 11