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Grand Master Bro. Crawley, of the 1.0.0.F., A.C., who is paying his first visit to Gisborne, will be entertained this evening by the Star of Gisborne Lodge with a banquet at Dustin's. A young man was convicted of his first offence of drunkenness at the Police Court this morning and fined the customary amount of 5s jind 2s costs, in default 24 hours' impriasonment. vThe opening of the Kanakanaia bridge for traffic will be heartily welcomed by the backblocks settlers, who for many years have suffered considerable inconvenience through not being able at times to cross the river. The fine bridge which ha.s been constructed by Mr P. McLdughlin, under the supervision of Colonel Winter, is one of the latest lype of ..bridges. It is strongly supported on: hardwood piers, and the upper Jortion comprises steel trusses. The ridge consists of four 80ft and one 27ft span. There are still a few fixings to be attended to, but the. bridge will be officially opened for traffic on Monday next. , ■..'.'! Messrs H. C. Jackson and Driimmond leave at the end of this week for Motu and Tahora to inspect the timber in those districts to ascertain if there is sufficient timber to warrant the construction of the tramline as proposed by Mr W-.L. Rees. Two objections have been lodged 'at the County Couricil to the construction of the tramline by M'essrjs Hutchinson Brothers, on the grounds that'"' what, with the .road, railway and tramlines going through their property too much of their frits would be monopolised and thuf. detract from the value of their land; and -further,' that the road at present is too narrow for a tramline, which, if placed along the road, would interfere With the traffic. ,Tt is hoped tliat these objections will be satisfactorily met, and that when the proposals are explained morq fully to the objectors they will seo that the enterprise will be beneficial to'- them' rather than detrimental.

Mr T. McGregor's residence at .Makauri, containing nine rooms and every convenience, with nino acres of freehold' and 25 acres of leasehold, is offered for sale, cheap, as the owner must leave the district to take up his property at Waikato. • ' Tlie theory examinations of the Associated Board of the Royal Academy ot Music and the Royal College, of • Music are to be held on Saturday, June 6th, in the Gisborne School. Tlie applications' of. candidates, must be made to' Mi* ' F. J. Rowley, the local representative, not later than May Ist. " A representative meeting of hockey . . players was held in the. Royal Hotel last night, Mr Pavitt presiding. After . a good deal of was decided to have four teams, the. same as last year, , viz., Te Rau, West Eind, Kia. Kalia, and City. As the- Association holds its annuo l meeting, on the - 24th inst.; •. each of the above clubs will meet- previous to that date. A •ground! committee -a was appointed to meet the Rugby Union. ' Investigations made by the police respecting the reported robbery of s«addlery and harness on the occaßibn of. a .. ball at Te Arai last week reyedled the. fact that three, saddles were found plant- : ed in an idjacent ; willow tree, whilst the harness still missing is: estimated, to amount to Only about £510 worth. The indications point to the incident being: a recurrence of a practical joke, a Similar one having been' played last year. . . The following. players have been selec- ' ted to represent v; the Gisbotne Teninis Club in their matcb against . Dannevirke on the Kaiiti: courts on Messrs , W. G. ; Barlow and C.' ; L. Margoliouth, W. L. Coleman and S.; A; Gover, R. W>Hock->nd C. Blackburn;, emergencies- Messrs W. J. . Hawley and W. G. Evans. Ladies : Mrs A. B. .Car-' nii chaef and Mrs W. J. Ba How, Miss ; D '. Bright, and Miss L. Colemsm ; emergen^ cies, Miss A. deLautour arid ,Mis_.s-.'C. Boylan. The m&tcli \y ill' Comprise ni^.ij's and ladies' combined: doubles*, only. Eair ' tries for the Easter teumament linder.tJio , .auspices of .the Gisborne Tennis. Gliib clow? this evening. Trophies for these "matohes have been- donated by Messrs A: • T. Coleman. R.W.'Kyme.W.^. Hawley, G. H; Lysnar, and H. Kane. ;• • ' 1 At the weekly, meeting-, of. the , Poverty Biiy Cricket Association last evening :Mr I.' G. Qrinlington; sectetaTy.'tendered his resignation as secretary owiii^ to »w??fit of : - the time necessary to cai'ry out the duties. l|!ie, . resignation: yrafi accepted and 7 Fea ton. . The . following -'.• telegram, were made for the ma toh es wit h the Edeh Club.-. Umpires, Messrs' R. TTielwlland Rice ; ; scorers, Messrs A. G: I^alirehson and G; Witty; gatekeepers, Messrs Gwefi .aind.v Featon: 'Tlie : fblolwin^ ; : telegram ''•wins received from ...'the ■•Secretary;/' of .the .East Coast '.■team'-:"-'-;'; 'Exceedingly ;'. regret liaying to! canceV irnatches Owing, to' the eleventh hour, defection of several players." lav, consequence .of '•'.this .t'i was .'decided 7 tliat . the^ local: eleven selected-.' to meet the Coast team on Friday "play against Eden on Tuesday. Tlie Gisborne Private Band, under the direction of Mr D.McKillop,- bandmaster, gaave an open-air concert hist night on the /Trafalgar rotunda. The fine night ; attivicted a very large afldlence, who seemed highly pleased w\th tbe programme, judging by the amount of applause which several of the numbers received, particularly the y alse-. "Dbnau. Wellan'- and the intermezzo "Ibla." An< other item that was* much appreciated was the cornet solo, "The Village 'Fes* tival,'' which Mr A. Rodgers played with good expression, his'-ing well executed and very clear. ■;',-. The band lias a great numbers -of admirers, and are deserving of every credit for their performances. The; members^ : -must i de^ vote a considerable amount of time, in addition to the .expense the band must 'be under, to reach the standard of .efficiencyattained. • ■'■.''■':■'-,' - ■! >' A pretty wedding, was ■= solemnised at ' < Whare-Koa, ' ' the . residence of Mr. R. Johnston, this afternoon, when Mr Harold ' W. ; Black, of Waerenga-o-kiiri, Was married to Miss May,t the eldest daughter of Mr, R. Johnston.. The Rev. W. Grant officiated. The bride wa9 given away by her father, and was attired in a dress of white Persian muslin; trimmed with Swiss embroidery and Valencienne lace, and >, wearing the customary veil and orange blossoms., She carried a; beautiful bouquet, the', gift of Mr G. Darton. The bridesmaids weM Misses : , jna ; and^^ ;01iye,, Johiiston, sister^, of the bnde, who wore dresses of white merve inu'slih, relieved with pink sink. Mr G. Black, ,o'f Pakowhai, and Mr Bert Johnston were best man and groomsman respectively. After the ceremony the guests were entertained by .Mr- and Mrs Johnston, arid tlie happy couple left with many good wishes fcir their, future home at •; Waerengaro-kuri. The reprfehensible. -practice , of: some boys iri. frightening horses was the cause of, an accident yesterday afternoon, which might have been attended "'■'''• -Willi "more serious results. As the two little daughters (Mary and Neville) of Mr W. Miller, inspector in charge; of y the. Gisborne branch of the Department of 1 Agriculture, were riding- home ft'om school On' their little pony yesterday afternoon, some boys tried, to step .'the "horse Vbv waving their hands 1 iri front of it. Tlie pony ' ran amongst 6ome ) poplar stick*., and taking fright, bolted along Ghilders road: The, little girls, who were accustomed to riding, hung oil well untiltheir mount swerv^, and. they fell heavily to the ground.- Neville escaped; with a few scratches, but 'Mary, who landed on her head, Was taken' into Mr Campbell Thonv son's house, suffering from slight concussion. Medical' aid was. called Tn, but the sufferer . had recovered, consciousness before the doctor arrived. From enquiries made thik '•, afternoon,: we learn that, although Buffering from a headache, Mary is getting' well aigain. ': '" ■The settlers amongst whom the Te Aval estate has. been, apportioned appear to' be .'■ making the most of the present spell 'of favorable weather, . and a steady . stream of drays and waggons conveying fencing- ' and. building ■'materials.' may beobderved making in that direction. The -settlement ;wa's visited -yesterday by the Commissioner for Crown Lands, Mr lj. Trent, who was plejised to liote^tliflt the settlers were nearly in every i instance getting /on with their fencing, and some also liad '• their building materials on 'lll6 ground. With respect t 0 .section 4, block 12,-Patu,---tahi, 151 .ncres, th«at: had: been reserved for the utilisation of the timber it contains, the Commissioner haa decided to call for tenders for grazirig rights over this section, whilst settlers will be af- . forded opportunity to obtain timber therefrom at a reasonable rate. A cottage oh the school reserve is' to be sold to the tenants, for removal. A deputation wait., ed upon the Commissioner, ,nnd requested that, section 21, block 5, 39_{ acres, should be set aside for a public domain. The ; matter is now under consideration. The roads were found to be in fairly good '.order, after the present dry spell, but it is intended by the Commissioner to -have temporaiy repairs effected j and- thus enable the settlers to use the road for the conveyance of their, materials. Three applications for •mairiten.'ince were i_et down for hearing at the Magistrate's Court this morning, wheh Anliie Louisa Streeter (Mr H. J. Finn) proceeded against her husband Frank Streeter, on behalf of herself' and two children, aged three months and five years respectively. Defendant admitted his liability in each instance. . Counsel for the complainant said that all that remained was to fix the amount of the orders. The defendant, he understood, was earning 35s a week. They had been married four or five years, and he had never provided a home. Last year they had some unpleasantness and complainarit went to reside with her. children at her parents. Defendant alw> went there later, and left only a few days ago. . He suggested that an order should be made for 15s a week, 5s oh each complaint, leaving £1 for the defendant's keep. Mr Bright, in reply, said the case was of a painful liature. Owing to the conduct of the wife defendant had lost several lucrative jobs, and was now unable under the circumstances to offer ' her a home. His Worship thought the sum suggested was reasonable, and accordingly ordered defendant to contribute 5s per week towards the maintenance of complainant and the two children, the latter to be continued until they attained the age of 14 years. He WaFi glad tlie parties had refrained from ventilating what would have been $ very painful case. '

All offertories at the services in the Anglican churches in the diocese of Waiapu on Easter Sunday will be given to. the respective vicars' as an Easter offering. The office of Messrs Dalgety and Co., agents for the Huddart, Parker Co., will be open' on Friday at 3 p.m. for the convenience of passengers leaving by the s.s. Wimmera. Messrs William Pettie and Co. have an interesting change of advertisement-to-day, announcing the arrival of a consignment of "Easter eggs,'' to which spe. cial attention is directed. The- secretary of tho Rugby Union received word this morning tliat the Palmerston footballers would arrive on Friday, provided they could catch the boat. The. steamer being earlier this week lia_s evidently upset arrangements. .The ladies of Gisborne will bo pleased to notice that Messrs ". Adair Brothers, Ltd., have engaged thb services otsa firstclass milliner, who arrives on Monday 'next with all th© newest idfeas of fashions now showing in. the larger centres. In another column the. Gisborne shareholders in Gracetield,-'. Limited, .ire' urgently requested to attend 'a ' meeting in the ..Masonic hotel to-morrow evening to arrange for representation at the adjourned general meeting of the company. in'- .Wellington. A feature for this evening will be the lecture to be given in His Majesty's Theatre by Dr Bell, Director,! of Geological Survey." Dr Bell is well qualified to give a highly interesting lecture, his travels and observant nature enabling him to gather, much information of an exceedingly interesting kind. There should be a large attendance this evening to hear the lecture. The Kaiti-City senior team to play" against the Napier footballers on Saturday next at. the Victoria Domairi finally chosen from the following, after a practice at the Domain oh Friday morning: Tate, Puflett, Gillies,, Mnflaney, Rowe ", ; (■capt.).. Griritonton. ,Vallance, Cant ell, Winter, "Hogg, Hansen, Stagpoole,. Delaney, Newton, Nicolas, Lowe, W. Williams, McKay, and Morse. Other players in the district' are invited to- attend, and if. form warrants .-it; they will have a, cliance when the. selection of the team is' made. Presbyterian Church (Ormond charge).— Service at Matawai on Saiturday evening at 7.3o..— Sunday; 19th: Rakauroa 11 a.m,, WliakaVau 3 p.m., Motu 7.30 p.m. Easter aseryiccs. 'Rev. W. Grant, of St. Andrew's, Gisborne, to •conduct all services.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 11250, 15 April 1908, Page 4

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 11250, 15 April 1908, Page 4

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 11250, 15 April 1908, Page 4