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During the progress of the case Baldwin v. Graham and others in Chambers last night His Honor suggested that tho issues of law mi'.'ht go direct to the Court of Appeal. On Mr Rees demurring as to expense His Honor said is could not be expected that the coats would amount to less than £500. The Borough Council sat till 9.30 last right, a discussion on the Palmerston Road contract occupying most of the time. The cjuestion ot whether the Salvation Army should pay a hawker' 3 license for selling War Cries was also considered. The list of subscribers to the telephone exchange are now complete, an*' as Mr Bold 13 in Gisbone about the Tologa Bay telephone, be wili in all probability receive instruction to complete the exchange before leaving. "We have received a copy of a very and unique almanac ißsued by Mr W. F. Crnvford. It is a well executed portrait of Jicr .Gracious Majesty'x'ueen Victoria, contaiuinp s.b i&o foot complimentary verse?, —Hich leads ua to believe that our ambitious Mr Crawford iateijds to make a brewer , x& and gend a t,o ihe °f *<* nation or J übilee year. A Bad death, oonveying a grave warning to patent, occurred yoatorday afternoon. A sou of Mr James Hiid, a^d thirteen—a strong, healthy lad —on getting »p on Monday complained of having pains iv fcia £tw rach, Miirl his mother sent him. back to bed. ■ Dr Pollen subsequently scut for, but the boy appeared in little danger, and, although precautions were taken, no alarm was felt. Yesterday morning, however, the case grew serious, aud infiamm-itio.p had set in. More vigorous remedies were nppliecl, .but without avail, as 'he poor little felfow gradually got j worse and expired shnrtlv afer three o'clock. ] The cause of death is solely attributed to the eating of green gooseberries on the previous Sunday. The Southern Cross Petroleum Company commenced the third contract foi boring last week.

I The Ne .■ Plymouth Harbor, hiving obc.uucd ii" sinking fund of £20,900 have ins'ructe ? Mr Rhiml, thn enuineiM 1 , to go nn With the ivo-ks, a>d lie expoc:* to stair construct »n at the end of the breakwater early in J luuary. Many will bo pleased to learn tha' Mr Weaver has gone to the Soah Pacific Works today to comtnonco in seiting the 4h inch pi, e3. To get ovor th> diiicilty «f the non-arrival of the punip-n" plant Mr Stubbs has lent the pumpnu ge-i' of the Minerva Company aud also a portion of that hvjl'->ns»ing to the "Southern Cr ss ' Tho whole of this plant will beouthe Pacific ground before Christmas. When the Protection League waited on Sir -hilitis Yogel in Duuedin and asked him to !iddres>s a meeting ou the question of Pro tection a chemist present suggested that if ' protective duty was p aced on patenc me.licincs tii3 makers of them would eatabliati factories here nud so increase the population Oi 0 of the deputation remarked sotlo vocx that whatever the manufacture would <lo the consumption would likely decrease the population. SicJuliii3 said that tin* vihue' of patent medicenes depended entirely upon the amount of faith possessed. The makers of those medicines, he observed, all pretend they have some secret that no one else could possibly discover, and he was not sure that duties would cause them to start manufactories here, but he had no doubt whatever that if patent medicines were made here and advertised sufficiently the people would te induced to consume them. A correspondent writes :— The Maoris up the Wanganui River have lately brought down considerable quantities of wool, which they have sold at prices up to S}'l. They ire calculated to have received £600 within the Jasfc few days. Most of the wool was brought down by steamer, only a small number of natives using cuioi s, which use- 1 to lie tho only means of transpjrt. The first ascent of Mount E^inont this year was imde last week by Mr JXiwann, postmaster at Manaia, and two others. ]>. is generally supposed that the ascent is impossible till March, but the party had no difficulty in getting up. Mr Dawson was affected with snow blimlness and had to place himself under medical treatment on his return. Some inLcrosMng facts respecting the Presbyterians of were furnished by D. M. M'Pherson, Missionar} 7 , at the annual met-tiug of the Presbyterian Mission. Mr M'Pherson estinuted that there were cbout 500 lapsed Presbyterians in the city inrl suburbs, the excuses made by most of the people bping that they hud not settled down yet. From information gained in his house to house visitation he estimated there were in Auckland 6000 professed Presbyterians. Of this number 2000 were churchgoers, 2000 indifferent attenders, and 2000 uon-attenders. He was surprised to find a very large number of children did not at tend Sabbath^Nchool. He estimated there were 10,000 children in Aucklaud who never went to schoul on the Sabbath, and " ith such a state of rhiugs he said it was easy t* iccount for the prevalence of the larrikin element. If (says the Post) the Mayor of Wellington .3 to have an official uniform, and it seems, o cording to Mr Brown, that as he is Mayor f the capital city, Australian people persist n regarding him as Mayor of New Zealand, ye venture to suggest that instead of copy:ug Court fashion* of the Mother Country 1 few centurieH old, we should array our rhief civic functionary iv something dis ;inctive, original, and impressive. Mr Sam ■-?rown, the Jubilee Mayor-elect, for instance, would present a very striking appearance if lie had a head-dress of huia feathers, was arrayed in a handsome mat of native manufacture, wore a necklace of shark's teeth, a "reeußtone pendant from each ear, and had a mere in bta hand. This would be nrjat, but not gaudy, and would, of course, quite re lieve him from the emb^rrissment which his predecessor experienced from being the only ununiformed Mayor amongst the orowd. Lecturing before the Victorian Chamber of Manufauturers, Mr Siurt sud that the Victorian factories pay £50,000,000 yearly in wages, and that-, t-lje value of the manufacture.! poods in 1885 was £20,000,000. The odd £15,000.000 goes to pay for the raw material aud to reward tl:e capitalists. No wonder the manufacturers are building palatial residences in Victoria, and that women and children are ou the point of being involved in a strike or lock-out once more. It is proposed to idd to the municipal ollices at Wclliugton a town hall at a cost of £15,000. Sir Julius and Lady Yogel are expected at Waiwera in a few days. Messrs Graham, Pitt and Bennett advertise for Saturday the sale of privileges in convection with the' Waereuga-a-hika race meeting. District oder. — The Inspection Parade of the J Battery N.Z.V.A , ordered for Thursday, the IRth, is postponed till Thurslay. the 30th Dec. inst.— T. W. Porter, Major Commanding E. C. IX Militia and Volunteer Offco, Gisboruc, 14/12/'SG.— Ad. Not a xskveragk.— " They arc not a beverage, but a medicine, with curative properties, of the highest degree, containing no poisonous drugs. They do not tear down an already debilitated system, but build it up. One bottle contains more real hop strength than a barrel of ordinary beer. Physicians prescribe them. — Rochester U S-A., Evening Express on American flop Bitters.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4741, 15 December 1886, Page 2

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Poverty Bay Herald PUBLISHED EVERY EVENIING. GISBORNE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 18S0. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4741, 15 December 1886, Page 2

Poverty Bay Herald PUBLISHED EVERY EVENIING. GISBORNE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 18S0. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4741, 15 December 1886, Page 2