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The monthly meeting of the Harbor Board was held to-day. Present: Messrs. J. Tovnley (chairman), G. Smith, G. VV. Humphreys, H. White, G. Witters, 1. Quirk, J. Tombleson, W. O. Long, J. W. J. Preston, and A. M. Lewis. ( The chaii-nian sumittedi his annual report (published! elsewhere). Mr. John Smaill, engineer; Dunedin, a former resident of Gisborne, wrote forwarding a plan for harbor for Gisborne. His scheme was to divert the Turanganui river through an opening at the root of the breakwater, and thug send all the silt-bearing water to seaward, where the silt would bank up on the Kaiti foreshore apd along the root of the breakwater, exactly similar to Timaru, where 30 acres have been reclaimed. The excavation for the new river bed would be bridged and the present breakwater would be extended as more accommodation was required for shipping. Having < effectually disposed of the silt deposit a deep-water area would be obtained under the shelter of the breakwater with wharves free from any danger of silting up, and capable of practically unlimited extension into deepest water. The writer emphasised the enormous quantity of silt brought down by the Waimata. He considered Mr Reynolds plan would form a cul de sac, and th© harbor would silt up. It would be Wftpossibl© to maintain a large area of de&p water unless continuous dredging was carried on;, which- woutd prove a ruinous/drag on the port. He had been m charge of dredging, and knew from experience. His plan provided a natural outlet for the silt on the line of least resistance, and a, protected harbor that, when fully equipped with wharves and deepened, would remain a useful deep water harbor for all time. His estimate was : Diversion of river, embankment and bridge £26,000, wharves, say 1200 ft at £40 per foot, £48,000; dredging round wharves £10,000, extension of breakwater as required, say 500 ft at £55 per foot, £27,500.— The chairman moved that Mr. Smaill be thanked for his letter, and be informed they were *up to fheir eyes" m harbor matters.— Mr. Witters remarked that members were unaware of Mr. Smaill when they engaged Mr. Howorth.— Mr, Preston : But he is a mechanical engineer.— Mr. Witters : He has his head screwed on the right way, anyhow.— The chairman : He was resident here for many years. — Mr. Witters: We will come at our scheme again. The Waikaremoana Hydro-Electric j League circularised the Board, suggesting the passing of a resolution respecting the scheme. — The chairman referred to the importance of the Waikaremoana scheme, and moved that a resolution as suggested be adopted.— Carried. The Harbors' Association. Wellington, forwarded a circular respecting the handling of inflammable oil cargoes, and asking for the Board's views and sugges-' tions. It was pointed out that the harbor regulations of 1883 required benzine and other inflammable oils to be landed at the gunpowder and explosives anchorage, which, if carried out, would kill the present overseas trade. New regulations were being framed.— Menv bers expressed the opinion that the suggested regulations would be unworkable locally. — It was decided to approve of the suggestions with limitations respecting local conditions. Mr. Leslie Reynolds reported : "The contractor, Mr. Nicol, commenced the construction of groyne B a fortnight ago, and has to date placed four fascine mattresses m position, which cover a length of groyne of some 90ft., and I am thoroughly satisfied with the contractor's performances m connection with the work, as! also with the materials — piles, fascines, etc. — which he is introducing into the construction; and I have therefore given my certificate as hereto annexed for a progress payment of £815. I have also requested Mr. Nicol to insure against : fire, -over* the fascine bundles stacked on the reclamation and upon those piles which are stacked. Those m the open need not, m my opinion, be covered, as the risk, if any, is so small. The contractor has lost no time and has shown, under present shipping, etc., conditions, much acumen m so readily obtaining, say, SO per cent, of the piles required! for the work m such short space of time. The last flood, through a partial and temporary blocking of the bridge towards the Kaiti side, has m a manner indicated what is to be expected) from the construction of the groynes, and with your Board's permission I may request the contractor to throw some of the work m connection with groyne, B into a portion of groyne A; but upon this matter I propose to confer with your ' Board within the next few weeks. HARBOR SECRETARY'S REPORT.

The Secretary, Mr H. A. Barton, reported :—

Change with reports : Owing to pressure of matters for my attention during this week I have not combined tho officer's reports for presentation to the Board, as has been usual m the past. Although this change will be slightly lass convenient at 1 the meetings, with the Board's permission I propose to continue m future as to-day. Under present arrangements this will facilitate the work of the office. Dredging, general work, shipping, etc., wiU therefore be found m a separate report from the Harbormaster. '

River groynes; Mr. J. A. Nicol asks for the' first progress payment under his contract. The contract amount is £511,800, and he asks for an advance of £815. A report by Mr Reynolds on this work is before the Board to-day, together with ■his certificate containing details of the advance asked for.

Storage of machinery at wharf : At the February meeting the Board had before them Messrs Clare and Clare's request for a reduction of the storage charge on 20 tons of ironwork lying at the wharf, and decided to hold over consideration of the request until the material was removed. The ironwork has now been shipped, and the storage charge amounts to £49 (20 tons— 98 days at 6d. per ton per day). The Board's decision as to the amount to be charged is requested. Wharfinger's salary : Mr Hird, the wharfinger, has applied for an increase m salary. Mr Hird is ( most assiduons m his duties, and undet present conditions is particularly valuable m keeping tha office m touch with cargo and shipping matters. I recommend that the Board' consider "his application favorably. The Board >rrill no doubt wish to deal with the matter m committee. I submit Mr Bird's letter. . . Burying stock tbrown up on foreshore : An account amounting to £13 16s for burying stock washed up on the beaches recently, after the floods, is among the payments before the Board to-day. The cost of burying these carcases is being increased owing to unauthorised persons skinning them, and thus leaving a much more difficult and objectionable carcase for disposal. The Health Inspector also has drawn my attention to the . matter, and to assist him m his duties and to save expense to the Board, I havo arranged that after the next flood I will publicly warn persons from interferinc; with the carcases; Through the Health Inspector I have authorised Mr A. Hopps to collect and dispose of nil such carcases lying on the beaches. It is much mere satisfactory to have one person only responsible for this work. j The Board has the right to proceed ; against persons interfering with the carcanes, arid it would be advisable that this be made known.

Insurances : The Board's insurance covers have been taken over by the State office. I notice that it is costing over £30 a year to cover part of the risks to various pumps, condenser tubes, and other spare parts for the dredges, and various sach non-inflammable ar-

tides which might be bajhr damaged owing to being stored with inflammable materials such as ropes, oils, etc., m the store nea» the blacksmith's shop. No doubt if we had a suitable separate store m which could be placed the noninflammable materials only it would be quite unnecessary to insure these,

License to store dangerous goods: I submit one application for license to store dangerous goods. The inspecting officer recommends that it ba granted. With the Board's sanction I can issue the license. HARBORMASTER'S REPORT. The Harbormaster, Captain Carson,, reported : Light to strong winds with heavy rain squalls was experienced from Wednesday, April 10th, to Friday, April 12th, causing the Waimata 'river to flood and be heavily charged with silt. The river bad no great velocity during this period, with the exception of a few hours early Friday morning. A good . run . cam* down at that time, caused by the electrical storm with exceptionally heavy rain that raged on Thursday night. The river returned tonormal'on Saturday, April 13th. Soundings . revealed that the disturbance has altered the harbor to a considerable extent. From Kaiti bridge to abreast the Harbor Board office a channel 100 to 150 feet wide, with Bft to 10ft of yrater, now exists. A bank with 3ft to sft of water has formed between the corner of No. 1 shed and. abreast the Harbor Board office. The usual deep water is along the Kaiti wharf and coal bunkers. A bank with 4ft to sft. of water extends from the slipway to 300 feet below the root of groyne. From that point to end of groyne the depth of water m the channel is 6ft to. 7ft. The bank formed at the entrance from the end of groyne to 400 ft seaward of the end of breakwater extension by the flood of last month has disappeared 011 line of beacons. Immediately after the flood a heavy S.S.E. *?ea was experienced -which shifted this bank .-to the westward and gave 18 inches "more, water bri line of beacons seaward of end ? of breakwater extension. The remainder disappeared with the late flood. The water at entrance on line of beacons being now, 400 ft seaward of end of breakwater extension 19ft, abeam of breakwater end to 15ft, 200 ft Inside breakwater 11ft to 12ft. A bank with 6ft to 7ft of water m line with groyne extends from the end of groyne to abreast of end of breakwater extension gradually deepening to the westward. The "depth of water 300 ft westward of groyne is 13ft to 14ft. On reviewing the harbor position after the flood and comparing it with the position before the flood, it will be seen that the harbor has increased m depth m tho basin and at entrance, . shoaled at Nd. 1 shed, and from slip to end of groyne, similar at Kaiti wharf and coal bunkers. The increase m- depth m the basin and the narowirng of this part of the harbor to a channel 100 ft to 150 ft m width can be put down to the heavy rain on Thursday night. This caused the Waimata river to rise rapidly and bring down large quantities of driftwood. Somo of this pot blocked on two spans of Kaiti bridge on Kaiti side, forming a, groyne. This deflected the current to the town side, and no doubt caused the present channel. ' About the entrance, according to the Tecords of previous floods for the last two years it should have sboaled instead of scoured. What force caused the shifting of such a quantity of sand, shingle, and silt, I can pive no opinion on, for it is a new expsrienco and a welcome one m this Aarbor.

Maintenance department : The new "foreman, Mr McLeod, assumed charge on the Ist April, and reports: The carpenters' have been engaged repairing wharf, trucks, boats, fixing fenders along face of groyne (old timber), top fender piece along top of new portion Kaiti wharf, bollard, minor repairs on dredgers Maui and John Townley. Dismantling hardwood • trestles and 'storing same m yard. The laborers have been engaged cleaning up yard, Kaiti wharf, goods sheds, water spouts and down pipes, chipping and painting breakwater and groyne lighthouses and buoy, assisting tradesmen, and river soundings. Replaced beacons at Muriwai marking Young Nick's Head anchorage, Kback leading light, gas pipe Bpldered up and all ioint solid as they were found to bo lfiakinc The scow Rangi was placed on slip on Saturday 6th, and launched on Thursday, 11th of April. Slip badly silted up sirico flood. Navigation lights : On Sunday, April 14th,. the lighthouse keeper at Tuahine light reported that the light was out. On investigation next day the light was ■found to be m good order and burning alright. It waß found that a heavy sand slip had blocked tho lighthouse i keeper's view of the light from his house. He has now to go to the beach before he can see the light. All navigation lights are m pood order and condition. Dredgers : The • dredgemaster of -the Maui reports that the dredge has pumped for 156 i hours for the month ending April 24th. She has worked 53 hours; at entrance, 49i hours inner basin, 17 hours cleaving slipway, 3? hours over breakwater, a total oV 156 i hours. During the month the dredger was stopped for six days owing to bad weather, 2£ days at Eaßter. and one day picking up moorings outside entrance. All the machinery is working well:— The master df the John Townley reports : The dredge has lifted and^ taken to sea 34 loads from the following places m the harbor — 9 loads from slipway, 2 loads Kaiti wharf, 17 loads town wharf, (No. 1), 6 loads at root of groyne, a total of 34 loads. The dredge has been stopped for 44 days owing to weather, 2i days

at Easter, and one day picking up Maui's pipe. On Thursday, April 4th, a crack was found m the brake frame of crane. Repairs to same were completed ;by Gisborne Engineering Co. on Friday, sth of April, and dregding was resumed the same day. All machinery is m good condition. The Treasurer,.; Mr James W. Witty, submitted the following cash statement : Cash book— Ordinary a/c. Dr. £1643 13s 6d, loan a/c. £1075 11s 4d; total Dr. £2719 4s lOd; Bank— Dr. Bal. as per pass book £2719 4s lOd ; outstanding — Accrued rent Tauwhareparae £941 10s 4d, accrued wharfages £134- Is; total £1075 11s 4d. Receipts for January (£4402) showed an increase of £1261, February (£1581) decreasa £1732, March (£3131) decrease £1343.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14591, 29 April 1918, Page 5

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HARBOR BOARD. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14591, 29 April 1918, Page 5

HARBOR BOARD. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 14591, 29 April 1918, Page 5