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- 1 " - 1 - - V — *^ - "^^ (LATE B OYLAN & CROLL.) JoEon'jHar^ter 88 Stripping Machines ffi Hn fflßgjh' Fenders and irons J^an^Cofeo^otß^ Portable Thrashing Machine Mill || Forh.odor2 or 3 h.r. e -p.wer, .pecial.y O '"°' P Ue4 .!.. or -Übout Sh at .r.. , Fittings for Eeid & Grey, Hamster, VToo&b' Champion and other Beaping and Mowing Machines. HARVESTING TOOLS AND REQUIREMENTS. S. yt h M and HM. | Fork, aud H. £ . I^^OnS^o, ]£*£*«%& *>» »«-I 0™ Cl °«» respectfully solioit. __^ KOTE "H. O. BOYLAN <SE CO "" " * Are Selling at the Lowest Prices.

D_ „.„ _ _ DR. SPEER'S |Cy I &%J %M ! T)RITATE DISPENSARY, Established W%k ! H l*% -■- m Wellington, for the Scientific and Ml «sk M. i^ Hfil $k i^v Speedy Cure of chronic, nervous, and special *jk^ PM Diseases, The expert Specialist, Dr Speer, #^W^B^A Hwfl §M *% Hvlifa is a Ergular Graduated Physician, educated 4OL %Wr% M^mM^M^% M§d -«fe at Harvard College, U.S. He has devoted a ' 4^Lk. f^& AT*l^ moft expert Physician in his speciality in the ■<^^^ a ■F^^.^wi «^m t *s & iF% gf. United States. Young Men and Middle-aged Yl^i M ». «-- Men, who suffer from Nervous aud Physical >£r'^ JlLl*) O B «-\/*f^P^ '** m Debility, Loss of Energy or Memory, Erupv^ I IIC B *^ tions<Tn the Face, Montal Depression, Kidney * A*w m and Bladder Troubles, &c, will do well to BA Vffif B /Mk H 1 BDUSTRikI BAZfrrE. consult Dr Sp^er. Hospital Experience. — J* aa 1 1 f fm. gm g% m #l\ »The blending lacntireJy attended to Having been Physician in one of the leading PSJ J|IP 3S# /A\ \ Vt« of S?"t JSfMSdfc Hospitals of the US enables him to treat all VWV JL V \ASJM /®\ W h»dappcciai uainhiK in the art." private troubles with excellent results. He B Jf .^fllpßv \ tinasw herald wishes it distinctly understood that he docs M IN TH E ' 'M -J&7rsr§s*^i ». "This firm deserves the oup- no t claim to perform impossibilities, or to %$. B ZMfX^l »P° rt «'» Il rtrl r 1Vl |!l have miraculous power ; he claims only to be f% B IlsSS3l\ %\VeriorTanytS«eb»v' a Skilled and Sucoeufal Physician, thoKM Bjd? U-^^.ar /*«|c^pA i&k yet seen in this Colony ' roughly informed in his speciality, chronic f^ ■* A" I 'JgSM«'-fiSM__ \ PHhS* Diseases of Men and Women. All applying €X> B I n[&m^sL* \ M #UmlT n T«ter »a°d to him will receive his Honest Opinion o a\V^ B i^ iv f*« *^ irl «^\. Blender.' their Complaints, No experimenting. He Bg i^-y^Jt^ will guarantee a Positive Cure in Every Case *\t^\Z. .^..«.i B /& T^Tsl^^Ml^ ?>\ nQirtro he undertakes, or Forfeit £200. ConsultaU x THOUGH^ *▼ £ u«MSCT|f&» 1 n \ % PK ' U ts> tion in Office or by Post FREE. COPIED aW S 2 *JLfl^Wn mL 3^ \ OL N.B. — All Medicines necessary for a com§3 §** Tlk siTjrr si^ "P \ I 9 I 9 plete cure can be sent secure from observa?X M ff c*if m| |^»P Kafce^i *%* \ fa / t o n on rece 'P* °* symptoms. "n *»* i Jl^:^^?" i BffWvHiDSjLli T^v'^^J^v 2/ "j 5/- The Doctor's famous Pills, a sure cure for I 2CRStS /&&?§=££ %^jgK^mm^^^^^^^ s ~^^. I ' indigestion, Is and 2s per box. Ointment 2s fk i/ o lb M^^^mSSmmß^C/^ 3/4 ? er - b - x - -Vi- Oint , me ,f p° B^ vel y % ea Y^HHHnHK I^ *Aw««oEDga |^ W t irritation, itching, and all skin diseases. By °-*— 3 *^;%f£ %^%' |r9™!H^HS^^|Vr LS T^. io ft^|^ P °Char g e e^ moderate. Examination and Ad- : S ' " JL lor Address-Dr H. J. SPEER, M \WZMi~S&W %PTlb Nobthbbv Chambers (Next Empire Hotel.) llrCl 4 HI I 111 IIP BE I T J4i^ N.8,-As a Test *&& &\&4 &Jr<lrfJkrfAv mJt AdV ML JWaTaW DR SPEER will send a trial bottle of his AUCKLAND .WELLI FiGTON. CHRISTCHURCrLDuNEDIN, Zi^Z^ZfXZZo™^ AfIENTS EVERYWHERE these wonderful remedies, which are only OIPBORNB AGENT — known to himself, and which for over two years have achieved such unvaried success •V M ■■»<g l vf *mm w« 4f^ Y9> VS in his New Zealand practice, %P JEm, JEwJBL. hTiM 957 JCw JD MUm • All applicants for a trial bottle of his medi >s " . -mst enclose 2d stamp for reply] GOOD NEWS foe the SUFFERING. if^^^^S^^^^JS^^^mJl > Queen Anne's Bheumatic Oil X l^^^r^S RHEDMATISM, NMJRALGIA, SOIiS/& Paint in the Back or any part of the Body. S^\/ jl fell Females sufiFering from Weakness in the V? W* y^^^^J^^ l^^^^^^^^^^ \M V> Back or Paina between the Shoulders (esO i^^KSS^T^-^ns^ I *V P eci ? n y Mothers) should never be with•vV* B^^re^W^^?^^Wffll^^^SS The foll °wing are a few of the many Tesa W^^M^^^&^^W^M^'&^^^Wm /+ timonials received :- XJ W m^^^^P^¥\ i^^^^^^^^m "Shelly Beaoh, July 24, 1887. Dear Sir, <> 0 |^^^^^|?ife^»^^^'^^^^^^^^itf < & l^ *^J —^ nave mucn P leaaure i Q stating that I A /^ S^ frs* A^^^^?>v~^°^?^^^^^^^ P^ >■ jtS have used your Queen Anne's Oil for pains *v S a~iN^^ €v P P b\^M "x) ' n * ne ' Jac ' £ an<^ between the shoulders, and 5 i^ i.n h^ IJ I"^^^^ H y? a ' so * r ' e(^ '' or headache, and found it very I ite^^^^^^^-^5." " fS *&' btneficial. You are at liberty to publish I m A/ this, as I daiesay there are hundreds suffer- % & w»«ur«cTUKt(T^ ir^^SS^^ra X, -^^ ng from the same thing. — Yours, &c, Mrs mm JIEMPTHonNE, pf.osse.ft and Co's B §| J- * B. F. Harbison." §¥S . zc» t Awo obuo 6QMPAWV. >.t» M ga • « R üßße u, 3rd August, 1887. Sir,— l have W lyr^ni ii —ii ■ 'i ii in wwi — r-VT irrrn'«"y'^T' f Jiaato '* a '» g^ | »'* ag -^iF < <i»ill mi ni'hfiinj wr* i ■ • a. ' J * !fc^vw«M7W3^^vr^ mucn pleaaure ia stating that I nave tnec your Queen Anne a Kheumatio Oil for rheumm mmam^B^ mm wmm^a^ ,^m a mmb aa mm a^ a^m ihbm^ nH^^ matism, and it certainly has done wonders " ~ ~ for me. — I am, Sir, yours truly, S. StevenP^|fLjJ||L • "Auckland, May 10, 1887. Dear Sir,— l have much pleasure in stating that I have X^L^^^fcK^A " used Queen Aune's Rheumatic Oil for pains I VSPf ! T&S&i^& " betweeu my shoulders, caubed from indigesTHE tioD, and am certain that I have derived more benefit from it than from quarts of PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE OF NEW ZJSALA2TD. mixtures I took and used previously. I would recommend all suffering from the _ same complaint to try it. — Jessie ThompITS OBJECTS ABE SPECIALLY PROTECTIVE. son." THE Estates of persons who^e, having neglected to make their wills, and who For f urther tes^ nials Bee bottle have nob any friends liviug in the Colony ready to apply for administration m t i j x n " j «. i are carefully administered, debt! paid and resis remitted to'hoae legally entilled tSmp^oß^pTr^V? 1 ???™' t » receive them. All persons are, however, urged to instruo' their solcirora as to 1 J o liMfl wm 'i i i ' 'heir wills whilst in possession of he-lth and unimpaired faculties. Jnviolable Wholesale Agents. ecuftty art the fulfilment of their wishes is asaim-d by the appointment of the Public Trustee as aole Execut -r. No charge is made upon th. deposit for safu «()() TNDEPENDENT ORDER OF custody of any Will by which th • Public Trustee ii appointed Executor. Other Hflft -L ODDFELLOWS MANCHESVViIIa may be deposited on payment of a fee of Ten Shillings. Subject to the pro- (fijw TEII UNITY FRIENDLY visions of the Public Trust Offico Acs, any piesent Trustee may transfer the I®/ SOCIETY. managemont of trust property to the Public Trustee, v/ho will thereupon hold such gPJjjft . propertyupon the orie nal trusts attaching thereto. ' ' #i\ Every Working Man should be a The scale of fees applicable to the classes of Estutoa above referred to sas fo member of some Friendly Society. It will j owa . cost from six shillings to fifty shillings as an On all receipts of income under a trusst, or on realising property under a entrance fee, graduated according to age. will, or transfer of administration or probate ... ,„ t#i £5 per cent It will cost from One shilling and fourFor rendering Property-tax return (if necessary; 10/. pence per week to one shilling and nineFor rendering Stamp account (if necessary) 2/6 per cent) Mm. cc, £1 nfinrn n«r week accoidinff to ace at entry For obtaining Probate Of necessary) 7/6 per cent f Max /cc £10 pence per weeK, accoiamg 10 age at entry. For investing funds, if tho cum lent is under £1000 ... ... ... 20/- rer cent For this subscription a married man will For investing funds, if the sum lent is over £1000 16/- per cent receive for himself and the members of his The Public Trustee holds large Bums of money for investment on real security family medical attendance and medicine free, at current rates of interest. Any sums may be advanced on arst mort-age of free- 4 aum of one P ound P er week * ar ar> y dura " hold property to the extent of one-half of its actual value Applications for advances tion of fickness. A sum of £25 will be paid will be received at the various agencies Every policy-ho!d«r uiider "The Life ■i* £ v .?. c ? thf a ?? * * wife ah ail die Assurance Companies Act, 1873," may register sued policy within six months after £{?, be raid P ' & *****< tLe making thereof, on payment of a fee of five shillings. He sh F oul( j join a gooiety^vhi^h o^ers ab „ _ v " solute security that these cngagemeats will Fob more Detailed Infobmation Apply to the various Local Agents, or 10 be met. / the Public Trustee at Wellington. The Gisborne Lodge of Oddf^J'ows can EDWIN WOON, Local Agent. gl ? h e^r£soSstai v £ ioio At the i«t valuation of the funds and effects the Public " _, „ . -. ~7Z7~, " Valuer found that the surplus available for - - . PfcAOOOK'S increased benefits is £390. rOCL "7iBVI/^ ! LUNGWORM SPECIFIC „ Meetings are held i« tho Good Templars' F KC.b^H\IVJI (AQhitain and Safe Cure foh Lung Hal every alternate luesday, commencing / u-h»ml 13th December. aP %s3 SPECIALLY Medical Officer: Henry Pollen, Esq. M.B. <? PREPARED FOR q^HE whole ingredients are contained in Secretary^ JohnJYabrkn, Waikanae. 755 O 1 "^/ Q&. EVERY CROP. A. the one mixture, which is very easily - * ■ — <if V *^ , administered in two draflhm doses. QUIET WELL-BROKEN MILK COWS Discourage Insect LIFE. . Turpentiuo and oil, turpentine and milk, . /I fVIV?O i tni T entine Hmewater give a great deal A LWAYS FOR SALE at the Milking V/VjrlTlr'^/'*l^s I O of trouble, but are effective if ueod fort- XJL Shed of the Undersigned. Parties APPROVED BY (SOLD BY all MERCHANTS. nigt.tly. Now, I claim for my mixture a requiring a Bin«le Cow for family purposes LEADING I IN VA CWT. BAGS. certain cure with one dope, if used according can see them milked, take their choice, and AQRICULTURI9TS I LOW freights to dis- to directions, and tho priae is a mere trifle, rely upon getting what they require. \ TANT districts. 15s per gallon sufficient to dose 6-10 lambs. GEORGE DAVIS MANURES JkAsESS? '""" "' age ° B uf Pea ' _ J^ MOnd v "" 6) "

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5056, 31 December 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5056, 31 December 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5056, 31 December 1887, Page 4