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TEARAIAN9KARAKASAW MILLS. W.KING . BEGS to inform his many friends and wuatomers that ha is now prepared ;o execute any Orders from either ot the above Mills at the Lowest Remunerative R&tes! He is also prepared to deliver Orders whereever a waggon can go. THE TIMBER YARD, Lately at the corner of Cobden Street, w 11 now be carried on in the Yard lately occupied by J. R. Morgan and Co., where all orders will ba at tended to, 689 MAKAURI. O TORE. R. COLEBROOK BEGS to thank his Numerous Customers for past Favorß, and has much pleasure in informing them that he has opened vp — SEVERAL OASES OF NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS, All of whioh will ibe offered (at a Very Small Profit! ORMOND FACTORY CHEESE. | R. COLEBROOK. m "ZEATiANDIA" BOOTSnpHESE Celbrated Boots have STOOD the X TEST FOR THIRTEEN YEARS; they have been sold throughout the Colony, and are today MORE POPULAR THAN EVER; in the busy city or in the quiet forest their fame is known to thousands. THE SPLENDID* WEAR And reputation of this brand have arisen from the fact that only first-class materials are used, and uone but good workman are employed in their manufacture. TESTIMONIALS Have been received from hundrreds of customers, certifying to the splendid wear of these Boots, and the Public are guaranteed against losb from bad workmanship, A Boot with such a reputation n&tur&Uy leads to other goods b«ing offered, purporting to be " Zealandiab,'" but this is a registered Trade Brand, and every pair is stamped on the sole "Zealandia," and every other Boot is not a genuine " Zealandia," THESE CELEBRATED BOOTS Have had extraordinary success at the various Exhibitions. In Sydney and Melbourne they obtained the Highest Colonial '\u»rdf; at Chrietchurch and Wellington J< k jibitions they obtained the only Gold Medalß, and have been placed first at local Shows and Exhibitions too numerous to mention ; and at the recent INDIAN AND COLONIAL EXHIBITION they were pronounced the FINEST EXHIBIT in the whole Exhibition. (See Sir Julius von Haaat's letter to Sir Julius Yogel). And as this was in competition against the British Empire, it is something to be faiily proud of. Let all those who wait Strong, Hardwearing, Good-fitting Boots, buy a pair of •• ZEALANDIAS," and they will never use any other. Sold by Storekeepers and Boot and Shoe Dealers throughout New Zealand, and manu factured for the trade by LIGHTBAND, ALLAN & CO., Chrietchurch. IS. See that the brand " Zealandia " i s stamped on the Solo. The new " PARAGON " BOOT, patented by us, and the INDESTRUCTIBLE TOE are splendid things ; and we also highly recommend "Corrick's Patent Boot Back Protectors, LIGHTBAND, ALLAN & CO. o . I^p;ir:tie^ cf t:.c Blood. Un'.Jl r!v>Fi?i>iiri:Vii.r; i :i! ; !v_v«?s:i!l a. fair triallet no O'.i'i W i!>r;.vr <> \::r:-w\ \vi;h th*T notion thut liis rnuKiily :g i,>ciirii.:;li\ A lew doses vriil» r."invo d!so:-(icr?d noiion.s. r-"'Hso t.ho torpid . liver, r-'i-n'e tlio obsmictol I- ulnoy.*, cleanso impure blood, f.iul eon far on cv< vy function honltb. fill vit.our. Thry v,-ork n rhoromrli imrification throughout tV.o \v!:; Jo py.-'i-in, wii.LcuC disorder, ing th 3 ru^-ural :ic: ': uof any organ. Indigestion, Bilious Complaints, and. Sick Headache. Kb orgtii in tho li'iranu lxxiy is co liablo to dh. orclor us the livur. Heinc:iil>rr wlitn viausoa. fla. tiik'ney, or acidity on 'the stoinuch warns ua that d ; fs not pmcivdinic propci'ly, that ilollo-n-iVy's i illsfjivo nMvnfrilri io Pvi'ryCHJim.epeedily r- rnovT fill causes of iiitliui.-stioa. iuspi^sutwl hilo, :-ii'i sick hciuiucho, and eilfc-i a -jennaneni. euro. • a_£ /weakness and Debility. 1". c.T>.p3of doWSl'ty, languor, and nervousness", go:i"i;\to !by oxcc ; s of nuy l'ind, whether mental or !>h,v.-'.ic'jl, tba fftocti of theso Pills aro in tho UjrlivA clrsfrno liraciisg. renovating 1 , and restorativi 1 . 'l':i'\v drivo from tho system tho morbid c.iuiri'3 of ' i-i«; .•< ■•, ro-cstaMiKh the digeetion, sti'eissf-lj'.n tiiL> Esrvous By~iem, raise tho pa. tiont s spirits, and bring buck the. fiuino tn its i prietino health c_J. vigour. I'hQ liidneys— Their Derangement and Cure. If tbeiae Pilla he use.} accordinc to the printed d:r<-ctior.i. find tl.o O;n!n:o;:t 1-jbl.ieil ovi-r tha region of tlio l:iiin(<y.= for at- least- half an hour at b''d-t.lino, us suit is forced i-ito meat, it will pane, (r.ito to tho kidi:i'ya:iiui conwt any derangement tLoruin. i Coughs and Colds, t Thi? purifvingant regulating medicino, In con. junitiun wiih Uollfiwrxy's Ointmant, ia the best cure lor h');tii>enes3, enro tbroats, diptberia, pleurisy, r.w 1 asthma ; and an infalliblo remedy for CK>.;,v;'i, !>::):. etiius, ami inllammation, indeed n a -i fimiiy m>'i;ii:L'n>. thoy iiroinvnlußblofor su*:. (liiini; imcli ailtn^'iita of young ami old of bcth K-.:-K. Jljihiffii/H Pills arc the hrst remedy kroun in tht Kovld for (If following diseases : — "•g'lo Gout Secondary -Ai-'hwa IlCsvlacbo S\mptoro3 l.lioi- .'ora. Ijiiii'gustlo.l Tio'-Doloreux pl.iiiita Liver Coin. Ulcers 1-wi-l Cora. plaiiitß Venereal Affeoplsiima I.U'.ul'Ugo tiona Dbliility Iil"8 Worms of all I'rop-jy l;heu!'.i:it!sm kinds l-'emalu Irrcgii-1 Scrofula, or Weakness, from l;r. it;* " I Kiiifcs KvU j wlmtevor lo,\;s nil kinds Soro Throats I cause, &c. Tho ''ills ami OiT;t.nicnt. nro poM nt T'rrifi'fvnr llti: low ,v- I T.t.i"' i:.-hnie:!t-, :■■"*. Oxfi.rl.HM- ■ iI.ot'li/M : :ii*o liyn--;irlv every i\.-=:>--ei!-i.i.'l-< \'vr. '•>' oi' .Mnliohir tli:---.t!_r);o;:t liiu : :vi'r. : . v V,'i.-:;-.. ' Full pvnti/d iMr. c'ld:..- r.r-> r.^'-xr^ t? !-:i. v ; !<•..■■ iad Tot, :i!ul c:i:i !-.> hi.l in <:i\r ].m; :!■!-■■ '-.-. :i '"urkish. Arftl'iii. Ari''-.ui'i". I'fV.-.l.'ir <r Clii;.< f? GRATEFUL— COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. Breakfast. 'By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the flue properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provioed nnr breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may savo us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judlcioueuse of such articles of tliet that a conatitution may be gradually built up until otrong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladiea are floating around us ready to attack wherever there Is a weak point. We may escape may a fntal ehaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.' - See article l-i the Civil Sbrvicb Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. gold in i lib I'Rcketa by Grocers, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Homoeopathic Chemifcifl, London. England. TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS and o;he;s using INK io largo quantities. A. U. Mum hasJflst imported, and has for sale cheap, School and OflSceJlnk in bulk, at \-\er quait gallon.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5056, 31 December 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5056, 31 December 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5056, 31 December 1887, Page 4