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SYHXKY. Jan. 23. On the Sydney Stuck Exchange today ;i feature i>f ihi' market was the firm front presented by Australian consolidated loans. Hank shares also were strong, and breweries wen 1 traded at advanced rates.

This morning's sales included Commonwealth bonds, \\\ per cent.

la-Is. riifi r,s: 3" per cent.. 1949, £9B li's (id: 33 per cent., IHI-. C 10(1 16s 3d; 4 ],,.,• cent. 1938, i: 101 10s: 1941, ,£lO2

2s He: 1944, CI 03 liis: 1947, £105; 1!t53. U lit): 19.'.9. C IDS Ss; 19fil, £lO5 IL's lid. I.'.ank of Xew South Wales, ,u:;-l ~-: Tooth's, S3s 9d: Anthony

Hordern, 21s Lid: Associated News. 23k; ditto (preference), 23s 3d: British Tobacco, 41s 3d: Broken Hill Proprietary. 595: ditto (5s paid), 295: Dunlop-Perdrian, His 4id; ditto (preference), 35s 3d.

Later sales included: Commonwealth In.mis. -I per cent. 1938, £lO3 8s '.id: 1941. ClO2 ss; 1947. ClO5 2s Oil; 195(1. ClO5 ss: 1953, CI 04 ss: 1955, £ lii4 7s lid 1957, C 105 2s (id: 10.59' e |OS 12s lid: 19lil. C lOfi 2s lid. Colonial Sugar. C 43 His; Bank of Xew Soiitli Wales, C 34 7s (id: Commercial

Panic of Sydney, Cl 9 10s; National Bank of Australasia ( C 5 paid), £7 3s; Associated Xews, 23s 3d; ditto fprel'erenee), 23s 3d: Australian (las', A, !J7 19s; Tenth's, 52s 9d: ditto (rights), ills (id: Carlton Brewery, 55s I!,!; Australian Iron and Steel (preference). 2(is: I iimiop i'erdriall, ICs ;»,!: Ci.ldsbrougb-Alort, 33s 7id; V\ 111.dieniilii'-l 'arson. 3IK 9d ; WiICOXM.ilTliii, Us 9d; .Morris lledstroin, 24s ;,,|. Partners, 27s (id: David .tones, .;,.'; Anthony Hordern (preference),

2r,s; Stamlard Cement. 225; (ieneral Industries, 21s; Mount .Morgan. ISs i.'.i; Ah.nni. Morgan Development, 3s hi,l- Broken l lid Proprietary, 59s Cd; Broken I Mil South. C 5 IDs lid; North Broken 11 ill. C 7 lls lid; llawang Tin, ;,.. -„|; I'lacer Development, C 5 ss; Mount Ktisi, 13s; Tavua Development, Is lid.

Uclbolinte sal.;: illelll.led: I'l'llimt'l'- ~;.',! Bank id' Australia, Ills; ditto 1 i.icl'eience). C 9 I2s; Bank of New Soiiih Wales, C 34 10s; Union Bank, .• | U; Herald ami Weekly Times, 64s

3,1- /hie corporation, 70s tid; Mount l',,',. n ' ;■;!.■•.; Kmperor, 13s Yd: Loloma,



Compeli 1 ion throughout (he horse ~,|e al I'laudolnnds oil Thursday was particularly keen and practical]v a total clearance of the advertised entry was made. The top price ol the sale. £4G, was paid by \i 1 T Calvert, of Roiotu'na, for a medium four-vcai-old draught gelding sold on bclialf of -Mr \V. -Moss, of E'uluiliia. Other iiiecliuni farm horses sold front to £3O; light farm horses, l"_'0 to £27; aged horses, £ls in £1»). Good harks sold from £S to K.VI Pis: pour soils, front .Ci to £6; ponies C 3 His to £O. Unbroken yearling and two-year-old horses sold from 'Jit', to CIS.

Competition on the advertised thoroughbred horses was keen, the following sales resulting: Rita's Lass, aged chestnut mare (Tlniriiham — Fho'ship'.. with colt foal at foot 'by Surveyor, ."rlgn.-, to Mr 11. \V. Wilson, of wiumai; three-year-ojd liny mare, Muuiigakowlini- (Am —Rita's Lass), Mr T, Keui|(lhome, Whatuwhata, 32 frits; yearling chestnut coll (Haeeful --Lady Seline), Mr K. Meynell, Clautlelands. Sl-jjgns; yearling cheatntil filly (Surveyor —Rita's Pass). 2S<nis, Air A, 1.. Seil'crt, Hamilton; aged chestnut llltire (Lady Seline), Ingns, Air 11. T. licilly, Frankton. The lu7\v pony, together'with gig and :i:irness, realised £l9.



The Witiroit Stock Auctioneers' Assomiii.ii report that anotlicr successful tie was held at the North Clyde saleai'ds 011 Thursday. A good sized yardiir of cattle ami a small yarding of

slice)) were offered to a large attendance .a buyers. Prices remained iirni on late rates with good quality stcck in strong demand. I'llt slock mei witli brisk coiniK'tition. particularly lambs and steers, ('rices ranged as follows: —

Sheep. - -Kwe lambs. Ids Id; wether iambs. b 7 s: shorn wether lambs, 12s 3d to 13s 3d ; fat Southdown lambs, 15s 6d t, iTs 4d; forward Southdown lambs, Us to 14s. 1M : fat ewes. 13s; ewes. iSs 6d; aged ewes, lis; 2-tooth ewes, r 4s • 1. and f, 6-toolli wethers, 21s 3d; fnl 'wethers, 21s 8d to 22s 4d. * Cattle. -Bullocks, £6 18s 6d to C 8 10s: H'-vear i'.A. steers, J-6 6s; 3-year P.A. bullocks. :C7 4s to C 7 19s; 3-year Hereford bullocks, C 5 8s to C 5 ISs: yearling steers. £5 4s to C 5 9s; good steers, £7

5s to C 7 17s 6il : Jersey steers. £4 3s to C 6 4s ; fill rows, £3 9s to £4 12s 6cl; fat Jersey cows, C 4 6s lo £5 2s 6d; fat heifers, £3 8s lo £4 10s; Jersey heifers, £4 ]os to £4 lis; l'.A. cows. £4 6s; stove cows. £4 18s; breeding cows will) calves. £4 to £4 10s; breeding cows, dry. £3 19s; polled cows. £2 17s 6d to t'4 13s; store steers. £2 9s; Jersey cows, C2 11s. £3. £4 Is, witli calves £2 18s. Horses. -Black gelding hack, £l3; hack mare willi foal, C 6 10s.



The accoiiiils of llcrlei (X.X.). Limited, IW the year ended December 19. 1935. show a 'net pro!!', of £6260. against £5935 earned in the previous year and £5746 in 1933. The year's divi'deiid has !i, ,n laised lo 12' pe'r cent from 10 per cent for 1954 and 8;| per cent for 1933. Willi £551 brought forward, the amount available for appropriation is <Y ; ;-54 Interim dividend of Is 3d a -j, ~,. absorbed £Plb7 lO.s and. alter payin. nl of .i Dual dividend of the same am.Minl. Hie bala carried forward is y;Wni. 'Ili" din'i-lors reporl that in ..pur of disturbed trading conditions, i.aiticularly in (lie latter half of the year, the company has been able to i■(■[ ord an increase ill sales.


QUOTATIONS IN LONDON LONDON, dan. 22. Kim. gold is ~11. Med to-dav at £7 0s Qi,| an 0x... empaled will. £7 0s 10.UI en Janiiarv 20. Silver is .|Uoted at 1.9 15-lCd an oz. ~„.;. compared willi 19 3-16 d on Januar\ 2'!. The quotation for silver at per line oz. is 21 'd. .compared with 20 11-10 don January 20.

CHRISTCHURCH WOOL SALE LARGER AMOUNT AVAILABLE It is expected that instead of a normal offering of about 75,000 bales, the total amount of wool offered at Christchurch this season will be about 85.0C0 bales. Fear that the exchange rate may alter has let! a number of owners of the bigger Canterbury and Marlborough stations to sell their wool in New Zealand this season, instead of shipping it to London. For the second sale of the Christchurch season, which will be held on .Monday, the catalogue of 28.000 bales was more tram filled about the time of the first sale on December 12. Since tlien wool has poured into the stores, the catalogue of 26X00 bales for the third sale on March 3 has been filled, and there is a substantial quantity of wool already in band for the unlimited catalogue to be offered on March 31. Jt is probable that the Christchurch Woolbrokers' Association will try to have the catalogue for the third sale expanded. A limit of 30,000 bales would relieve the pressure to some extent, but would not by any means allow the sale of all the wool that would be offering..

DIVIDEND INCREASED COMMERCIAL BANK OF SYDNEY The Commercial Banking Company of Sydney has declarctl an interim dividend for the past half-year at the rate of (i per cent per annum. It is payable at Sydney on January 28.

The dividend compares with an interim distribution tit the rate of 5 per cent per annum last year. For the past, three years the bank has paid 5 per cent, against 0J per cent in J 932 and 8£ per cent in 1931.

WAIKATO STOCK VALUES HIGH PRICES FOR EWES Buyers for all classes of stock in Iho Waiknto are numerous and deal generously with all confronting them, In the sheep section, Jambs still furnish the main feature and, although yardings show a great increase numerically, competing eagerness has not abated.

Jl is evident that the supply is in excess of anything previously made available. Fattening this season has failed to produce its customary good results, and growers in consequence are still carrying much in an unfinished state. The Frankton sale was easily a record, fully 7000 lambs lacing a large attendance of buyers, in spite of most inclement weather, holding their attention to the finish.

A commencement with breeding ewes was made at Morrinsville last Friday, but the class was not of a kind to create excitement. The disappointment of buyers was reflected in their lack of enthusiasm, except, for one or two small drafts, which seemed capable of coining safely through another season. Values obtained were high, nevertheless, in relation to quality and leave no doubt as to the welcome that, awaits the better station lines when they arrive.

It is not yet possible to give definite values for breeding ewes, as no genuine lots have yet been submitted. Sellers, generally speaking, expect higher rales than export products justify. Indeed, there is a danger that prices are getting to a boom level. Wethers alone have riot created much excitement, and while it is true that they proved not too profitable lafd; season, they seem at least as promising this year as lambs, and certainly less risky to handle. Good forward sheep sell to 235; smaller, ills <sd; small store wethers, 18s to 20s. Store cattle.—This section maintains its buoyancy. Indeed, the district at the moment is much more suitable for pasturing cattle than sheep. Since Xew Year the growth has been astonishing, and almost as difficult to control as in spring. Very few cattle of desirable grazing typo have been submitted /luring the week, bur as anticipated, the unusuai demand is attract-

ing I hem and early arrivals arc expected. In-calf heifers, although the subject of inquiry, are rarely seen. These, consistent with the belief that they are due for a bettor season, should meet with a good reception when they appear.


.\t the dispersal stile of the Vernon Hock of Southdown sheep, the proper! v of Messrs. (!. H. and 11. Hitehinson, held on Claudelands showgrounds, Hamilton, several purchases were made by Mr. W. A. Williams. Oisborne. He purchased shearlings at 25£gns. and 14gns., and a rain lamb at 9gns. He also purchased one 2-th ewe at 9£gns. and two at 7|gns.

AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE SYDNEY, Jan. 23. Following are to-day's quotations on the Sydney produce market: — Wheat, country sidings, 'bagged and lmlk, 3s 3d, equal to about 3s 9Jd ex trucks, Svdney. Flour, £l2 12s Od. Bran, £5 10s. Pollard, £5 15s. Potatoes: Tasmariian, £7 10s to £8; others, £5. Onions, Victorian Globe, £3 to £9. Maize, yellow, f>s 9d to 5s lOd.

Adelaide.—Wheat, growers' lots, 3s Sd. Klour, bakers' lots, £l2 10s. Bran and pollard, £5 12s (id. Oats, Algerian, to Is 9d.

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Bibliographic details

Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 18922, 25 January 1936, Page 12

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COMMERCIAL Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 18922, 25 January 1936, Page 12

COMMERCIAL Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 18922, 25 January 1936, Page 12